My Life as a Dom Pt. 05

This is a continuation of the life of a dom series, although it stands alone I recommend reading the previous episodes. I would appreciate honest feedback good or bad. Thank you.



“Please Sir, it’s raining. Do you still want a cup of tea?” A reasonable request from Michelle.

“No there is no point in staying awake if I’m not going out, get back in bed. Get up at five thirty and light the fire, that’s when I’ll have my cup of tea. You can suck my dick while I go back to sleep.”

I eventually slept and was tired by Michelle with a mug of tea. I got up and took my tea to the couch in front of a roaring fire. Michelle curled up next to me. “Don’t get too comfortable, you need to go out and feed the animals.”

“But Sir, it’s raining,” she objected.

“Very true, it would hardly be the Lake District without rain and the birds and squirrels still have to eat. Put the monkey nuts mainly on the inside and leave the window open. The bird tables and feeders can all be topped up.”

“Yes Sir,” she mumbled. I scratched her arse as she went on her way. I watched her outside, naked, in quite heavy rain, lucky for her it was relatively warm rain. She put the bird food on the tables and had to unfasten the feeders to top them up. A few monkey nuts were put on the window ledge before she came in, absolutely dripping wet, she put some on the inside windowsill. She turned and smiled at me and then pounded on me making me almost as wet as she was.

I should have been angry but I couldn’t be, I burst out laughing, wrestled her to the floor and somehow ended up fucking her. Fucking her on the rug in front of a roaring fire, both of us giggling away, was invigorating. We ended up, literally and figuratively drained, laying on the rug connected until my cock gradually deflated and slipped out.

Emily came into the blinde and right away went to make a brew. She was wearing a white nightie which was full length and very very sexy.Michelle and I sat on the couch and Emily joined us. When we had finished the tea I sent Michelle to wake Emma. “That’s a very sexy nightie Emily, now take it off.

Michelle came back with Emma. Now I had three naked women with me, quite different in shape but all quite beautiful in their own way. Cyril appeared on the window ledge eating the monkey nuts, he had his tail over his head to keep the rain off. We sat quietly watching as he gradually worked his way in, picking up nuts as he went. He was well in the room by the time he reached the last one, he did not take his eyes off us and was ready to go at the slightest disorder.

“Go to the window, stand side by side and look out. Legs together, hands by your side, shoulders back, chin up.” Michelle, very slim, athletic and with a thigh gap. 34A. 23. 32. Black hair, brown eyes and permanently tanned skin. “Michelle, go and get a pair of high heeled shoes for each of you.”

Emily 36C. 28. 37. had the biggest arse of the three, a minimum thigh gap and the cream between her legs and arse cheats was well defined, her round arse was so smackable. Michelle returned and the girls put their shoes on. “Back in position,” I ordered. Now they were standing in the same positions in the same way but now wearing high heeled shoes. This made their legs and arses look so much sexier.

Emily’s wild hair hung down over her very pale skin back, she is older and has more meat on her bones than the girls but in her own way was just as beautiful and very sexy although she is only now realising it.

Emma was more the classic beauty, 34B. 25. 35. I love long blond hair, her firm arse, long legs, firm tits, I could go on. She knows how beautiful she is, how sexy she is and much as she makes the best of her looks her education and intelligence are just as important to her.

“Hands on your head, turn round,” they were probably wondering why I should want to look at them like this. Why does an art collector want to look at his pictures regularly? Why do rich folk want all the trimmings of their wealth? I just want to look at their sublime arses, exhaust pussies and I must admit their splendid though different tits, that if I don’t own have unlimited access to.

“Right girls, we are staying in this morning due to the rain which looks as though it will persist all day. So put some clothes on if you Want, we’ll have breakfast and then have a game of cards, not strip poker but perhaps we could work out a reward for the winner and forfeit for the loser. Later we will go out and see what a difference the rain has made and finish up at the Farrier for a meal.”

Michelle and Emma decided to wear knickers and a tee shirt. They also keep their shoes on. Emily, much more sensitive, wore a dress and put slippers on. We played cards, relaxed in front of the fire and watched the ever changing view. Mrs Cyril came and had some nuts and came in a little way before running off with her nuts. Emmawas rather unlucky and lost and Michelle won.

