My Life as a dog slave
I awoke in some of a daze. I appeared to be in stall or such like in a large barn. There was straw on the floor and a couple of hay bales. There was a wall behind me with cupboards and rails to the side and the front. I check myself out – there was a large chain around my waist with a large padlock attached and the chain seemed to go through the wall. I tried to tug at the chain but my wrists were cuffed behind me which made it difficult and just tried with my body but the chain did not budget. My ankles were also cuffed with a small chain between them and padlocks on the cuffs. Around my neck was a leather spiked collar with seemingly no opening. I tried to stand but the chain was too short to allow this so all I could do was sit. I was naked other than for my Restraints.
I was starting to become more alert and called out “hello”, “anybody there” but there was no response. I could hear some noises -dogs, cattle, sheep. I continued to call out without response. A short while later, 2 women appeared. One was dressed in a short red leather skirt, high heels and a low cut top showing her prominent nipples. The other was a little younger, but dressed in black leather pants, thigh high black leather boots and a see-through black lace top which showed off her ample assets and rings pierced through both nipples and belly button jewellery. In her left hand, she carried a flogger. She also had a leather collar with the word ‘Mistress’ in studs on it.
I started to complain but a sudden pain in the throat stymied the complaint. The older woman, holding up hand, said, “I am Mistress Zelda and this is Mistress Astrid. Welcome to our world and your new world as a slave dog. There is no point in calling for help, We are a long way from anywhere and there is nobody else around. From now on, you will do as you are told when told. If you fail to obey, you will be punished. There are some basic rules but there will be more when you start your training. Firstly, in our presence, you will always be on all fours, facing us but with your head down. Secondly, you will not look at us unless specifically ordered to do so. Third, you will not speak unless spoken to and only then to woof – one woof for ‘Yes’ and 2 woofs for ‘No. I do not expect there be very many 2-woofs. Now, I suggest that you get on all fours unless you want another sharp jolt’ and she held up a remote control and pointed it towards me. I started to say “yes” but controlled myself just in time as the remote started to be pointed towards me again and I scrambled on to all fours facing the mistresses. ‘Good dog’ replied Mistress Zelda. ‘I think that we will just call you “Dog”. Remember, you are now our slave to do with as we like. Any failure to do so ordered, will be met with punishment. Do you understand?” “Woof” I went. “I am leaving you in the very capable hands of Mistress Astrid who will conduct your training. She will tell you what she expects.”
Mistress Zelda then left leaving just Mistress Astrid. She spoke for the first time. “Do not think that I am a soft touch and you can get away with anything”, she said slapping the flogger across her hands. I involuntarily shuddered. ” I expect my slaves to do as they are ordered without hesitation. Any infections will be punished immediately. I particularly like flogging my disobedient slaves until they cry out. I haven’t had much opportunity recently to do that and I miss it!’ she said with a gleam in her eyes and continuing with the hands slapping. ‘Now, it is late and we have an early start in the morning so that I suggest you get some sleep in reading. I will bring you a bowl of water and some food. Do you wish to go to the toilet?. she asked. I Relied with a ‘woof”. Mistress Astrid went to the cupboard and got another bowl which as had the word ‘Dog” on it. She placed it near me and brought my still tied hands in front of me. I was wondering how to use it and moved over the bowl expecting to pee into it. Suddenly, there was a ‘whoosh’ and the flogger came down very hard on my exposed arse. I yelled out in pain and knocked over the bowl. ‘A male dog does not pee over a bowl but cocks a leg and then pees. Not a good start to your training is it? Also, you have knocked over the bowl. I should flog you just for that. Put the bowl upright and do it again.’ I did so and then moved carefully towards the bowl, cocked a leg and peed. I had some difficulty starting but then it all flowed out. “Good Dog’, said Mistress Astrid.
She took the bowl away saying, ” You will learn tomorrow how to pee properly”. She then brought in a bowl of water, some dry food and a bone with some meat on it. She placed They just so that I could reach them. ‘I suggest that you eat it all up as tomorrow will be a long and tough day’ she said and left, closing the latch on the stall door behind her and locking it.
