My Female Boss Takes Control Ch. 07

[Another chapter in the story of Darren’s submission to his boss Jane. The long awaited business trip is about to begin, now that Jane has started the day by spanking his bottom and milking him in his cock cage.]

We drive out of Manchester towards the motorway in silence. I was glad of the soft leather seats as my backside was still sore from the earlier spanking. Every smack had hurt, but the final backhand blow on my anus had really stung.

I felt like I ought to resent it, but I didn’t think that I did. I didn’t really understand why. As I had bent over, I had dreaded the pain. And it really was painful. But submitting to Jane’s raw, animal power had been a rush. She said she needed it, that it excited her. I felt special giving her what she needed.

I had also felt a little thrill when she put the fluid-filled condom in my mouth after milking me, though sitting here now in the car it felt awkward rather than sexy. The rubbery bulk against my tongue was uncomfortable. My mouth responded by producing more saliva which I had to swallow, which was difficult with my mouth so full.

I wondered what it was going to taste like when she eventually told me to chew the condom open. I had licked precum from my fingers for years and was ok with that. Jane had made me lick up my own cum three times now. I still disliked the taste.

Licking my cum from her car window fed my submissive fantasy, and cleaning it up off her feet and legs was an intimate gift. Chewing it out of a condom as we traveled down the motorway felt like it would be less rewarding. Perhaps it would just taste of condom if she made me wait long enough.

She didn’t speak until we’d left the city.

‘Open your trousers. Waistband as well as the zip.’

I did what she asked, casting a nervous glance around at the other traffic.

‘Hardly anyone will be able to see, but you’ll get a real buzz wondering if someone has. Get them wide open like yesterday and pull your poor little caged package out. I want to see that pretty pink pouch on display. Then keep your hands by your sides.’

I sat there wondering who would be able to see in. People in cars probably couldn’t see my lap, but someone in a van or truck might be able to see the pink shaft in my lap. I wished that I’d chose the darker pink option today. I glanced upwards, remembering that her Mercedes had a glass roof. It was tinted, but it still added to my feeling of exposure.

‘Time for your drink pet. Start chewing. Don’t swallow anything yet. I want to hear lots of sloshing noises until l’m convinced you’ve really savoured the taste.’

I carefully pushed the condom into a position where I could bite into it but keep my lips together, then pushed my teeth into it. As the rubbery package gave way the fluid seen out and I could finally move my tongue more freely. The taste wasn’t too bad, a watery cum.

‘I don’t hear any sloshing pet.’

I started to push the liquid round with my tongue but it didn’t make a lot of noise. I switched to sucking my cheats in and out like I did with mouthwash which made the movement more audible. I smiled inwardly at her detailed approach to manipulating and humiliating me. Forcing the fluid round my mouth was going to ensure the flavour reached every naook and cranny. I’d be tasting this until I had the chance to clean my teeth.

My appreciation of her cunning was interrupted by a sudden horn blast to our left. We were level with the driver of a large van who kept the horn going for several seconds. I was so started I nearly spat out the liquid in my mouth, bringing my hands to my face in case I did.

Jane laughed. ‘You better swallow now pet. I don’t want cum all over the car. Keep the condom in your cheek though. You can find a bin for that when we make our first stop.’

I swallowed gratefully and put my hands back down. I wished I could put them over my lap, but I knew that would incur some penalty. How many more drivers were going to see my pink underwear?

After about an hour, and two more blaring horns, Jane pulled off the motorway. This was clearly a diversity from our route, so presumably we were on the way to our first shopping stop. I had convinced myself we were headed for a humiliating visit to a woman’s clothing store. Even that had seemed the ‘least worst’ option. Some kind of beauty Treatment had crossed my mind, and I had hurriedly pushed that thought away. I didn’t think I could cope with that.

When we pulled into a small retail park, I gazed round to assess the options. I couldn’t actually see any clothes shops and wondered where we could be going. She surely wasn’t just going to parade me round with my pink knickers showing? We rolled to halt in the middle of the parking area.

‘Fasten your trousers and go and put the condom in that bin.’

She got out of the car and, after getting the knickers out of sight, I chased after her. She was heading for a shop called Pet Heaven. I hadn’t figured out exactly what she was up to, but it wasn’t going to be good. At least it wouldn’t be busy at 9:30 on a weekday morning.

