My Female Boss Takes Control Ch. 04

[Fourth part of Darren’s submission to his female boss Jane. I love to read your comments and messages about which bits really work for you.]

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My usual routine leaving work on a Friday would be to jump in the car, make a quick pit stop at home, and then head for the pub. But as I left this week I was moving gingerly and casting a war eye round to see if anyone was still about. My car was the only one in our car park. There were two in front of the office opposite but I couldn’t see anyone.

I had plenty of reasons to move cautiously. My bottom was still aching from a serious spanking from my boss Jane Redding. She hadn’t held back and although the heat had gone there was still a serious pain in my buttocks. I really needed to take out the butt plug too. It didn’t feel sexy Now, stood in the car park. Her instruction to wind the back of the thong round its neck had added to the chafing.

But the issue making me most cautious about walking round the car park to find where she’d hidden my car keys, was being dressed in the billionling linen trousers and pink espadrilles that she’d swapped for my own clothes.

I followed her advice not to dash about and draw attention to myself, and sauntered as casually as I could round the car park looking for the pink gift bag that apparently held my car keys. Methodically, I went up and down the plants that divided the car park. They were in the very last one.

I sat down carefully in the car, trying to avoid swimming too much. The seat fabric felt like sandpaper on my spanked buttocks and the plug was a torture device. I breathed slowly to try and compose myself. I was going to have to drive very carefully. I didn’t feel good about this and felt even worse about the prospect of walking from the car to the flat.

Remembering the previous week, I stretched my arm behind the seat. Just as before, she had left my own clothes there. I glanced back at the building and decided there was timeto go back in, remove the plug, and change before the cleaners showed up.

Back at my flat later I stripped off and inspected my backside in the mirror. My buttocks were still red. I pulled them apart. I’d never really inspected my hole before. I thought it looked more red than it should and maybe a bit more prominent. I searched the bathroom cupboard for something that might help. I didn’t ever use skin cream. All I had was a tube of antiseptic cream which I spread over my buttocks.

Then I put some of the cream on the end of my finger, knelt on the floor and began to gently rub the cream around my hole. ‘Oh fuck!’ Incredible. Why had I never tried this before? Overcome with this amazing new sensing, I bowed forward until my forehead was resting on the bathroom floor. I stayed there still for an age, balanced on toes, knees and head, just moving the tip of my finger in circles on my hole and panting. I began to think how little I understand about my body and sexual sensation just ten days ago.

Sensational as rubbing my hole was, it wasn’t going to make me cum. And I really wanted to cum. I went into my bedroom and saw the discarded pink thong lying on the floor. Wearing the silent smooth material had felt pretty good. I wrapped the front panel round the end of my cock and lay face down on the bed. With one hand underneath me to hold the material in place, I replayed the day’s events until I came.

That was my weekend really, thinking about Jane, wanking and sleeping. The only trouble thinking was whether she had been watching me as I went back into the office.

The next week was mundane. Days at work were just days at work. Every now and then Jane would throw me a knowing smile that had my cock stirring and me expecting some new challenge, but as the week wore on Without event I began to worry. Was I being punished? Did she know I’d ignored her instruction to take the plug out when I got home? Then, on Thursday morning, something began to happen.

First came the revelation that the following week I would be assisting Jane at a conference. She had never taken me to one of these before, now we were spending two nights away. Next came an automated message from the HR system that a request that I hadn’t made for a dental appointment absence on Friday afternoon had been approved. A week ago I would have fired off a query. Now I just Assumed Jane was organizing my life and waited.

Half an hour later the explanation came in the form of a text from ‘The Central Bodyworks’ confirming my appointment for awaxing. Apparently I was booked in for ‘The Works’.

The salon wasn’t far from my flat, so on Friday I went home first and showed before walking there. I was the only man in the reception. All the staff and the other waiting clients were women. The artwork on the walls did include a couple of buff smooth chested men, but I still feel very self-conscious.

Eventually a middle-aged woman called Nicky calld my name and ushered me into a treatment room. It was quite small with a flat padded table down the middle. A counter held wooden spatulas and various pots.

Nicky unfolded a large towel over the table. ‘I guess you know the routine?’

‘Not really,’ I said, ‘I’ve never been waxed before.’

‘And you’re having the works! Interesting. Persuasive woman Jane!’

