Work Wife Mistress Ch. 02

***This is from Thomas Fredrick’s perspective, first person***

***Thomas had entered into a submissive arrangement with a woman he’d grown close to at work***

**Second part to Work Wife Mistress – 01**

I awoke the next day on on ‘Kik” Janice Flaherty shared a link to a posted video to “FetLife”. Upon clicking I heard my voice as the video showed her swallowing my cock as I narrowed the endeavor to my wife Melanie.

“”Mmmm, your sucking the sweet skin of my sack, shamen for you, for just this moment. I’m sure your hand has reached down to touch your sweetness as you release them and then move your fine lips back to the top. Now, you hover above my head, the precum dripping now, you watch and lick each precious drop off the head,” Again, Janice expertly keeping him from ejaculating too early. Your lips pop my tip in and out of your warm mouth. Oh Love!I hear you gag as it pushes your limits. You lift up and push back down, Oh J…Jesus, Melanie, I pumpyour throat with my load!”

There were gagging sounds and an obvious pull up and out, lips smacking and cought as you saw the cum string from the head to her lip before breaking. The video stopped.

I responded by typing, “Very nice.” Though I was worried about names being spoken and some of my clothes being visible at times.

“I like how you almost said my name to your wife my dear,” Janice sent back. “Instead you summoned the almighty Christ.”

I didn’t know how to respond at this point, last night she was very serious in her role as my Mistress, so I decided to play it like I was her submissive. She had led me to that place, her mouth on my cock, talking to Melanie, my wife of 25+ years, who repeated the task when I got home.

“Mistress Lace, may I ask you a question?” I said, knowing the last question I asked drew a punch to my ballsack, leaving a throbbing reminder for an hour or two.

“Puer, you may.” She said, prompting my question.

“My ‘pet’ name, I’m assuming. What does it mean?” I asked.

“‘It’s meaningfully simple. It means ‘Boy’ in Latin,” she said. “You are now that, totally dependent on me for everything. I’ll grant you one more before we begin today, something a little more in depth if you would.”

“Very fitting Mistress, thank you for your wisdom” I typed back, now fully embracing my role. “If it pleases you, is there anything I can do to help advance your wishes for my Dear spouse?”

“Puer, it’s a shame I’ll have to punish you for your lack of depth, it’s truly not your fault how you were raised,” Mistress Lace responded. “You question is quite linear AND you my pet are quite insulting if you think you can guess my line intent. You have no FUCKING clue.”

I shuddered at the tone the messaged conveyed. “Punish” was something I knew was part of the deal. To what extent, to what level of pain, to what level of deprivation, the feat just became real.

“It’s 6:15 a.m.,” she typed. “Report tomy office by 7:15 a.m. Good day.”

“Shit!” I exclaimed and rushed to the shower. Melanie usually awoke at 6:30 and headed straight to the there as I usually did some pre-day work on the computer in row morning. I hustled in, rinsed and washed just as I felt the upstairs shower drop the water pressure, I turned mine off.

My two hour routine in the morning was cut down to 45 minutes, having to build in the five minute drive time. I held only a goatee into my two day scruff, choose a sport coat dockers combo rather than a suit.

Melanie looked at me curiously, standing in a black bra, panties, doing a little makeup (she was minimal in that department and I loved that about her) as I zipped by to leave. I told her there was an early meeting I forget to set my alarm.

Rushing out with 15 minutes to spare, I headed towards school, in fear, of what I was about to encounter, the word “punish” echoing in my head. I was some excited in my nether regions, the sobering ideas of infidelity and that she had video of my cock streaming online in some website, kept reality hovering.

Reality. That was the sense that all of this was wrong and that I should look to abort now, I mean Melanie and I had just had the most meaningful sex. We had connected in just the short time, giving each other looks like we did when we were date, but that was because of Mistress Lace, Janice Flaherty. I wanted to trust her, her methods, submitting me in the work place, how problematic was that??

I rushed into my office, waving at the cooks, shutting the door behind me, as I had five minutes to gather myself and walk to her office. I got up to go there and saw a letter, with my name handwritten by Janice, on my desk. I opened it standing, and the first sentence made me shiver and sit down.

“I know you’re rushing now, Puer. Please, sit down. You have much to consider” the handwritten letter read, she seemed all knowing, as if she was watching me and know my souland wrote it before I even arrived.

