Work Wife Mistress Ch. 01

“Here’s your coffee my Dear,” Janice Flaherty, school counselor, said in jest, bringing a cup of brewed pod from the staff locke to Thomas Fredrick, principal. He would in turn bring her with a light pastry or muffin regularity, from a place he drove by on the way to Washington High School where he served as principal and she the school counselor.

Working together for three years, and having mutual admission for each other, they had banter and serious conversations sometimes simultaneously. They had drawn comments from the kitchen staff stating things like, “You two act like an old married couple.”

“How’s empty nesting going?” Janice said, sitting down, taking a sip of coffee, crossing her slender, bare legs drawing Thomas’s gaze. She was wearing a light blue dress, showing off her petite silhouette, shoulder length hair groomed perfectly, the edges of a lace bra peaking out from the fabric on her shoulders. She had a soft and attractive look Thomas appreciated comingto work to see every day.

“Larry and I found it freeing,” she said with a sly little grin as he was to thoughtful about his answer. Thomas was hesitant to answer as the kids moving out and the “benefits” that came with it hadn’t lived up to the hyper in his household. “Changed our marriage.”

“We’re still ‘too busy,’” he said with air quotes then sipping and looking at the skin Below her neck and down to her small breasts, searching for the nipples usually poking against the tight fabric. “What do you mean by ‘changed your marriage’?”

Thomas stumbled upon an article that introduced him to the term “Work Wife” while looking for a birthday present for Janice last year. He smiled as the term talked about all the traits he could see between Janice and himself. They danced Around the fringes of flirty, talking about each other’s marriages and asking deeper than normal questions.

Janice sat up in her chair, considering his question, legs uncrossed and she leant forward, smiling over her coffee mug, looking up at Thomas showing off her slight cleavage prominently displayed as her dress moved from her skin.

“You’ve never asked me anything like that before Thomas.” she said, in a slightly coy manner, her head tilting and looking him in the eyes, this time with hunger and intent. He was now nervous, but in that sexually stimulating manner. His cock started to grow, the first time in her presence and the first time due to her. “If I’m honest with you, will you be honest with me?”

Thomas was dressed in a black, light striped suit, with the coat slung over his chair, a nice pressed shirt with solid blue tie. She ran her eyes up and down him after that comment, letting waiting for a response, his eyes following hers, hopefully conveying the message she’d been waiting months to deliver.

Her body language, tongue touched her lips and pulled back, he eyes looking left and right as if they were in a public place, not behind the shut door of his office. Thomas’s dick was now full erect, poking up at the fabric of his boxers and pants, if she were to look down she would see it tenting him.

“If you’re honest, I’m honest,” Thomas said, moving around so the dick slide up his pant leg some. “Why re-invent the wheel if I’m looking to take advantage of the kids being gone?”

“Doesn’t sound like you want to change your marriage, just get bedroom tips?” Janice said in a snippy tone, put off that he made such a simplistic answer. “I know you’ve shared some of your frustrations with Melanie with me, but nothing, well, in the realm of changing.”

“We’re in a rut, looking for any help I guess,” Thomas said, but didn’t elaborate, he head dropped his head, a little scared at this point as after two years of working together, they finally broke THAT subject.

“Thomas there are a million books on that topic,” Janice said, now fully turned off by this direction and the meekness of Thomas. “I’ve got kids comingin, and if you want marriage counseling I can suggest someone. Have a good day.”

Janice sat up, opened the door saying hello to Thomas’s pregnant secretary, Kimmy, the perky 20something and headed out. His erection deflated quickly as he stood up, the wet precum was all that was left of their first sexual discussion as work wife and work husband.

Janice smiled walking away knowing she cut Thomas off, but she had bigger plans than just comparing marital bedroom notes, and she did have students coming in she had to meet. Thomas watched her backside sway back and forth walking away from his office.

The pace of the day was the usual frantic as they passed and smiled at each other, their busy schedules only allowing for brief encounters. Students, staff and the onslaught of issues was getting to her, so she just closed the door, turned down the lights and meditated. Today, the topic was – if Thomas was ready.

Janice opened her eyes, after reading all signals today and the past year, concluding it in her head before saying it out loud to herself, “Yes. It is time.”


