My Dream Job

I’d been working at dKteck for 5 years. First hired as a web designer, I’d worked my way up the ladder until I was appointed the IT director. It’s a wonderful job: intelligent challenging, plenty of perks, plenty of power, plenty of cash. Even so, there was one job I truly lost after. Though it means significantly less money and significantly more hours (and much less free time) the job I thought was personal assistant to the CEO, Ms. Kathryn Ryder.

Truth be told, she was the reason I applied to dKteck in the first place. Though her face and her exploits in the tech world graced the covers of all the business magazines and tech websites, it was her other person that appealed to me: Domina Kathryn. She was a beautiful and intelligent woman in her 50s who had the brains and experience to get what she wanted, when she wanted it, and without having to deal with any BS. In the truest sense, Kathryn could best be described as She who must be obeyed.

Three months ago DominaKathryn announced that her current Personal Assistance (PA) would be leaving. As fast as my legs would carry me, I rushed into Her office, fell to my knees, and begged Her to consider me as Her PA.

“You do realize that you’d have to take a 75% pay cut, drastically increase your work load, and do many things that most people would find vile, disgusting, and humiliating?”

“Yes I do Domina Kathryn.”

“Hmmm, I’m not sure you do but I’m willing to consider you.”

“Thank you Domina Kathryn.”

“Don’t thank me just yet. Here are few things you must consider. First, I don’t accept disobedience at all. The first time you disobey, you will be dismissed. That is the price of failure.

“Second, starting today, you must wear a cb6000 at all times. Your cock and balls must be locked away and only I, as your owner, will have the keys. If you ever even hint that you desire release, you will be severely punished and then dismissed.

“The interview process will take place over the next three months. Until then, you will do your job, wear your chatity device, suffer in silence and consider yourself on probation. Unless it is for a strictly business reason, you are not to talk to me or pester me in any way. You should use this time to reflect on the fact that you will never again experience an orgasm. From this point forward, you should be strictly focused on serving me and pleasure me. If I decided not to hire you as my new PA, you will not only lose out on that opportunity but you will no longer serve as this company’s IT director.

“Is that understand?”

“Yes Domina Kathryn.”

“Well then, disrobe, place your clothes in the corner, and then come stand before me.”

While I compiled with what I hoped would be the first of many orders, She called for Her current PA. He arrived carrying a new cb6000 and a bucket of ice. And he left the office door open.

I now stood naked before Domina Kathryn and She began to fondle my cock and balls. As She did so, my (or more correctly, Her) cock began to harden.

Speaking to Her PA and I, and loudly enough for the entire office to hear, She said,

“You have a penis so I know you are a male. But just as every penis is not a cock, not every male is a man. You are not a man, you are nothing but a whore. Perhaps you can aspire to be a toilet, or a cum slurping cock sucker, Maybe even a slave. But until then, you are nothing but a whore.”

This lovely Goddess then soaked Her cock in ice, causing it to lose its hardness and shrivel to an almost microscopic size before She then locked me into the cb6000.

“Now crawl back to your desk and get back to work. You will know it is time to leave when my PA returns your clothes to you. After that, you will suffer in silence for days, weeks, or months until I deem you worthy of an interview and possible training as my new PA.”

With that Domina Kathryn spat upon my face and dismissed me. Wearing nothing but Hersaliva on my face and a cb6000 on Her cock, I crawled back to my desk but not before being exposed to everyone in the office. As I sat at my desk, I reflected upon my good fortune and couldn’t help smiling. I was one step closer to my dream job.


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