I have been interested in bondage for as long as I can remember. I can remember back to when I was just 6 or 7 and tying up my grandmother with string. When she would get home from work and after supper, she would sit on the couch and let me tie her. She always had a dress on and nylons. I guess that is I got my love for nylon clad legs too.
As I got older, we graduated to ropes and some times gags. My grandmother never said no to me when I wanted to tie her.
At the age of 10, we moved to a new home and my grandmother moved in with a friend of hers that she had known for a long time. This ended my fun. I had to content myself with playing Cowboys and Indians with the neighborhood girls and tie them as prisoners. It wasn’t the same because they would always have pants on and never wore nylons.
I soon found a store that sold the old detective magazines. I would buy the one with the girls on the covers tied up. I had quite a collection of them. My parents didn’tKnow about them.
Let me tell you a little about my mom. She stood about 5′ 10″ tall in her bare feet. She had long blond hair and green eyes. She had a little bit of a stomach, but that is what having 4 kids will do to you.
One day while my mom was cleaning my room, she found them. When I got home from school and saw all my magazines on the kitchen table, I thought I was in big trouble. My mom looked at me and then the pile of magazines and said, “You enjoyed tying up your grandma didn’t you?” I nodded my head yes. “You still like tying up girls. I’ve seen you playing with the girls.” Again I nodded yes. Then she dropped a bomb shell on me.
“I’ll tell you what. Ever since I watched you tying up your grandmother, I’ve been trying to get Your father to tie me up, but he thinks it is perverted. If you keep it a secret between us, I’ll let you tie me up. The only rule is nothing sexual. You can run your hands up and down my legs like you did with your grandma, but that isit.” I said, “Will you wear a dress and wear nylons for me too?” She nodded her head yes. “When can we start?” I asked. My mom said, “When you get home from school tomorrow. Your father has to work late and we’ll have plenty of time. Right now I have to get supplier ready. Remember, not a word to him.” I said, “OK!”
The next day couldn’t go by fast enough for me. I Thought the school day would never end. Finally it was over and I rushed home as fast as I could. I couldn’t wait to see how my mom would be dressed for our first time.
I walked in the door and my mom was in the kitchen wearing a white blouse, black skirt, brown hose and black high heels. I could see the outline of her bra through the fabric of the blouse and knew it was white also. What was under the skirt I didn’t know?
She looked at me and said, “How is this? She did a quick spin around and I said that it was great. She said, “I suppose the ropes I found in your closet along with a few of the scarves I amMissing are your supplies?” I nodded my head and said I was sorry for taking them. She said it was ok, that she didn’t wear them any more any way. Then she said, “Well let’s get started. Go get your stuff. Your damsel is waiting for you.”
I quickly went to my room and got the box I had my supplies in. I went back out into the kitchen to find that my mom had pulled out one of the kitchen chairs and was sitting in it.
“Let’s start with something simple so I can see how good you are.”
I took out the first piece of rope and looked at her and said, “Are you sure you want to do this?” She said yes and put her hands behind the back of the chair. I quickly tied them together. She said to me that I must have had some practice at this. “The knot is tight and secure. I won’t be able to get free of that.” I took a longer piece of rope and wrapped it around her body and the chair tying her securely to it.
The next piece went around he knees, and then finally the ankles. I picked up a scarf and said to her, “Last chance to back out. Once I gag you, you’re bound for the duration.”
She replied by opening her mouth. I had tied a knot in the middle of the scarf and this I put into her mouth then tied it off tightly around her head. Then with another scarf, I blindfolded her.
I stood back and admired my work. My mom, sensing I was done tying her started to struggle to get free. She had been right about me practicing. Every chance I got, I have tying different things together and had even practiced tying my legs together. She was caught and couldn’t get free.
As per our agreement, I knelt down in front of her and ran my hands up and down her legs. I wasn’t surprised to find she was wearing stockings and a garter belt since pantyhose had just come out. I sensed that my mom was really enjoying herself.
After about 15 minutes, I untied her ankles and untied her from the chair. I made her stand up and then tied the rope around her body going under and over her breasts. Then I took the blindfold off and made her walk to the living room. I had her sit on the couch and blindfolded her again. I tied her ankles together again and then lifted her legs onto the couch so she was laying on it. This made her skirt ride up a little and the tops of her stockings were visible.
I kept her tied for about an hour all together then released her so she could get supper and the rope marks would be gone by the time my dad got home. She looked at me after I untied her and said, “You really know how to tie someone up. I really enjoyed that. We’ll be doing it when ever we can.” I was in my glory.
It turned out that my dad had to work late on Thursdays and Fridays so it was those 2 nights I tied her up. She would always try to have a different outfit on each time, but she would always have nylons on.
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