Thomas’s orgasm came quickly. Frustrated he rolled off of his beautiful wife Melanie, kissing her stomach as his tall frame rose up and knelt between her legs, his withering cock sliding out of her.

“It had been awhile,” he said, one of his usual excuses when he was pre-mature. She lay motionless and looked up at him sort of blankly.

“It’s okay,” she usually said and said again. “It was nice.”

She went into the bathroom, her tall slender frame, 34c breasts bouncing beautifully after 50 years. He rolled over in bed, remembering her busy evening which included dinner, her either on her phone or computer with the TV showing some “Housewives” program on Bravo in the background.

His evening for Thomas consistent of him alternating from napping, playing with the dog, doing his own computer work or watching sports in another room. Having been turned on earlier, he throw out there, “You wanna get naked?”

That worked, but now laying in bed, he thought of Janice, how she ended their conversation. He wondered if he blew it, and what “it” was that he might have messed up. Did he really want some sort of extra-marital relationship?

Thomas and Melanie had gone to bed early around 9 p.m. as they both worked out most mornings very early. He felt good about initiated sex, even though it was uninspired at best, and now he was thinking of another woman.

He felt his wife get comfortable and then he slipped out of bed.

“I forget a report I need done for tomorrow,” he said, lying to Melanie. She muttered a tired ‘okay’ and he slipped downstairs with his phone, in his bedtime shorts and T-shirt.

Thomas got downstairs and sat in the darkness, feeling a need to reach out to Janice. He scrolled her name on his phone, got the message function up, three times typed a message and deleted each one He was not happy with any of them and was some nervous about contacting her off hours.

‘No’, he thought ‘it’s okay, there’s something there and he typed again setting on – “You up?”

Thomas stomach churred, his thumb close to ‘send’ but stared at it for five minutes. He knew there was no turning back, Finally hitting ‘send’ and waiting. He didn’t expect bubbles right away but after a few minutes, dejected he got on his computer.

Searching the topic “empty nest” was yielding several good title, when the text feature connected to his phone and flashed.

“For your own sake lets chat on the AP ‘kik’ – and my username is L&LACE1918”

Excited he went to the AP store, downloaded and joined kik, deciding on “fiftyfitinfidelity22” as his username.

He searched, found her name and sent a “I’m on”

Janice was much faster in her response on the application, immediately issueg a “Hi” and then, “If we’re going to communicate socially it’s not trackable here. For your sake not mine.”

Thomas frozen, the words communicate socially, and then the movement upstairs of Melanie going to the bathroom. He felt dirty, he felt guilty, his penis deflated quickly after coming to life signing up and he was ready to shut off his devices and rush upstairs to the comfort of his marriage bed.

“What’s your username about?” flashed quickly, the question froze him, it made a low sound Thomas nervously fumbled with his phone, shutting off it’s notifications. She had drawn him back into the conversation.

“Well, I’m in my 50s, am pretty fit and this is a question of ‘fidelity’ and/or ‘INfidelity’. Make sense?”

“It does,” she said, and then followed up with, “You’re more comfortable writing than speaking on this topic. Fidelity?

“Yes, I always have been” he responded, then tried to pick up their conversation from today. “Where did I upset you today?”

“(shrugging emoji) Perspective is what changed and I thought you were ready for a more in-depth conversation than just marital sex tips.”

“How do you view me at work?” he throw out a quick, very open ended, depth seeking question.

“My boss,” she said and left that hanging there. Thomas got nervous and began typing, but she cut him off.

“You don’t have to respond, let things sit sometimes,” she fired quickly.

So he let it sit and sit and a few minutes later a long message came through.

“I view you through many lenses. My boss. A man, tall, handsome, confident as he works. A caged spirit, struggling to act on impulses, still trying to figure out how he got here and why so many opportunities pass. I see you having many traits that many people in the world would value. But I also see someone want less responsibility, to be led, rather than always leading.”

“Can I be honest?” he replied. “With a simple clipche’?”

“Sure,” she said. “Be ready for adeeply simple question that will require a deeper simple, response.”

An “oxymoron” phrase, Thomas thought but let it slide as he had his honest, researched, appraisal of her ready in his mind.

