My Ex – My Prisoner Pt 5
Sorry for the long delay for this chapter, it got written and torn up several times, before evolving into a chapter so long it had to be cut in half. That half is now the next and final chapter, and just needs some editing and proof reading. It should be posted soon.
It is strongly recommended to read this story from the beginning to understand the flow, references, changing relationships, and nuances.
For those that choose not to do so, or have forgotten how my ex and I got here, a brief synchronization. My wife had turned into a lying, scheming, cheating shrew and I divided her. I moved on with my life, rediscovering a happy bachelor life. I didn’t hear anything from my ex for years, until I got a call from state corrections asking if I would be interested in turning my house into a private prison for my ex, who was in prison for stealing from her employer. The State was trying an experiment to reduce overcrowding, by outplacing non-violent offenders. My “Hell NO!” changed into maybe when a lawyer friend, Fred, wrote an amendment to the State contract making my ex essentially my sex slave, along with a promise from Corrections that if it didn’t work out, they would pick her back up in less than two hours. The ex agreed, afraid the bull in her cell, that corrections had put there trying to get my ex to behave, was going to kill her. The previous Chapter ended up with a sex party at which my ex aka slut, was a full and willing participant. We now resume my story.
Somehow the party completed the conversion of my Ex, aka slut to the perfect Stepford Wife. My morning wakeup cock sucking or rimming was done with great enthusiasm. There was no sign of attitude regardless of what I asked her to do, or how I used her. Her gardening was clearly her favorite activity, and the area looked incredible. However, sucking me and nursesing on my cock seems to have passed playing video games as her second favorite activityy. Slut actually asked permission to suck me more often than I initiated the act. She reminded me every day when it was time for her daily spanking. Every day I turned her ass a deep burgundy, and every day she responded like it was something that she looked forward to.
I never had a complaint about her cleaning or other duties. At one point it had been weeks since I had distributed her for anything. Suddenly there were almost daily errors, hair in the shower drain, the kitchen floor not spotless, etc. At first, I was afraid that she was regressing, but as I went to discipline her for an error, I got the gleam in her eye and realized that she wanted me to discipline her, it was something that she craved, for among other reasons to prove that I still cared. I confronted her and slut admitted that was what she was doing. I started in again with the clamps, bed restraints, whipping, bondage, etc, on a random schedule. Working to give her what she craved, but with an unpredictably that seemed to help fulfill her need. Occasionally I would have Fred do a scene with her when he slut sat for me. Trish was always happy to come over and enjoy topping slut, though I had to keep an eye on her to make sure she didn’t go too far.
The exercise regime set up by Corrections for slut had remarkable results. She had lost all the weight she had gained, and firmed up her entire body, most noticeable in her abs and butt, but even her face had changed remarkably, the chubby cheeses were gone, and her cheesebones once again gave shape to her face. The legs in the heels looked fabulous. With all the sun that she got in the garden she frankly looked amazing. I dug out an old picture of when we were dating and frankly, now she looked even better.
Early one Monday I got a call from my contact at Corrections. He informed me that under State law, slut was due for a parole hearing. I relayed slut’s fear that if she was released, she would return to her old ways and wind up back in prison, and as a repeat offender for a very long time. He replied, “She can tell that to the Judge, and if you can swear to that, you can affirm that as her fear. I will tell you that the judges have been very reluctant to not grant parole for inmates with a clean record like your charge.”
I asked, “If she is paroled, then what, she is free?
He explained, no they go to a halfway house to transition from prison life to civilian freedom. At some point the goal is that they find a job while still staying at the halfway house. They must check back into the house every evening and stay until they leave for work the next day.”
An idea suddenly struck me, I asked, “what are the requirements for a halfway house?”
He replied, “It must have certain security features, camera monitoring and 24/7 trained staff. Why?”
I started to outline my thoughts. “What about a house that has all the security features of a prison, and is overseen by someone certified and experienced as a jailor?”
He quickly understood where I was going, “I will check into it. You are already a successful test case for the civilian incarceration program, and frankly with the way the judges are granting parole right now our halfway houses are pretty full.”