By late afternoon I told the girls to get ready to go to the village for a meal. They were to dress sexy. When we were all ready we braved the rain and got into my car. I drove down the A591 to show them the difference when the water was cascading down the falls and generally the wetness of the Lake District. There is something refreshing about smell and cleanliness. I love the Lakes whatever the weather.

We stopped off at the Sally for a decent pint of Cumberland ale before we were to walk up to the Farrier for our meal. I pulled into the car park and handed Michelle who was sitting next to me a remote control vibrator, “Put that in and we shall have some fun.” She smiled but the smile didn’t convince me that she thought it would be fun.

I sent Michelle to the bar with twenty quid for the drinks while we sat down. I turned the vibrator on high and watched her jump as she was ordering. As she started back with the drinksI turned it down, not wanting her to spill any. We had a foursome game of darts, I partnered Michelle it only seemed fair. I had played on the Sally’s darts team many years ago. Emily was surprisingly good, Michelle wasn’t, at least there was something she wasn’t good at, I was beginning to wonder. Having so much activity going on in the pussy may not help the concentration.

The rain had stopped for the moment so the fifty yard walk was dry. There were a lot more people in the Farrier and the atmosphere was convivial. Michael had reserved us a table in the centre. I wondered if some of the guys were disappointed, my girls were showing less than previous visits. Michelle and Emma’s short skirts did not show any stocking tops, quite. Michelle was not showing any signs that she had a vibrator in her pussy, yet. She was managing to keep her body and facial expressions under control. Her rebellious outstanding nipples had decided to be standing out and were tenting her dress.

The tasty starter finished, I sent Michelle and Emma to the ladies to exchange the haven for the vibrator. As soon as they reappeared I switched the vibrator on full. Emma staggered and Michelle laughed. I knew they had swapped the vibrator.


My phone alarm went off at some time in the morning that does not exist. I staggered into the kitchen to make a brew ready to wake Sir, the rain was hammering against the window so I asked him if he wanted the tea. He told me to wake him later.

At five I lit the fire, I’d hardly got back to sleep, I put a wax easy light log in the fireplace, lit it and put two logs on top. When it was going well I made the tea and took Sir a mug. I was sitting in front of the fire when Sir came in and sat next to me, he told me to go out and feed the animals and birds. Can’t he see it’s pissing down? Of course he can. The fucking birds have more sense than to be out in this. Everyone has more sense than to be out in this.

Everyone except me, no I’ve more sense, Sir has more sense he’s just a cruel bastard. I took the bird food and monkey nuts outside. The rain, although wet, was not that cold. I filled everything with the bird food, the four tables and the hanging feeders and put monkey nuts on the window ledge. I was soaking, my hair was dripping. I went back in the cottage and was hit by the warmth. I put some monkey nuts on the window sill and opened the window.

I looked at Sir smiling at me and thought sod it, he’s all warm and snug and laughing at me, I jumped on him Shook my head and soaked him. I held on, rubbing my body over him. He started laughing and we fell to the floor. We rolled about and somehow we were fucking, and kissing and giggling. I had my arms and legs round him, his cock in me as we lay on the rug. I was kissing him wherever I could reach when Emily walked in and spoiled it.

The three of us were made to stand in front of the window, looking out, naked and wearing high heels. We were standing like this for about ten minutes watching the stand rod rain and feeling his eyes boring into us. I feel like a three year old child standing like this. I wonder why he wants to look at us like this, I feel humiliated in one way and superior in another.

The rest of the day we did ‘normal’ things until we got ready to go out. We dressed ready for an evening meal, not too sexy and wearing knickers. We Drove around in the rain, the water coming down the falls. What had been little runs were now gushes, rampaging down into the road. I took some photos with a view to doing paintings from them, the Lakes are amazing the way the weather changes everything.

At the Sally carpark Sir gave me a pink rubbery device with a bulbous end and a tail. I was to put the fat end in my pussy, I thought things were too normal. Was this my reward for winning at cards? Sir helped me lubricate my pussy by playing with it and I inserted it. I pulled my knickers up, the end of the thin bitprotruded over the waistband. It didn’t feel too bad, in fact it felt rather nice as I walked into the pub. I was told to go to the bar, as I was about to ask for our drinks my pussy quivered as the pink vibrator came to life.

