Workhouse to Bathhouse – Part 6 – slave girl sara
(My Fantasy Fiction)
Looks like Louise was going to watch James lose his virginity as well as his parents, it must be what posh people do she thought.
Louise had lost hers in the same baths a year or so ago with a young man who bathed them. Louise compared her brother`s cock to the bathhouse boy and looked forward to being alone with James, he was much thicker and longer.
Until then she had to submit to her dad fucking her most days and her regular beats.
sara helped James out of the bath and gave him a quick towel dry, she noticed that the timer did not have huge amount of time left even though they had booked a family bath session.
She bent over, legs a half stride apart, she reached back for his cock, and threaded him into her pre glossed pussy.
He grabbed her tits and pulled them back hard as he fucked her, in a minute or 2 he had cum over her bottom.
She wet the flannel and wired him down and then herself.
As Louise climbed out of the bath she got 10 sharp spanks for dawdling as Sir knew he would be charged extra for the extra time.
They were all dressed, even sara in her toga, and back to reception.
Mr. Jones was on reception and sara gave him the coins she had been given, she was not sure of what else to do, he gave them back and said his office at 7.15pm and they would discuss the money then.
After the day`s work sara emptied the bath in her cubicle and gave it a good clean out and was only a tad late for Mr. Jones.
sara tweaked her nipple to maximum stiffness making the corresponding wetness between her legs glow, knocked and Mr. Jones opened the door and commented as though she had just made it in time, what did she think?
She replied she thought she was a tad late as the bath tub took extra cleaning.
He brought her in the office and allowed her to sit down.
Firstly he wanted to discuss the 4 pence the Sirhad given her and assured her it was hers to keep, would she like him to look after it for her, she nodded.
Then onto her lateness and what did her parents do if she was late.
She explained she only had a mom and if there was a doubt if she was actually in trouble or not, an over her knee spanking solved the doubt.
Mr. Jones asked was she usually spanked, she replied only most days Sir, it all that kept her warm in some weathers.
He was beaten her to his chair, removed her toga and flicked her still stiff nipples.
He gave a her a choice, hand, strap or cane, she asked for the hand as it was more lovingly given when over a knee.
She was spanked to light tears and lowered between his knees for her thank you.
He had decided a wank and suck would suffice at that time and she was quickly on her way down for her supper.
She felt so saved it was not a hard spanking, strapping or god forbid a caning.
Miss Wade was in the room, so it lookedlike some poor sole was for a strapping, she was stunned, as she heard, last one down over the spanking horse, yes you workhouse girl, it was her.
sara`s face must have blushed the same colour her bottom would soon be.
She stripped and was asked any excuse, she shook her head no.
Once over the horse Miss Wade commented on how she had already been spanked so maybe a strapping was not the solution, she sent a girl for her cane.
It was swift, painful and over very quickly, just 6 stripes but laid on in a professional manner.
Miss Wade said she would make an example of the naughty workhouse girl and the top 4 male commission earners of last month, John, William, David and Albert could avail themselves of her naked body after supper.
Supper was soon over and the room cleared, apart from the four young men and of course, Miss. Wade.
She soon had a cock in her mouth, one in her pussy and one in each hand and show how to wank them by Miss Wade.
When Miss Wade said swap they went in a clockwise direction and the cock wanked in her left hand was soon in her mouth.
They began to drop out as they cum until Albert was the only one left, he could choose his cumming spot.
She felt her bubble hole being opened as he fingered her with her own wetness until pushing his cock deep inside.
She thought she would be split in half, the force, the pain, the……..
She was soon moving to his rhythm as he cum over her striped bum, and then left the room.
Miss Wade got a clothes and wiped all around sara`s pussy and bottom. Then another cool wipe over her glowing stripes.
She began to lick, each and every stripe, right to the last one.
Miss opened her bottom cheeses and licked around her bumpy hole and down to her pussy.
It was Still a young ladies slit, 2 perfectly formed lips, no dangly bits as observations.
Miss spread her lips with one hand and fingered her with the other, sara`s response was almost immediately as she moaned and compromised over the horse. Miss wasted no time in sucking out her juices and pushing her fingers and tongue ever deeper for even more response.
Miss finally stopped and undid the single wait strap holding sara in place.
sara was sat on her knee, she undid her blouse and hooked sara onto a nipple to sooth her.
As she guzzled Miss played with everything in front of her and brought her to another cum whilst being fingered on her knee.
sara was given a drink and some supper and ate as she gazed at the full breasted Miss, especially the nipple she had suckled, now the size of her thumb.
Miss Wade said she would look after her that evening in her room and has she ever been fucked by a woman before.
sara was surprised, how could she be fucked by a woman, she shook her head, no.
Miss wanted sara to lead the way up the staircases for a better view of her bottom and pussy as she stepped every step.
sara stood by the door waiting for Miss Wade to unlock it and be ushered in.
sara put her hand up, she needed a pee.
It was no problem, Miss got out a glass bowl and helped sara onto her table, squat and pee as Miss watched.
Miss dried sara with her hand.
sara was told to undress Miss Wade.
She tried to make it a slow and sensitive as she could, just how she dreamed her lover would do to her.
Once naked Miss scooped her up and lay her on her bed…..
Miss rang the shower bell in the morning and sara joined the queue, another day and another task.
This week she was on laundry duty. She found it hard but rewarding and often thought of how hard it was for her mom and the others back at the workhouse to do the laundry, day in day out.
At soup time, the 10 minutes they got to sit and have a cup of soup and a piece of bread, sara got a message, it was from Mr. Jones, he wanted to see her after supper that night.
She assumed she was due a spankingand extras, it was an occupational hazard for young and old girls alike.
sara tweaked her nipples and knocked on the office door of Mr. Jones, he opened it and brought her in.
She asked should she undress, he nodded.
He examined her nipples and said he had seen her when he was passing and saw how well she was doing keeping them stiff, even clients had commented.
As he spoke he played with her small breasts and nipples and she opened her legs so he could finger and pat her smooth lips.
He explained a client was interested in taking her for a month and perhaps long term, what were her views.
She replied she was more than happy where she was but would take his opinion and advice and if it did not work out could she come back home, to the bathhouse?
He assured her she could, she agreed and he said she would be leaving in the morning and to report to him at 8 where she could choose a new dress.
The next 12 hours or so seemed like an age especialy as she could not tell anyone, not even her best friend, Noah.
She left her togas all neatly folded on her bed and walked down the staircase, naked, tweaking her nipples on every step.
She knocked and waited for Mr. Jones to answer and allow her in.
It was inspection time, she was stood up tall, bent over frontward, then back over backwards and finally knelt to take Sirs cock in her mouth.
Sir had a selection of pretty dresses for her to choose from.
She asked if he would select, he chose a lovely beige and mint green, formal dress, she looked and felt wonderful in it.
Her carriage arrived at 9.00am and a footman was waiting at the lower rear entrance for her and took her to the closed in carriage.
He got in with her, tapped the roof and the coach driver set off.
He Finally spoke saying it would be about an hour and they would stop to water the horse half way.
He told her she had to have a bright red bottom and turned her overhis knee and with a riding crop and gave her the hiding second only to a harsh punishment.
She was told he would fuck her in all her holes and when the horse drank, the coach driver would also fuck her, he finished with any questions?
So hard to answer with a mouth and throat full of cock, but her mind could only imagine the journey she was about to begin.
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