My Lovely World

My Lovely World — slave girl sara

People sometimes question my upbringing, and for that matter how my mind works when writing fiction, when they read some of my true posts and stories.

Remember my lifestyle is not unique to me.

It is thought that out of the world`s different lifestyles and fetishes Domestic/Home Discipline is second only to true BDSM covering all the bases of Bondage — Discipline/Domination — Submission/Sadism — Machoism.

We as a collective are very lucky we can find guidance and pleasure from our lifestyle in one or all the activities above be it the student or the tormentor.

Yes my home was very strict, and in our community some homes were even stricter. Everyone under our father’s roof paid the price for failure or sometimes just for being there.

No `beating` about the bush, it was a painful punishment from hand to hairbrush or belt to the final cerrent of one of my father`s canes for us.

Thin and whippy for small bottoms, medium as we and our bums grow, to the senior for naughty older young men and ladies.

No escape when my father was away on business, if it was more than just overnight, as it often was as he had offices not only in the UK but also around Europe.

On the second night of my father being away, and every following week, one of his brothers, usually Uncle John, comes around and in Turn asks if we have been good.

We are honest in our reply and sent to our rooms.

Nothing to admit was a naked over the knee spanking.

Admission of guilt you were under the swing of his belt.

Mum just got the belt, suppose more fitting for her age and stature and never sure if he fucked her too, I dare not ask.

You may wonder what happened in between Uncle John’s weekly visits.

For me and my sister as teens it was my elderly brother who assumed Man of the House using his belt from eighteen when he was defined as a man and could also use the cane and did.

We fully accepted this and knew in the end it would help shape our lives.

As we grew into young womanhood, it was mainly over my brother`s knee and rarely him needing his belt.

He also gave me good girl spankings and soothed me in a very special way.

All that said we all had the most loving, happy cheerful and close family lives and I am sure most would never change a day, regardless of how it may have stung.

The reason I have brought this up is to just highlight two and a half hours of my day one morning.

Our company pays for private medical insurance for employees and I had to go for a full medical with the doctor who covers our company.

I have mentioned him before in previous stories, he is a member of our congregation and seen by all as another of our true gentlemen in the congregation and as it happens another Elder.

I knew he would be through and the fact I would be naked in front of him would not embarrass me one tiny bit.

I askedmy manager if I could call at the hospital first to go for the blood test needed for the doctor to complete his final appraisal and as the dentist was only three doors away could I go for my yearly check-up, all was agreed.

This was a way of spending less time away from my work and my desk.

I had gotten a spanking last night from Sir Don, it was not a loving one so I must have upset him somehow, Maybe.

When I woke them I was told not to dress till after breakfast, I knew why of course.

After breakfast Sir pulled back his dining chair and I went over, gripping the chair legs.

After my spanking I was told to double up. This is time for me to bend double, legs suitably spread for balance and grapp my ankles.

I got a steady five cane stripes, by steady I mean I did Not heard a loud WHOOSH, and did not cry till the last one.

Has anyone worked out how I knew what was to happen?

Simple, Sir knew I would be naked in front of the doctor and Sir had to put his mark on me.

Some may think it barbaric, I saw it as proof of his love for me.

Hospital first, I took my number from the machine, `86` and the nurse called for patient `67`.

It may seem a big gap but quite honest you are in and out in about a minute so only ten minutes to wait.

The blood rooms are right in the main entrance, so it was great for people watching.

One of our congregation came in with her two children, maybe eight and ten, one had a blue plaster cast on his arm, so I guessed a check-up for a broken arm, both were holding mum`s hand.

Lots of other mums came in with their kids running amok.

Pressing all the buttons on the self-sign-in register, some running sound the shop, others running round the café.

Apart from the noisy kids all that can be heard was, “If you don’t sit down no treatments”, or “Sit down or I will tell your dad,” or “if I have to tell you once more.”

Blood took and to the dentist, much thesame in there, kids running everywhere with the same words from mum as in the hospital.

In and out of the dentist with a clean bill of health and made an appointment for 2021, wow.

Into my doctors, signed in and sat with the others for my turn.

It was a practice with three doctors so a few people in waiting.

Quite a few in with children who all sat with mum, either quiet or reading and all from our church and all brought up like me.

That is my point, once you are taught discipline it never leaves you as you know, every action has a consequence.

The older you get the more you need the discipline to guide you on the right track in life.

As I was undressing, the doctor and I spoke of my morning and the difference in the ways children are brought up.

He said he also has surgery at the hospital a few times a week and knows just what I mean.

I turned to put my knickers on the chair, and he saw my stripes.

I went over to him and he turned me around, he rubbed and counted,

“One, two, three, four, five.”

“I see your Sir put his mark on to show me, when was this?”

“The spanking and the caning after breakfast Sir.”

“And were you noisy and running about in any surgery this morning?”

I giggled

“Not much Sir.”

He slapped my bottom,

“on your back on the bed please sara, let`s start with the unpleasant bit.”

He unwrapped a pussy stretcher, well, I do not know what they are called, I`m an insurance claims supervisor for goodness sake.

I was sat back at my computer by eleven thirty and my manager asked me to pop into his office around one o`clock.

As all the girls know where I had been all wanted to see my stripes and red bum, remember we are all from the same community. Lillian said how well they were spaced and how soon they had bruised.

I loved the show bit and loved even more the tracing on my stripes, particularly by the younger ones of the workforce. I just had time to let Amy, an appreciation, come into the cubicle with me, I had a Pee and let her wipe me, then an quick fingering and lick and it was time to go to the manager’s office.

I knocked on the door, he said

“Come in,”

“Hello Marc Sir, you wanted to see me?”


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