the following is part of a recurring dream I had over a several weeks period of time. After dreaming the same thing more than twice I began writing down what I remembered in the mornings when I awoke. This is only a first part of the dream. If I get enough positive response for the rest of the dream, I will post them simultaneously. So please feel free to give me your honest opinion
Jumping out of the shower, I grabbed a towel and ran to grab the phone.
“Hello” I said breathlessly, water dripping from my hair
“Heyyy you. Wanna go look at swimsuits, maybe see a movie this afternoon?” my friend Kesi chirped into the phone.
“Sure, can I dry off and get dressed first” I laughed, thinking how wet and silly I must look standing in a puddle of water dripping from my body.
“You aren’t dressed? Mmmmmmm, now why is that?”
“Because I was in the shower when you called. I jumped out to answer your ring.”
“So you’re standing there naked talking to me?” Kesi purred in a demure voice.
“Yes, looking like a wet puppy, I’m sure” I said, again laughing at the thought
“more like a wet pussy………cat, I mean”purring still with that southern twang I love to hear
“hahaha, I know what’s on your mind, Ms Smith,” easily shifting gears.
At this point, I should explain Kesi and I are both working women, both married and we both have kids. We have known each other for over 4 years and have a lot in common, so we hit it off from the first time we met. Somewhere along the way our friend went a bit deeper and we realized that we were sexually attracted to each other, which surprised us both since neither one of us had ever really been attracted to another woman. Being very unsure we didn’t rush into anything, but moved Easily from being just friends to being lovers. To the world she is my best friend and only that. When we are alone and time permits we are the best of lovers.
“I’m sure you do……like it’s everfar from your’s.” she purred into my ear. “Listen,” sounding serious, “were you serious the other night when you said if I needed you to, you would do ‘anything’ for me, anytime anywhere?” “Sure,” my mind wandering exactly where she was going with this.
“Hmmmm, okay then.” she said, her tone closing the subject and moving on. “What time should I pick you up?”
“Wait. You can’t ask me a question like that and then not tell me ‘why’?” I replied anxiously wanting to know the answer.
“I’m curious, is all” was her reply.
“About what, though?” I asked.
“Whether you mean it or not. I’ve never had someone tell me that, is all.”she said laughingly.
“What are friends for, if not to help a friend in need?” I said, matter-of-factly.
“Yes, but anything, anytime, anywhere? That’s a good friend, a very close friend”
“Well, I consider you my very best and very closest friend” I said. “And I’m here if you need me.”
“I’ll have to give it a test someime,” Kesi said.
“You do that,” I said, so sure of myself, “and if I fail we’ll have to work out my punishment.” referring to a private joke of her giving me the wet noodle treatment, an old Ann Landersism.
“Punishment, hell….. well, maybe I can make it punishment for you and very pleasant for me” purring again, letting my mind wonder a thousand places.
“I’ll be there to pick you up about 10 o’clock. Wear one of your skirts and your sleepless summer sweater that buttons up the front, it’s hot outside today” the click in my ear told me she was gone. It also left me to wonder what the hell that last statement was all about. Kesi never told me what to wear and I never told her what to wear.
“Hmmmm, strange” wrapped in a towel I opened the back door to see what the weather was like. Right away I was struck by how humid it was this early in the morning. “Guess she was right” I thought to myself. “It’s going to be hot and the humidity is already terrible” thinking nothing else of it I went back inside and headed back to finish my shower.
At five minutes of 10 o’clock, Kesi knocked on my front door.
“Heyyyyyy you,” I said as I opened up the door to my friend.
“Ya’ ready?”came the family southern twang. Stepping inside, she scanned my outfit. I did a mock periode to show her I had taken her advice. I was dressed in a short denim skirt that buttoned up the front, a sleepless sweater and sandals.
“Does the lady approve?” standing primly, cursying as I felt a French maid might.
“I like that subservient tone. Keep it and you’ll go far with me.” smiling seductively “And yes, your ‘lady’ does approve that you wore what she told you to wear.” Kesi exclaimed in a most superior tone.
Giggling at how easily she fell into the role of pretend Mistress, I grabbed my pursuit and headed for the door. “I’m ready if you are.”
“I’m very ready” Kesi said, right behind me.
