My Little Fantasy

One of the biggest things I think about is being left helpless and worried. I envision a crazy little hotel room normally but even my own bed is just the same… Actually better. I hear a noise that pulls me from sleep and as I try to roll over to check my phone… I can’t. I can’t move. A little worried now I will try to take in my surroundings. Yes I’m at home and in my bed but why can’t I move. After finally coming back to my senses I see soft silk ties going from my wrists to below the bed and then I notice the same thing on my ankles. I don’t know whether or not they are tied to to bed frame legs or to each other below the bed but I’m hoping for the first. There’s a better chance to escape. I try to calm down a bit more and focus on what’s going on. The curtains are closed and there is very dim lighting save for a bright desk lamp focusing on a chair in the corner. There’s a pillow below my back and neck so someone must care enough about me to make sure I am even remotely comfortable. Then… I notice that I’m nearly naked. In my sleep someone had undressed me and redressed me in a bra and panty set and knee high socks… That I didn’t own… I tried to call out for help but in all my worry I didn’t realize I had duct tape on my mouth. Wait, duct tape? No… Scraping my chin against my collar bone I realize I have the shiny black panties I had on the night before partially stuffed in my mouth. They had dried all the saliva so any attempt to spit them out was useless.

I hear a noise outside the door and start to wonder who it is. Maybe it’s Jorge and he’s coming to set me free! But no… a shadow comes in and sits down in the chair and I can just barely see his face without my glasses. “You’be been naughty Abby. Don’t deny it. It’s time for you to pay your dues.”

Standing up he takes off his t-shirt, jeans, and shoes leaving only a tank top and his boxes on. He walks over slowly to me and while I know I shouldn’t try to get away I do anyway. A soft spank on my pussy calms me down and puts me in my place. “Don’t try to get away now. Bad things happen when naughty girls try to get away.” He leans over and pulls aside my panties. Spreading the soft lips of my pussy and much to my surprise I’m already wet. I think I might like this a little more than I thought and star at him intrigued.

Smiling he bends down and begins slowly lapping at me, almost as if he is testing the new waters. Seemingly pleased he knees at the bottom of the bed and leans into my pussy devouring it. I can feel his saliva and my own juices slowly creeping down and into my butt crack. Writhing in pleasure I know he can tell I’m getting anxious – especially hearing the muffled moans and words of denial coming through the panties stuffed in my mouth. In a quick fluid motion the mystery many slides a finger into my already well-lubed ass and another into my pussy. He maneuvers his way up the bed and rips down my bra and begins to gently nibble on my nipples. I feel his fingers going faster and bringing me closer to my peak and then he stops. Looking up I see him standing alongside the bed with one leg on the ground and one propped up on the mattress. He reaches down with the one hand not on my cheat and tugs his boxers down to his hips. A thick, meaty cock springs out and I look up with sheer terror on my face. “He can’t expect me to suck that can he?! It wouldn’t even fit inside my pussy let alone in my mouth!”

But I was wrong. So very wrong. Tearing the panties from my mouth he dumps a small glass of water on my face and into my mouth. He gets into the bed and straddles me chest only allowing me only a second to swallow he then shoves his cock into my mouth and down my throat. I sputter but slowly get used to the giant rod filling every space in my mouth. “You’ve been such a bad little girl haven’t you. And you enjoy my nice fat cock don’t you?” He thrusts harder into my mouth and then gets up and leaves the room.

Coming back into the room he produces a large phallus shaped object. Dangling it in front of my fact he stops at the end of the bed and leans over my sopping pussy again. He inhales sharply now. “Mmm baby girl you smelled wonderful. Something tells me this is all. My. Fault.” He places the palm of his right hands against my slit and rubs hard “And so wet to. You’ve soaked through these pretty panties. They’re unfit now… And have to go.” He grabs a hold of the side and pulls hard so they rip apart. Dangling the object in front of me again in a teasing manner he says “Say one word and you’ll ne in trouble. You don’t want to upset me, do you?” The mystery assailant roughly shoves the object into my pussy and it starts to buzz. Pulling and pushing it in and out I feel a scream brewing in my throat. A scream of fear? Maybe a scream of hate… I don’t know but I wanted to scream.

He must have sensed it because he made a ‘tsk tsk tsk’ noise and moved the object faster. A small, soft whimper esCapped my throat and the attack on my pussy stopped. Opening my eyes and releasing my lower lip (which I found out later had been bitten so hard I bleed) I see him drying off whatever that object was. “I told you not to say a word. You must pay.” He collected his clothes and piled it on the chair where I first saw him. Then he stood up on the bed and began rubbing himself vigorously. I closed my eyes and tried to turn away from the monstrous sight but it was too late. Hot, ropy cum sprayed across my chest and face and hair.

Shaking his head he retrieves my panty gag and wipes his cock off on them. Shoving them back into my mouth he states, “You had your chance and now… Now it’s too late.” Dressing himself quickly he shuts off the lights and closes the door leaving me all alone.


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