I decided not to say anything to slut, until I knew more. I gave Fred a quick call and asked if he knew of any job openings that slut might qualify for. He made several inappropriate suggestions before getting serious. His receptionist was going on maternity leave in a few weeks, and he didn’t really expect her to return for at least a year, and quite likely never. I had to end the call early, because slut came in from the garden to suck my cock before she fixed lunch. It had become her habit and one that I really couldn’t object to. Besides her expert cock sucking ability, with the feeling of her sucking, her tongue, and her throat, every time I looked down, I saw those eyes filled with adoration staring back at me. She had become an expert at keeping me on edge until I was either at a stopping point with my work or I decided it was time for her to go fix lunch. A simple nod of my head and she had me cumming down her throat and filling her mouth in about a minute.
I couple days later I got an email from my contact. He listed several things that would be required before I could be approved as a halfway house. First, the house would have to be inspected for code compliance as well as security measures. Second, I would have to complete a short course, available on-line, that was probably redundant for the training I had already completed but was required for my personal certificate. Third, I would have to hire an approved counsel to work with slut through the transition with weekly sessions. Finally, I had to find local businesses that might offer a training job for slut.
He also informed me that slut was due for her annual physical and asked if I wanted to have it done at the same facpurity as last time. Corrections has a facility where prisoners incarcerated outside the prison can be dropped off for a short stay to give their keepers a break or meet short term commitments where they need the prisoner cared for elsewhere. I had done it once for a fishing trip with Fred and Trish. Slut hated it, but otherwise it worked very well.
He didn’t think there were any major issues with the list. The inspection didn’t sound like an issue, though the code authority sometimes surprises you with little things in the code that you don’t think of. He sent a separate list of the registered counselors in the area. One name immediately came to my attention, Janice. We had dated for a time after slut was kicked out and had separate amicably, though reluctantly on my part.
I sent a message back to my contact asking him to schedule the inspection and to schedule slut at their facility for three days around the inspection date. I also sent a message to Janice, the registeredcounsellor I recognized from the list. I explained how I had come to be slut’s jailor and the plans for her to stay here, making it clear that would be slut’s desire. I asked if she would be willing to be the hired counsel working transition with slut. Finally, I signed up for the on-line housekeeper’s course. It sounded like everything was falling into place, if the judge agreed, and the code people didn’t find something expensive in the house requiring work.
The hardest part was hiding my enthusiasm for what I was doing from slut. It helped that Janice messaged me back suggesting we have dinner to discuss the offer. I made a call, and Trish was excited to spend an evening with slut. Janice texted me the name and address of the restaurant where she made the dinner reservations.
I was in the shower when slut came in from the garden to start dinner. I wish I had a picture of slut’s face when I told her that Trish would be here for dinner and to take care of her, while I was on a date with a girlfriend. Her immediate question was, “Is she spending the night?”
The look of shock continues as I responded, “Trish? No, My girlfriend? you’ll know when you come in to wake me in the morning.” I had no expectation that Janice would be coming home with me, much less spending the night, but it helped remind slut that I didn’t belong to her.
I had to dig deep in my Close to find clothes appropriate for the upscale restaurant Janice had selected. I wasn’t sure whether coat and tie were still required, but I wore one just to be sure. Trish showed up carrying a small toy bag, which quickly caught slut’s eye. The short skirt, tall boots, and leather vest over naked tits caught my attention and caused slut to give me a very worried look. I took the opportunity to tell slut to behave as if she was serving me, and she didn’t want me to get a bad report that she failed to be obedient to Trish. The twinkle in Trish’s eye told me slut was in for an intense evening.
I caught an Uber to the restaurant; parking is always an issue in that area. Janice was waiting for me at the bar. My cock stood the moment I saw her. Not just the memories, but she was dressed elegantly, but with the intent to show off her curvy, taut body, the auburn hair hung in loose curls to the middle of her back. One of those dresses where everything except her long legs were covered, but nothing was really hidden. Before I let her know I had arrived I texted Trish to give slut an earlier bedtime and to lock slut’s door and turn off the lights in her room when she did.