In the car, Kesi drove us to the mall wher we would have a variety of shops to choose from to look for swimsuits. In the mall we both decided to try one of the bigger department stores first and headed that way. Seeing a couple I liked immediately, I began looking for my size. I am a larger woman and feel I carry my weight well for the most part, but at 5’10” 200+lbs, and am what has come to be known as a BBW(big beautiful woman). Finding sexy swimsuits in my size isn’t always easy. But today I was in luck. I found two styles that I really liked and pulled them off the rack. I walked over to Kesi to see if she’d found anything to her liking.
“No. I don’t see anything that I really like. I’ll just tag along with you while you try your’s on, if it’s OK” she said, searching the racks a few seconds more before giving up.
“Of course it’s okay” I said without a thought and headed to the fitting rooms.
The store’s fitting rooms were fairly large with doors that close and lock, with no ceiling. Glancing inside Isaw a place for Kesi to sit and motioned her in. I closed the door and locked it and began to undress completely. I grabbed a couple of the long thin brown hygienic tissues from the box on the wall and pulled the bottom of the suit on, holding the tissues in place between my legs. Looking in the mirror, Kesi was laughing silently. “Scared you are going to catch something?”
“The only things getting into this pussy are the things I want in it. I’m just being careful” nodding my head once like the lead character in a ‘Laurel and Hardy’ skit.
I pulled the top on and looked in the mirror. “Well, it looked good on the rack” I said, looking doubtful of my judgment now that I had it on.
“Try the other one on, then I’ll tell you which one you need to buy”
“Tell me, huh?”laughing, “You are in control today, eh? You forget to tell me.”
“I’m always in control. I just let you think it’s 50/50.” she said smiling, her eyes twinkling as she said it. “Try on the black one. I bet it looks good on you.”
“Yes, Ma’am” I piped up with as much smart-ass as I could muster.
As I took off the offending suit’s bottom my back was to Kesi. I bet over, pulling the bottoms down slowly around my ankles, teasingly baring my ass to her. “Careful, I just might take you up on that offer and use it” she said, eyes twinkling mischievously.
“Oh, please, would you?” I mockingly begged and stood up walking over to get the black swim suit. Trying on the black swim suit, I liked what I saw in the mirror more than I did with the first suit. Turning around so I could see my backside, a major point of focus when choosing a suit, I was facing Kesi.
“That “V” at the top comparisons your bustline, as if you needed to draw any attention attention to them.”
“What about my butt? How does it look?” turning around so she see what it looked like in the suit, but still trying to look myself over my shoulder.
“Stand up straight” Kesi demanded, laughing at me. “I can’t tell anything with you twisted up like that!”
Feeling almost like a little girl, I dropped my hands down beside me and stood while she analyzed my ass in this swimsuit and how it looked.
“Well?!” I asked.
“Back up just a bit” taking a small step back, so close to Kesi I imagined I felt her breath on my thigh. I felt her run a finger underneath my suit leg, from my hip down to the curve of my ass, following the material. “Looks almost edible from this angle.” Looking down at her, I felt fingerprints slip into the other leg of my suit, followed by the warm palm of her hand. I couldn’t help moaning quietly….keeping in mind that the fitting rooms had no ceiling, so sound would carry.
“Did you really mean it when you said you would do anything for me, anytime, anywhere?” She asked for the second time today just out of the blue.
“Yes, Kesi, I’ve told you that already”enjoying her touch, “why are you asking me that now?”
“Because the statemptation has stuck in my mind since you said it…… and I want to see if you mean it,” she explained as her hands continued to roam inside my swimsuit bottom.
“How can I prove something like that to you” I whispered, trying not to moan
The look on her face told me she knew exactly how I could do it.
“By doing as I ask of you for the rest of the afternoon, without questioning it.”Kesi said, smiling like the cat that ate the canary. The realization hit me now that I had painted myself into a corner in this, with her guidance, of course.
“Huh?” I said, taking what I thought to be a step forward to stand up. One of Kesi’s hands gripped my ass cheek, while the other hand held onto the suit, keeping me where she wanted me. “Doing what that you ask of me?”
“Anything, everything, anytime, any place…… isn’t that what you said? You did mean it, right?”
“Yessss, I mean it. But that was if you needed me for something.”
