Writer’s Notes:
1. Just a bit of fantasy that my mind says would be great for my body. My body says: You’re out of your f&^%ing mind.
2. This was originally posted on my Alt account, with ~ 9,000 views. Later (and currently) it is on my FetLife account. So, dual posted.
As I pulled into the parking lot the sun was Just setting over the mountains. Pulling into an open spot, glanced at the clock. Five minutes till five, just about perfect. Grabbing my bag from the trunk, I headed towards the glass doors. Shifting my weight from foot to foot, waiting nervously for exactly five, then pressed the button for 302. As per our prearranged signal, I heard a single clap and I replied forty-two. The buzzer buzzed, and I entered. The elevator was just off to the left, but I always preferred to use the stairs. As I climbed the stairs, 42 came back to me. “The answer to life, the universe, and everything.”, I chuckled.
Thankfully there was no one else in the hallway as their door came into view. Dropping to my knees, I wasn’t sure where to look, so lowered my head, and knocked on the door.
The elevator made the distinct ‘ding’, and shortly the doors would open, and someone would enter the hallway. Just as panic was setting in, the door opened and Mary indicated to come into the little hallway. The conversations we had had on FetLife, let me know the Totem Pole structure of the house. Master Mark was on the bottom. Mary was his submissive, and held the middle spot. She was in charge of submissive visitors (me), so I was on top (of the totem pole).
Quickly surveying the apartment, it appeared to be a standard layout. Kitchen, dining area and living area with a sliding glass door at the far end, which I assumed went to a balcony area. Right after the kitchen there were two closed doors, one on each side. Mary beckoned me to the dining room table, where there were several sheets of paper spread out for me to read and sign.
They began in a legalese way, talking about the parties (Mark and Mary) and the subject (me), do enter into an agreement to blah blah blah. Quickly scanning it, I guessed it composed of our previous discussions. There was a paragraph that allowed the parties to extend the duration as desired. I didn’t understand why that would be needed, and didn’t give it much thought. The moment of truth had arrived, and I noticed my hand shaking slightly as the pen glided across the paper, signing my name. Reached into my wallet and removed my driver’s license and paper-clipped it to the top of the document.
Mary asked me if I was ready to begin, or if I needed a few minutes. She said it wouldn’t be needed, after asking about the bathroom. My nervous excitement was peaking when I said, “yes Ma’am, please take control Until you choose to release that control.” I expected it to be the most thrilling weekend I’ve had in a long time. Friday 5pm, all day Saturday, and Sunday till five. Just a short 48 hours, I knew I could do this.
Mary reminded me that I might need to make a phone call? I had completely forgotten about my safety-call. Quickly I dialed my friend and told her “June 14th, everything looks normal”; when either of us needed a safety call, we always began the call using that date. Something, if we were under duress, we could omit, but still make the call sound correct. With my phone powering down, Mary held out a little bag, and into it went my keys, wallet, and phone.
She walked over to a tall table with a long white table clothes, between the dining and living areas and began folding up the table clothes. She had uncovered a metal cage about three feet cubed. It was resting on a wooden box a couple of feet high. There were several attachment points between these and the wall behind. Several items were inside. My desire to examine the cage and items was cut short when she said I could begin.
I had hoped that Mary would do the honors and tell me when to disrobe, and assist putting the restraints on me. She gave no indication that she was going to assist as she pointed to a list of commands that had been printed out. I recognized it immediately. They had given me “homework” a week ago, to describe exactly how my preparations would go; they had been free to modify my ideas.
Quickly removing my shoes, pants and shirt. Mary held up a finger, to get me to pause. She pressed some icons on her phone, and when she was satisfied, she held the phone so I could see the screen. Everything near the cage could clearly be seen on the screen, including myself, standing there in my socks and underwear with a very prominent bulge. She pointed to the bookshelf on the opposite wall. My eyes followed, and there it was. A little square white box with a wire running to it. It was an Internet Camera. I knew that I could be watched at any time of the day, by anyone that had access to the camera. Shaking my head, I acknowledged that we had discussed the camera as a possibility, as well as a recording.
