I’m Veronica, and I torture my masochistic husband.
We’ve been married for four years. My husband was looking for a relationship where the woman would be in control, which I craved.
My husband wanted a tease and denial relationship and I thought that would be fun. I enjoyed helping him pick out a stainless steel chatity cage for him to wear. It took about a month for him to get used to wearing the cage 24/7 but we got there.
Besides sexual denial, my favorite torture is very simple and yet so effective. When I’m in the mood, I call my husband up to the bedroom. I have him undress, then I lock his wrists behind his back with two leather wrist restraints and a padlock. I unlock his chatity cage and lock a Kali’s teeth ring on his cock. The ring we have is a metal cylinder about an inch long with 44 nail points on the inside. The nail points don’t puncture his skin, but they press into his dick. Once locked on the base of my husband’s shaft, any full erection is painful for him.
After I’ve locked him in his Kali, then I undress. I usually hear a wince or two from my husband by the time I’m naked. Then I lie down sideways on the bed. My husband knees down by the side of the bed on a pillow I’ve placed on the floor. I put my legs on his shoulders and he eats my pussy for as long as I want.
Not only do I get an orgasm or two, but the act of pleasure me also gives my husband pleasure, which causes him to get several erections. His Kali reminds him that it’s not a good idea for him to get so erect. Over the course of an hour or so, I’ll cum and I’ll hear him moan at least four or five times. Definitely a win-win for me.
Like I said, this is my favorite torture. I have my husband eat my pussy restrained this way about once a week. Fun times. This story, however, is about my second favorite torture.
In our basement, we have a TV and a DVD player in one corner. When I’m in the mood, I’ll call my husband up to the bedroom and have him undress. With his hands held behind his head, I’ll unlock his chatity cage and lock him in his Kali. Then I’ll tell him to lock himself in his cinder block stocks.
My husband will go down to the basement, and put two cinder blocks on the floor in front of the TV, one on top of the other. Then he’ll sit down on the floor, put his feet and ankles through the two holes in the bottom cinder block, and lock They with a pair of ankle cuffs. Finally, he puts his hands and wrists into the two holes in the top cinder block and locks them with a pair of handcuffs.
The keys to the cuffs are hanging on the wall by the TV. Once my husband locks himself up in his cinder blocks, there’s no easy way for him to get free. The cinder blocks keep his arms and legs straight, much like a wooden or metal stock. The cinder blocks are a lot cheaper and just as effective at immobilizing him.
I usually give him a good 15 to 20 minutes to lock himself up before I go down to the basementand check on him. Once I see he’s securely locked up, I pick out a lesbian porn DVD for him to watch.
My first rule is that it must be lesbian porn. I allow my husband to purchase whichever lesbian porn DVDs he wants.
I have two reasons for insisting on lesbian porn. One, when I start the DVD, I say, “The women in this house cum as much as they want.” A little child, sure, but I enjoy teasing my husband with that line.
Two, I’m bisexual, and sometimes I’ll come down to the basement alone and watch some of the porn my husband purchased. I’ve only seen a few minutes of a few of the DVDs. I get off pretty quickly to porn and once I’m done, I lose interest in the video. I mean, does anyone watch porn for the story?
Anyone but my husband. My second rule is that my husband has to write the total run time of the DVD on a piece of white tape on the back of each DVD case, so I don’t have to hunt for it.
My third rule is that when I pick out a DVD for him to watch, I’ll be gone for at least as long as the run time. Sure, sometimes I’ll sit and watch him watch the porn, but that’s fun for maybe 10 to 15 minutes, which is long enough for me to cum masturbating to his Kali torturing him.
Usually, I’ll go upstairs and sit on the living room sofa to do my nails and read while he’s watching porn. A couple of times, when I was engrossed in the novel I was reading, I forget My husband was locked in the basement, and I left him down there for four or five hours. Oops.
One day, I decided I wanted to watch some lesbian porn. I was looking through the DVDs for something fun to watch, when I came across two new DVDs I hadn’t seen before. They featured large breasted women, which both my husband and I enjoy.
One of the ways that I tease my husband is by limiting his access to my large 38F breasts. The only times he gets to see my tits are when I’m edging him, which is about once a week, and when I’m torturing him, which is about once a week. So, he sees them twice a week for a few hours. I don’t allow him to touch them much.
