My Life as a Dom Pt. 03 – Pets at Home


It took me some time to get to sleep, it’s been a long time since I have had to sleep with a hard on. I woke later than usual, with a hard on maybe I had it all night, I certainly had some erotic dreams. I made a brew and hung the girls’ cuffs on their hooks. I was going to string them up this morning


Strangely there was noise and giggles coming from the spare room which at first I ignored. There was a scratching at the door, I opened it to be greeted by Emily on her hands and knees. Her hair was all curly again, in a loose ponytail, with fox ears on her head and a foxes tail tied to her back. Her hands and knees were covered by fox type fur and she had an envelope in her mouth.

My intention to punish them was kind of evaporating, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. For fucks say this could be the road to heaven, talk about foxy!

I opened the envelope and read:


Your abject and obedient pets cannot speak or stand, we need to be fed and watered. The food is cut up in the fridge, for breakfast and lunch. There are bowls for water and we would appreciate glasses with a straw as we have trouble lapping. We are yours to do whatever you want.

Your loving pets,

Foxy, Kitty and Shimmering Shaz, XXX

Behind Emily was Kitty, Michelle, black nose and whiskers, ears and a black bushy tail strapped to her back. She too had matching mittens and knee pads. In her mouth she had a bottle of lubricant.

Last but far from least, Shimmering Shaz, Emma and she was shimmering. She had some sort of sparkly body cream. Her hair was multicoloured with pink, blue and white stripes which matched her tail. Makeup, and sparkling face were augmented by a silver horn. She had a card in her mouth which read ‘PLEASE ATTACH TAILS’.

She lined up next to the others who were kneeing with their arses in the air waiting for me to introduce the tails. I moved each tail so I could admit an uninterrupted view and a very pleasant view it was. “Very nice,” I walked along giving each chef a slap.

I picked up the lube and Emily’s tail, before applying the lube I tested her pussy which was delightfully warm and wet. I inserted a wet finger into her arsehole, then two. I covered the plug on the tail with lube and slowly worked it in and out, then round and round finally I embedded it in her arse. “Crawl round in a circle,” I told her and admired her even though her tail covered her pussy.

“Wag your tail,” she did her best. “Get back in line.” I moved to Michelle with her black painted nose and whiskers. Her tail was black with a white tip just like her ears. I put two fingers in her pussy and she purred, I swear she purred. Her pussy was oozing, I used her juices to lubricate the same two fingers I put into her arse.

She continued to purr, I poured some lube onto her arse and introduced the plug end of the tail partway into her arse, slowly in and out a bit further in each time until it passed the point of no return, well more difficult return. “Roll over onto your back,” I ticked her tummy, she giggled and kicked her legs about. She can be like a little girl at times, a beautiful, erotic fun loving little girl. I put her back in line.

Emma, ​​trust Emma to be so way out, every visible part of her body which of course is most of it, was covered in silver sparkly stuff. She had the longest false eyesashes I have ever seen, she fluttered them continuously. Her nipples were coloured purple. The tail which I had picked up was fine nylon, white, pink and blue, her hair was in a ponytail in identical matching colours. An Alice band held silver ears and a twisted horn.

I could see her pussy was ready so I put the tail plug in it. I put a finger in her arsehole before putting some lube on the plug. I played with her clip as I twisted the plug into her arse. Emma seemed to be enjoying this. I was only wearing boxer shorts, I removed them and lay on the floor”Lick my cock and balls before you have breakfast.” They managed to all get a piece of me as I lay back with my eyes closed and took in the sensing. “Michelle get on top and fuck me.” I came very quickly.

This was a bit of a nuisance. I was going to have to do everything. It’s like having a dog and barking yourself or having a fox, cat and unicorn and barking, meowing and whatever noise unicorns are supposed to make. I went to the fridge and found a box of chopped up food which I put into three bowls. I put water in a bowl and three cans of Coke with strategies.

I sent them into the kitchen to eat and drink.


I made up Emily’s face, more face painting than makeup. Black nose, rusty red up to her hair line and white below. I have volunteered to face paint previously at local fetes. Emma was easy; she was just covered in glitter body lotion, her hair had taken longer.

When we went out, sir looked surprised but pleased. He inserted the tails in each of us. God I was so aroused before he even touched me. His fingers in my pussy then my bum brought me near to orgasm. I squirmed as he put the plug in me, I purred a lot, I had been practicing my purr and my meow.

