Workhouse to Bathhouse – Part 2 – slave girl sara
He took her hand and placed it down his trousers again and in that short carriage distance she was taught how to wank a gentleman`s cock and suck her work of its crown.
She was assured further lessons of such a nature would follow and they did not long afterwards, he had her make him cum onto his handkerchief.
As they arrived at the beautiful bathhouse building he gave her the silk handkerchief as a memento of her rise up the social ladder.
The gentleman took her up the marble stairs and into the hallway, he told her she would never ever use the stairs again but the workers door in the basement.
They were met by a young man, maybe in his mid 20`s dressed in a light cotton roman toga style, he called the gentleman, Sir and the gentleman told sara she would call everyone Sir or Miss, and not to forget, or she would be given something to remind her.
She did not need it elaborating.
The gentlemanoffered his hand to sara and she kissed it and thanked him for all his help and advice and hoped to meet him again sometimes soon.
The young Sir said she could call him Noah in private if she so wished.
He said he would show her around the 4 areas of her work.
They walked towards a door and took her to a staircase right at the end of a long corridor.
Not the posh polished floor or carpeted staircase but stark concrete steps.
They walked down them and he announced the arrival at the laundry room.
All sara saw were full colourful dresses and line after line of frilly pants, a thing she had never owned, either of them.
The ladies were all neatly dressed in a grey skirt, white blouse and black, highly pollished shoes.
They were putting the used clothes into a cream coloured drum, adding some powder, closing the lid and pushing a button.
Further down the line of drums someone was taking washing out, all clean and sparkly and hanging on aline hung over heaters to dry.
Then even further down they were taken off the line, ironed and folded ready to be delivered.
Not an open tub or scrub board in sight.
Noah got her a tin mug of cold water as the heat was pretty full on.
They sat near the far staircase where the completed laundry was put in a hand pulled lift to the ground floor to be loaded on a covered trailer for delivery and the collection of More washing.
Also at the bottom of the staircase was a wooden spanking horse.
She posed the question has he ever been over it, he blushed, maybe a few times and it was not pleasant.
Up the staircase and back to a door opening onto the main hallway, but not where they came in.
There was a door marked office and Noah knocked and waited.
It was opened by a more senior man, Mr. Jones. 50 maybe and she was introduced and only spoke if spoken to.
He looked eager to either see her naked, fuck her or beat me, maybe all three and she suppose a small price to pay for her new position and she had only seen the laundry.
Noah was sent outside and sara was beckoned to his desk where he produced a brown paper bag and he told her to put her workhouse dress in.
She removed it at once and placed it in the bag.
Her mum taught her if ever naked in front of her betters always to place her hands on her head and stick out her 2 main assets, as small as they were.
He called for Noah who was told to take her upstairs to be bathed by Miss. Wade, then brought back to him where i would be given 3 uniforms, one to wear for one day, one to have ready for the day after and one to wash.
He also told Noah not to fuck her going up or coming back down.
Noah took me though another door and up another cheerless staircase towards the next floor.
We stopped on a landing, he dropped his toga and showed me the marks he had for disobeying.
He was pretty much whipped all over.
He told hera regular male bathroom, in the gender section had asked for him personally to bathe him.
All the people who bathe have to do it naked so he removed his toga and as he bent over the gentleman grabbed his cock, he tried to pull back but was told if he did he would be reported, so he relaxed.
The gentleman pulled him to his head and sucked his cock, then wanked him and sucked up his cum.
He was bathed and when got out to be dried made him bend, he refused and was kicked in the balls and doubled over whilst over the gentleman fucked him up his bottom but he refused to suck his cock for cum.
He did not know what got into him he said, he had sucked and been fucked by many a man baby, woman too, its what happened in these places.
sara felt that tingle, below, again.
sara was mesmerised by his story and even more so by his growing cock, she had no control, hands behind her back she knelt and took him in her mouth, he gently allowed himself to grow, fillingher small mouth.
He was very gentle, he pulled out and stood her against the wall, it was her first against the wall fucking and was un-bel-ieve-able.
They got to the washroom and Noah had a word with an official looking lady, he introduced me and i curtsied, it was Mrs. Wade!
They were given a number and walked down a centre aisle of women on one side men on the other with lightweight curtaining for privacy but most were open.
They were given bath number 17, Noah removed his toga, again and checked the temperature of the water.
She had not had many baths in her life, no reason usually a strip wash out of a bucket in full view of the room of families who shared it as their home.
She was never first bucket either so sometimes hardly a wet rag to use.
He helped her in and washed her all over including her log blonde locks.
Miss Wade came in and told Noah to wait by the staircase, or face another whipping, sara gulped.
She made it plain it would be in her own interest to be careful who she associated with, no way was she going to disobey.
Miss stood her up, squeezed her nipples and fingered her to a nice cum.
It pleased Miss Wade who said she would be needed to warm her bed for her tonight, just ask anyone where Miss Wade`s room is.
sara was played with again then dried and sent to Noah to get her uniform.
They were silent as they got to the bottom of staircase, she said she was sorry for what happened, he wanted to know how sorry, he lifted his toga and she knelt and went under.
He was a little rougher this time but she took it all, her arms never leaving the folded position behind her back, they both cum together, was it planned or did she actually know how to wait?
Noah knocked and Mr. Jones opened the door, he told Noah to wait outside as sara was taken into his room.
He called her towards his desk and told her as a new girl she was under his control, on probation for 3months.
She would report to his office every Friday for a strip inspection and a spanking.
sara`s eyes opened wide, if you have been a good girl, it will be a good girl spanking.
He told her she will also be taught, by himself, how to thank someone for their time taken to deal with her.
He patted his lap, she was unsure what that means.
he explained the inspection starts now.
She stood by his side as he bent her right over his knee, well past a normal spanking position.
He opened her legs and a pussy inspection was first on his lists of checkboxes.
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