I dropped my underwear, revealing the chatity cage that I had been instructed to purchase and wear. Mary reached down and took both keys away from the cage and examined it briefly. It was locked on tightly with a ring around my cock and balls. The ring had an attachment post that connected to a small wire cage that my cock had been forced into. A small brass padlock connected the two together. An erection was not going to happen as long as this was on. Confusion set in, when Mary held up a small yellowish hose and indicated for me to stand still.
She opened something that looked like a ketchup package, the kind we get from a fast food place. She squeezed the package and a clear gel oozed onto her gloved hand. Spreading the gel on half of the hose, she then knelt down in front of me and took the cage in one hand. With the other she started to work the gel’d hose into a round opening at the end of the chatity cage. She managed to get my urethra aligned with the opening, and began inserting the hose into my penis. She paused frequently, sometimes pulling the hose out a few inches, before pushing it back in, further each time. I feel this invader the entire length, yes, all three inches of the cage. It momentarily felt really wonderful as I felt it pass my taint area. A moment of real disappoint followed, and I sensed that Mary had been waiting for that to happen.
She slide a little threaded nut along the hose, and seemed to thread it into the hole at the end of the cage. It was a very tight fit, over the hose, and into the hole. She tugged on the hose, but instead of it pulling out, the chatity cage just bobbed up and down. Satisfied, she again motioned my eyes to follow, and I could see the other end of the hose inside what appeared to be a three-gallon glass water jug. She unhooked a clamp on the hose and waited. She didn’t have to wait long, as my bladder was being emptied through the hose and into the bottle. She clamped the hose and took a large syringe, filled with a clear liquid, and emptied it into a secondary port. Cleaning up the hose, she coiled it and attached it to the chatity cage. I then realized the extent of what giving up control of my body really means. Someone else would decide when, or if, I’d be emptying my bladder.
Continuing down the list of commands, I put on a strange set of boots. They had eyesbolts extending out each of the four sides of each sole. Instead of wrist cuffs, I put my hand into a little leather bag that had shoe laces through eyesets running up the side of the bag. Mary sensed my confusion, and indicated to hold my hand at waist level. She pulled the laces tightly, drawing the sides of the bag against my forearm. She then took a small strap, threaded it through belt-loops on the bag, thus Pulling a flap of leather over the laces, then locking it in place. Mary motioned to the other bag, and I realized the moment of no-return had arrived. Holding up my other arm, Mary slide the bag over my hand, and moments later had it lacened and locked into place. I had wished for help earlier, but now realized I was helpless to continue doing anything without assistance.
When she opened the confinement cage door, two dildos could be seen inside. Each was attached to the end of a rod that disappeared down through the floor. I was bewildered how I was. My Thoughts were interrupted as Mary reached into the box beneath the cage. I heard a small humming sound and realized that one of the dildos had lowered into the floor. She did something in the box, and the other dildo retracted partially into the floor. Mary looked at me knowingly, and it dawned on me. I wasn’t the first person to be confused in this cage.
When indicated to me, I proceeded to climb into the confinement cage. It was plenty big, but without usable hands and fingers, it was awkward. Once in, and turned around so my front was facing the door, Mary reached inand forcedly arranged the soles of the boots flat on the floor. At that point, my legs were mostly together, shins vertical, knees completely bent, thighs angled back down, wait bent, and back vertical resting on the back bars of the cage. While I had thought that I’d have plenty of room inside, once my feet were placed like that, I had to bend my neck to give my head someplace to go. I could tell, I was going to get very sore, very quickly. I was secretly thrilled that this would happen, and I’d be helpful to counter it.
Clank! Once again my thoughts cut short. I could barely see around my legs, towards the floor. Mary had dropped a bolt, but quickly found it and aligned it to a boot eyebolt. She wiggled my foot around, until she could turn the bolt. I sumised there was a nut attached beneath the floor, and she was bolting my foot to the floor, on all four sides. When she was satisfied the bolts were tight enough, she did the same to my other foot. If I thought I was helpless before, with my hands restrained, it was nothing to how I felt, unable to move my feet even slightly. I began to get worried that I might have come up with a situation that was exciting in my mind, but troublesome in practice.