What a sight we must have been kneeing bangs up, trying to eat food and more difficult lap up water from a bowl on the floor. How do cats do it, lap up their drink, I would die of dehydration, it’s fucking impossible but it did give the opportunity to show off my bum and tail. I drank some Coke out of a can.


I watched them eat and drink and wiggle their arses, twerking and were generally showing off. “On the mat facing away.” I lifted the tails over their backs and picked up my ruler. I hit each chef in turn, not hard, more a bit of a flick. The woof, meow, grunt which followed each hit was rhythmic, if I was at all music I could compose a melody. Meow, meow, woof, grunt, grunt perhaps. I tested different combinations until the arses were all a pleasureant shade of red.

I had a box of Maltesers. “Sit up and beg,” they were in front of me kneeing up, paws in front of them. “Open wide,” I throw a chocolate to each of them. Emily missed hers so I sent her crawling after it. Because I enjoyed watching Emily currying after her Malteser I throw each of them another one, making it more difficult to catch so they all scuttled about retrieving them. I did away with Pretending to hit their mouths and had them scooting around the room to eat them.

Imagine three posh birds, well a headmistress and two well bred daughters of middle class parents crawling about eating chocolates off the floor. They probably have never heard of the five second rule, not that it was relevant. They were not that fast. I put the box on the side.

“Roll onto your backs, ready to have your tummies ticckled.” They all did and looked fucking ridiculous, I burst out laughing. I got on my knees at the arse end and ticckled their bellies, they jiggled their arms and legs about and giggled. I moved to the head end leant across Emma, ​​ticked her stomach and had my balls dangling in her face. She took the hint and started licking them.

She was giggling with me tickling her but kept on licking, licking right up my cock, kissing the end. Michelle was next, she really did giggle, she was very ticklish. She struggled to lick my balls or cock, she was squirming, her legs jerking; I scratched her pussy. She stopped giggling and started licking my balls, I continued to tap her pussy.

“Emily, get on your feet,” I demanded. She was quickly on her hands and knees. “Arse up, tits down, get them on the carpet.” I moved across, lifted her tail and fucked her. I stayed in after my orgasm. “Up you two, come and lick my cock.” While they were complying Emily crawled to the door to the boot room and started scratching at it. I pulled my boxes up and opened the door for her, she crawled immediately to the back door.

“I obviously cannot let a fox outside, as well as a danger to the sheep she would be in danger of being shot by the local farmer.” So I clipped a lean onto her collar before I opened the door. Assuming she wanted to pee I picked up some kitchen paper which was kept near the door and led her out. We went to the garden at the side of the cottage, actually short grass and a washing line.

She looked appealingly at me, obviously wanting to pee alone, I smiled at her. She opened her legs but realized that she was going to splash her knee pads. “I would be a dog fox, bitch, and cock your leg.” I held her tail as the best friend holds the hair when they are throwing up.

She was in that position for a while, “Please sir I cannot wee with you watching.” She didn’t actually say this but looked at me in a way that said this

“Okay then we shall go back?” I suggested.

She shook her head and was near to tears.

“I can wait,” I could look at these views all day, the vista of St John’s in the vale and Helvellyn in one direction, Scafell and Derwent Water in another, Emily’s arse and cunt in another. She eventually started to pee. I wiped her pussy and inside of her thighs, much to her embarrassment. I led her back into the house.

Emma and Michelle were both waiting to go out. I took the lean off Emily, put it on Michelle and guided her to a dry patch of grass. “I know cats don’t cock their legs When they pee but perhaps you could make an exception and keep your paws dry.” She looked questioningly at me before lifting her leg and sticking her tongue out. I held her tail, she peed. I wiped her pussy and leg prior to taking her back to the cottage.

Emma was waiting to go out. I took Michelle into the blinde, scratched her arse and said. “That is for putting your tongue out.” I scratched her again. “Now knee in front of me and beg for forgiveness.” She started meowing in a plaintive way, head on the side and a smile, she started rubbing her head on my legs as she crawled around me. I was really playing for time because Emma was obviously bursting.

“I’ll just go and wash my hands after wiping your pussies. I Like to be hygienic.” I returned to the waiting Emma. “Now what have I done with that lean?” Emma dashed into the blinde and came back with it in her mouth. I fumbled, fixing it to her collar taking as much time as possible. Eventually I led her out, Taking her to the top of the garden, not out of cruelty but because the lower end was already soaking.

