I followed the directions on my GPS system. The headlights of my car cutting through the darkness as I slowed slightly; squiting to read the numbers on the mailboxes. The houses here were spaced further apart than my neighborhood.
“You have reached your destination.” The Englishman’s voice said to me from the GPS.
I parked by the mailbox, as I had been instructed. As I opened the car door, the cold winter wind blew up my skirt and I jumped as I tried to pull it back down. A shiver rose from my high heeled toes as the cool wind licked my inner thighs, making the pearls cool against my skin. I could feel my nipples rising inside my low cut bra as I quickly push the door shut.
Glancing around as I walked up the driveway, the only sound the wind and the clacking of my red Italian made Pollini heels. Who was my Dominant? Whoever he was, he spent a lot of money on these shoes. So busy was I staring at my feet, that when my phone began vibrating and Pink began loudly emanating from my purse I let out a strange rasp as I awkwardly began pushing various items aside, trying to stop the singing.
I snatched my phone and flipped it open, knowing it was him.
“Hello sir.” I managed to say as my purse slipped from my grap and flung items in all directions on the dark driveway.
“You’re here. I see you in the driveway.” His soft spoken voice caresed my inner ear as I listened. Knowing he was watching me made me more nervous as I tried to hold the phone, pinched between my shoulder and head as I grabbed and stuffed everything back in my pursuit.
“Yes, sir. I am here. Where do I go?” I asked as I headed up the driveway towards the front door. With every step closer to the Dominant I was more and more aware of the pearl panties. The wind whipped around me, still flipping my skirt and blowing my jacket open, making me colder.
“Are you wearing the pearls?”
“Yes sir.”
“Walk to the side door, next to the garage. You will walkinto the kitchen. Hang your coat and grab a glass of wine.”
“Yes Dominant.” I said, licking my lips in the cold. “How will I know who you are?”
The hum of his laughter. “You will know, I will make sure you know.”
Silence hung between us as he hung up, I dropped my phone in my purse and my hand reached for the cooling of the door knob.
One deep breath and a push of the door and I was greeted by a rush of heat against my face and the sound of laughter and music.
I didn’t breathe as I hung my coat in the coat closet by the door and turned and walked into the brightly lit kitchen. I had no idea how I was going to not spill the wine down the front of my shirt with my shaking hands. The ice clicked, bouncing off each other as they settled into my glass, the prisms reflecting back and forth between the crystal and the ice were extended when the waiter poured the deep red wine halfway full.
I drank deeply and I turned and surveyed the room. Men and women talked in small groups. The women were all dressed as I was, high heels, short skirts and button down blooms. Where was he? Which man in the suit could he be. All the men were dressed in suits. I glanced from one to the other. A dark haired man with a bear locked eyes with me. My face reddened and my heart skipped a beat. Was that him? I downed the rest of my wine and walked to the kitchen.
The waiter poured another glass of wine as I felt a hand on my lower back. I froze, waiting, as the fingers searched for where my shirt was tucked into the top of my skirt and slide in and lower until they hit the lace which was connected to the smooth, double strand of pearls. A tug. Gently at first; then another tug – this one harder. Each tug pulled the pearls between my labia, stroking each side of my clip with every pull and Further into the crack of my ass.
My knees weakened slightly. If this was him, I was his. I agreed to be at his mercy, whatever he wished. We had met in a chat room and had several email conversations which had progressed to phone calls and his invitation to this evening’s party.
“Are you here for me?” He leaned into me as he whispered in my ear. His breath softly blew the hair against my neck, making my skin ticke. I knew his voice.
He pulled again on the pearls and I pressed my body back into his. The waiter watched, looking into my face as my Dominant wiggled his fingers between the pearls and my skin. He directed me towards the living room, guiding me with his hand on my lower back. Introducing me to several people. He shook hands with all the men and kissed the women’s hands. His hand stayed firmly down the back of my skirt, propelling me around the room.