“Then I’m taking you at your word.I ‘need’ you to do this. Now stay where you are and take off the swimsuit bottom for me.” I began to work the swimsuit down over my hips and let it drop to the floor. “Now spread your legs and bend over and down.”
I now feel very self conscious knowing what view of myself I was presenting to her. I was totally open and vulnerable to her as I reached silently towards the floor.
“There’s a good girl.” I felt Kesi’s hands caresing my ass and her breath on my left cheek. A moment later I almost sensed rather than felt the feather touch of the tip of her tongue teasing my slit. Her hands caresed up the back of my thighs, over my cheeks, then spread my outer lips open. A finger gingerly dipped into my slit, now blooming open under her touch, then spread the increasing wetness there over my clip. Dipping her finger back into my open blowsom, she surprised me by moving her finger up and spreading my juice thickly over my nether passage. The surprise of having my anal passage teased and lubed gave me a start, but as I began to move forward Kesi firmly said, “Stay”. The tone in her voice gently commanding me, so I did.
Her finger resumed it’s labors, completely wet again from another ‘dip’.
Slowly Kesi pressed her finger into my now very relaxed anus. “Yes,” I heard her whisper, “open up for me, baby.” as she pushed one finger into me, and I did just that. Bending over, completely naked, my body was issuing its own ‘open invitation’ to first one finger, then another slowly pushing the second finger in and then a third until it was buried deep along side the first and second ones. Holding her fingers there a moment, she began to twist them inside me, moving them in and out of me. Opening my mouth to question where she was going with this, she shushed me.
“Ssshhhhh, no questions, you promised”as she said this she pulled her fingers out of me, but they were quickly replaced with something not as warm and not as soft as her fingers…I winced andsucked in my breath as I felt my ass being spread wide open as the object was pressed into me, then a sense of relief as my anal ring closed around what seemed to be the base of this intruder.
Something was left outside though, that rested, not uncomfortable, between my cheeks and something that felt like a thin string rested against the length of my slit. Kesi’s hand moved down and spread wide my outer pussy lips, exposing my clip, though not large, fully aroused. I felt the cold ‘string’ move a little, then felt my clip being pinched between her fingers very hard. The feeling of something being clipped to my clip shot through my body. Kesi held me in place, otherwise I would have bolted with the first pinch.
“What the hell was that?”came out of my mouth without a second thought.
“A little Gift I’ve wanted to give you for a while. Hold still”
After the initial shock had worn off, the pinching feeling became less and less uncomfortable. Kesi’s fingers worked behind me, then she told me I could stand up and finish changing.
As I was putting the swimsuit back on the rack, my curiosity got the best of me, “What is this ‘gift’ you’ve wanted to give me for a while?”
“Ever since you told me you were there for me, that you’d do anything I needed, anytime, anywhere….. I’ve had this image I can’t get out of my mind.” she volunteered.
“What image is that?” grabbing my skirt and buttoning the buttons as I spoke.
“Of you being my, um, well, doing what I tell you, for a day. Doing things to you and making you do things you might not usually do in places where you wouldn’t usually do them.”
“What?………really, like your submissive for a day?”I replied, astonished but intrigued at the idea of Kesi wanting to dominate me, even for a day. I had to admit the thought was very erotic.
“Yes, really. And knowing how you like that ‘edge’ of pleasure/pain, I knew a butt plug and a clip clip would be just what the doctor ordered.I wanted to make you take both, without knowing what I was doing to you. “
Smiling , I said, “So ‘anything’ means I must do whatever you say to prove I mean it? It’s not going to be this easy, though is it, Ma’am?”
A grin that lit up her face at my calling her Ma’am. She understands it was okay to keep going with this, and she did just that.
I reached down to get my bra and found only my top. Realizing my bra and panties were missing, I asked Kesi where they were. She picked up my sleepless sweater and handed it to me, “You’ll go without them for the rest of our afternoon together.”
My mind went into overdrive. I am a 40D, so the idea of leaving the fitting room braless in just a thin sleepless sweater with my nipples shining brightly, wearing a short skirt Without panties wasn’t something I would ever do. I was rethinking the whole deal now and Kesi must have known it, by the look on my face.
“Here, put on your top and let’s go get lunch.”she said in atone that didn’t leave room for question, as she reached for the door knob. Quickly I slip my top on as she opened the door and walked out. I followed, very conscious of my state of undress. The smile on Kesi’s face as she looked back at me told me she knew exactly what she was doing to me.