She cocked her leg and peed immediately, she had obviously been talking to Emily. I wiped her, pulled my boxers down and sat on a dry piece of grass in front of her. “Be careful where you stand while you suck my cock.” She hoped to the higher side, keeping her cocked leg off the ground until she found dry land before sucking my cock. I stroked her pony tail which uncannily matched her unicorn tail.

I stood and pulled my boxes up, picked up the leash and led her back to the cottage.


Bottoms were scratched and tummies ticked, I felt so stupid, giggling at being ticked. Kicking my legs about like a toddler, the others were just as bad. When he had finished with Emma he had me on my knees, lifted my tail and introduced his penis to my vagina, sounds posh basically he fucked me hard. He held my hips and pulled me into him, banging my tender bottom. My bottom and pussy being full seemed to press onto my bladder.

We had decided to keep in character and not use the toilet but go outside to the fairly sheltered garden at the side of the cottage. I was not too sure it was a good decision now. I went to the boot room door as the other two were licking his cock and scraped at the door. I soon had sir’s attention and he let me out to the back door where he put a leash on me! He said that he could not let a fox out, a danger to sheep and danger of being shot. I could not argue with that, especially as I could not speak.

I had to wee with my leg up and sir holding my tail. I could not wee with him watching and he would not go away. Oh please, I have done everything you have asked, let me wee in private. Whose idea was this? Eventually I managed to wee. Michelle went out next. “Emma, ​​when you wee it is best to cock your leg like a dog so there is less chance of wetting your knee pads.”

“Good idea,” she replied.

“Sir’s, not mine. He stood watching me while I weed, I could not wee at first. I was blushing, I must have been bright red.”

“I hope Michelle hurries up, I can’t hold on much longer, you took ages,” said Emma.

“Sorry, I could not wee while being watched until I had to.” We chatted until Michelle and sir came back. He purposely prevaricated because he could see how much Emma wanted to wee. Eventually he took Emma out.

“I didn’t expect sir to be watching us,” said Michelle.

“I would not have agreed to do it if I had known, weeing in the garden was bad enough but to do it with an audience wasterrible.”

“Do you fancy a Malteser?” asked Michelle.

“We cannot take any without permission.”

“Why not?” said Michelle, putting her paw into the box and knocking it on the floor. We were scrambling around the floor trying to pick up the Maltesers with our ‘paws’ when sir and Emma came back.


I led Emma into the cottage to find Michelle and Emily currying about the floor trying to collect Maltesers. Excellent I thought, a good reason to punish them, I tried not to smile. “What’s going on here,” I demanded.

“Meowww,” said Michelle plaintively. The pair of them were sheepishly kneeing in front of me.

“Seeing you like playing with Maltesers so much, I will set up a challenge.” I cleared as much furniture as I could so they had a pathway along the room. “You will race each other pushing a Malteser across the room…with your nose. You will need a target, a finishing line, Emma sit against that wall with your legs open. The first one to get their Malteser to Emma’s pussy wins, believe me it is worth winning.”

Maltesers seem to have a mind of their own, a definite titubation, perhaps they are not designed for straight line rolling. Imagine this; two arses, encompassing tails, up in the air and the view above this lovely sight glittery open legs, gaping pussy and silver tits.

Michelle was winning the race until her Malteser took a detour to a difficult position under the side table. Emily took the lead while Michelle struggled under the table. By the time Michelle had extracted her Malteser, Emily had reached Emma’s pussy. Should I make her pick it up with her mouth and put it in Emma’s pussy? No. “Pick your Malteser up and feed it to Emma.”

She picked up the Malteser with her mouth and pushed it into Emma’s. “Very good Emily, you will get your reward later. Michelle, give your Malteser to Emma.” When they had finished their Malteser swap / snog, I decided it was time to eat. I went to the fridge and broughtout the second box they had prepared and refilled the bowls. I emptied the water bowls and filled them with wine. I helped myself to some sandwiches they had prepared for me, a glass of wine and sat watching the show.

I put blindfolds on Michelle and Emily and made them knee with their arse facing me. “Right you two, masturbate with your right hand and play with your tits with your left. Emma lay on the couch, suck my cock while we watch them masturbate; you can stop when Emma makes me come.” With Emma’s head on my stomach and my cock in her mouth we watched them.

