Side-chapter 2: Trend-Setter
Laura Setter was not happy. Her three-o’clock appointment was late. This did not speak well for the prospective talent and she considered canceling. However, she’d agreed to this meeting on behalf of a friend, whose nephew was looking to make it as an actor. Deciding to wait five more minutes, she tapped her long fingerprintnails against her desk. Reading up on the file. The potential Recruit was twenty years old and name Raul. The picture showed a man of Brazilian descent, prominent abs and pecs, strong arm and a chiseled jaw.
She had to admit, he did have that special look that the public so craved. The only blemish was his cock, which stood at third centimeters erect. It reminded her of hers, back when she’d first started out and gone by Lars. Those days she’d felt a constant sense of wrongness. Like she wasn’t who she was meant to be. Thankfully though, eventually she’d realized what the issue was. Her body wasn’t right for her. Her identityy was something that had been forced upon her by birth. Not what she was meant to be.
After that, thanks to the miracles of modern medicine, she’d becomes who she felt she was meant to be, inside and out. Her career took off, she was happier and healthier. Dear god was the sex better! She’d never known such pleasure was possible. The first time she’d ended up between her best friends since highschool, cock in her mouth and new pussy, she knew that she’d never regret her decision.
She was snapped back to the present by a beep from her intercom.
“Your three-o’clock is here to see you Mistress.” “Good, send him right in.”
The door swung open and in walked a Brazilian Adonis. The picture of male perfection. Clad in khakis and a white t-shirt. He shot her a natural smile that did nothing to win Laura over. She was used to dealing with people like this, people who’d gotten their way their entire lives due to their good looks. People who thought that somehow made them exempt from the rules of mere mortals.
“When I agreed to do your aunt the favor of meeting you, I did not agree to be left waiting.”
The smile slipped off Raul’s face. Surprised at his natural charm having failed him.
“I- I’m sor-“
“Quiet. If you expect some kind of favorable treatment due to your aunt, you’re mistaken. Here at Trend-Setter we expect full devotion. If you can’t do that, then this meeting is done.” “Please! Give me a chance, I promise. I won’t be late again.”
“Hmpf. Fine, this time. But be anything less than exemplary and you’re out.”
“Thank you, thank you!”
The clearly off-balance young man had a relieved look on his face, and Laura made a note of making sure he got lessons in keeping his composition. An actor could not be that easily unsettled, and especially not show it!
“I’ve seen your auditions and find your acting mediocre at best. However, I do believe you have potential. Something we could work with. Have you take some classes, get coached and then audition for some small roles. If all goes well, in a few years you have the potential to be someone.”
She looked back at her screen and wrote down some notes. Making sure she had them available for later.
“Lets inspect what we got to work with. Take off your clothes.” “Of course ms. Setter.”
Quickly striping naked, Raul stood there on full display. Well-defined musculature and short, styled hair. His hairless body would make most people stop and stare but Laura had seen it all before. Rising up from her chair she went around the table. Running her fingers along his body, studying him thoroughly. Ordering him about, she made him strike different poses.
“Adequate. Now time for another test. Let’s try your endurance and performance.” Walking up to her desk she pressed the intercom.
“Pet, come here. I need you for a test.” “Yes mistress!”
Barely had she finished responding, when the door burst open, and in rushed an excited young woman. She was short and busty, with pink hair and dressed in only a collar with a name-tag saying ‘Lassie’. The most noteworthy details perhaps. Was the fluffy tail that was excitedly wagging back and forth behind her, along with the wolf-like ears. Breaking out into a huge grin, her long tongue lolled out of her mouth.
“Playtime?!?!” The excited dog-girl asked.
“No, I need you to help exam Raul here.”
Walking closer she took a sniff, tail continuing its frenzied wagging. Running her hands along the naked man’s arm, she licked.
“Mmm, yummy.”
“Pet, I need you to test his endurance. Put that nimble tongue of yours to use.”
“Gladly mistress!”
Immediately dropping down to her knees, she throw her head forwards. Instantly engaging the small cock with her lips. Tongue wrapping around it as she started sucking.
From Raul’s shocked expression he’d not expected this sensing.
“Mm, she’s good isn’t she. I expect you to hold out for at-least ten minutes. So really put your mind to it.”