My assumption about the number of customers was right, but this turned out to be bad news as it meant there were several staff at a loose end. One left the till area to join us. He was a bit older than me. He wore a blue uniform shirt and a large name badge.

‘Good morning. I’m Pet Heaven Store Guide Colin. How can we help you today?’

I hoped she would brush him off. But no, she wanted an audience.’

‘That’s very kind of you Colin. I want to buy a collar for my new pet.’

‘Cat or dog?’


Colin cheerfully asked us to Follow him down one of the aisles.

‘Is it a large or small dog?’

‘He’s a fair size and quite vigorous sometimes.’

‘Well, these harness type collars are quite popular for a dog that you have to pull back firmly,’ said Colin. ‘They go round the bodyand forelegs rather than the neck to avoid restricting the airway.’

‘Hmm,’ said Jane, ‘I hadn’t thought of a harness and I can see the advantage of more control. But he’s getting quite obedient now, so I think I’ll stick with the traditional collar. Something nice and broad though, so it’s comfortable if he does start thrashing about when he’s really excited.’

She gave me a quick smile. blinked several times and wondered just how red my face was now. My cock was loving it though. I could feel it pressing hard against its cage.

As Colin turned to look at the display and considered what to recommend next, I risked a quick look down. The sort of harness I really needed was one that held the cock cage close to my body. Unable to achieve a proper erection, my cock was pushing the cage outwards from my body. I could feel the pressure on my balls as the retaining ring was dragged forwards by my cock’s determined pushing. I feel sure that the bulge in my trousers must be obvious to anyone who looked.

‘There are quite a few that are an inch wide, or one or two that are two inches.’

‘Oh that sounds good,’ said Jane, ‘show me.’

‘Well there’s this one.’

Colin held out a thick black collar, decorated with metal stud work. It looked like something out of a porno dungeon scene. I thought that it might be exactly what she was After. But, yet again I had underestimated how embarrassed she could make me feel.

‘Oh no, that’s doesn’t appeal to me at all. Far too macho. What else do you have in that width?’

‘Well, at two inches, only this one I’m afraid.’

He pointed at a thick pink colour, not bothering to take it off the display. His expression suggested he didn’t approve of a bright pink collar for a large dog.

But Jane did approve. She pulled it off the display for a closer look. It was made from thick pink leather with a similar coloured suede lining. This one had metal inserts too, but rather than studs there weretwo shiny hearts.

‘That’s much more attractive. But it still looks nice and strong. Something I can really hang on to when he’s trying to struggle free. I’ll take it.’

I wanted the floor to open up so I could sink out sight. It would have to be a big hole though as, despite the cage, it felt like my cock was pushed out far in front of me. My balls ached from being squeezed into the bottom of my sack.

Sneaking a sideways glance at Colin I thought he actually might not have understood what this conversation was really about. He just seemed pleased that he had the right thing for this large and forceful woman.

‘Now, I will need a lead too. Something shiny.’

Colin leaped back into action and offered Jane a selection of metal chain leads. There was barely any difference between them, but she spent an age deciding. She was clearly enjoying spinning this out as long as possible.

With the lead selected, she thanked Colin and strode off to the tills. I tagged along behind. This counter was staffed by women in her twentyties with short spikey hair. With exaggerated slowness, Jane set the collar and lead down and paid.

I was sure that the woman had spotted my bulging crotch as she did a define double take. I prayed she couldn’t make out the unnatural shape inside. Jane obviously thought she’d picked up on something as well. A playful smile was creeping onto her face.

‘Would you like a bag?’

‘No,’ said Jane, holding out the pink collar and lead, ‘he’ll manage, won’t you pet,’ and she turned at the woman.

The woman’s eyes were like saucers. I couldn’t stay. My face burning, I walked out of the shop and back to the car. My heart was pounding and I was breathing in fast deep gasps. Was this hyperventilation? Jane had got back to the car Now. She put the collar and lead down on the roof and hugged me.

‘Calm down sweetheart. Take long, slow breaths.’

When I’d calmed down enough to speak, I said, ‘did you reallyhave to call me pet AND wink?’

She gently rubbed her arms up and down my back.

‘Not really. I know you think I’m a cool and calculating bitch, but the win just happened.’