I greeted everyone, shaking hands myself. One gentleman pulled me to him and hugged me. I caught his Knowing smile as he looked down my back to where my Dominant’s hand disappeared into my pearls. The same gentlemen pulled and pressed his lips firmly to the back of my hand. I jumped as I felt the pearls pulled harder than before, making me choke down a moan and lock my knees to remain standing.
I still had not really seen the Dominant’s face in full; just the sideways glances as he was slightly behind me the entire time. I was too nervous to turn and face him, I just stepped where he directed me to.
We walked back towards the kitchen. The lights were dimmed and couples and groups of several people were talking, touching and kissing openly. I noticed two waitresses in addition to the waiter serving the drinks. We entered the kitchen and the waiter refilled my drink again. Dominant was next to me, I turned and he smiled. He raised his hand and brushed the hair off the side of my face. He was taller than me, dark slightly curly hair, looking very distinguished in his suite and tie. He took my drink from the waiter and kissed me, licking my lips with his tongue.
“Nice. The wine is delicious.” He raised the glass towards the waiterand took a drink. He turned to me and handed me my glass.
“Thank you sir.” I took another full swallow from my wine.
Dominant kissed me again, his arm moved around my back again. Guiding me into the darkened hallway, towards the back of the house. Another couple walked past us back to the living room. Her shirt was unbuttoned to her wait; I could see the swell of her breasts as she walked past us and smiled. Her companion brushed past me, his hand grazing my thigh. Dominant and he nodded to one another.
Two more steps and I felt hands on my hips pushing me back into the wall. “My pet for the evening.” He murmured as he ran his hands through my hair and cupped the back of my head, tilting my chin towards him.
“Yes, Dominant, your pet.” I said as his tongue worked its way into my mouth as he kissed me over and over. I held the laptops of his jacket in my hands as I kissed him hungrily back.
He pulled back from me. “Do you like that? My tongue in your mouth?”
I moved to kiss him again.
He pushed me back. “Answer me. Do you like that?”
“Yes Dominant. Yes, I like that.”
“Like what? Tell me what you like, pet.” He grabbed my wrists and slid my arms up the wall until my hands were over my head.
I shuddered, vulnerable to him. “I like your tongue in my mouth Dominant. I like it when you kiss me on my mouth.”
“Finish your drink, all of it, now.” He commanded.
I drank as fast as I could. I swallowed as fast as I could. Some of the wine escaped from between my lips. Dominant was quick to move and lick the wine from my chin. He took my wine glass and set it on the floor.
He pressed his mouth back on mine. Grasping both my wrists with one of his hands. His Other hand began unbuttoning my shirt. Undoing buttons and pulling my shirt out of my skirt. Kissing me over and over, his hand massaging my breast.
I pulled my kiss back at the sound of footsteps in the hallway. He kissed me harder as I heardthe footsteps stop. Someone breathing near me, watching Dominant’s hands on my breasts, pulling the front of my bra down, pulling my breast out of the cup by my nipple. My nipples hardening between his thumb and forefinger as he pinched them and lifted them free of the lace. I felt my face get hot.
“Dominant.” I stammered. “Someone is watching us.”
He laughed as he moved away from me, still holding my hands over my head. My shirt hung open, my breasts held up out of my bra. He turned, “Would you like to touch my pet?”
The fair haired man in another black suit and tie stepped towards me. Looking at my breasts in the faded light. I feel a shiver in my belly, setting in my groin as he looked nakedly at me. He stepped towards me, ran a finger along my lips, parting them slightly so his finger tip touched my tongue. He circled my tongue with his finger and then traced a trail of my saliva down my chin, down my chest and gently ran it over my nipple. Dominant watched witha smile on his face.
The strange ticckled me with his finger across my nipple. “Nice, nice breasts. Maybe I will see them again later.” As he walked away Dominant lowered his mouth and sucked my nipple far into his mouth. His tongue flicking back and forth, across the end. I arched my back, pressing into his mouth. His grip tightened on my wrists, making me want him more.