I didn’t have a lot of time to ponder that. I felt the top of the cage slide against my head. Soon, I could straighten my neck, and my head was able to poke out the top. My head wasn’t completely above the cage; my mouth was about level with the top. Mary stood right in front of the cage, one leg slightly extended forward. I heard a small humming sound, and felt the floor of the cage beneath my buttocks. It was slowly pressing against them, shifting my position and raising me up. The humming stopped after my head had cleared the top of the cage.
When Mary started pushing the top of the cage, I could see most of a circle had been cut into the wood top and a strip of padded rubber had been placed into the circle. I imagined the rest of the circle had been cut into the back piece of the top with a similar rubber piece. Mary had to push on the skin on the sides of my neck, to keep it from being pinched as the top was fully slip back into place. My breathing was slightly irregular, as the opening was cut for someone with a smaller neck.
When she reached into the cage again, I felt one arm being pushed towards the back of the cage. Click. I tried to move my arm, but realized it was now restrained to something along the back of the cage. Click. My other arm was similarly restrained to the back of the cage. I couldn’t see my body, as my head was above the cage, and the rest of me was beneath the wooden top. I felt a hand on one knee, and felt something being wrapped around it. Then the same for my other knee. Mary stood in front of the cage again, I heard the same humming noise, and the straps around my knees were pulled tight. Then I felt my legs open and the humming stopped.
Mary reached in, between my legs and quickly found my anus. I could feel something oozy being rubbed around the area, and then feel a finger slip inside. She wiggled her finger inside me longer than I felt was needed. When I let out a small moan of pleasure, she withdraw her finger. It was replaced with something hard and pointy, and then I felt an upward pressure and that oozy something was being injected inside. When finished Mary quietly said, Vaseline mixed with XTC77. I knew the Vaseline would not be quickly absorbed into my skin. XTC77 was an industrial strength lubricate, known for safety and extreme durability. Mixed together, I knew my hole would be slippery for days. Resigned to my state of being, it didn’t really matter. I had given up all control over my body. I just hoped when I left, I’d be in one piece.
I couldn’t Understand what Mary was fussing with. What else was there to restrain me with? Then I saw it. It looked like a penis, with a small clear hose coming out its urethra area, attached to a strap with a buckle attached. On the other side of the strap was a little basin-like area. She rubbed something on the penis dildo, and put it up to my mouth. I opened, like the toy that I had become. She slip it into my mouth, and it reached the back of my throat and I gagged a little. When she withdraw it, she bent the tip so the penis was slightly curved. This time when it reached the back of my throat it had curved enough to follow my throat and not cause me to gag. When the straw touched my lips, it was wrapped around my head, and I heard another click of a lock. I could clearly gaze downward and see the basin, and I must have looked confused. A water bottle was opened, and poured into the basin. As the water disappeared from the basin, I could feel something in my stomach. Mary simply said, “hollow”. I didn’t have to swallow, and I didn’t taste anything. I realized that a feeding tube was in place. Breathing through my nose still worked, and with a little effort I could open my mouth wider andStill breath somewhat through it.
I felt the chatity cage move a little, and Mary had disappeared from my view. She stood up off to the side, and said my bladder should drain into the bottle, but if I felt my bladder start getting full, I was to alert her and she would fix it. I tried to thank her, but the penis dildo prevented that, so all I could manage was murph-oo. She smiled, and said the fun was just beginning. I glanced up to the clock, and realized that the time to go from a normal person, to a completely helpless toy, had taken less than 90 minutes. She saw me look at the clock, and mumbled, “Oh yeah, I nearly forgot.”
She brought over an Amazon Alexa, plugged it in, and waited for it to connect. I heard her say, “Alexa, play white noise”. Alexa asked a question. “Yes”. The device began playing white noise. A set of wired earbuds were plugged into the device, and inserted into my ears. Mary asked me something, but I couldn’t hear a word she said, so I shook my head, and tilted it to the side. Mary’s mouth moved again, and the white noise stopped. Then she asked me if that sound was too loud. I shook my head no.
