Work Time Pt. 01

Work Time – Part 1 – slave girl sara

The reform in the workhouse system means that from 1930 the Guardianship of such establishments would be taken on by their local authorities. Old empty establishments were turned into hospitals in later years and most homes changed to the new regime, but not all.

Heathcoat Alms House was just such a place, and it was deemed that Heathcoat should Still as it was, still housing those down of their luck or made homeless through eviction, or maybe through just bad luck, so all had a place to go. If they contributed by working in the Alms house, they got food and a bed. The house promoted full Christian values ​​and was very strict in discipline.

I am Tara Winston and one of the lucky ones, yes, I was still beaten, and yes, I deserved most of them but I Know of a hidey hole where I could spy on everyone else having their bottoms striped. The new Chairman of the Governors had brought in a rule, all over a certain age had to show fivestripes across their bottoms at all times, even mums and dads, who got ten stripes.

All had to sign their acceptance of the rule, and it went in their file. They could always refuse of course, as long as they understand refusal means they and all their family leaving their home, so no bed, no food and no work.

He was not only the new Chairman, but he was also a sadist and a bully. In a short period of time, he had most of the young men wanked dry then beaten and told it would be weekly for them unless they conform. The pretty ones were taken to his office where he fucked them then could have their backs, made them suck him off, wank into glass and drink it.

He was infallible, or was he?

A member of staff would watch the men at shower time and those needing a refresh were taken and bent over a table in the dining hall. The stripper on duty would come down the line, squeeze their balls as a regular medical examination, then put ten hard stripes on their bottoms.

Anyone showing any dissent at all had their wives and daughters locked away in the dark room. A room so small they could not lay down. He would have the dissenter brought into the office to watch him fuck his wife and family then beat them. A nasty man for sure.

I saw all the men who had been striped stand up with a massive hard-on. Some would be embarrassed and cover with their hands best they could, some wore it as a badge of honour showing off big cocks, the younger men would simply wank and spurt onto the hall floor.

If us girls were in need we had to go to the stripes office, bend over the back of a chair and be manhandled on our tits, bottoms and pussies. If we were last in the queue we knew we would be fucked too. When we got back to our family rooms and tell them, our dad or brother would fuck us too, or if we were lucky, both.

Being caned for being naughty, or because one of the wardens wanted to fuck you, was different. Different as in where the cane stripes would be placed. To show our Five off they would be across the full crown of our bottoms. Punishment stripes were usually on the sit spot, or tits or pussy, and could be anything up to twenty. One girl my age was given forty over two days for stealing from the kitchen, also fucked twice, the second time up her bottom, not to mention what she probably got when back in the family room.

Our room was divided into three by curtains, one space for mum and dad, one for me and my younger brother and our main room with a wood stove for cooking. When dad was fucking mum my brother would fuck me at the same time. When my mum had a few days when she was not touched, it was me who dad fucked instead. We were no different to any of the hundreds of other families here.

Regarding work the women and girls would do laundry, sewing or baking for the gentry and any other general housekeeping needed. The men and boys would be sent out to work on anything that their strength required, cuttingdown trees, building walls, laying roads, anything. No one got paid directly, all the wages went to the guardian for our upkeep!

Back to this 1930s act of parliament, another provision was when you reached the age of eighteen, we were allowed to try and find ourselves a work placement outside the walls of the house and still have a bed and food. The only condition being we had to pay for it, oh, and still be striped at least once a week.

As a result, I had the chance of a job interview but had to get permission off the Chairman to go, so made an appointment. I nervously knocked on his door.

“Come in, I hope you are not here to waste my time, you know the penalty if you do?”

He pointed to the wooden X fastened on his wall and the three whips hanging over it.

“I think so Sir.”

“Get undressed I will check your stripes.”

I stripped off and bent over.

“When were they done?”

“Yesterday, Sir, it hurt so I cried.”

He slapped my bottomtwice.

“So it fucking well should, do you suck your dad’s cock?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Good, under the table, let me see you are doing it right.”

“Yes Sir.”

“I do not want to come, just get me hard enough to fuck you on your stripes, is that ok?”

“Yes Sir.”

I was soon over his desk being fucked and slapped. He cum and I had to knee and lick him clean.

“Very good, you may go.”

“But Sir?”

“Yes, thank you for reminding me, come back tomorrow and bring your older sister.”

He looked towards the cross, so I left.

I returned with my sister the day after as instructed for my appointment the with Chairman of the establishment, he had two friends in his office.

“Three minutes late Tara, so what does that mean?”

“Sorry Sir, I do not know, and I am sorry, no excuses.”

“It simply means three places to punish, now both get naked and show my guests what lovely bodies I am growing here.”

“Yes Sir.”

We both got naked, and Alice copied everything I did.

“Bend over to show you school stripes.”

“She had not got any, handprints from spanking and strap marks yes, but no stripes, and the big titted girls are faded.”

Sir was so annoyed.

“You girl, when is your striping day?”

“Tuesday Sir.”

“So why were you not fucking coulded?”

“I was in the innovative.”


“I was ill Sir.”

He came round and spanked her bottom hard.

“I know you was fucking ill, I want to know what was wrong with you?”

Sorry Sir, it was tummy pains from my monthly Sir.”

“Then why did Matron not can you, never mind, get over one of these gentleman’s knees for a spanking, tummy pains in deed.”

Alice went over the knee of the first gentleman and I was directed over the knee of the second. Both fingered us from behind and spanked hard.

“Right, over a chair each to be striped.”

WeBoth got five hard stripes, Alice cried again. He lifted Alice`s head up.

“Who fucked you last little girl?”

“My daddy Sir.”


“Last night Sir.”

“Why not this morning?”

“Because he was fucking Tara Sir.”

“And what were you doing?”

“Wanking and sucking my brother Billy Sir.”

“These gentlemen will now fuck you girls, but a suck to get them hard first.”

They came to our heads and fucked our mouth and throats, then went behind and fucked our bottoms and pussies.”

“Excellent I hope they were good for you, if not you may slap their tits.”

Which they did.

“Knee them in their pussies a few times too for being late.”

I Stayed standing up but Alice went down on the second, so he kicked her pussy hard, three times.

“Now get out, you with the big tits, back here at six for my belt and another fucking.”

We ran out and back to our room where Mum bathed Alice`s pussy while she laid on the table, as it was bleeding. My dad not to miss a trick pulled her back a little so her head hung over and deep throat fucked her mouth till he cum, I had to knee and lick him clean.

After two more visits to the Chairman, being fucked and beaten, he signed my release paper to apply for a job.


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