Commissioned by Yen
It wasn’t the first time Sim had found himself in this prediction. And if he had anything to say about it, it wouldn’t be the last either.
He currently hung suspended by the harness he wore. Leather bindings wrapped around him, pinning forearm to his upper arm, whilst his legs were ben’t to put his ankles against his thighs. The black harness hung with straws from a metal frame which currently was being rolled through a corridor. Though, this, Sim only knew from foreknowledge, as the sensing deprivation hood left him quite blind and unable to hear.
He swung softly back and forth as the trolley was being pushed along. The gentle motions were all he could feel. Well, that and the low, steady buzzing inside him. As the vibrating plug had been keeping him leaking inside His little chatity cage for most of the day.
With nothing but the constant teasing to focus on, his mind had drifted away into a semi-conscious state of arousal. Where all hecould think of was what was to come. Of what he would be subjected to once they arrived at their location.
His reverie was interrupted by a hand being placed against his lower back. Fingers moving to affectionately stroke the genemod’s sleep, spotted, gray fur. Running through it downwards towards the long fluffy tail.
Sim couldn’t help but curl it around the arm and swiftly received a swat on his perky ass in response. The arm withdrawing, leaving him once again isolated from sensing. Asides from the singing and vibrating in his rear, along with the straining throbs of his tiny little cock against the cage.
Whining pathically at the lack of attention, he squirmed. Tail moving side to side, in search of someone. SOMETHING. The reward for his efforts however, was his tail being firmly grabbed and then forced into a sheath for it at the back of his harness.
He’d feel shade at his lack of control, if it weren’t for the fact that his mind wouldn’t accept any thoughts unrelated to arousal. If it had nothing to do with sex it simply didn’t register. Deemed uniform compared to the overwhelming need that coursed through him.
Part of the body and genetic modifications he’d received five years ago had been an increased libido and ability to stay on edge for long periods of time. Leaking and near mindless for entire days. Thinking of nothing but being used and abused.
Truly, he’d want it no other way.
The best decision of his life had been signing up with the Fetish Academy as a teaching aid. Being used for demonstrations and exercises five days a week, as the students were learning the art of kinks.
Sim didn’t notice that their movements had stopped until the hood was removed from his head. Blinking at the sudden light, he took in the sight of a lesson hall. A couple dozen students looking down at him with varying degrees of interest. Some stared with fascination and unconcealed intent. Whilst other were too busy chatting with each-other to really pay attention.
Both of these attitudes caused him to pulse and strain against his cage. The attentive ones by underscoring how exposed and vulnerable he was. While those that ignored him showed just how insignificant and lowly he was. Not even worthy of more than a glance. A mere object. A tool.
Sharp stinging pain exploded on his left buttcheek as a loud crack rang out through the room. Causing the conversations to cease and drawing everyone’s attention.
The tip of a riding crop swept past Sim’s field of view as the teacher paced by, having used it to bring the room to order. Professor Redding broke no disorders in her class. Once in session, everyone was expected to behave and pay attention. And rue those who didn’t. Sim had only seen that happen a few times. And most of the time the offenders were set straight quickly.
But those few who did not learn quickly… Sim didn’t know whether to envy or goal them. Going through her special punishment course was… Intense, to say the least. But it was either that or to fluunk out of her class. And even with the punishment that was their only second chance.
“Good afternoon class.” Her clear, commanding voice rang out. “Today’s lesson will be about teasing and denial. About how to keep someone right at the edge for as long as possible. Drawing out the pleasure, suffering and arousal to its utmost point.”
As she speaks, Sim can feel the tip of the crop trail over his back. Reaching his rear, it traces over the vibrating plug that’s still buzzing along inside him, applying some pressure and making Sim moan. The crop keeps trailing down, coming to a rest on his aching ball-sack.
“As it is, this pathetic, moaning thing has been kept in storage since the first class this morning. Hanging suspended and helpless. Suffering low-level stimulation the whole time without reprieve.”
Sim couldn’t help whimpering as the entire class found out what he’dhave been up to the last several hours. His caged little cock straining and leaking copyright amounts of pre-cum into the trough he knew was under him on the trolley, for easy cleaning. How that cleaning was done, however, varied. Some methods were more clinical. While others…. He couldn’t help but try to lick his lips at the thought.
“As such, he’s going to be constantly near orgasm from the get-go. And will Require a delicate, measured hand. Too much stimulation, and he’ll go off like a firecracker.”
She kept lecturing, though to Sim’s ears it all flowed past him, his mind only focusing on the words occasionally when it was something regarding him or how he might be treated. Then the thoughts leaving his head as the overwhelming need inside him overshadowed everything else.