She pulled me tight again.

‘I think she’d already worked out something was going on though. That’s quite a big damp patch you’ve got on your trousers. Grab the collar and lead and get in the car pet.’

I groaned and looked down as she walked round the to the other side of the car. There was a huge damp patch on my light blue suit trousers.

We rejoined the motorway and resumed the journey south.

We were approaching Birmingham now and the conference was taking place at an exhibition centre just beyond it. I still wondered why we were so early. I couldn’t see what we had to do this Afternoon. Maybe we were just checking into the hotel early. My cock twinged hopefully. I decided just to ask.

‘Are we stopping somewhere for lunch or is there some more preparation we need to do for tomorrow?’

‘Lunch is for wimps pet. Haven’t you heard? It certainly isn’t for boys who are getting fucked tonight. You’ll survive.’

‘We’re not staying at the conference Centre hotel. I’ve booked us into an out of town cottage on Airbnb. We can drop off the bags and freshen up. Then I want to go and see the room I’m speaking in tomorrow and we can have a look round.’

Twenty minutes later we were out the countryside and heading through the suburbs. But then Jane pulled off the motorway again and we took another diversity into Wolverhampton. Just off the main shopping area she pulled into small car park opposite an adult shop.

‘Have you ever been in one of these before pet?’

I hadn’t. The most racy thing I’d done before Jane reeled me in was watch internet porn. I guessed I would probably know what most of the products were for, but the two plugs and the cock cage she had given me were the only sex toys I’d actually seen for real.

‘I’ve packed a few favorites, but let’s go and have a browser. I know there’s at least one thing I want.’

We crossed the road and went in. It may have been dingy on the outside, but inside it was clean and brightly lit. I stopped and stared.

‘Keep up pet, let’s see what they’ve got.’

I followed her down an aisle of weird and wonderful clothing. Lots of leather, latex and straps. We stopped and looked at the hoods, blindfolds, masks and harnesses. She stood close beside me and pulled me close with an arm around my waist. She leaned her mouth in close to my ear.

”What do you think pet? Do I need to tie you down in leather straps, or are you a going to be good and do what you’re told?’

I didn’t know how to answer. There was something arousing about the idea of being immobilized, but I was more turned on by the need to obey her.

‘I will always try and do what I’m told.

‘Good boy.’

She slide her hand onto my bottom and pushed her fingers down along the line ofMy crack until they were level with my hole and then pushed them inwards. I didn’t know how embarrassed to be. Was this ok in an adult shop? Instinctively I shut my eyes. I couldn’t actually remember how many people I’d seen in the shop. Now I just wanted to keep them shut and not know who was watching as she vigorously stroked my anus through my clothes.

‘I bet you’ve been thinking about it all week pet, haven’t you? About me fucking you. Taking you. Owning your cute arse.’

‘Yes Goddess.’ I whispered it quietly. But it still feel like a moment calling her that in a public place. Anyone looking at us would know who was in charge.

‘Did you watch the videos I sent you? About how to get ready to be fucked in your boy pussy?’

‘Yes Goddess.’

‘Good boy.’

I loved her saying that to me. I felt weak at the knees and leaned against her.

‘I don’t think you need tying up do you. You want to do what you’re told. You love it when I tell you’re a good boy, don’t you?’

‘Yes Goddess.’

‘I think we just need something to give you a bit of encouragement now and then. Let’s see what we can find.’

We moved a few paces on and stopped again. In front of us was a big display of leather straps and whisps. There were thin and thick single straps and multi-stranded whis. On the shelf below there were small wooden plans with handles on one end. Some had holes in them to leave different shaped marks on the skin. I shuddered.

‘Don’t worry pet, these aren’t really my style. When I spank a cute little bottom I want to feel the hot singing flesh against my hand. No, I just need something to guide you with. One of these.’

She reached forward at took a long rod shape from the display. It was a riding crop. It was about two feet long. On one end was a corded handgrip and a loop of leather. At the other, a leather flap about two inches long.

‘This is just the job pet. So much I can do with this. I can tap and prod you into position. I can swat your backside to spur you on. Tease your greedy little hole by sliding it up and down your crack.’

‘And this flap on the end pet, if you were ever a really bad boy I could give something sensitive a good flick with that, couldn’t I?’