I have my husband earn his tit touching time. Simply put, he has to help me orgasm with his hands or mouth 30 times before I allow him to gently cares my tits for a minute. Two seconds of gentle caressing for each orgasm. Generally, that means he gets to gently cares my tits once every five to six weeks.
With the lesbian DVD torture, I don’t even have to show my husband my tits. The porn has plenty of tits for him to enjoy, at least as much as his Kali allows him.
The first scene of the DVD had two women, both naked. One was lying on the bed reading a magazine, and the other was standing on the side of the bed with her wrists locked behind her back. The woman lying on the bed put the magazine down and commanded the woman in restraints to get on the bed and eat her pussy. I enjoyed the scene a lot and got off in less than ten minutes listening to the woman on the bed berate the woman in restraints for her lousy pussy eating.
As I was putting the DVD away, I absentmindedly flipped the case over to see how long the run time was.
Seven hours! I was looking at a seven-hour compilation DVD. I’d never seen a DVD that ran for that long.
All of the other DVDs were one or two hours. My husband had previously purchased one compilation DVD that ran for three hours. That was the DVD I picked out the two times when I forgot my husband was locked in the basement.
My husband knew my rules, Did he really want me to leave him locked in the basement for a minimum of seven hours?
That night, after dinner, I casually mentioned to my husband that I found his lesbian compilation DVDs. I asked him point-blank if he wanted me to leave him locked in the basement for more than seven hours.
He looked at me sheepishly and whispered, “Yes.”
I thought about his answer for the next couple of days. I decided to test him to see if he could handle sucha long torture.
I picked out a novel that I wanted to read on my Kindle. Most novels, I finished in three or four hours. This time, I picked a long historical novel that would probably take me a good eight hours to finish.
Once I had the novel downloaded, I waited for my opportunity. That Saturday morning, after I first woke up and had my husband eat me, I told him to strip out of his flannel pajamas. After locking his Kali on, I told him to go lock himself in the basement.
I was feeling some sadistic, especially right after having my husband eat me to a so-so orgasm, so I took a long shower and got dressed before I went down to the basement to check on him. I picked out his three-hour compilation DVD for him to watch, and went back upstairs to read my novel. I had decided to save the seven-hour DVD for the special occasion I was planning.
I hoped I would hear him from the living room if he cried out when the torture proved to be too much. As far as my husbandHe had no idea I was going to leave him down there until dinner time, about eight hours later.
For me, the time passed quickly. I was enjoying the novel, and I almost forgot about lunch. My growing stomach made me put the Kindle down and go into the kitchen. While I sat at the table eating a chef salad, I thought about my husband in the basement. compilation DVD would just about be ending. Little did he know that he was going to watch it almost two more times before I unlocked him.
By the time I looked up from the novel again, it was just after six. Shit, I’d been reading for over nine hours and I still hadn’t finished it. Oh well. I put the Kindle down, took a minute to compose myself, and went down to the basement. The DVD was starting Its fourth playback and was in the middle of the first scene.
I didn’t say anything, and neither did my husband. I unlocked him from the cinder blocks and massed his arms andlegs for maybe 30 minutes. I helped him stand and helped him up the stairs to the living room sofa.
While my husband sat on the sofa and recovered, I made broiled chicken breasts and mashed potatoes. When dinner was on the table, I helped him walk from the sofa to the table.
While we were eating dinner, I asked him how he felt.
“Stiff” he replied.
My husband didn’t comment further. I suppose he enjoyed his torture. At times, he’s not very communicative. I took his silence as implied consent that he wanted me to occasionally leave him locked in the basement for nine or more hours.
I’d been contemplating a plan in my mind for about a week. Now that I knew he could endure over nine hours of basement bondage, I decided to implement my plan.
First, some details. I not only torture my husband, I also cuckold him.
When I first met my husband, I already had a relationship with a man I’ve known since high school, Chuck.
Chuck and I dated in high sphool, but we didn’t get along well when we spent too much time together. It was years before we both figured out that we had dominant personalities and got on each other’s nerves when we were together too much.
After I graduated from college, Chuck and I got back together occasionally, and to this day, we remain friends with benefits.
