Well would be a good place to start. I own my own company and it makes a bit of money enough for me to get by and more which matters a lot all so I get to talk to clients, the very reason I left my employer because it was all push 1 for this, push 2 for that, I’m sure you have all wanted to actually just talk to someone. Well this is my fantasy office story it’s all made up but I have tried to keep a bit of reality to it for the story to make sense.
It was a big decision to branch out on my own, would I be able to do it, or better still how would I do it? I had all the contacts I needed, I promised them that if I need them I would call and that is all I could agree to.
I deal in what people want basically, if you want the inside of your house completely pink, or your living room like the Starship Enterprise, I can arrange that – at a price. I also deal in unusual requests. Your cellar to be a BDSM dungeon, or you would like a slave for a day, or an escort for an eveningengagement, you want it – I arrange it at a price. The second part is the bit that I found myself being asked for by my clients when I worked for someone else. Now it was my turn.
My Office was in a building, I had tried from home but my emails and my contact list were getting longer, and I knew I had to split my life up a bit. It was a small office with enough space for 3 small desks for Computers and a table for the coffee machine. At this time there is just me, but I needed a secretary to help, they could not be narrow minded and they had to be able to work hard when required also they had to be good to look at, there had to be a perk. Looking at my requirements I decided to go the full hog and advertisement for a secretary/whore. I placed an advertisement online on a web site that I had found whilst looking for what I wanted. I made them aware of the requirements so they knew what to expect during the working day. It cost me £200 for the advertisement, money well spent I hoped.
I would lis what my requirements here but I think it would cover most if I said to be a whore when required during the working day as well as carrying out office secretarial work as well.
I work 16hr days arranging things for clients, this means they emailed me their requirements, I designed and sent it to them for approval and then I put a contract out to my contacts and put the two together, sometimes I need to redesign others it was fine but it still took a lot of time.
After a month I finally had a replies from the advertisement, the company sent me two CV’s to look at and a full length photo of the applicants. The office part of them looked as if they could carry out the normal work – process emails using a word program, spreadsheets and general phone requirements as they would have to contact clients or respond to calls. Then came the other part. Both women were 28yrs old, one of them was quite open and said she was a swinger who had sex on a regular basis and enjoyed being naked and had an open mind concerning anything to do with sex and had affairs with both sexes and was called Tina. The other was more or less same except she was married to someone, but having affairs as her husband worked a way during the week which is why she had affairs, her name was Angela.
Angela it was.
The deal with the advertising agency was it was a two week trial for both of us, for me to make sure that Angela could do all the work specified and for Angela to see if she enjoyed working for me. At the end of the two weeks we each would fill in a questionnaire.
As the office is in a secure building and other companies rent other offices we all have pass keys for our office only and there is someone on reception from 6am to 10pm and you can only access the office between those times as secure cleaners clean, so you left nothing out on desks.
I arranged to sign in Angela the following week.
Angela arrived at 8.00 I showed her were the facilities were and how the coffee machine worked, we sat down and spoke for a bit before I felt work was getting in my head and I just wanted to get on with it after the weekend as I knew that there were a lot of emails and the phone company had said on email that there were 20 phone messages for me. Angela showed me one last thing, that was her CV again and this time a naked photo of herself that could have been taken yesterday for all I knew. I tried to act normal but I think the bulge in my trousers gave it away, and I just said “I’d like to see it for real.”
She smiled, stood up and removed her clothes, I just watched, her figure was really nice, her tits were a nice size her slim wait and her fanny had a small landing strip on it. I smiled reached out and played with her tits for a while before moving my fingers to her fanny and pushing them in, she took them in and I could feel my fingers being squeezed by her fanny muscles, I withdraw them and gave them to her to suck.
I told her “For the rest of the day she should remain topless and when at her desks her tits should be resting on the top of her desk at all times.” I showed her the programs I used for the design and the excel spreadsheet I stored all my suppliers on.
Then we started on the emails, I sat with her for a while whilst she read a few, just so she could see what my clients wanted, I reached across and played with her nipples, pinching them a bit at the same time, she smiled and we carried on.
We were able to do one or two easy ones were I was able to use previous designs of living room with a bit of fine tuning for another client which I still charged my normal fee for.
Then we came across one that would see how open minded she was. It was from a pub that held regular parties that usually ended up as sex parties or they had a dungeon/cellar for more fetish parties about 30 miles away.
They wanted a turning stage, that had attachments on it so it could be turned by people chained toit, also had to have peg like things that could go in different holes depending on requirements. They were not that concerned about what it was made off but it had to be water proof so it could be cleaned. Without realizing I went into work mode and started to design in my head what it would look like.
Angela just got between my legs undid my trousers and sucked my cock, it was good as well for some reason I was able to last a bit longer as my mind was somewhere else, before shooting a load down her mouth. I even said “thank you.” I do not know why.
I went to my computer and started my design program an hour later I had what I though should meet the requirements and asked Angela to email it to the pub for them to check I also asked her to email the design to 3 companies who would be able to make it and deliver it discreetly for a price. As an induction to my work I thought Angela had done well, there had been no hesitation in what was said or what was done.