Laura knew from experience just how talented her secretary was with that tongue. From first-hand experience as well as from the many examinations she’d assisted in. In the years she’d had Lassie working for her, she’d never seen her not enthusiastic for this part of her job. Laura thought back to her lunch-break when that tongue had have been busy lapping at her wet pussy while she ate. She wasn’t the most skilled cunt-licker that she’d been with, but that enthusiasm and tongue were hard to beat.
Barely a minute had passed when the unmistakable signs of an impending orgasm started showing on Raul. Hurriedly, Laura barked out to her pet. “Lassie, facial”
With a soft whine the dog-girl pulled back, off the cock and instead took it Between her fingers, rapidly stroking it as she aimed it at her face. Thin strings of cum shot out, hitting her nose and cheese, then another that hit her chin and finally a third that splattered on her left boob. All in all it was a poor showing, from endurance to volume.
“Lackluster. Pet, get Raul here some enhancers. Refractory, volume and something numbing to help him with his ability to last. Or rather, lack thereof.”
Eagerly cleaning the cum off her face with her tongue, the secretary got up and exited through the door. A short period of Laura glaring, as the embarrassed man tied to make excuses followed, before the pet returned.
In her hands she held a glass of fizzy water. She offered it to the man, who took it and swept it down in one big chug. Laura went up to the man and ran a red nail over the flaccid penis. Flicking it and sending it swinging from side to side comically.
Sliding her long nail up over his abs and then chest she could see that the man was struggling not to look down at her ample cleavage. To instead look her in the eye. Her finger continued trailing up his neck until it was right under his chin. Using it toKeep his attention she spoke gravely.
“Now, you better hope you do well in this next examination. We’re going to test your performance while being the active part. When I tell you to, You’re going to plumge that excuse for a cock into Lassie here, and this time you better last, no matter the distractions. Give me a good showing and I might take you under my wing.”
With that she grabbed Her secretary’s collar and led her to the desk. Taking a seat on the edge of it as Lassie stood in front of her with her tail wagging wildly. Being so close to her mistress made her instinctively take a deep sniff, and whine out of need. Knowing what her pet wanted, Laura pulled her face down between her large breasts, letting the excited dog-girl slobber away.
Noticing that Rauls pecker had once again hardened to its full size, she competed at the wild tail that came out of Lassie’s lower back.
“Mind the tail, it can get in the way. Just hold it gently but firmly if it gets too distracting. With that, you may begin. And this better be a more impressive performance than the last one.”
She watched as the man walked forwards, and was met with a tail repeatedly slapping him. Ignoring it, he struggled to get his cock aligned with her pussy. After a few thrusts he finally got it right and slide it inside her. Starting to slowly pump away.
Laura put her hands behind her secretary’s ears and started rubbing them, making the excited girl pant rapidly. Fingers moving through the hair as she scratched her pet.
“Good girl. You’re doing so well taking that little cock.”
At that, Lassie looked up from the ample bosom she’d buried her face in, looking with adoration at her boss and mistress. With a ecstatic grin she started licking Laura’s face. Slobbering over it as Her mistress started pushing back. Holding her by the head, she allowed the dog-girl to get her face close enough to meet her lips. Considering how long her tongue was, Lassie had always been a very gentle kisser. Mostly using the tip and never overfilling her boss’ mouth. The kiss went on for several moments until Laura pulled her secretary’s adoring face away. A face showing utter bliss and contentment.
“Mmmm, that’s my girl. And you! Focus Raul.” She commanded the prospect and snapped her fingers. As the sight of the two women tenderly making out had clearly affected him. Pulling himself out of it, he resumed his thrusting into the besotted dog-girl. Lassie hardly seemed like she was noticing anything as she was completely lost in her her boss’ presence.
Spreading her legs, her skirt rode up until she was completely exposed. Laura pushed her pets head down. Bending her over until her face was level with the hairless, dripping pussy. Guiding the head in under the skirt she gave a simple command.
Lassie responded with an excited bark, before she shoved her head forwards, into her boss’ awaiting pussy. Using her long, nimble tongue to lapup the juices. Laura made sure to focus on Raul, watching his performance as he started thrusting away more rapidly. He grabbed the wagging tail and held it against the secretary’s back, rather than constantly getting whipped by it. His eyes kept going between Laura’s impressive cleavage and to between her legs where wet, lapping sounds were coming from. To his credit though he’d not yet come or tired. Though she thought that she’d done better back before her transition.
