My Fetish Academy Ch. 03

Chapter 3: Classroom bonding

Mark had managed to just barely slip through the closing doors of the express-train. Getting to the academic in time, with nothing of interest happening along the way. Just catching his breath during the short trip there. The express-train had none of the features most moderns trains did. No special cars, no relief-seats, and no special rules. It was strictly a means of getting from location A to location B as quickly as possible.

As always, upon arrival. Mark took a moment to take in the sight of the academic. The large imposing structure towered over him. Crystalline walls rising hundreds of meters into the air, with several wings spreading out over the large campus. The Academy was the foremost authority of all things fetish-related. Research, modifications, education, experimentation. Foremost among what the academic was The Instructors. The elite individuals who were tasked with safekeeping the well-being of society. Focusing on improving the world by letting everyone be fulfilled and reach their full potential.

Hopefully, this would be Mark’s future profession. The thought of helping people out, at the same time as he’d fulfill his fetish, had him excited for the future. Most aspiring Instructors never reached that position. Instead they were weeded out in the Academy, assigned to lesser roles in the organization. Or as often was, told that they were just not suited for this line of work and encouraged to seek a future in another field.

Every year, tens of thousands of hopefuls applied from all over the world, but only a few hundred of those graduated. He knew that his dream was a long-shot but he couldn’t help but feel that he was the right person for the job. He was only a couple months into his education, but he was learning more than he could have imagined. And this, he’d been told, was just the introduction period. Meant to ease the students into it all. Soon it would intensify and those not fit would be weeded out.

Mark entered the large, majestic lobby. Sculptures and works of classical art decorated the hall, couches and tables were tough about. Used for everything from drinking a coffee, to getting some work done, or a quickie.

As he hurried towards the elevators, Mark passed by one of the new living statuses. A woman encased fully in latex, strapped to a cross with a rod going into her pussy. A sign next to her said “slap me please”. Obliging, his hand impacted her latex-covered chef. Causing the piston under her to thrust in and out of her pussy, duration and speed dependent on the force of the blow.

Mark briefly wondered if she’d have been sent home again by the time he was done with his classes, or whether she was in for a long session. He guessed it would depend on whether, behind that latex, she was a vegetable or not. Maybe he’d go past her on the way back home again, or maybe he’d head to the petting-zoo. The emotional-support cat-girls were almost always occupied though. Even more so around exam-season. There was something incredibly calming about petting them, struggling their hair and playing with them. Whether they’d been temporarily mind-blanked or not, they always were affectionate and playful. The dogs even more so than the cats,

Mark had entered the elevator and was watching the doors close when he heard a “Wait!” and an arm appears between the closing doors. Then another thin, delicate arm appeared. Joining the first to pry the doors open. Squeezing in between them was a short, petite woman. Neon-blue hair framing an angular face.

Her thin frame was clad in a tight vinyl corset. On her legs were form-fitting, snug, latex pants that did wonders to show off her bubble-butt. The corset made it appears like she had more of a bosom than she actually did, which still wasn’t a lot.

A grin appeared on her face as she looked at him “Sup Mark, cutting it a little close aren’t you? Class is just about to start.”

“Well, like you’re one to talk Lisa.”

“Bite me.”

“You wish.”

They both sported grinins as they bantered on the way up. As the doors opened they hurried to their classroom, managing to get there just before class started. Taking their usual seats at the top row of seats. At the rear of the tied stands. Settling down on the padded chairs, bringing out their tablets to take notes.

They’d hardly had time to get settled when their Professor, Marie Redding, walked up to the classroom lectern. As always she was dressed in her signature catsuit that clung to her tall, voluptuous and amazonian form. The light shining off the black latex as she moved, highlighting her curves. Her blonde hair falling down her back in a ponytail.

A loud crack rang out through the room, as she struck the lectern with her riding crop. The room instantly quietly down, attention drawn to the commanding beauty. She had never tolerated people messing around or not paying attention. Turning on the microphone, her regular voice rang out.

“Good morning class. I hope you’ve all made progress on your assignment, I expect a full report by the end of the week. Now, for today’s lesson. We’re going to be joined by an aide who will help demonstrate some of the applications of restraints. What they can be used for, and what they can seek to achieve. The lesson notes will be available online, but I expect you to pay attention to the demonstrations.”

With that she pressed a button and a large door opened behind her. Revealed was a scaffolding with several bars crossing over it, being pushed by a naked woman that looked to be in her mid-thirties. Though, with the current age-therapy treatments, she could have been any age. Her body spoke of rigorous yoga practice to keep in shape.

“This is my aide For today, Judy. Judy is a devoted rope-bunny and knows her limits. As always, the most important thing to know about is safety and consent. If anyone ever says one of the mandated safewords, you stop.” As they continued her lesson, Lisa slide her tablet over to Mark, revealing text on it.

“Finished homework yet?”

“No, you?”

“Almost, just need one more.”

“Halfway for me.”

“You’ll get there”


As they wrote, the professor moved on to the practical part of the class. Grabbing restraints and attaching them to the aide. Both arms ended up spread to either side of the scaffolding, putting her in the shape of a Y. Prof. Redding tapped her crop against Judy’s arms.

