Sat at the bar I look around the Hotel Excelsiors Lobby Bar darkly chuckling to myself and the perceptions of happiness all around me. The whole day had become such an extravagance, an overly pretentious overly commercialised horse shit excuse dressed up as a holiday to milk hard earned cash from over sentimental assholes.
“Get you another one.” The young attractive redheaded barmaid asks spotting My tumbler has been drained of its contents. I take a glance through the bar and decide from what I see that time to take her up on the offer.
“Please a Brandy …a single this time over one ice cube.”
She smiles sweetly at me, the little dimples set in her young cheeses enhance her natural beauty. As she turns away I follow her with my eyes, shaped toned legs are accentuated by the shortness of her black skirt and the black heavy denier nylons she sports.
Immediately my eye is caught by the blonde in a red dress who appears at my side. My roving eye eye casts overher now, her perfect physique wrapped up in the figure hugging dress, a black sea running from the hem of the dress down a denier that’s several shades lighter than the girl behind the bar, to meet exhaust black high heeled shoes with a slender black ankle sticker. “Can I order a bottle of champione to room 915 please” she states leaning slightly over the bar to a slight scruffy looking male bar tender.
He obliges and sets to preparing the order diligently enough, as I take a deep breath inhaling her slight floral, gently spiced perfume
“Surely someone should be buying an attractive woman like you champione on a night like tonight ….even if they have to sob that anonymously.”
“Oh…” she turns to me with a mix of a look between disdain and cheese, she has an beautiful face that’s lightly made up “…Is that an offer from a stranger?”
I laughing shaking my head noticing the barmaid slide the Brandy along the bar towards me, rudely I don’t acknowledge her, I keep my attention fully on the blonde in the red dress. “I’m not stupid enough to buy into all this overhyped overpriced bull shit utopia of what love should mean.”
She auditively scoffs at my response “That despite being handsome is why you’re drinking alone on Valentines.”
I don’t react. I don’t acknowledge her any further as she steps away from the bar without further interaction and heads back through the crowded room to a lone male in an expensive looking grey suit, they exchange a conversation, he looks over and I give a nod and raise my glass in his direction The epitome face value perfect happy couple. How deceiving looks can be. Knocking back the Brandy in one swig I step down from the bar stool leaving a twenty note on the bar, a significant overpayment for the two drinks I’ve had, even at inflated hotel bar prices.
I head from the bar and through the main foyer towards a bank of four elevators set in marble and gold decorative surround. Stabbing my finger against agold coloured button as double doors to my left slide immediately open. I step inside the lift a little glad to be the sole occupied as the doors close following a slight delay. Choosing the 9th floor as my destination. The elevator whirs softly into life as it ascends.
On arrival on the 9th floor I step from the carriage and head along the narrow door lined corridor before stopping midway down the corridor and inserting the key card into the door. The door unlatches and I step inside the room , the nondescript looking double room is no different to when I’d left it a little over twenty minutes earlier.
The windows of the room face out across the City skyline at night. I glance across the bed littlered with rose petals, taking a lighter from my pocket I light the dark red candles positioned on the bed side tables. My eye line then Falls to the red nylon ropes and black leather cuffs attached to each corner of the bed. The ropes stretch out across the mattress, the leather cuffs sitting in stark contrast among the red petals atop the pristine white Egyptian cotton sheets. Sat at the base of the bed the black blindfold.
There’s one subtle difference to the room as I switch off main lights leaving only side lights to cast atmosphere light among the flicker of the candles. The ordered bottle of ‘Veuve Clicquot’ champion sits on the dressing table alongside of two stem crystal glasses. I take one last cursory look around the room, happy everything is as it should be, as I’d planned.
I step away from the bed and into the rooms en-suite bathroom I leave the light off, I close the door but I don’t lock it.
I wait in the darkness,
Minutes pass, how many I’m not sure as I stand waiting patiently in the darkness, my breath calm and quiet even as I hear the click of the key card in the door. I hear their voices. Her surprise, her geneine shock at what she finds. I hear him speak. Muffled words through the walls I can’t fully discern what’s being said. Edging closer to the door of the en-suite, keeping deathly silent as I strain my hearing.
“Oh my ….oh my god …wait how did you? …when did you even?” She offers with a palpable nervous system excitement.
“Surprise.” he calmly states
“Mark I’m ….I’m just …. I’ve never …we’ve never…. I mean we discussed but…”
“We did and I I wanted to try something ….you’ve always said so I thought …” his voice is calm, reassuring.
“Ok ok.” she giggles “So like do I need a safe word.” her voice is exciting, nervous.
“I think you can trust me Sarah …don’t you?”