I stepped up behind Janice, moved her long hair out of the way and kissed her where her shoulder met her neck. I heard a soft moan and I soft, “Don’t you dare stop that.” So I didn’t I kept softly kissing her neighbor and bare should as my hands took a firm grip on her waist.
She finally turned and asked, “Are you trying to get me to skip dinner.”
I kissed her lips and replied, “No, I like it better on a full stomach.”
She kissed me back then asked me, “Your full stomach or mine? Our table is waiting.”
We had a delightful dinner catching up on the past few years, her foot occasionally rubbing against my shin, and she seemed to lick her lips often enough for the desired effect of catching my attention.
We finally got around to talking about slut. She knew that I had kicked slut out and why, so I started with the call from Corrections. She immediately understands my initial rejection of the housing slut, but smiled broadly when I told her about the supplemental conditions that Fred had written for me, and Corrections approved. I filled her in on the improvements in slut’s behavior and attitude and her fear of rapid regression is she was out on her own. That brought us to my current interest if having her be the counselor as I became the halfway house for a paroled slut.
Janice got a serious look and asked, “Do you want to keep her as a halfway house to protect her, or so you can continue to use her?”
I had already asked myself that same question, so I didn’t hesitate too long before simply answering, “Yes.”
She nodded her head, “I understand the dual issues. May I talk to her before saying yes, or no?”
I smiled and responded, “She will be in bed by the time we got to my place, but you can certainly talk to her in the morning.”
I could see the wheels turning as she considered my offer. She finally smiled and said, “I won’t need to talk to her, I will just observe and probably learn what I need to know without us telling her why I am there.”
I settled the bill and called for an Uber. As we walked out, I put my hand on her hip, and she snuggled in closer to me. As we waited just inside the front door for the Uber to arrive, I pulled her in for a kiss, that got such a response the valet tapped me on the supposedr to tell me my Uber was there.
I texted Trish that we were on our way and would be there within five minutes. She met us at the door, long enough to tell me that slut had been very good. I unlocked slut’s door and guided Janice to my room. I unzipped her dress and slid it off her shoulders and down over her hips. That she was wearing nothing underneath was not a surprise, until I found the butt of the vibrating plug in her ass.
While Janice was a great body and a fun fuck, she wasn’t Particularly adventurous in bed. Why finding the vibrating plug in her ass was such a surprise. She helped me strip and we fell onto the bed together, quickly. I explored her familiar body with my lips and tongue, eventually winding up between her legs tasting and exploring her cunt with my tongue. Not sure why she was in such a worry, but rather quickly she grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me up on top of her.
As I started to enter her, I found her incredibly tight. She saw my look of surprise and softly explained, “it has been a while, and you are significantly bigger than my fingers.” I slowly worked my way deeper and deeper into her. The vibrations of the plug in her ass transferred through the thin membrane right into the sensitive bottom of my cock.
As I reached fully into her cunt and started to slowly work in and out, two things I hadn’t remembered about Janice became very obvious. First, I felt her nails scratching and digging into my back as she went on edge. When we dated my back was always marked, but the reward of her sex made it worthwhile. The other thing hadn’t been an issue when we dated was that she is quite vocal, not soft moans, she gets loud, urging me to fuck her harder, proclaiming her excitement and feelings, and a frequent loud, “oh my God.” I had no doubt that her vocalizations would be clearly heard in slut’s room. It wasn’t too long before I heard the door creak as it was cracked open. I had no doubt that slut was peeking in the door, most likely with her fingers buried deep in her cunt.
The audience encouraged me to fuck her even harder and faster, with a corresponding increase in Janice’s vocalizations. Her incredibly tight cunt felt spectacular as it cared my cock, the viruses from her ass added to the sensings. Her vocalizations were music to my ear, even if a bit loud. At least once was she stopped to get her breath; I was sure I heard a moan from behind the door.
Her cunt suddenly grabbed my cock even tighter as she humped up into me cumming hard. Her tight grip on my cock pushed me over the edge and I came equally hard pumping deep inside her. As we both laid there trying to get our breath back, I was sure I heard the click as the room door closed behind me.