About once a month, Chuck drives down from Philadelphia to Edgewood to spend a weekend with us. Well, a weekend with me. While he’s with us Saturday afternoon and Sunday, my husband is our service and torture object.
Chuck had just visited us a couple of weekends ago. That means he’d be back in a couple of weeks. The weekend I was planning would take place in approximately six weeks.
I called Chuck and told him what I had in mind for my husband. Chuck thought it was a great plan, and he would let me know when he was visiting in March as soon as he knew his driving schedule.
The following Sunday, I teasingly masturbated my husband for a couple of hours without letting him cum. This was pretty normal, so I don’t think my husband suspected that I had a plan for him.
The following weekend, Chuck came to visit. I gave my husband a break from serving us and locked him to a wall in the basement.
Basically, when I want to be alone with Chuck, I lock my husband in the basement. Before Chuck arrives, I call my husband to the bedroom. I have him undress and I lock his wrists behind his back with two leather wrist restraints and a short twelve-inch length of chain.
Then we go down to the basement. There, I lock my husband’s wrists to the wall with a three-foot length of chain. The chain is attached to the wall about six inches from the floor.
This loose bondage allows my husband to lie on his side, sit up, knee, but not stand up. When he hears me come down to the basement, he must get up on his knees for me.
Finally, I turn on a baby monitor and grab the transmitter before I go back upstairs. The baby monitor allows my husband to hear Chuck and I talk and keeps him from getting too bored locked in the basement. It also allows him to hear Chuck and I fuck in our bedroom.
The biggest advantage to locking my husband in the basement is that when Chuck arrives I can get naked and stay naked. I enjoy being naked for Chuck, but I don’t want my husband to see me naked that much. I do enjoy using my husband as a service and torture object while Chuck is with us, but I also like being naked for Chuck.
Chuck enjoyed our weekend together, and with my husband locked in the basement, we had plenty of time to talk about the torture I’d planned for my husband in a month. I made sure to turn the baby monitor transmitter off whenever we talked about our plan.
The next four weeks came and went. Each Sunday afternoon, I’d have my husband undress, chain him to the bed, unlock his chatity cage, undress, and edge him for a couple of hours. Each time, I didn’t let him orgasm. The Sunday before Chuck was planning to drive down, my husband’s cock was really sensitive. Shoot, after chaining him to the bed, just taking off my top and bra was enough to get him stiff. I decided to leave my skirt on and just be topless. It took very little stroke on my part to keep my husband hard for a couple of hours. Again, no happy ending for him.
I was giddy with excitement for the whole remaining week. I’m always excited when Chuck comes to visit, so I don’t think my husband suspected a thing. By Saturday morning, I was a ball of energy.
I woke my husband up and had him eat me to three orgasms before I let him go. My husband appreciated my horniness, since it’d probably be Tuesday or Wednesday evening before I’d want him to eat me again. Fucking Chuck has that effect on me. While my husband was in the shower, I lay in bed mewing. I felt great,
After my husband got dressed and went downstairs, I shaken, took a shower, and got dressed. When it’s just my husband and I, I wear a 38F bra under my top. My tits are too sensitive to go without a bra too often. When Chuck comes over, I go braless under a baggy t-shirt. I put on a skirt and tennis shoes and went downstairs to read for a while.
When it came time to prepare lunch, I went into the bedroom with my husband. I watched him undress, and I locked a ball gag in his mouth.
The locking ball gag was something we recently found on the Internet. The buckle pin is shaped like a teardrop, with a hole in the center that accommodates a small luggage lock.
I love my husband’s locking ball gag. It keeps him from speaking to Chuck or I and also keeps him from snacking on the meals he prepares for us. I love knowing that my husband can’t have anything to eat or drink until I unlock the ball gag. Today, that will be from lunch until it’s time for Chuck and I to go to bed to sleep. I love when I can be my husband’s cruel sadistic bitch.
So, my naked gagged husband went intoThe kitchen to make lunch for us. While my husband was busy in the kitchen, Chuck arrived. I greeted him at the door. We kissed, and I made sure that he grabbed my tits through my baggy t-shirt. We moved to the sofa, and kissed until my husband put lunch on the table.