Further slightly hit nervous giggles, followed by the weaker sounds of a prolonged embrace and heavy kissing.
“How …how do you want me to?”
“On your front …or on your back ….I don’t mind.” the male voice offers
“Oh my god …alright …alright.” her nervousness mixing with her geneine excitement was evict “Ok let’s just…”
“Do you want me to blindfold you first?”
“Sure …sure sure sure.” came the response “Oh god … oh my God no I can’t …I can’t see a thing.”
“That my dear is the whole idea of a blindfold.” he softly chuckled.
The room seems to fall silent on a nervousness, an anticipation. I press my ear as close to the door as I dare to.
“Not too tight …not too tight.” I hear her gentle protestation.
“But I don’t want you going anywhere.” he responds.
“Fuck me I’m not ….trust me I’m really not.”
“All tied down with nowhere to go.” He offers.
I take my cue, slowly, cautiously lowering the door handle of the bathroom I let it swing open gently causing little to no sound. I step into the room and meet his eye in silence we both exchange knowing glances as I step up alongside him.
I cast my eyes across her. Laid face down on the bed. The black elastic strap of the blindfold separations straight blonde hair across the back of her head which she keeps raised slEasily. Her arms extend out wrapped tightly at the wrist in the thick black leather of the cuffs attached to red nylon rope. The pale skin of her toned body is accentuated by the red lace trim detail of her matching black bra, g-string, suspender belt and black stockings with red lace details that wraps both of her toned thighs, a thin black seam runs down the backs of her legs. Her ankles wrapped by the leather restraints she points her toes in the slender leather ankle stick black heels as she’s held spread eagle across the white sheets and red rose petals.
“Are you making me wait Mark?” she offers looking back over her should obviously unable to see a thing
“Do you want me to tease you?” he states in return “Or should I just treat you like a bad girl?”
I cringe at his words as he steps away to my left hand side
“Seems like you’re in control.” she’s replies obviously not as perturbed by his amateurish attempt at domination as I am. I watch her body rising andFalling on heavy breaths of anticipation. Her slender fingers pull at the ropes leading to the cuffs that hold her wrists in their tight grip.
Stepping over the red dress left in a crushed heap at the foot of the bed I’m hard for her already. Kneeling up on the bed as I remove my belt and lay it across the bed beside the temptation to wrap it around her slender neck passes my attention for the briefest of moments. I park such Thoughts but don’t rule the prospect out for later. My left hand hand reaches out, pushing firmly up over her spine, over the strap of her black bra and onto the back of left shoulder. Unfasting the button of my waistband I lower my zip fly and pull out my fully erect dick.
I’m consciousness of him watching as he moves slowly around the bed. I’m aware but I’m unperturbed as my right hand grabs the Waistband of the tiny g-string that dissects her pert pale buttocks pulling the garment down the backs of her legs.
“Oh my god Mark.” she breathlesslyexclaims
I remain silent
Mark remains silent
I feel her body tense involuntarily as I lower my weight onto hers, running my dick between her parted, bound, stocking clad legs.
“Oh Mark.” she breathlessly states
In response my left hand moves between her should blades up over her neck and I press her face down into the duvet beneath her as I press forward with my hips and slowly impale her perfect toned body. The tight warmth of her inner walls offering no resistance as she pulls on the wrist restraints seeing on a sharp pained little breath as I stretch her slowly around me
“Oh fuck.” she now whimpers “Oh fuck it feels so… so…”
“So what?” Mark states callously from her left hand side. I feel her body tension at his words. My hips slowly gyrate pushing deep into her exploring her, as each of her limbs pulls against their restraints,
Mark crouches to the side of the bed besides his wife.
“I spend a small fortune on you today Sarah …Flowers …Belgian Chocolates …a Hotel Reservations…. fancy dinner …I even bought Champagne by the looks of it.”
Reaching out he ran his fingers through her hair, letting her know he was there, that he was not the person deep inside her. She made to struggle and I pressed her neck down further.
“It gives me no satisfaction so I really don’t know why I spoil you…. Especially when you’re fucking your Personal Trainer ….and you fucked that guy at the party last Christmas …the Italian guy ….Marco.”
She protected further struggle in her restraints as I kept my hold on her, muffling her protests in my grip
“You seem to have no problem fucking other men …I’m at the point where I don’t care…so tonight I think I’ll take great satisfaction watching the man I paid to fuck you …..well fuck you.” Mark stated with a geneine coldness in his words and his expression
I drew back my hips and pushed forward with a brutal harsh thrust in to her tense perfect body.
“She’s a whore.” Mark stated taking a seat that backed on to the City backdrop and faced the bed. “Fuck her like one. “
I needed no further invitation.
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