‘Yes Goddess, you could.’

‘Thank you pet. I’m glad you understand what a Really bad boy needs.’

Had I just agreed to her whipping my balls? Fuck I was in deep.

‘Go and get a basket.’

When I returned she had moved on to a big display of dildos and harnesses. She stood behind me with her hands on either side of my wait. She was gently rocking her hips, bumping against my bottom.

‘I’ve packed a couple of favorites to plough your pussy with pet. What sort do you think I’ve got waiting for you in my bag? Am I going to be gentle with something small and smooth? Have I got a thing for big black cocks? Maybe I’m going to be an alien lizard. So many possibilities.’

I staredat all the plastic cocks. My bet was something lifelike. I just hoped it wasn’t going to be too big.

She bent down to the shelves and took two bottles, holding them up so I could read the labels and then dropping them in the basket. Lube and toy cleaner.

‘One more thing.’ She stared around the store. ‘Ah, over here.’

I followed behind her dutifully. She was studying a display of nipple clamps.

‘Some of these I think.’

The clamps were like tweezers, but with a ring that slid along them to push the rubber coated ends together. She put several packs in the basket and I wondered how many you could actually attach to a pair of nipples.

‘I’ve wanted to try this sort for a while. More versatile I think. They’ll go in all sorts of places.’

She smiled as we walked towards the till. A couple about my age were ahead of us. The guy gave me a leer. The idea of ​​a man submitting to a woman clearly didn’t meet with his approval.

Finally at the counter Iemptied the items from the basket. Jane got ready to pay until she’s was suddenly distracted by something displayed behind the till.

‘What are those?’

The man on the till turned and plucked a clear plastic packet off the wall.

‘They’re penis dummies, or penis pacifiers if you speak American.’

Jane inspected the contents, holding the packet where I could see it too. Inside was an oversized baby’s dummy, but instead of the normal bulb shaped piece of soft plastic, the piece going into the mouth was a two inch long penis.

‘That’s brilliant. He’ll take one of those too.’

Back in the car she got the dummy out of its packet and put it in my mouth. My eyes flicked about, searching to see if anyone was watching. There was a cord attached to the front which she looped round my neck.

‘Keep that in your mouth until you need to answer me.’

She started the car and drive off. I wondered if anyone was going to notice. The bit outside my mouth and the cord were white rather than brightly coloured but I avoided looking to the side. I was just glad we weren’t in Manchester where someone might recognize us.

The little plastic cock was quite realistically shaped. It had a glans with a cream where the opening would be, a curved ridge separating the head from the shake and even some raised veins.

As we drove through the centre of Birmingham the motorway traffic slowed to a crawl, the way it always does there. I knew that someone in the other cars was bound to see the dummy in my mouth. I just closed my eyes and sat there red-faced. Eventually the traffic moved faster again and we were out the other side of the city into the country. We left the motorway behind and ten minutes later pulled up outside a house in a large village.

‘Stay here pet. I just need to pick up the key.’

When she returned to the car, she turned towards me and told me to undo the top two buttons of my shirt.

‘Put the collar on pet. Now.’

I reached into the bag at my feet and pulled out the pink collar. The leather felt quite firm and the buckle was stiff. I looked into her eyes.

‘Who owns you pet?’

I let the dummy fall from my lips.

‘You do Goddess.’

‘Show me it’s true.’

I looked at the collar to work out which way it went. I assumed that the metal hearts should be at the front and put it on. I didn’t use the last hole, but it still felt quite constricting.

I looked into her eyes. I didn’t care if anyone was watching. I was lost in her approving gaze. She stretched her hand across to my chest and grabbed my left nippłe through my shirt. She pulled on it hard, then twisted it painfully in her fingers without breaking the connection between our eyes.

The pain in my nipple felt like a challenge. I answered it by sitting there absolutely still without making a sound. I didn’t want the pain or enjoy it. I just wanted to show I could and would take it from her. After a minute ofThis, the pain was quite intense. She ground my nipple between her finger and thumb. I started to sweat, but I was determined to endure it for her. She leaned closer and kissed me on the cheek.

‘Good boy.’

She released my nipple, put the dummy back in my mouth and swiveled back into her seat. We drove for another ten minutes before she pulled off the road in front of a cottage.


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