“Notice how this position allows her to sag down, putting her weight more on her arms. This can be more comfortable for the subject than some other methods. However as we all know, comfort is not always the desired outcome. If instead we pull her arms up behind her back, and then attach the restraints. She won’t be able to rest on them without disappoint and pain. This has the added benefit of forcing her upper body forwards. If for example combineed with neck or head-restraints. You can restrict her to a pleasing chest out, head up posture. Like this.”

The amazonian woman unlocked the aide’s arms and then pushed them up behind her back, twisting them outwards as she restrained her again. Pulling on some cords, she made the restraints shorten, forcing Judy onto the tip of her toes. Then she added a posture collar, complete with a loop at the back, which she attached another stick to. Forcing the woman to raise her head, while at the same time keeping her upper body leaning forwards. Producing a pleasure vision of presented boobs and pained sub.

“In this position the sub is exposed and vulnerable to various treatments and punishments, I will go through some of them. Hopefully giving you all understanding of what’s possible and what’s not.”

She brought her crop down hard on the aide’s ass. Eliciting a gasp and half-step forwards. Before the strain became too much and Judy was forced back into her original position.

“As you can see, her ass is prominently displayed behind her, presented and ready for all kinds of attention. And if she tries to move, the restraints and stress on her arms will cause her to return to the starting position.”

The professor went on to demonstrate various methods of inflicting pain, pleasure and humiliation to those restrained in this manner. As she demonstrated, Lisa once again typed something on the tablet.

“Mind helping me finish homework?”

“…Sure. How?”

“Just lean back and keep quiet. So we don’t get in trouble”

With that, Lisa focused her eyes forwards on the demonstration, while her hand went down into Mark’s lap. Finding his zipper, grabbing it and slowly working it open. Mark raised his hips off the seat and pulled his pants and underwear down. Sitting down again he leaned back. Setting his sight on the demonstration. Feeling himself harden as he watched his professor vigorously fingering the other woman from behind.

Soon, Lisa’s hand found it’s way onto his hard member. Fingers running up from his balls, all the way to the top, and then down again. She was leaning her head on her left hand, slight smile on her face as she focused on her teacher. Discreetly trailing the fingers of her right hand around Mark’s cock. Gripping it, she started slowly moving her hand up and down. Alternating the pressure of her fingers at just the Right times as she expertly worked his shake.

As their professor made some more comments, they both took notes. Her, struggle to write with her left hand. While he struggled for entirely different reasons. Mark didn’t think he’d last long, the handjob was the best one he’d had. He was certain that Lisa could compete professionally if she’d put her mind to it.

As if sensing he was about to cum, she stopped moving her hand, instead clenching down on the root of his cock. Just holding it there, firmly in her power. As he received from the impending orgasm, she slowly resumed her work. Down on the stage, Prof. Redding had swapped to using a straw-on. Pounding into the teaching-aide

at a steady pace. Demonstrating to the class, how this way she could easily stretch forwards and gain access to the boobs, face or with a hand down, the clip.

Lisa changed the pace of her pumping to match that of their teacher, adding another layer of eroticism to the situation. On top of the sensing of his cock being handled by an expert, as well as the thrill and excitement of possibly being caught by the strict professor.

“Now students. This position doesn’t necessarily require something above you to attach the collar to. You can instead make do with a simple hook, like this. Inserted into the anus.” With that she unfasted to stick from above them, and instead attached it to a large blunted hook, which she pulled down until she could insert it into the empty asshole. The strap was stretched taut and kept the aide in the same position with her chest pushed out and face staring ahead at the class, a lewd expression on it.

Lisa leaned over and whispered when the professor turned her attention away from the students. “Mmm, maybe I should try practicing a bit more with a straw-on. She makes it seems so fun. I bet you could help me plenty with the practicing too~” She whispered with a wink, as she sped up her stroke. Once again bringing him close to orgasm. This time though, she kept up the pace. Somehow managing to look completely at ease and focused on the demonstration as she she performed the most amazing hand-job Mark had ever received.

“Now be a good boy and release your spunk for me.”

Noticing she wasn’t going to stop or change anything, he panicked a bit, hurriedly putting a hand above his cock to prevent any visible splatter from drawing their teacher’s attention. With that, he emptied his balls. A first powerful spurt splashed against his hand, followed by a second, then a third, followed by severalSmaller ones being expertly milked out by his friend, the cum pouring out of his dick and over her tiny hand. Drenching it with the evidence of their mischievous fun.

Continuing to milk the last drops from his still-hard cock, she jerked him. Producing aftershocks of pleasure, for longer than Mark thought was possible from a simple hand-job. As Mark struggled to maintain his composition, Lisa finally did something that broke her unfazed demeanor.

Bringing her cum-covered hand up to her face, she nonchalantly licked the back of it. Lapping up the cum that ran down. Moaning in delight as she made an exaggerated face of ecstasy . Then one by one she put her fingers in her mouth, sucking and licking them clean of Mark’s sperm. Making soft sounds all the while.

“Mmmm~ That’s a good boy. Giving me a tasty treatment While helping me with my homework. Maybe I should keep you, give you a nice cage at the foot of my bed and have you handy for late-night snacks.”

Blushing, MarkWiped his hand clean before pulling up his pants again. The rest of the class was spent paying attention and taking notes. It was only towards the end of it, while the professor was using a cattle-prod that he realized something. Typing it down, he nudged Lisa to get her attention.

“Just realized… U can’t use this one for the report. Redding would know we were going off during class.”

“Oooh nooo. The horror… I guess We’ll just have to do some after-school studying then. ;)”


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