We held each other tight, as I eventually softened and slipped from her cunt. She slept in my arms. I rarely recall that at some point during the night she mounted me and slowly rode me, before collapse again into my arms.
The soft warm, wet sucking on my cock slowly woke me up in the morning. Janice wasStill cuddled against me, her head on my shoulder, but slut had worked her way between my legs for her morning duty. I felt her tongue on my balls and my cock as she cleaned Janice and my cum from between my legs. Once clean she got busy working my cock, reminding me that she was there.
As Janice whoke up, we kissed and made out while slut continued her efforts. I finally told Janice that I would do breakfast and give her some time with slut. I moved slut over to Janice’s cunt and headed for the bathroom and the kitchen. Slut did not hesitate to begin cleaning our mess in Janice’s cunt.
As I worked in the kitchen, I heard Janice and slut talking softly, still in my bed. Once I had it ready, I called them and they came out arm in arm, both still naked. I caught a glimpse of slut’s back and butt, Trish had obviously enjoyed herself. Over breakfast the two kept talking. I’m not sure why slut felt so free to tell Janice her story of how she got here, and her fear of what wouldhappen if she was paroled. Until all the pieces fell into place I wasn’t going to raise her hopes.
After breakfast slut headed for the bathroom for her morning routine. I tried for another tryst with Janice, but she became off claiming that I had bruised her too much already. My offer of using the other hole was also decided. She said that she was going to just walk home until I reminded her of the heels that she had Worn here last night, she relented, and I called her an Uber. We parted with a long warm kiss and a promise to not wait so long to get together again.
When slut came out of the bathroom it was obvious that she had paid much more attention to her hair and her makeup. I complimented her on her appearance, which got a smile. The smile quickly faded and she asked, “Sir, may I ask you a question?”
I wasn’t surprised at all by the question, “Yes slut, what is on your mind?”
“What was last night and this morning all about?”
I saw no reason for details so I told her, “One of the ladies I saw after you left and I wanted to get reacquainted.”
Slut though for a moment, “She seemed quite interested in my story.”
I quickly replied, “and you seemed quite interested in her’s.”
Again, slut thought for a moment and asked, “One of the ladies?” I just smiled in response and told her to clean the kitchen and bathroom then go work in the garden. I could tell she wasn’t completely happy with my answers, but it was all I wanted her to know until I had things set up.
Mid-morning I got two messages. The first was from the code authority that inspection was set for 9AM the following Monday. The second was from my contact at Corrections asking If I wanted to book slut’s stay at the temporary facility for Sunday thru Tuesday, or Friday thru Monday to give me a long free weekend. The free weekend sounded great, so I asked him to set it up
About an hour later a certified letter was delivered. It gave the date, time, and location for slut’s probation hearing. She and I were ordered to appear, and it also stated that an attorney representing slut could also appear. The date was on Monday, three weeks out, so hopefully any issues with the building inspectors could be addressed before then. It also means I needed to get busy on the online course for the certification I needed to run a halfway house.
I had just started with the online course When slut came in early from the garden. I rolled my chair back and slut scanpered under my desk and literally attacked my cock. I had to caution her to slow down, we had plenty of time before lunch. As I looked down the eyes seemed to have a pleading look in place of the normal look of adoration.
The online course was simple. Much of it was common sense and a large part was redundant with the course I had already taken. I reached the halfway point, a good place to break shortly before our normal lunch time. I nodded down to slut and she quickly brought me toorgasm, showing me her mouthful of cum, swallowing when ordered to.
I pulled her up into my lap, she cuddled tight against me. I showed her the legal order for her probation hearing, but quickly filled her in on what I was doing to keep her in my halfway house, the scheduled inspection, Fred’s job offer, and my attempt to get Janice as her counselor. She had the audacity to ask if Janice was going to be here for her or me. I turned her over in my lap and paddled her butt, before sending her to fix lunch. At lunch I filled her in on her visit to the temporary facility for the upcoming weekend for her annual physical. She was most upset about both the upcoming hearing and her stay at the temporary facility.