While we ate lunch, Chuck and I caught up on what we’ve been doing the last month. Chuck is a local truck driver that mostly hauls goods from the port of Philadelphia to various places in the city. I enjoy hearing about the people he meets and the places he gets to see on occasion.
Me, I tell him about my home life, and any recent tortures that I’ve afflicted on my husband. I try not to mention the torture we have planned for Sunday.
My husband stood by the table and got whatever we asked for from the kitchen. After Chuck and I ate, we went back to the living room.
After my husband cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen, he came out to the living room. I handed him a pair of handcuffs chained toa pair of ankle cuffs. My husband knelt on the living room carpet to the side of the TV, locked his ankles together, and locked his wrists behind his back.
Once my husband was securely locked up, I made a show of kissing Chuck and putting his hands on my tits. I made sure his hands were squeezing my tits and pinching my nipples. I love how envious my husband gets when he sees how much I let Chuck do with my tits.
Anyway, after annoying my husband for ten minutes or so with our display of affection, we got up from the sofa and went up to the bedroom, where we fucked like rabbits. After a few hours, of mostly cuddling, we got up from the bed and got dressed. We went downstairs into the living room and watched TV until it was time for dinner.
I got up from the sofa and unlocked my husband from his Shackles. He got up and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. He made us sirloin steaks, homemade macaroni with three kinds of cheese, and more salad.
After dinner, Chuck and I sat on the sofa and watched TV until we decided to go to bed. I got up and unlocked my husband from his shadows and his ball gag.
I told my husband to be up in the bedroom in an hour. That would give him time to eat and use the bathroom in the basement while Chuck and I got comfortable in the bedroom.
I grabbed a bottle of Sutter Home Sweet Red from the kitchen, along with a couple of wine glasses, and headed up to the bedroom with Chuck. I can’t help it, I like sweet red wine. Chuck is okay with wine, but he enjoys his beer more.
Chuck opened the wine and we got undressed and into bed. I wanted to be nice and relaxed when my husband came to the bedroom, so I probably drank more wine than I should have.
Chuck opened the wine and we got undressed and into bed. I wanted to be nice and relaxed when my husband came to the bedroom, so I probably drank more wine than I should have.
I was sipping my third glass when my husband came to the bedroom andstood with his hands behind his back at the foot of the bed. I put my glass down on the nightstand because I knew what was coming up.
My husband waited until Chuck was ready. I don’t think he was bored, since he was staring at my bare tits. Finally, Chuck asked my husband some questions to humiliate him.
“When was the last time your wife edged you?”
“Last Sunday afternoon, sir.”
I love hearing my husband call Chuck “sir”. Chuck doesn’t interact with my husband much, but he does enjoy asking him the humiliating questions.
“When was the last time your wife stroked you to an orgasm?”
“Seven weeks ago, sir.”
Yep, it’d been a while. I wanted my husband to be very horny for this week, so he’d be more willing for us to torture him. It’s too bad that I’m not going to be able to edge my husband again until next weekend. I’d had five orgasms already today, and the night’s not over yet.
“When was the last time you saw your wife’s tits?”
“Befor tonight, last Sunday when she was teasingly masturbating me.”
True. We’d been busy preparing for this week, and we didn’t have a chance to play during the week.
Then Chuck pulled me over to him, manhandled my tits for a few minutes, and asked my husband the final humiliating question.
“When was the last time you touched your wife’s tits?”
“Nine weeks ago, sir.”
It had been a while, unfortunately. I think I’ll give my husband some extra title touching time if this weekend goes off like we planned. He deserves something of a reward for the torture he’s enduring.
I watched my husband sit down on a dining room chair in the corner of the bedroom. He tied his ankles to the front legs of the chair, and tied a rope around his waist. He put a leather hood on his head, then locked his wrists to a pair of handscuffs hanging on the back of the chair. The key was in the nightstand drawer next to the bed.
Once I knew my husband was locked to the chair,I attacked Chuck. I jumped on his cock like the unashamed cowgirl I felt like. I came so quickly that poor Chuck didn’t have a chance to cum.
I decided to use my mouth to get Chuck off. I made sure my husband knew what I was doing since the only way I get my husband off is with my hand. I enjoy how envious my husband gets when he knows I’m doing something with Chuck that I won’t do with him.
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