I blushed, I stuttered. “A p-p-pint of Cumb-b-berland ale, and ,” after a pause I managed to blur out. “Three Bicardi and Cokes, p-p-please.” The big end inside my pussy was really pleasant once I had got used to it but the spectacular feeling was the long thin end vibrated all the way up and my knickers pushed it against my clip. This too would have been pleasant, more than pleasant in private but not in a bar. Sir would not make me have it in throughout our meal in the other pub, would he? You know the answer to that.

We had two drinks there and Sir stopped and started the vibrator as well as slowing and speeding it. There also seemed to be different pulses. The rain had taken a temporary break as we walked to the Horse and Farrier where Michael was most attentive. Sir turned the vibrator down or off when he could see I was about to come so it wasn’t too embarrassing apart from blushing and my bloody recalcitrant nipples defiantly straining against the front of my dress.

Michael was struggling to take our orders, he could not take his eyes off my nipples. The sexual blush creeping up from my chest to my neck was matching the colour of my face. It may be paranoia but I felt that every eye in the place was focused on my nipples. When the starter came Sir turned the vibrations off, my uncontrollable nipples didn’t notice and were so distended it was painful.

Sir sent me to the toilet with Emma to allow her to have the vibrator, thank God. The ladies toilet was empty, “What was it like?” she asked.

“Wonderful to start with and in the privacy of the cottage it would have been great but in a full restaurant it was embarrassing and uncomfortable and my tits hurt.” That sums it up. We went into a cubicle together in case someone came in. I pulled my dress up and my knickers down to show Emma the vibrator.

“The bit inside is thicker,” I pulled it out to show her.

“Wow,” said Emma, ​​taking it off me.

“I put it in with the tail pointing upwards held in place by my knickers. It crosses the clip and as the whole thing vibrates the clip gets a full workout.” I informed Emma.

She lifted her dress and pulled her knickers out. “I’m a bit dry although this thing is a bit wet,” she giggled as she rubbed it up and down her pussy. Gently pushing it in she pulled a face and finally her pussy gripped it. She pulled her knickers part way up, “do you think I should have the tail up over my clip?”

“If you want to suffer like I did or you can or stick it to the side and just have the internal vibrations. You can decide, it was too much for me. I would have put it to the side if I had realized.”

Emma smiled, leaned forward and kissed me and pulled her knickers up with the tail pointing upwards over her clip. “Okay, let’s go,” she said as we passed a middle aged lady washing her hands.

As we left the toilet I said, “He will probably turn it on full and give you a hard jolt.” As we entered the blind Emma almost doubled over. “That’s the one,” I laughed.


Michael served the main course, I think disappointed that the front of Michelle’s dress was almost flat again. I had kept Emma ticking over, varying the strength and pulse as we ate, I slowly increased the speed until it was full speed and pulsing away. Her concentration on her food seemed to be diminishing, in fact her mind appeared to be somewhere else. “Emma, ​​go to the bar and get me a whisky, Famous Grouse.”

“Yes, Sir,” she answered and shakily got to her feet. She walked to the bar, not her usual sexy hip swinging walk, more a stick up the bum walk. We all managed to suppress a giggle. I turned it off for a few seconds as she returned with my Scotch and back on full once she had putit on the table. I had decided not to be so lenient with Emma who likes to show off and she did owe a forfeit.

“Eat up girls. Emma don’t you like yours?” I asked.

“Yes Sir it is fine, I’m not very hungry,” she replied. She looked at me pleadingly, “Please Sir,” she begged.

I smiled. “What is it you want my sweet?”

“Can you please turn it off, please, pretty please?”

“Oh I certainly can turn it off, all I have to do is press here and it will stop, so you know I have the capability. I however am not going to do that because I am enjoying this too much. I bet the rest of the customers are wondering what’s going on. Can you have a silent orgasm?”

“I don’t know, I have never tried,” she panted.

“Surely When you have masturbated in your bedroom and your parents are home?”

“I have had a pillow to drop the noise.” She was blushing.

“Well now is a good time to find out, we could ask the customers if any of them noticed you having an orgasm, couldn’t we?” She looked daggers at me so I smiled. “When you have climaxed, smile at me and say thank you so much sir. Just in case we can’t tell.”