Angela wasplaying with her nipples when that job was done and I thought, why not. I told her to get up on the desk so I could see her fanny and spread her legs as well. I walked straight in pushing my cock up her and started to pump back and forth, she joined in and I grabbed and played with her tits, pinched & sucked on her nipples till I shot my load up her. I knew I had not made her cum but I still had this afternoon to go and a lot of work to do as well.
When we returned from lunch and more chit chat I noticed that the first thing Angela did was remove the clothes on her top and put her tits on the desk, which I decided was a good rule and told her so.
“I like my tits being out and I thought it was a rule.” Angela replied.
“If they are not on the desk you will be punished then?” I said
“Agreed” said Angela.
The rest of the day we focused on the work although I walked over several times to play with her tits and when Angela got up to get a coffee, she came backto her desk and put her tits on the desk. When she left the office to use the facilities she put her bra and jumper on came back took them off and carried out the same procedure. The emails came in and a few calls were received with requests that would need to be looked at, I gave myself a 24hr turn around but tried to get them done sooner as I did not want to lose the customer.
It was nearly her finishing time and she asked “was there anything I wanted her to do?”
“Yes, remove all your clothes as I want a repeat performance of this morning.”
“On the desk or on your chair?” was her only reply.
“My chair” I replied.
She removed the rest of her clothes and straddled my cock and rode me, her fanny was squeezing my cock, her tits were bouncing in my face and I played with one while sucking the other till I came again, I put my finger between us and played with her clip and she did cum, but I’ve a feeling it’s me on trial here as well. When we both calmed downshe got off and walked around the office for a while naked.
My last comment to her was “If she ever wanted to play with herself she should bring in a vibrator or whatever she used, but only when we were not too busy as I had to be able to watch and work, and I did not want either of us to make mistakes with orders.”
“Ok see you tomorrow” and she was gone.
I still had work to do, I also had to contact my accountant and give him Angela’s details to make sure that she got paid. I was now more concerned about the way I worked and kept working till 7pm to make sure that the company could now pay 2 peoples wages.
I had a request for a female escort for a date on Fri, that was easy to pass on to my contact in that area and after a call to both parties it was arranged and I got introduction fee from the agency and a promise of more if I had requests like that.
A request for a wedding party firework display on a lake in 3 months that was going to be a surprise forthe guests and I was told that the only person I should deal with was the best man, so I put his name on my data base with a password that we both agreed to in case anyone tried to find out information, sent an email to a company that dealt with that asked if they could do it. A few more emails and I was done.
As my work is mental more that physical I had enrolled at a gym for 6 months so I did a bit of running and cross training before stepping in the sauna for a bit, then went home feeling tired but knowing tomorrow was going to be a good day.
Angela arrived the next day in a very attractive dress, blouse and jacket and as arranged, removed her top put her tits on the table and started the computer. Then she got up and asked “Did I want a coffee?”
“No thanks I’ve just had one” I replied
She carried on when back to her desk put her tits on the top of the desk and opened up the email account we had. Angela started to ask about previous designs so I sent her my file of designs so she could look at them, there was over 200 most of them I had designed in my spare time, they were a bit rough around the edges but worked well as a base to start from for my then ideal job which now was a real. Some were normal type stuff some were more adult in design and she did ask about them openly without embarrassment.
One of the ones she asked about was for a young couple were the wife was submissive and most of the time the wife was treated like a slave, the wife had been put in stocks so her head and hands were held firm and her husband had free reign over her body when she had misbehaved. The stocks could be raised or lowered for arms or legs. For practical reason I asked if he could send me photo’s to see if I could see if any improvement could be had. The next day I had several photos’ of the wife in the stock in different positions. In one he had put his wife’s left arm and left leg in so she was stood on one leg and the photos showed her tits wereclamps had been added and her fanny was wide open. I smiled and we moved on to the next one. I could see the effect this had on Angela as her breathing had increased and her nipples were hard to the touch as I played with then.
“Put them on slide show stand up and lean over so your tits are hanging free and you are facing the screen.”
Angela stand up and I undid her skirt and pulled her knickers down, I slapped the inside of her tights to get her to open her legs. Angela was now naked and looking at another couple carrying out various activities in still form while I pushed my cock up her from behind and grabbing her tits as they swung back and for.
Her head went down and I told her to “look at the screen or face some punishment” her head came straight back up and I could feel the pressure as her fanny muscles gripped my cock before I shot my cum into her. I kept going while the still photos were being rolled through, grabbing her tits and squeezing her nipples I asked her “If she liked her tits being squeezed?”
All I got was a “Yes” so I carried on for a bit just squeezed and pinching her nipples.
Then I got a “Yees” as she had cum.
“Perhaps we could look at some more like that next time” she said as she put her knickers and skirt on, but still her tits were out that was the rule. We looked at a few more just so she could see What some of my clients requested.
That was the first week basically, Angela would come in looking very smart take her clothes of her top or pull her dress down put her tits on the desk and carry on with work I would walk over and give them daily inspections telling her to hold them up by the nipple so I could see the underside or I would pinch and pull them before letting them go down on the desk with a small thud. In the Afternoon before she went home I would tell her that I wanted to inspect her, Angela would get up remove her clothes completely and stand with her legs apart.