Mary disappeared in front of the cage again. I heard a muffled motor humming and felt her arms brush the insides of my legs. The humming sound stopped, and started several times. I could feel pressure building up under my anus. The dildo that had been retracted into the floor, wasn’t in the floor any longer. As lubed up as I was, I couldn’t stop its invasion. It stretched me a little wider than I was comfortable with, but quickly that ended. I figured the dildo was now firmly embedded in my rear. As Mary removed her arms, I could feel her hands cupping the chatity cage. After a minute, that ended and she stood back up.
She held up a small black device about the size of a deck of cards, with two wires protruding from the top, and then dangling towards the front of the confinement cage. She fiddled with it, and my eyes felt like they popped out of my head and a muffled “umphhh” came from my mouth. She smiled and said “Good, that works.” She fiddled again, and again, with a similar reaction. It feel like electricity was racing between my anus and my genitals. I felt the electricity decrease a little, and suddenly it felt orgasmic. My penis didn’t have that pulsing feel, that I had been accustomed to. She seemed to sense that, and put the device down on the confinement cage.
Mary started to turn away, but suddenly raised her hand, and snapped her finger. She turned back towards me and reached for something, out of my view. She brought her hand back into my view, and I saw a pink pair of swimming goggles. The really small type, that just covers the eyes. I could tell that she intended to put them on me. I thought to myself, “The irony of pink goggles. I’ll see through rose colored glasses.”
Instinctively I closed my eyes when she brought the goggles up to them. I feel her wiggle them around my eyes, then felt them pull against my face as she was stretching the rubber strap around my head. She gave the goggles another wiggle then asked how many fingers she was holding up. When I opened my eyes, I couldn’t see through the goggles. Not a thing. No light even peeked around the edges. I started to panic, but felt Mary’s hands on both sides of my head, and she quietly said everything was OK, and perfect in design.
After I calmed down, I heard Mary says “Alexa, continue”. The sound was back. That monotonous static sound prevented me from hearing anything else. Time seemed to stop. I tried counting to pass the time, but the noise in my ears was messing with my mind, and it was difficult to concentrate.
The electric feeling in my nether region alternate between feeling extremely erotic, almost orgasmic, then reducing intensity to just feeling good. This continued for a bunch of cycles, then suddenly the sensing stopped. I was then feeling utter isolation. I could move my head a little side to side and in an emergency, I could only make the umphhh sound. Beyond that, I was completely at the mercy of whoever came up to me.
After a little while, or a long while, time was still difficult to gauge. I smelled food being cooked. It was absolutely marvelous. It occurred to me, the only sense that hadn’t been taken away was my sense of smell. I tried to imagine what food was being cooked. The intense smell of cooked food began to dissipate and I realized the cooking was done.
I felt air flow past my face. Someone had walked close to where I was. Ahh, sense #2. I could still feel; my sense of touch was still there. I could feel if someone or something touched me. I revealed in this, that I wasn’t a complete blob of flesh. I still had some part of me, still active. I tried my sense of smell, to ‘see’ what I could, but nothing. I felt the air on my face again, then an intense smell. What the??, disappointed I realized someone must have seen my head turnor something and me inhaling through my nose. I was now smelling an air-freshener.
The electricity sensing began again. It didn’t take long for the erotic feeling to occur, followed by the mundane feeling. At some point during this “session”, I could feel the electrified dildo in my ass begin to move. It pushed deeper ( upward ), then it began pulling out. Then deeper again. I realized I was fucked, literally. I was connected to a fucking machine, completely out of my control. It felt good, it felt great, then not so much. Then after a bit, the fucking stopped, and then the electricity stopped as well.
Time stopped again. Occasionally I thought I could hear something escape around the earbuds, but it was never long enough to accurately decide what it was. Did a door slam, did a book fall, is the world collapse? I was started when I felt hands cupping my head. I must have fallen wait. I didn’t feel tired, but I had no idea how long I might have been sleep. The air-freshener had been moved, and I could smell coffee brewing. That made me realize that I was beginning to be hungry.
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