He wasn’t entirely sure how long he’d been there, looking at the class. Eyes becoming for someone to grant him relief. When Professor Redding decided to take a seat. The seat in question was obviouslyhim
Her firm, latex-clad but cheats pressing down on his naked back. The pressure of her weight forcing a moan out of him. That or perhaps it was the knowledge that he was being used not as a person. But as a chair, a cheap, inanimate object. Just made for other people to make use of as they please.
The lecture continued as Prof.Redding runs her gloved fingers through Sim’s fur. Stroking, scratching and playing. The hand moves further and further back on him, until it runs over the vibrating plug inside of him. Then she starts applying varying levels of pressure. Pushing it into him and then pulling on it. Driving him wild with the sensing.
He’s not even getting her attention while this goes on. As she points her crop on something on the screen behind her. Highlighting something for the class. Sim had no idea what it might have been, as he was too focused on the sensings he were feeling right now instead, how he was filled up and teased. Yet unable to cum, expertly kept at the limit of what he could take.
A frustrated growl creeps out of his mouth as the hand releases the plug, it catches in his throat as the gloved fingers move further down, lightly stroking his over-filled, aching balls. Applying light pressure as the fingertips teasingly cares him. He can feel the sensings pushing him towards the edge. Getting him all the way there! He’s about to- The fingers firmly grips His balls and squeezes. Painfully cutting off the impending orgasm, taking him away from the edge.
“As you could see, the pet had certain telltale signs. Tensing of certain areas, the breath growing clipped and ragged. And as shown on the screen here, contracts in the pelvic area as the prostate prepares to ejaculate.”
She tapped the screen which was showing images from the various cameras on the trolley, displaying Sim from a multiitude of angles, revealing his full, perverse prediction.
“Some people are more sensitive to stimulation of thetests, while others are not. So you have to adjust your approach for each individual. Being familiar with the individual in question makes this a lot easier.
So some of them can be kept from orgasming with a well-timed squeeze of the balls. While it will send others over the edge instead. Luckily, our subject here belongs to the former group.”
She squeezed Sim’s balls again. Eliciting a groan of disappoint and lust from him. The pressure eased and she started fondling them more gently. Bringing pleasure again with her strong, dextrous fingers.
Fingertips occasionally trailing from the balls, over the taint and to the vibrating plug. Pushing and manipulating it. Sending waves of pleasure through the poor tied up pet. The pleasure was once again overtaking the disappoint as his mind received to horniness. All sounds melded together and faded and the only thing he could make out was a BONK amid the landscape of horniness.
He couldn’t be sure just how much time passed like that when next his mind replaced some functionality. All he knew was that during that time he’d been teased, tormented and kept on the very edge.
When the stimulation received again and he could make out what was going on, in front of him stood the professor, now wearing a large purple strap-on.
“These straps are specially designed to transmit pleasure back to the wearer with various settings which you can change at the control panel at the side here.”
She indicated the side of the harness where several buttons and dials were.
“It also has in-built lubricators to make sure it’s never dryer than you’d want it to be. The other functions we’ll go through another time, for now just focus on those two.”
With that she turned around, and with swinging hips walked the two steps needed to get to Sim. Grabbing his hair she lifted his head up, moving her hips she slapped him across the face with the large phallus. First one side of the face, and then the otherer.
“Open up now pet.” She pursued for him, pushing the tip towards his lips, probing. Eagerly he opened his mouth, tongue darting out to wrap around it. His mind repeating that finally he’d get some cock! He’d be filled up and get to please someone. He’d be useful at last.
The thick object pushed his jaw wider open, he was a pro however and just put his lips over his teeth and opened wider. Never ceasing his work with his tongue he almost felt like he’d cum as he heard a small, muffled moan from Professor Redding.
She showed no outward sign of it though and nobody without his heightened hearing and proximity could possibly hear it.
She started thrusting into his mouth as he kept working. Each thrust going further and further. Until it reached his throat. There it paused for a while as she thrust in and out. Then her hand forced his head into the correct position before slowly pushing further. Steadily sliding down his throat. Filling him up and causing a visibleswelling of his neck as it went down. The bulge grow and his throat expanded to take the large silicane cock.
His breathing cut of as the throat was too filled to be able to breathe. With how he was bound there was nothing he could do about it. Not that he would. He was in heaven right now. Being used like the toy he was. A tool for others to get off with.
He kept swirling his tongue, massaging the shake with it as he started making swallowing motions with his throat, milking the straw-on inside him. Tears were forming in his eyes as she kept making use of him. Fucking his throat first gently and steadily. And then rougher. Just when he couldn’t take the lack of air any more, she pulled out. Patting his head as she turned to the class. The large dildo dripping with his slobbery saliva.
As he hung there panting, she stroked his head tenderly. Softly speaking just to him.
“There there. That’s a good pet. You’re doing so very well today. Just hang in there a whilelonger.”