“I view you as my ‘work wife’ sharing a lot of intimate things outside the obvious sexual ones,” Thomas replied, waited, happy with his assessment.

“I like that,” she said, getting the rise in his shorts started again. Her next question was simple and deep. “Yes or no, if sex was metaphorically on the table, would you hesitate, or take me?”

“Yes…and that’s another question that can not be answered yes or no”, Thomas said with a smile as he hit send, knowing what his simple and deep response was to how she spoken that question.

“Smart arse” she responded. “Okay, now answer the second part.”

“I would take you. Metaphenically or not I’d take you on the table, desk, floor, couch or chair,” he said, getting really erect now, picturing all the places in his office.

“:D (smiley face emoji)” was her response, then. “I will lead, you will wait for me to initiate, understood?”

“Yes,” he said.

“Tomorrow. Goodnight.”

She signed off.


“Good morning :D” was awaiting Thomas as he immediately checked, the new “kik” AP that Janice was communicating with him directly. He replied in kind, “Good morning to you!”

“No anticipation. Be Patient. I will lead.” she replied and that was the last message he received from her until later that night. Thomas replied with a “(thumbs up emoji)”.

There was no workout on Tuesday mornings, so he showed and left before Melanie was out of the bathroom. He called up the stairs and said, “I’m heading out, Luv you, travel safe.” Thomas received something similar, muffled and hard to make out through the door and down the stairs.

He did feel guilt in that moment, leaving toWhat he interpreted was some form of infidelity with Janice. He even envisioned how they’d be splitting assets up in a dividend, thinking downsizing wouldn’t be so bad and really the kids were practically on their own already.

The day was not productive at all for Thomas Fredrick, the shadow of office sex casting over his day had him pensive. Kimmy was prying and worried about his demeanor, her 8th month of pregnancy wo well on her, breasts moving from the smallish to larger variety. She kept herself fairly fit after a scare with gestational diabetics.

“You are all distracted, Mr. F,” she said, with her smile. They talked about her mother and the baby shower she was traveling to, which gave him something else to think about. He appreciated her, though couldn’t imagine being in that stage of his life again, wondering how he and Melanie had made it through.

Janice was no where to be seen all day, though a lot of times she went over to the elementary building or was spending time with students. It was obviously her intent to not be seen by Thomas, and he couldn’t handle the build up.

At lunch he saw her walking with other staff to lunch, Janice didn’t look up to see where he was and went into the staff lounge to eat. “Patience” he whispered to himself and continued with his duty.

The afternoon drug on and on as he had to handle a couple discipline issues and listen to a Teacher complain about a parent. His mood led to him coldly telling the young math teacher that it was “part of the job” and she needed to “extend an olive branch and work things out.”

The last bell finally rang, sending students out of the building, Thomas began to think there wasn’t going to be a tryst or encounter of any sort. He walked into the library as Mrs. Campbell was cleaning up and getting ready to leave.

Then he saw that Janice’s side room door was open, which went into a 2nd space to her office and the library. He told Mrs. Campbell goodbye as hiseyes went to the light in Mrs. Flaherty’s space.

“Do you want to go turn that off for me,” she said, almost making him think she was part of Janice’s plan.

“Sure thing,” Thomas said, then bounded over towards the room. He walked into the empty space, looked in at the empty table and chairs, one slide rocker facing the door and the bookshelves of counseling materials.

The door closed slowly he turned to see Janice, who had to have been behind it, her stern look was focused and commanding his eye’s attention, which he willing gave to her.

“Sit in the rocker and close your eyes,” she said in a low, serious tone, not to be heard. The look on her face was hungry and bold, intense, purposeful and he feared her in that moment.

Thomas did as he was instructed, shuffling over to the rocker, sitting down, placing his hands in his lap.

“Very good Puer,” she said, sounding Latin addressing him, bringing up memories of Catholic upbringing. “Reach your hands behind the back of the chair and clasp them together.”

‘Oh shit’ he thought, she’s going to restrain me. Thomas more confused than hesitant, clumsly did as she instructed, feeling the quickness of a thick zip tie encircling both wrists and tightening. He was 100% restrained to the rocker, the tie was tight around his wrists as he kept his eyes closed.