I read on: “You have a submissive heart, my Puer, one I feel I now own so I’m going to be direct and not play games. Because you have not been fully trained, and we are entering an agreement at this moment, I want to remind you that I not only have video of my mouth on your cock, but you face and pictures of us semi-nude together. If you can not conform to my wishes, be paid in conventional ways that a Mistress punishes their slave, I will have no choice be paid you by letting your bosses and your wife see them.”

I put the letter down for a moment, looking up at the ceiling and then rubbing my face. “What have I done,” I whispered into the air, my reality stood on a foundation that was just shook to the core, the corners cracking and making my life unstable.

I picked it back up and it went on: “There are no boundaries to this contract I am introducing right now. There are no “safe words” and you must understand that you deepdown want to “change your marriage” exactly as I had indicated ours had transformed and that your Mistress will guide you through this transformation.”

Last sentence: “As you walk through my open door, you have signed your name to this, commitment to your full submission, and your intent to transform you marriage into this glorious lifestyle, with or without your wife’s blessing. – Mistress Lace”


**4:15 p.m. Melanie driving home from work***

“You want me to meet you where?” Melanie asked as I called her on her way home. “1324 Wilshire Blvd in Menlo? Yeah, dinner with them, but its…”

I cut her off and stated, “It’s very important, please just come.”

“We’re free this weekend, I mean, we could have them over or we come down then!” she exclaimed, frustrated totally with me.

“Please,” was the last thing I said.

“Text me the address,” Melanie said and hung up.


**10 hours earlier in Janice’s office***

“Fuck!” I exclaimed muffled, into a ball gag and a hood, the hard board struck my knuckles for the fifth and final time.

I had walked through the door just minutes before, signing a contract of submission and life altering decisions being made by a woman who had the means to Extort this behavior. As I was instructed to sit down, the gag put in, the hood on, a zip tie held one hand to the chair, down through and around the leg, was this really extortion?

It was a simple ritual, really, just five slapses across the face, each getting progressively harder; five fists to the groin/cock area, again getting progressively harder; five strikes with the ruler or board to the back of my head and then the five to my knuckles.

I was able to muffle my grunts, pained breathes and gaged words quietly enough to stay in the room. She swung hard, but also hit in angles of increasing pain infliction and precision. Mistress was good and efficient at her work.

I was throbbing in places, my mind assessing the damage, my heart racing, breath fast, wondering if that was all. She had left the room, gone for a few minutes as I reevaluated my choice, walking through the door, submitting to Mistress Lace without begging to be taken off the website, pictures destroyed or deleted. Surely, a professional such as herself was reasonable.

She returned as I heard he sit down at her desk, I faced her like a child punished for bad behavior, now having audience with the head master. I heard her laugh, now realizing she was on the phone, and couldn’t quite make out much until I heard, “Luv you, bye.”

“We now have a standing 7 a.m. meeting here in my office, Puer.” she said. “There are really no one here until around 7:50 a.m., this is quite delightful. I was always coming in about now thinking all of these hard working teachers were here so much earlier, but they really are not.”

“Yes, its…” I began to say but it was muffled in the gag.

“Fucking silence,” she whispered and hit me across the cheese as hard as her last slap. “Until 8 a.m. I am Mistress Lace, who will let you know when you can speak. Piece of shit.”

I dropped my head down, not that she could see my eyes, and just listened. I began to feel very worthless and that of a failure to my life and my family.

“Walk in and shut the door at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and again at 4:00 p.m., understanding?” she said.

“Yes, Mistress,” I said for the first time.

“Did you know you have a small dick?” she said softly, intending to humiliate me in the last minutes before 8 a.m. “A woman as beautiful as your wife, must be starving for a real cock, a real man? She was so eager on the phone, I could hear it, and I know how she can get satisfied and it’s without your small penis.”

The bell that signed 8 a.m. rang and she stopped. She moved over, cut the zip tie, pulled off the hood and undid the gag. She throw me a hair brush and I worked out the mess on my head. I stood up and she moved between me and the door.

“Janice,” I said meekly. “Can we turn this back right now? I mean…”

“I’m your worst nightmare, and wettest wet dream wrapped up in one,” Janice said moving swiftly to my face, now close and ready to kiss me. “Do as I say and you’ll reach heights your small, conventional little mind can not imagine.”