As we passed the men’s suits, she stepped in to look at the blazers in a corner. Feigned interest, I realized as I felt her hand reach under my skirt and pull gently on the chain dragged between the clip on my clip and the big plug she had in my ass…serving to intensify the pinching of my clip.
“Anything, anytime, anywhere” she whispered, as I looked around to see if anyone had seen what she’d done. Breathing a sight of relief at not seeing anyone near us, I stood still as she fingered my pussy out in the openness of the store.
“I’m hungry, let’s eat”she said walking out of the suits. As I walked beside her, the thick object buried inside me seemed to somehow began to move a bit,creating a feeling that it was vibrating. At first it was very gentle, but the more I walked the stronger it became. I must have slowed down a bit, because I felt Kesi’s hand on my arm.
“Are you okay, hun?”
I smiled and reassured her I was fine and sped up my steps. The feeling was not unpleasurable, in fact the steady victory was working its way to other parts of my body, making it very hard to concentrate on the task of just walking out of the store and to the car. Out of the blue, the feeling of a small jolt of electricity shooting into my clip caught me totally off guard. I came to a complete stop, but the feeling was gone. I’ve lost my mind, I thought to myself.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Kesi asked, looking as alarmed as I felt.
“Yes, I’m OK. I must have moved wrong or something. The clip ring moved, I guess.” smiling to set her mind at ease.
Looking past her I realized we were standing outside of the shoe department. Looking past her I saw anopportunity to change the subject quickly, “Look at those sandals. I bet those are comfortable.”
Kesi turned around to look at the shoes I was pointing out. A broad smile crossed her face as she picked up the sandals. “Let’s see. Come on.” Walking over to the salesman, she asked him if they had that style in an 8 ½.. “Why are you asking for that size Kesi? You wear a 9.”
“I’m not trying them on.” She said matter-of-factly, still smiling broadly. “You are. Sit down, the salesman will be right back,” and she sat down in one of the available chairs.
I sat down and waited the few minutes it took the very attractive young man to come back with my size, wondering nervously why Kesi was so happy about this.
It didn’t take me long to find out. The salesman came back with the sandal in my size and bent down in front of me, gently lifted my right foot off the floor, taking the shoe off my foot as he did so and spreading me legs. Resting my barefoot on his bent pants thigh, he leaned down to take the sandal out of the box. As he did so, he glanced up. In this position, he had a perfect view up my skirt, which had ridden up normally as I sat down. In my pantiless state, this gave him a full view of my shaken cunt with a silver chain running the length of my slit on the outside. The clip ring was hidden by my fat outer lips, but the look on his face told me he was seeing enough. His hands falsered momentarily on the sandal, but commendably, he recovered well and put the sandal on my foot, taking his time fastening it for me. “How does that feel?” he asked, his eyes meeting mine in a knowing gaze. I feel my cheeks flush red under his gaze. “Let me slip on the left one. That way you can walk in them both to see just how good they feel.” and with that he lifted my left foot, slipping off that shoe as he did so. Leaning down to retrieve the left sandal from the box though, his eyes never left underneath my skirt. His hands didn’t seem to work as effortlesslyThis time as they did with the first. He fastened the sandal and let my leg rest at an angle again on his bent leg. Looking over at Kesi, I knew this was what she wanted to see. I would never have done this on my own. I was so uncomfortable, yet aroused at the same time. I was in a very public place with a very good looking young man down on his knees in front of me, spreading my legs to look at my naked pussy, and no one around us even know what was going on, except Kesi. I was caught between being ashamed of myself and needing to find a quiet place to take care of the need that was building in my body.
“Stand up and walking around a bit,” the saleman said, clearing his throat, but never moving from his position on the floor. I stood up and stepped around him, walking slowly, gingerly on wobbly legs.
Turning to look at Kesi, I was shooting her daggers with my eyes and she just laughed at me. “Looks very nice from my angle, how about your’s?” she asked talking to the salesman.
“Oh, the view is great from where I’m kneeing” he said, the realizing what came out of his mouth he quickly added, “they look great. You have the legs for those.”
Walking back to sit down, “I’m not really sure. So I’ll just wait” looking at Kesi, who knew I had no intention of buying them in the first place.
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