Laura felt as the tongue parted her folds and entered into her wet, warm insides. Exploring, probing and then going wild. As Lassie lost control and gave in to her urges. Panting loudly as she enjoyed herself fully. Letting go of all her restraints she had to have during the day and setting her animalistic side free.
Continuing to stroke and scratch her pet, Laura enjoyed herself as she took in the sight of the Adonis-like man thrusting away. If he did well, maybe she’d try him out herself after he’d been modified. This went on for several minutes, as well as two orgasms which drenched Lassie’s face. Though that was the only outward sign of them, as she kept her attention on Raul. Not letting him know how much she was enjoying this. All the earlier irritation having disappeared due to the eager tongue deep inside her. The tongue managed to curl up and directly rub her g-spot, while the rest of the tongue undulated, contracting and expanding.
Truly, she was lucky to have found Lassie. Not only for her tongue and sweet personality. But also for her eagerness in all aspects of their relationship, professional and otherwise. Without Lassie handling so much of the day-to day operations, she was sure the agency wouldn’t do nearly as well. She’d be much more stressed and wound up for sure at-least.
“Ms. Setter, I’m- I’m about to cum.”
“Hmm? Go ahead Raul, but make sure to finish on her back. We’ll see how the enhancers have affected your ejaculation.”
He let out a deep moan as he pulled out of the tight pussy, using his hand to jerk himself to completion. With a grunt he stiffened, shooting a thick rope of cum over the dog-girls back, leaving a trail all the way from her shoulder-blade to lower back. Then another one joined the first, then a third, and fourth. Before they started to lessen, cum falling down on the pump ass in front of him.
Laura thought for a moment before simply stating. “Adequate”
“So, I did well? Do I get the job?”
“Lassie, draw up a standard retainer-contract for Raul here. Then when you’re done, bring me the leash so we can go for walkies.”
With a radiant face, the secretary grabbed the new hire’s arm and literally dragged him out of the office in her eagerness. Laura allowed herself to smile. Annoyances aside, she really loved her life.
Laura Setter was not happy. Her three-o’clock appointment was late. This did not speak well for the prospective talent and she considered canceling. However, she’dagreed to this meeting on behalf of a friend, whose nephew was looking to make it as an actor. Deciding to wait five more minutes, she tapped her long fingernails against her desk. Reading up on the file. The potential recruit was twenty years old and name Raul. The picture showed a man of Brazilian descent, prominent abs and pecs, strong arm and a chiseled jaw.
She had to admit, he did have that special look that the public so craved. The only blemish was his cock, which stood at threeteen centimeters erect. It reminded her of hers, back when she’d first started out and gone by Lars. Those days she’d felt a constant sense of wrongness. Like she wasn’t who she was meant to be. Thankfully though, eventually she’d realized what the issue was. Her body wasn’t right for her. Her identity was something that had been forced upon her by birth. Not what she was meant to be.
After that, thanks to the miracles of modern medicine, she’d becomes who she felt she was meant to be, inside and out. Her career took off, she was happier and healthy. Dear god was the sex better! She’d never known such pleasure was possible. The first time she’d ended up between her best friends since highschool, cock in her mouth and new pussy, she knew that she’d never regret her decision.
She was snapped back to the present by a beep from her intercom.
“Your three-o’clock is here to see you Mistress.” “Good, send him right in.”
The door swung open and in walked a Brazilian Adonis. The picture of male perfection. Clad in khakis and a white t-shirt. He shot her a natural smile that did nothing to win Laura over. She was used to dealing with people like this, people who’d gotten their way their entire lives due to their good looks. People who thought that somehow made them exempt from the rules of mere mortals.
“When I agreed to do your aunt the favor of meeting you, I did not agree to be left waiting.”
The smile slipped off Raul’s face. Surprised at his natural charm having failed him.
“I- I’m sor-“
“Quiet. If you expect some kind of favorable treatment due to your aunt, you’re mistaken. Here at Trend-Setter we expect full devotion. If you can’t do that, then this meeting is done.” “Please! Give me a chance, I promise. I won’t be late again.”
“Hmpf. Fine, this time. But be anything less than exemplary and you’re out.”