I savoured both the vision of the masturbators and the feel of Emma’s mouth around my cock and her furry hooves on my balls and legs. “On your backs girls, carry on the same with legs spread, it is such a lovely sight to behold.” Emma’s attention and the sight and sound of pushes being stimulated was bringing me to orgasm.

“You two make yourselves respectable, I expect you to look as good as you did thismorning. Emma and I are going for a well earned rest.” I took Emma into the bedroom. “Well Emma you are a very lucky girl, if you had been there you would have been the instigator of that mischief.” She grinned at me, knowing damn well that I was right. I got on the bed and propped myself up against the headboard. “On hands and knees in front of me, arse to me. Lift your tail over your back and play with your cunt.”

She was laughing as she jumped to obey. “You really are a complete tart, your cunt is sopping, I could probably get my fist up there. Watching women playing with herself turns you on, you slattern. Listen to that sloshing about, you could drop somebody with that much cunt juice.” She went faster.

“Stop, turn over, get on your back, legs up.” She quickly turned over and continued using her hairy hoof to bring herself to orgasm.


Peeing in front of sir was not a problem anymore, cocking my leg up made me look ridiculous but I compiled, I put my tongue out at him. In the cottage he spanked me, I think he was just wasting time to make Emma wait. When he had gone out with Emma I tried to take some Maltesers but knocked them over, not accidentally, I wanted to have some fun being punished.

He caught us of course, instead of a spanking we had to push Maltesers with our noses up to Emma’s pussy. I was winning easily when my Malteser did a sharp right turn under the side table. I will have to wait for my punishment, he called Emily’s a reward. We ate and drank, happy wine instead of water, from our bowls.

He made Emily and me masturbate in front of him and Emma. I felt terrible, ashamed and abashed but poor recently straight-lacened Emily must have been mortified. He allowed us to stop when he had splashed into Emma’s mouth. I had two orgasms but nothing spectacular. I didn’t want to come like this but the stimulation and humiliation gave me no option.

Emily and I had to tidy ourselves, to look like we did this morning, not possible for a start we both had a very soggy and sticky paw.


Emily was outside for ages, I needed to wee in a hurry and I was thinking of cheating. She came back and sir took Michelle out! Emily told me what had happened and how she had struggled to wee. I crossed my legs as we spoke. I don’t know if unicorns can do this but I was going to wet myself and the floor if I didn’t get out soon.

I waited in the boot room at least if I can’t hold my pee it will be easier to clean up. They eventually returned and I was still holding on. Sir messed about to delay taking me out, he knew what a state I was in, bastard! Eventually he led me out to the top of the garden, I cocked my leg and peed. What a relief.

Sir was gently wiping my pussy and leg, I would love him to play with my pussy while I soaked up the sun. No chance, he led me back in where the other two were trying to collect Maltesers off the floor. Oh huh, they are in trouble and I have missed out. I became the target for a race where the winner Emily had to push a Malteser up to my pussy.

With me sucking sir’s cock while we both watched Michelle and a very embarrassed red faced Emily masturbate in front of us. I was rubbing his balls and legs with my furry hoof when he came into my mouth.

While they tidied themselves, sir and I went for a rest, a rest for him, not me, he watched me masturbate. He said I was lucky not to be involved, he knew I would have been the leader. He called me filthy names, I love the dirty feeling, I love being his slut. He said I was so wet I could drop someone.


“All take your mittens off. Michelle, bring three pairs of your briefest knickers and two bras.” She crawled off. “Emma, ​​your glitter is a mess, get it sorted. Emily, pour me a whisky and three glasses of wine.”

When jobs were done I had them stand in front of me. “Take the knee pads off. You may stand, speak from now on and use the inside toilet. The tailsand other animal artefacts will remain. I have ordered Chinese again, you will all collect it. So let us get you respectable. Emily come here.”

Michelle returned and I took the clothes off her, she had brought two bras; one lacy normal fastened at the back 34A one and soft stretchy one that was pulled over the head. I put the bra strraps over Emily’s arms and over her shoulders. I moved Behind her. “Put your tits in the cups,” I instructed her, cups is rather an inappropriate word for the almost flat lace material. I tried to fasten the bra at the back, it was about six inches from fasting. “Emma fetch some string from the kitchen drawer.”


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