She pulled away, holding my eyes before leaving into the side room.


“Mr. F?” Kimmy, my secretary said as I had my head in my hands, trying to work. It was 10:25 a.m., I had just gotten through my second round of “fives” as Mistress Lace called them. I looked up at the pretty, pregnant, 20 something as the then asked, “You OK?”

“Always, my dear,” I said mustering a smile, my groin area throbbing as I took five rounds of five punches there at 10 a.m. “Long night of not sleeping, back stuff you know.”

“Oh, you’re in need of a new mattress, that’s right, I remember,” Kimmy said, sweetly. “Just checkin’ on ya’ boss.”

It wasn’t just the pain this time, it was the total and utter humiliation and threats verbally that I somewhat enjoyed, but this time it was personal and it was specific to my marriage. Janice Flaherty, transformed into Mistress Lace, must have written down so much about what I had told her prior as just my “Work Wife.”

“You a pre-ejaculate, skinny-dicked, self-pleaser who has never fulfilled his wife’s needs. You are not worth the cum you let dry on your hand after you masturbate to the Thought of another man pleasing her,’ she said after the last punch, sending pain shooting through my sack.

She asked over and over as she struck me, my arms zip-tied behind the chair, my pants undone, “I bet you would get off watching her be satisfied by a real man?”

“Yes, Mistress Lace, I would cum watching,” thinking at the time it would stop the pain in the moment, just drawing more precise punches to my balls and shake. I didn’t really believe it at that time, though I did get a little excited as she painted the scene.

“A cock beyond your imagination parts your sweet wife Melanie, her screams are that of a wild animal in the forest being devoured by the hunted,” Mistress whispered close to my ear. “She was hunted, captured and taken for sexual nobleness.”

After several more minutes I avoided some manner of consciousness, productivity, coming out of the haze, making it to lunch duty. I stayed clear of Janice at lunch and even ate a little, though my appetite was almost eliminated as my body recovered. Inspecting myself, I notice the left side of my sack a little swollen.

The minutes sped by and soon it was 12:45 p.m. and my next punishment time was drawing near, the dread of another roundd hit the pit of my stomach. My cellphone rang and he name of our district’s superintendent was shown on my phone.

“Thomas, I need you to stop by my office in 15 minutes,” he said and after I said “Sure thing” he hung up.

Crap. I was going to miss my 1 p.m., or at least be significantly late, and I wondered what punishment that was going to heap on to my list. I was sure she wouldn’t take work time into consideration at all. The achievements that were still there throbbed more as my consciousness fear sunk deep in my gut.

I did 10 minutes of email and began to walk down, peering down the hall at her office door, it was shut surprisingly. I continued past classroom, after classroom of students and teachers doing their thing until I made it to the district office. I saw Mr. Carson sitting in his desk, he looked up and motioned me in through the window, half his office open to the board room. I smiled at Jean, his secretary and went in though his door.

“Have a seat, Thomas,”he said and as I turned to the right I saw Janice sitting in a chair, she was looking down yet her eyes were still up to meet mine. The door closed and I nervously made my way into my seat.

“I’ll get right to it as it seems you’ve made Mrs. Flaherty uncomfortable discussing troubles with your marriage on work time,” Mr. Carson said in his no-nonsense approach to handling things. “She claims You offer up personal problems for her to consider, sort of using her as a ‘marriage counselor’ per se.”

“Can I add that while I often listen to other staff’s problems and Mr. Fredrick is the only one who brings up the personal nature of his marriage,” Janice said, now looking squarely at me.

“Is this true Thomas?” Mr. Carson said, awaiting my response.

“I, I, I had no idea I was crossing a line,” I said, not wanting to deny it in the presence of my Mistress, yet not wanting to admit wrong doing to my boss. “I can certainly eliminate any discussions of my personal life with Mrs. Flaherty moving forward. I had no intention to make her uncomfortable.”

“Can you Thomas?” Janice said personally to me, a great performance by my work wife mistress. “Mr. Carson, I have talked to him about how straining the burden of serving the students and a lot of the time the staff. Maybe I need to be more direct, Sir.”