“Pet, did you like to be touched by a stranger. More of a stranger than I am?” He laughed against my breast.
“Yes Master.” I was becoming more excited.
Dominant slide his hand down my back, his mouth still attached to my nipple. He pulled the pearls into my wetness.
“Ohhhhhhhhhh.” Escaped from between my lips as the pearls slide deeper, caresing my clip.
He re-traced where the stranger had touched me, ending up with his tongue licking at mine. His free hand pulled my skirt up my thighs. “Spread your legs, pet.”
The wall was cool against my bare skin where my shirt had ridden up my back. I spread my legs, my heels squeaked as they moved across the hard wood floor. More steps coming towards us from the kitchen. Laughter and people stumbling; bumping into the walls. I instinctively tried to lower my hands to pull my skirt down. Dominant’s hand, pushing my hands higher up the wall. He stepped back so I was in full view of the approaching trio. I moved my feet trying to close my legs, Dominant’s foot pushing them back to where they were, just as the two women and their male friend paused in the hallway.
“Mmmmmmm, I like your girlfriend.” The long haired blonde said.
The short haired slender brunette companion leaned forward and licked my nipple. “Beautiful tits on your lickable girlfriend.” She said as she moved to the other breast. The cool air replacing her warm mouth made my nipples stand at attention.
A hand on the outside of my thighs, women’s hands, nails sliding up my thigh to where my skirt was bunched. Her hands caresing the place wheree the pearls met my skin; along the lace. The man watched, smiling as he unzipped his pants. “Ladies, we have things to take care of.”
My face blazed hot again at the sight of his erection through his boxers. His gaze on his girls caresing me, licking my breasts and sucking on my nipples. Dominant laughing as the blonde kissed him as she unbuttoned the brunette’s shirt. The man pulling their skirts up as they left us and walked down the hall, entering one of the rooms. I saw a glint of pearls, placed nicely between the blonde’s ass cheeses as she turned the corner.
Dominant watching my face as I turned, knowing he saw me looking. “Do you like your pearls? Did you like feeling them between your pussy lips as you walked around the room, shaking hands. All those men in the room knowing what you had on?”
His lips on mine. I wanted him; he could have whatever he wanted. I kissed him back wiggling slightly, occasionally trying to free my hands.
He pressed his lips bymy ear. “I know how I can tell if you like your pearls.”
I gasped as his fingers swiftly parted both the double strand of pearls and my wet lips and several of his fingers entered me. He slide my arms down slightly on the wall, my hips moving down the wall further, his fingers entered deeper. Kiss me; kiss me I want to cum.
“Dominant, I need to cum, ahhhhhh. Please.” I was losing control.
Voices, laughter and footsteps bouncing down the hall – I didn’t care. The orgasm was in control, and Dominant was in control of the orgasm.
“Cum my tractable slut, cum on my fingers. I need to hear you, tell me what you are doing.” My Dominant’s fingers feeding my orgasm.
I closed my eyes, lost in the feeling. “Open your eyes.” He stated.
My eyeselids flew open as he pushed me over the edge. “Sir, I am cumming. I am cumming on your fingers.”
“That’s right, ride it.” His eyes locked on mine, nodding his head, urging me on.
I arched my back, his fingers stroking my insides. My loud moan was cut off by his mouth as I came hard. My knees were weak and he let go of my hands and grabbed me around my waist. Kissing me as I came. My head now rested on his chest.
“I can feel your heat and your heartbeat throbbing against my fingers.” He wiggled them inside me and pulled my nipple into his mouth. The combination of the two sent a smaller orgasm through me. Suddenly I became aware of his hardened cock against my hip.
I raised my head and then saw our audience. Several people had stopped at either end of the hallway, in various stages of dress or undress to watch my crescendo. “How loud was I sir?” I quietly asked.
“Mmmmmm. What scale did you want me to measure that on?” He laughed as he took my hand and pulled me towards one of the doors. “Shows over folks, we are moving to a bedroom.”
Thank you readers for voting!! Editor – as always, thanks for the time.
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