I would walk around her spreading her ass cheats telling her to bend over so I could see everything then telling her to stand up, push my fingers inside and moving them back and forth before telling her to sit on my cock so I could fuck her. All this with a smile on her face. Then she would go home.
I still was not sure who was getting the better deal here, me for having a woman I could fuck during the day or Angela for having someone to fuck her Without her looking for someone in case she was caught cheating on her husband, I did not care that much as long as we could keep doing it.
On this Monday afternoon we had a building meeting this is something that happens on a monthly basis and the owners check that we all have our passes and ones that are missing are requested from the person who had left, they make us aware of any building work that will happen in the next month or if there are new cleaners general stuff really.
On the Monday morning I told Angela that I had this meetingand that if there were any requests that she could not deal with whether they came in by phone or email then tell the person that I would be available after 2pm. We carried on as normal her tits on the desk, I was now enjoying my work more and I think I was getting more done as well as with Angela’s help we were able to clear the weekend emails down to 40 by lunch time.
As I left for the meeting I said to Angela “If you want to play with yourself for a while feel free but you must tell me how many times you were able to cum when I get back ok.”
“Ok” she replied.
I eventually got back from this meeting at 2.30pm and the first thing I noticed was that Angela’s tits were not on the desk, I smiled to myself.
“I was able to cum twice while you were not here” Angela said as if she was asking did I want a coffee.
“What else?” I asked
“Nothing, I was able to answer a few emails from the designs you showed me, we have had a request from a girl who wants to have a party with a few friends and some sex toys that I still have to look into, but apart from that it’s been fine”.
“So why are your tits not on the desk?”
She looked down and said “I was doing so well, I guess I will have to be punished now”
“Put them on the desk for now and I will look into punishing tits on the web.”
Angela lifted them up and put them on the desk with a sight, I walked over squeezed her tits pinched her nipples before going to my computer and searching the web for the punishment I was going to give her.
The web seemed to have lots of video’s concerning punishment Angela but they were all in a cellar or dungeon, I was in an office. I went through my drawers looking for things. I found a ruler two large clips, a dice and a small ball of string, I had no idea how they got there but I was adapting to my environment. I then thought for a bit and came up with a game plan of sorts
Angela had two tits so each tit would be punished, two ass cheats so they could be punished as well.
I wrote three forms of punishment down — the dice – I would have to divide by 2
For how long- the dice
Then I wrote down the list of things I had
1.A spanking on Angela’s tits and ass cheeses — with the ruler
2.The clips on Angela’s nipples while I spanked her ass — ruler & clips
3.With the string I would put her nipples in string loops and then tightly pull them out before spanking her tits underside.
Angela would have to count each spank and say sorry for not having her tits on the table when I came back.
I explained the rules to Angela and showed her the paper it was written on her face showed a bit of fear but we carried on.
“Roll the dice” I told her
Angela rolled the dice along the desk, it rolled and came to a stop at 4. Divide that by 2 and you have your answer, simple really.
Angela hung her head down “what position did I want herin?”
“Roll the dice again for how long”
Angela rolled the dice, this time a six, dividend by 2 and you have your answer. Angela had a slight face of panic but accepted the result.
“First I have to put the clips on your nipples so let’s make them hard shall I so I bent down sucked and bit her nipples till they were hard, I grabbed the clip. Angela started to breathe hard, I place the clip over her nipple and let go, Angela took a intake of breathe and tried not to scream by closing her mouth and stepping from side to side which just made her tits swing which caused her nipples to swing causing more pain.
I grabbed the other clip, made her stand still and did the same again, now she just stood still knowing that the slightest movement her tits would swing and it would be more painful.
I led her over to the desk, told her to put her hands on the edge so her tits hung down, spread her legs a bit and bought the ruler down on her left ass cheek, this caused her to move forward and so her tits to swing which caused more pain.
Then I heard “One, sorry for my tits not being on the table when you returned”
Right ass cheese
“Two, sorry for my tits not being on the table when you returned”
Left ass cheese
“Three, sorry for my tits not being on the table when you returned”
Right ass cheese
“Four, sorry for my tits not being on the table when you returned”
This went on for the full 3 mins, Angela’s ass was a red colour, and there was tears in her eyes.
“Standup” I told her
She stood up the clips still on her tits, tears in her eyes.
“I’m going to remove the clips and it’s going to hurt, I will suck on each nipple as I do make no attempt to move or make a noise or we will be back to the beginning, do you understand?”
Angela just nodded her head,
I removed the first clip and Angela took a sharp intake of breath as I sucked on her large nipple, and she came hard, this is new I thought. I did the same on the second nipple with the same reaction, better I thought.
Angela fell back into her seat, but put her tits on the desk straight way, she did not want a repeat just yet.
I walked straight over pulled her up by her sore nipples till she was sat on the desk and pushed my cock straight up her, had my hand not been over her mouth muffling the sound I think it may have alerted someone in the other offices.
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