Regain she lined up the straw-on. Just waiting until he’d caught his breath before shoving it down again, all the way.
“Now students. We’ll need a volunteer to take care of his rear.”
She waited a while before calling out to one of them.
“Yes. Lisa would do well. Come down here and grab one of the straw-ons.”
When the professor pulled back to thrust again, he could out of the corner of his eye he catch a petite girl with neon-blue hair. Clad in tight, formfitting vinyl corset and latex pants.
Then she slammed the dildo back down his throat and he could focus on nothing else but how his mouth and throat were getting abused.
An indeed time later he could feel his butt-plug being worked on. Pushed and pulled. Pulled further every time until it came loose. Leaving his poor opening empty and longing to be filled.
It didn’t take long before that wish was fulfilled though. As a thick object was pushed against his sphincter. And wit one determined push, it slide inside. Filling him up much more than the plug ever could.
It pushed at least fifteen centimetres into him before hips impacted his pert butt. Bottoming outside inside of him, Lisa grabbed on to his waist and started thrusting. Synchronizing with her professor to mirror her movements. Thrusting at the same time to fill him up, then pulling back as she did.
They kept going at This for a while. Redding keep lecturing and pointing out things while they went at it. How to thrust. What paces could achieve what effects with different people. And occasionally stopping Lisa as she brought the teaching-aid too close to the edge.
One especially energetic thrust caused Sim to let out a growl of pleasure. Accidentally scraping his teeth on the phallus face-fucking him. This earned him a cessation of the thrusting. As Marie Redding decided this was a good time to demonstrate some light punishment.
“Pay attention students. I will demonstrate the propera spanking to make it sting and create a satisfaction sound, without actually damaging the punished pet. Afterwards I expect each one of you to line up here, to get in some practice yourself.”
The catsuit-clad professor slowly stepped around him. Hips swaying suggestively as she did. Arriving behind him she put her hand gently on one of his ass-cheeks. Stroking the fur of his lower back and butt. Squeezing and struggling for a while.
“It’s often good to work up to it. Take care of the sub a bit and let them look forwards to what is coming. Throw them off a little bit as well as assure them with kindness. And then…”
The hand left his buttock and soon returned with a resounding, firm smack. Impacting him just enough to send him swing on his straps keeping him suspended.
“Did everyone Take note of how hard and fast I struck? As well as my positioning of the hand and how I held my fingers? All these things can affect the outcome.”
Some murmuring from theclass could be heard.
“Okay, one more time. Pay close attention. The suspension-cradle we have the aid in is great for judging strength of blows.”
Once more she stroked his aching butt-cheek. Kneading it softly. And then… SMACK!
An almost identical strike impacted his other side. Making both cheeses sting with pain and delight.
Sim could feel himself straining Against the tiny cage on his cock. Aching to break free and get some stimulation.
“Now Lisa, why don’t you see if you got it down while the rest of the class lines up? Oh right. I almost forgot.”
Sim felt pressure on his sphincter as the plug easily forced its way inside of him. Turning on almost at once and sending delight into his prostate.
Marie walked back to his face and kneeed down. Bringing her eyes to his. Softly speaking just to him.
“You’ve been such a good little tool today. Such a help, so I’m going to give you a choice. Either I will unlock you to let you orgasm and dribble your cum down under you. Or I will face-fuck you while the students all take their turn at tenderizing your cute little booty. So which will it be?”
Sim blinked uncertainly. The arousal still clouding his mind. Trying to think he murmured something he wasn’t even sure of himself what it was?
“What was that pet?”
“F-face. I-I want you to face-fuck me in front of everyone again before you roll me away. Frustrated a-and locked up please mistress.”
Marie chuckled softly at his stammered response.
“Very well then.”
Strightening up she put the straw-on to his mouth, pushing it in again. Slowly making her way down his throat.
“Lisa, you may begin.”
A swift strike followed as professor Redding throat-fucked him, the petite Lisa’s small hand concentrating the force much more than a larger one, making it sting.
“Again, a little lighter this time, you have to consider surface area.”
Once more he was pushed forwards a bit onto thedildo down his throat. Causing a slight moan to escape from Marie’s mouth that only he could hear.
A larger hand struck Sim’s ass this time, making the vibrating plug inside of him to wiggle.
Following this his mind went blank. Just absorbed in the repeated abuse he so loved and craved. Throat fucked, ass tender and prostate vibed. All the while he was locked up and unable to do anything About his rampant arousal.
When his mind next started to re-coalesce he was blindfolded and being carted back to storage for the rest of the workday. The vibe still driving him wild along with the aches and recollections of what had happened. As he was put into the room with the rest of the suspended submissives he received a last “Good sissy boy.”
Damn if he didn’t love being a good sissy boy.
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