I got another look and she went back to eating, she was doing well, a reddening of her neck and her nipples pushing against her dress were the early indications. She managed another mouthful before her whole body tensed. Her knife and fork were gripped so tight her nails must have been digging into her palms, her knuckles were white. Her head went down and she began to shake. Suddenly she stopped, her head came up, her eyes were watering and she was smoking.

She smiled at me, “thank you so much Sir,” she said with feeling. “That is the best main course I have ever had.” I turned the vibrator off. Whatever you expect Emma will always surprise you, at least she did not ask for a repeat.

“Well done Emma, ​​I’m sure you want to go to the toilet with Emily?”

“Yes, Sir,” she seemed relieved. She walked out with her usual sway and a damp patch on the back of her dress. Emily saw it and quickly walked behind her.


It hit me with a shock when he first blasted me as we walked in, Michelle had warned me. We were eating our main course, the vibrations varying in speed and intensity when it was suddenly turned up. He sent me to the bar for a whisky, which he did not need, just to embarrass me. Fuck it I’ll show him. I walked as best I could not quite the swagger I intended.

I asked him to please turn it off but he wouldn’t. He said he was going to make me have a climax here, in front of everybody! He asked if I had had a silent orgasm, when I said I had never needed to he said what about when you masturbate when your parents are home? We were sitting at the centre table in a busy although quite quiet restaurant and he says things like that. How embarrassing, I’m sure people close by heard him. I gave some excuses.

All this time my pussy was being stimulated and I wish I’d listened more to Michelle and not had the thin bit on my clip. The bastard said he would ask the customers if they could tell that I had climaxed. I wished I had Green Lantern’s killer look, I think it’s Green Lantern. I tried to ignore him and eat my main course. I could feel the build up, the tingling in my pussy, my nipples pumping up, becoming swollen. Then it hit, I tensed and tried to carry on eating.

I don’t Know what people saw, I tried to behave as though my body was not being wrapped or even wrecked by orgasm. It died down, thankfully and I looked him in the eye and thanked him as instructed. He turned it off. Thank God. I breathed normally again. He sent me with Emily to the toilet. Emily was unfortunately close behind me as we walked to the loos.

“The fucking, bastard cunt,” I bawled. Before I could say more I heard a toilet flush. I rushed into the empty stall and left Emily to face the phantom pisser. There was no talking, just the tap running as she washed her handsand the dryer as she dried them. Emily was now in the vacant stall. I opened the door and looked out. “It’s alright she’s gone,” I informed Emily who poked her head out.

“You absolute rotter,” she said. “The look she gave me and I am not guilty of anything but I blushed, at my age I blushed.” I thought she was being serious, it was certainly her headmistress voice when suddenly she burst out laughing. “The stuck up snob,” she laughed.

“Come into my cubicle,” I invited and she did. I lifted my dress and lowered my knickers, my very damp knickers.

“You have a wet patch on the back of your dress, which is why I was following so close.”

“Shit,” I exclaimed. “Well at least he can’t say I was faking an orgasm.”

“He knows you wouldn’t lie.” She was looking at the vibrator so I took it out and handed it to her. It was slimy with my juices.

“At least it should be easy to put in,” I offered in my defence. She laughed a trifle nervously.

“Do you think hewill do the same thing to me?” she asked.

“I don’t know but I don’t think so, he’s had his fun. I will show you how to put it in so that it is not so effective and you will last longer.” She lifted her dress and pulled her knickers down enough to expose her pussy. I gave her the vibrator and she had no problem inserting it. She went to pull her knickers up. “Stop, that’s the mistake I made, not the thing to do while in a public place. Place the tail to the side because it vibrates as well and it went over and against my clip. If it’s to the side you will just get the internal vibrations and believe me that’s enough.”

When we had both adjusted our dress we left the cubicle to the surprise of the two ladies fiddling with their makeup. We returned to our table and sat down.


Emma and Emily returned, I turned the vibrator on medium and watched Emily’s eyes light up. We had our desserts with me fluctuating the vibrations. I had no intention of making her climax but perhaps getting her a little excited would be interesting. We finished eating so I sent Emily to the bar for four brands to finish up a delicious meal with.

“Michael, can you order us a taxi to take us up the hill?” I asked.


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