“It’s pretty simple from where I sit,” Mr. Carson said to her, as if I wasn’t there. “Either he stops or he’ll not be employed here much longer after that, Mrs. Flaherty. I know you two work closely on a lot of things and it’s impossible to totally separate, so you’re going to have to work it out and Mr. Fredrick now knows the line he can not cross. Please let me know the minute a line is crossed.”

My stomach sank. It was so easy for her to Make a half-truth accusation, spin conversations that she led, into a work place violation that can not be questioned. She owned me even without the video, the pictures, she’d owned me from the first month of our working together, the nature of gaining control over my life was complete. She had me.

He talked about ethics in general before he abruptly ended the conversation for a webinar. We walked out separate doors and I was behind her in the hall, watching her seemingly pantiless arse sway back and forth, just before turning the corner, down the freshman hall, she stopped and let me catch up.

“Check your AP as you’ll get instructions at 4 p.m. as to what is next, Puer.” She whispered and looked intense, focused and with purpose. “I hope that hurt more than junk punches, you sniveling little dick, poor excuse of a husband.”

I went back to my office, shut the door, shut off the lights, and sat in the darkness.


I sent Melanie a text around 3 p.m. stating, “hey might be late tonight, we’re just doing left overs, correct?”

“Okay and sure” she replied, I was trying to get out ahead of whatever the fuck Mistress Lacewas going to do to me at 4 p.m.

I turned on my Kik notifications, because at this point I didn’t want to miss anything from her and get on with this fourth round of punishments and regroup. I didn’t do much since my meeting with Mr. Carson and Janice, fielded some phone calls and eventually opened my office door.

I closed it again as 4 p.m. approached and sat staring at my phone. As 4 p.m. changed on it’s front, a notification came through from Leather&Lace22 which read:

“My Puer. The next six hours belong to me. You don’t have to understand why, or how, or what is coming next, you just need to submit. Your life, your marriage and your career is now in my hands. I hope you understand that, after sitting and smoking in front of Mr. Carson, I’m not playing games and that I own you. Here are your instructions:

1 – Call you wife as you drive to 1324 Wilshire Blvd in Menlo, convince her to come to that same address, you’ll see and pull into the open garage there. If she hesitates, beg and ask her “please”. 2 – shut the garage door and walk to the house were you’ll see an open root cellar door. 3 – walk down the stairs and close the door behind you.”

Separate and last she sent simply, “4 -obey in silence.”


**4:45 p.m.**

I assumed it was Larry who immediately pulled a hood over my head and face, I had shut t he doors and stood, blinded by daylight in the dimly lit cellar. I was surprised how far down the stairs went it was before the hood covered all light.

Over speaker phone I hear Mistress Lace’s voice, “Strip naked and be led to the stock.”

‘The stock’ rattled in my brain, the silhouettes of furniture or apparatus were seen in the moments standing. I pulled off my tie, unbuttoned my shirt, dropped it and then pulled my t-shirt over my head. I slipped off my “Dudes”, socks and feel a little embarrassed unbuttoning my pants, then stepping out of them and my boxes. Thecool dampness of the concrete floor and buried space was on my feet and surrounding my naked figure.

A man’s hand led me across the concrete onto some sort of padded flooring before stopping me, reaching out my hand to feel the wood and the padded arm spots. moved along it’s length, finding the other arm hole and was soon placing my neck, my hands into the proper places, standing in place. I feel the top drop down and hear the click of a lock on the end.

I felt the large hand move my feet forward and then one at time slide them outward and placed another restraint behind both feet and locked it in place. My legs were spread and my upper half was in the stock as I bent forward, in a 100% vulnerable position for anything.

I wondered about Larry, doing Mistress’s calling, restraining a man naked. Was he naked, or was he in the wardrobe of the lifestyle?

I heard some rustling around behind me and then in front, then a rush of air as a heavy, cloth blanket or coverg was dangling over my head and hands. It was stretched out and off of me and I heard a stool or chair placed just in front of me.

For the next 1/2 hour or so, I’d really lost track of time, this was all that my senses were allowed as there was silence. I heard some footsteps above me finally, upstairs, and I assumed it was Mistress Lace coming home. The rustling of someone getting up behind me came Again, my arse cheats now semi-open from this position, making me feel REALLY vulnerable.


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