Her heavy breathing was evident in the room and he felt her standing before him, shuffling and arranging things. He heard one of the cupboards open and close and something set on the table, which was just to his right.

“Open your eyes, Puer” she said, again addressing him with a pet name, and he obeyed her command slowly.

Her shoulders were tanker than he’d thought seeing more skin, the dark blue dress, looking almost black, pulled down to just above her nipples, bra straps down too showing impossible cleavage.

She had on a mask over her eyes and came forward and put one over his, this one didn’t let any light through, which she then moved away and shut off the room’s overhead light making it 100% dark for Thomas. He shuddered to think what was happening, giving this woman total control, exciting sexually, frightening in she had just restrained him in the middle of the school.

She moved quick and smooth, her hands were suddenly on his thighs, sliding upwards, finding his pocket, finding his phone, then pulling it out of his pocket. She pulled off his blindfold, stating, “I need your face.”

She held the phone up to him, successfully unlocking it, then went on to search for Melanie’s phone number. She slide the eye covering over his forehead, then began talking to him about what exactly he was to do next.

“I am going to dial your wife’s number and put you on speaker phone,” she stated. “You need to get her someplace where you can talk dirty to her, do you understand?”

“I think so,” Thomas said, confused, trying to process. They had never had any sort of phone sex in 25+ years. His need to confirm, to be 100% literally straight now surfaced. “Right now? I’m going to be talking dirty to her right now, correct?”

Janice got real close to his face. “Don’t ever ask me another question.”

She then thrust her fist downward and struck him in his expanding cock.

“Ohhh. Shit!” he said, trying to be quiet, understanding they were in the middle of a school with practices going on, teachers doing lesson plans, “Uggggh.”

He heard Janice messing with something on the table and then back in his lap to start to unbutton his slacks. She pulled at the waistline and he lifted up, soon his boxes and pants were under his thighs. She fumbled with something again on the table and then her forearms were back on his bare thighs.

“It’s simple, Puer, I want you to describe to your wife what I’m am doing to you here, right now. Do it in a manner that indicates to her that you are imagining HER doing what you say as you masturbate. The only difference is my mouth will be your vehicle or orgasm, not your hand.”

His mind swirled. She’s going to give me a blow job as he gave her play by play? What about the sounds, there will be sounds?? His balls still ached from her strike, the air on his cock then he heard his cellphone ringing.

“Hello, Thomas?” she responded with a question as he paused at her hello.

“Yes, Melanie, Dear. Where are you?” Thomas asked.

“In my office going over documents.” she responded. Thomas felt Janice’s hand on his cock, now engorged and throbbing. He thought she’s the first female in over 25 years to hold it other than the voice on the other end.

“Close your door please,” Thomas said, getting an ‘it’s already closed’ from her. “Good, you see I’ve got my cock in my hand thinking of you.”

“What the fuck!!??” she said straightly. “Thomas…What the fuck!”

“Yes, I feel your breath on it, your hand is my hand there holding it,” He said repeating what he felt from Janice. “Oh,and now your wet lips on it’s head.”

“Thomas have you been drinking?” She said, a little softer than the first surprised response.

“No. I’m alone in my office, thinking of your tongue on the shaft licking up and down from it’s tip to the base,” again, this was exactly what Janice was doing, that he couldn’t see, but somehow this was better, sensing deprivation. “Oh baby, you’re Now taking my balls in your mouth.”

There was a long pause, Janice stayed there as he lifted his hips some, she was able to take both then alternate. “Are you still there, Baby?” Thomas asked.

“What? I mean, am I supposed to do something?” Melanie asked, now in a soft tone.

“Mmmm, your sucking the sweet skin of my sack, sad for you, for just this moment,” Thomas said. “I’m sure your hand has reached down to touch your sweetness as you release them and then move your fine lips back to the top.”

“Mmmmm, yes dear,” she said on the other side, almost motivating Thomas to blow his load right there.

“Now, you hover above my head, the precum dripping now, you watch and lick each precious drop off the head,” again, Janice expertly keeping him from ejaculating too early. “Your lips pop my tip in and out of your warm mouth.”

“I love the taste, Thomas, I want to slide it deep in my throat,” Melanie said even surprise Janice who did as she commanded.


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