‘Right. Take all your clothes off and use those wipes on the counter to give yourself a last clean downstairs. The used wipes go in the white bin. Lie on your back, head at the door end and put the small tower over your naughty bits. I’ll be back in a few minutes and we’ll get started.’

Dispite showing earlier I used several wipes, paranoid about appearing unhygienic. Being exposed to a complete stranger was going to be enough. I’d just about got into position when there was a quick double tap on the door and Nicky reappeared.

But she wasn’t alone. Through the door behind her came Jane. ‘Hello pet.Thought I’d come and give you a little moral support since you’re doing this for me.’

Artfully ambiguous I thought, but there was still a slight look of concern on Nicky’s face.

‘You’re ok with this then Darren? You want a full body wax?’

‘Oh yes. I’m looking forward to having it done.’

The second bit was a lie, but I wasn’t going to let my Goddess down. I felt Jane’s fingertips brush against my cheek, then she unfolded as metal chair that had been leaning against the wall and positioned herself behind my head.

”Alright then, let’s get on with it,’ said Nicky. ‘Arms first, then chest and legs. Then we’ll sort your pubes out. Then you can turn over and we’ll do the back. I won’t lie, the first time does hurt. The hairs are tough and it’s a bit of a shock to the system. It gets easier the more often you do it.’

And it did hurt! Not like having your bottom spanked by a muscle Goddess, but still painful. As she moved on to my arms the pain was worse. But with my arms folded above my head, I was at least rewarded by Jane’s breasts pinning them in place. I imagined what it would be like if they were uncovered, how my newly smooth arms would feel hugging her soft breasts.

The only problem with this daydream was my cock beginning to twitch under the small towel. I stifled a groan and tried to let the pain of the washing dominate my thoughts. Fortunately, Nicky had finished both arms now, and when Jane moved slightly I brought my arms back down to my sides.

This respite from growing embarrassment didn’t last long though. Nicky swiftly despatched my chest hair, moved on beyond the towel and started to work her way down my left leg. With Nicky’s attention on my leg, Jane upped the stakes. As if fascinated by the Waxing process and wanting a better view, Jane rose from her seat and leant over my face. She had also undone a button on her blouse.

Rationally, it wasn’t much of a view. I was looking at the underside ofa pretty heavy duty white bra. A pubescent teenager might have been unimpressed. But I wasn’t in a rational state. I was lying naked on a table under the control of two older women. This was the emotional trap that so completely overwhelmed me. I dreaded the embarrassment of exposure, but that embarrassment just fed my arousal.

The battle against erection was hopelessly lost. Very quickly, my cock was painfully hard. It felt like someone had forced a heavy steel pipe round it under my skin. The towel was now a fluffy white pyramid. As Nicky worked her way back up my right leg, she noticed the lifted towel and how my face was smoother by the underside of Jane’s bust.

‘Goodness Jane, you’re not sparing him any embarrassment are you.’

‘Oh I think he’s happy enough and it’s nothing you haven’t seen before is it. All men like a bit of attention don’t they.’

I don’t know what facial expressions were exchanged, but after a moment Nicky said, ‘Well, perhaps we shouldTake a look and see. Time to lose the pubes.’

But rather than just lift the towel off me, all professional, she slowly tugged it towards my feet. I gasped at the combination of this strange joining in with Jane’s persistent sexual teasing, and the wonderful friction of the towel dragging slowly over my glans. The dragging towel pulled my cock upwards slightly until it was finally released and bounced off my belly. I was breathing more heavily. Each breath was slightly warmed and concentrated on its journey through Jane’s cleavage.

‘What do you think,’ Jane asked.

‘Hmm, decent size, above average without being pornstar freaky. I prefer a foreskin myself, rather than this mushroom top look, but it’s certainly quite striking.’ She held my cock mid way with her latex gloved finger and thumb, pushing it to one side then the other. ‘He’s got good skin. Certainly keeping it nice and taut at the moment. Bit of a heavy leaker.’ She’d clearly got over her earlier doubts about thisappointment and thrown herself into the scene.

I was in heaven. This was one of my greatest fansies, having my naked body handled and discussed without my consent or opinion even thought relevant. I couldn’t help flexing the muscles in my groin in response and my cock jerked around.