“Thank you, thank you!”
The clearly off-balance young man had a relieved look on his face, and Laura made a note of making sure he got lessons in keeping his composition. An actor could not be that easily unsettled, and especially not show it!
“I’ve seen your auditions and find your acting mediocre at best. However, I do believe you have potential. Something we could work with. Have you take some classes, get coached and then audition for some small roles. If all goes well, in a few years you have the potential to be someone.”
She looked back at her screen and wrote down some notes. Making sure she had them available for later.
“Lets inspect what we got to work with. Take off your clothes.” “Of course ms. Setter.”
Quickly striping naked, Raul stood there on full display. Well-defined musculature and short, styled hair. His hairless body would make most people stop and stare but Laura had seen it all before. Rising up from her chair she went around the table. Running her fingers along his body, studying him thoroughly. Ordering him about, she made him strike different poses.
“Adequate. Now time for another test. Let’s try your endurance and performance.” Walking up to her desk she pressed the intercom.
“Pet, come here. I need you for a test.” “Yes mistress!”
Barely had she finished responding, when the door burst open, and in rushed an excited young woman. She was short and busty, with pink hair and dressed in only a collar with a name-tag saying ‘Lassie’. The most noteworthy details perhaps. Was the fluffy tail that was excitedly waggingback and forth behind her, along with the wolf-like ears. Breaking out into a huge grin, her long tongue lolled out of her mouth.
“Playtime?!?!” The excited dog-girl asked.
“No, I need you to help exam Raul here.”
Walking closer she took a sniff, tail continuing its frenzied wagging. Running her hands along the naked man’s arm, she licked.
“Mmm, yummy.”
“Pet, I need you to test his endurance. Put that nimble tongue of yours to use.”
“Gladly mistress!”
Immediately dropping down to her knees, she throw her head forwards. Instantly enguating the small cock with her lips. Tongue wrapping around it as she started sucking.
From Raul’s shocked expression he’d not expected this sensing.
“Mm, she’s good isn’t she. I expect you to hold out for at-least ten minutes. So really put your mind to it.”
Laura knew from experience just how talented her secretary was with that tongue. From first-hand experience as well as fromthe many examinations she’d assisted in. In the years she’d had Lassie working for her, she’d never seen her not enthusiastic for this part of her job. Laura thought back to her lunch-break when that tongue had been busy lapping at her wet pussy while she ate. She wasn’t the most skilled cunt-licker that she’d been with, but that enthusiasm and tongue were hard to beat.
Barely a minute had passed when the unmistakable signs of an impending orgasm started showing on Raul. Hurriedly, Laura barked out to her pet. “Lassie, facial”
With a soft whine the dog-girl pulled back, off the cock and instead took it between her fingers, rapidly stroking it as she aimed it at her face. Thin strings of cum shot out, hitting her nose and cheese, then another that hit her chin and finally a third that splattered on her left boob. All in all it was a poor showing, from endurance to volume.
“Lackluster. Pet, get Raul here some enhancers. Refractory, volume and something numbing to help him with his ability to last. Or rather, lack thereof.”
Eagerly cleaning the cum off her face with her tongue, the secretary got up and exited through the door. A short period of Laura glaring, as the embarrassed man tied to make excuses followed, before the pet returned.
In her hands she held a glass of fizzy water. She offered it to the man, who took it and swept it down in one big chug. Laura went up to the man and ran a red nail over the flaccid penis. Flicking it and sending it swinging from side to side comically.
Sliding her long nail up over his abs and then chest she could see that the man was struggling not to look down at her ample cleavage. To instead look her in the eye. Her finger continued trailing up his neck until it was right under his chin. Using it to keep his attention she spoke gravely.
“Now, you better hope you do well in this next examination. We’re going to test your performance while being the active part. When I tell you to, You’re goingto plunge that excuse for a cock into Lassie here, and this time you better last, no matter the distractions. Give me a good showing and I might take you under my wing.”
With that she grabbed her secretary’s collar and led her to the desk. Taking a seat on the edge of it as Lassie stood in front of her with her tail wagging wildly. Being so close to her mistress made her instinctively take a deep sniff, and whine out of need. Knowing what her pet wanted, Laura pulled her face down between her large breasts, letting the excited dog-girl slobber away.
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