‘Looks like you better get on with job,’ Jane said, ‘before he loses control completely.’

Nicky got back to work. With the heal of one hand she held my cock down on one side, then spread the warm wax out in a strip in the other direction. The wax started halfway up my cock and reached out beyond my pubes. She dabbed the ends of her fingers on it to test the consistency, then ripped it off to the side.

This was the most painful bit of the process so far, especially the soft skin on the cock itself. The pain though was enough of a distraction to get some control back. She then repeated the process several times, working through a fan shaped pattern round my cock until all the hair above and to each side was gone. By now my cock had softened, but after the prolonged stimulation it felt heavy and more swollen than it actually was.

‘Right, now for the sack,’ Nicky announced. She stood at the end of the bench and grasped both of my ankles. ‘I need you to shuffle your body towards me until you can hold your ankles.’

I hadn’t expected this. After learning I was to be waxed, I had watched three different videos to find out what was involved and none of them featured the position I was maneuvered into now. My heels and butt were near the end of the table and with an encouraging push from Nicky, my knees leaned out on each side. The feeling of exposure in front of her was wonderful.

‘Now you’ve gone a bit soft, this is getting in the way,’ she said, lifting the end of my cock.

‘Why don’t I hold it for you,’ said Jane. I heard Nicky give a little snigger as Jane moved round to my side and took a very firm grip on my cock. She didn’t hold the whole cock, but tightly pinched together the skin below the glans and stretched it towards my waist.

Nicky worked away at my sack. She would take hold of some skin and stretch it out with her index finger and thumb, place her other fingers underneath, spread on the wax, then rip it off. Once she’d finished, that was all the hair round my cock and balls gone. I’d never felt so naked, so totally exposed.

It’s hard to explain why it feel so good. I feel so helpless, but with no shame. With these two confident and experienced women in complete control I felt free of any responsibility or need to conform. I was just a super sensitive plaything, waiting to accept any instruction or sensing they gave me. I was floating in my own special world.

It turned out though that I’d fallen into This state of grace a little too soon. There was one more big reveal to come.

‘Right Darren, let’s finish off down here by sorting out this hairy crack. This position doesn’t quite give me enough access though. Jane, do you think you could hold Darren’s legs and pull them up to his chest?’

‘Of course Nicky.’ Jane put her forearm behind my knees and pulled my legs back.

‘Now Darren, I want to hold your buttocks and pull them apart for me.’ This definitely hadn’t been in any of the videos! But I was completely immersed in this now and happily under her control. I fanned my fingers out across each buttock and pulled my crack open to Nicky.

She seemed to pause and star quite a while before moving. ‘Now, we need to look after this neighbor little hole, don’t want any hot wax on that.’ She turned to the counter and squeezed some gel onto the tip of her finger. When the cold gel made contact I jumped and she pulled back.

‘Careful! We only need the gel on your anus. Don’t make a mess.’

‘Hold still pet,’ said Jane. Her right hand slide across my smooth chest. Her thumb and index finger toyed very briefly with my nipple as a warning.

‘Sorry,’ I said, ‘please carry on.’

With a delicate circular motion she smeared the gel on my hole then wiped off the excess. Five slightly painful minutes later my crack was done too. Then she had me lying down again, on my front this time. She told me to push my cock down so it pointed towards my feet, and systematically removed my remaining body hair. This part wasn’t so exciting, though finishing the job with lotion rubbed over all the waxed areas was enough to make my cock hard again.

‘There we are dear, all done. Smooth as silk. What do you think?’ I wasn’t sure whether she was asking me, but Jane answered anyway. ‘It’s wonderful Nicky. So much better. Thank you.’

‘No problem. You said you two had something to err, talk about, so I’ll leave you to it. We don’t have another appointment in here today so no rush. Maybe lock the door if it’s a, umm, serious discussion okay.’

She blushed pink, apparently embarrassed at having been persuaded to agree to this, and anxious out.

‘What do think pet? Shall we lock the door, or keep a bit of that jeopardy your cock seems to crave?’ I didn’t answer. She left the door unlocked.

‘Isn’t she a sweetheart,’ said Jane. ‘She really got into the role didn’t she. Having me hold your legs up and you pull your cheese apart was genius.’

‘Anyway, now we’re alone it’s time for you to greet your Goddess properly.’ I got down on all fours and kissed the top of each foot.

‘Good boy. Now lie back down on the table. I want to inspect her work. Fold your arms back above your head.’

Her fingertips glided over my armpit and up onto my chest. ‘So smooth and sexy now.’ She tracked down my body, exploring all round my cock without touching it. ‘What do you think?’

‘I’m not really sure Goddess. But if you’re happy then I’m glad it was done.’

She trailed her fingers down the top of my left leg as she moved along the side of the table. As she went round the end her hand slide over to my right leg and started a slower journey back up. This time the whole flat of her hand was wrapped around the inside of my leg. With my head resting on my folded arms I looked down my body and watched her wonderful warm hand making its slow progress up my calm.

As it crept past my knee to the inside of my thigh I could see the end of my cock glistening as a bead of precum caught the light. I saw, looked up into her eyes and moved my legs further apart. Instantly I knew I’d made a mistake. Her hand stopped its journey and gripped my thigh hard. She frowned.

‘Oh dear pet. That was no good was it. You don’t decide what happens next, do you?’

‘No Goddess. I’m sorry Goddess. It won’t happen again.’

‘I wonder. I thought you’d learn a bit more control than that. I was about to give you one more test before finally deciding you were coming away with me next week. But maybe you’re not up to carrying this through.’ My heart sank. My new world threatened to crumble.

‘Please Goddess, I am ready. I can do it. Please! Let me carry on. Give me the next test Goddess.’

She stared at me silently for what seemed like eternity. Then just a hint of a smile formed on her lips and I held my breath. ‘Maybe.’

I was still holding my breath as her hand moved forward and took hold of my balls. Her index finger and thumb wrapped round the top of my sack and she pulled it away from my body, pulling the skin tight round my balls. The other fingers wrapped over my balls and pushed them into her palm. It didn’t hurt, but her grip was firm and controlling.

‘You’re so vulnerable aren’t you pet? My fingers could stroke your balls or squeeze them until there were tears in your eyes. But you love it, don’t you? You’d try and take the pain for me wouldn’t you. You put yourself here on this table, because you know you want my control don’t you?’

‘Yes Goddess. Thank you Goddess.’ She smiled, but her hand stayed in place, owning me with its simple grip.

‘I knowyou went back into the office last Friday.’

I felt like I might cry. ‘I’m sorry Goddess.’

‘I understand why you did it. Driving over all the pots with that plug in would have been a bit tough. There will be a price to pay though, for avoiding that disappoint. I’ll store that away, along with you opening your legs just now.’ Her fingers tightened their grip on my balls slightly and held the new pressure for several seconds. Then she smiled and eased off.

‘I just haven’t decided what that price is yet. But I do have a question. When you changed trousers and shoes, did you change underwear as well, or did you wear the thong home?’

‘I wore the thong Goddess.’


‘Because the soft material felt good. Because you had forgotten it. I wanted that next to me Goddess.’

She smiled and my mood soared back up again. My heart had been bungee jumping up and down over the last few minutes and I felt emotionally exhausted. She let go of my balls.

‘Thenext test is quite a big one pet. Takes things to a whole new level.’

‘I’m ready Goddess. Please.’

‘Maybe you are. But it’s quite a big step. I think I should give you some encouragement. So you know whether it’s worth it. Stand up.’

She helped me up from the table, then sat on it herself. I stood naked in front of her.

‘You do remember that painful lesson about doing exactly what you are told, don’t you?’

‘Yes Goddess.’

‘Good boy. Look at my knees.’ I looked down at her knees, just uncovered at the end of her deep fuchsia pink skirt.

‘Hold the hem of my skirt, and then slowly and neatly fold it back over itself until I say stop.’

I gingerly grasped the hem of her skirt. This was incredible. All I had ever seen of her body before was her feet and up to her knees. My hands shook a little as I began to reveal the lower end of her thighs. She raised her legs slightly so the material under them was able to move freely. When about half of herthighs were uncovered she told me to stop.

‘Hold the top of your cock between your finger and thumb. Hold it upright but about 20 degrees away from your body, then move forward until your legs are up against mine.’ As she said this she moved her legs apart slightly. When I was in position she closed her legs, trapping my cock between them. She took my hands and placed them each side of her knees, fingers pointing down towards her feet.


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