I drank the water as I was very thirsty. The dry food was dog food, which I didn’t eat- the bone didn’t have much meat on it. I was hampered by my hands being tied together but I was able to eat some of the meat. I tried again calling out for help but soon gave up. I was tired and hungry but decided that sleep was the best option. Perhaps, tomorrow I would be rescued.
I awoke the next morning still tied up and hungry and Angry. I drank some more water. I desperately wanted to pee but the bowl had not been replaced. I didn’t think it would be a good idea to pee in the stall.
Then I heard the stall door being unlocked and Mistress Astrid walked in the same outfit as the day before. My cock started to twitch. I thought that I might be able to overwhelm Mistress Astrid although my circumstances were precarious to say the least. I think that she thought that was my intention. She walked out of the stall, closing it but not locking it. I tried to get to the door but the chain would not let me. ThenI started moving without realising it – Mistress Astrid was winding in the chain from the other side of the wall. There was nothing I could do to stop it although I tried. The next thing, I was on my arse sitting against the wall. Mistress Astrid then returned to the stall. “That is one beating with the flogger”. I put my tied hands up to try to push Mistress Astrid aside but she swiped them away with the flogger and stood on my hands. I yelled but by then Mistress Astrid had a lean attached to my collar which she attached to a ring on the floor and pulled my head down so that my forehead was on the floor. “That’s a second beating”.
She reached above to the cupboard and took down 2 other restraints and some chains. She went out and behind the wall. I heard the chain being unravelled a little and I was able to get on all fours. Mistress Astrid returned to the stall. She attached the new restrains to my thighs and then looped the chains through the hoops of the thigh restraintsand the attached them to the handscuffs. I was effectively only going to be able to crawl. Mistress then produced a key from between her breasts and undid the padlock on the chain around my waist. She then took the leash and pulled me towards her. I had no choice but the move along with her. We went out the stall door and along a corridor to the end of the barn. At the end of the barn was a washing area with a hose and 2 hitching posts.
Although I was hungry and very anxious as to what was going to happen next, Mistress Astrid attached the lean to 1 hitching post with a lock. She pulled my arse around and attached another chain to one of the thigh restraints and the 2nd hitting post. I was stuck between the 2 posts with very little chance for movement. Under me was a drain. Mistress Astrid then went to another cupboard and took something out which could not see. She then went behind me and I felt her moving my arse cheeses. I then felt her plumge what is realized was anenema in my arse and then my arse was filled with its contents. She then walked in front of me. “Well, my new slave is proving to be more stubborn than I thought. Let’s see what the enema produces.” She then walked away. My poor bladder was by this time bursting and I could not hold on any longer. I peed a long stream which ran into the drain. Mistress was watching the whole time. She then held up 3 fingers – meaning that was a third beating with the flogger.
After a few more minutes, I feel my bowels move as the enema did its job. I tried to hang on but it was useless. Mistress then moved across to the hose. I now understand what it was for! Mistress turned the hose on my arse. The blast of cold and the powerful spray nearly knocked me over. Mistress only laughed. She then went back to the cupboard and brought out a butt tail plug. It had a black tail. I knew that Mistress intended to shove it up my arse.
‘You will get an enema every morning to clean you out as well as the hosing. Then I will insert the butt plug. We will start with a relatively small one just so that you get the hang of it and they will progressively get bigger as your arse adjusts to them and gets ready for bigger ones. You will keep the plug in at all times other than when I take it out to clean your arse. If it comes out, then you know the consequences, don’t you? I expect you to answer with a ‘woof’. “Woof’ I said. Mistress then took the butt plug, put some jelly on it and stood behind me. I felt her move my arse cheeses again and then shoved it in my arse quickly. I yelped out with the pain! “Good” said Mistress and moved it around in my arse. The pain gradually subsided. With the butt plug inserted, Mistress started to fondle my arse cheeses, every now and then giving them a slap. She then went to the cupboard and produced a spreader bar. She knelt down behind me and clipped one end of the bar to one of the ankle cuffs and the other to the other ankle cuff. I was now held by the lextra at one end attached to the hitting post and the other end with one leg attached by the thigh restraint to the other hitting bar and my legs spread apart by the spreader bar. I was going to be able to move very much for what I now realized was in store for me. Sure enough, Mistress produced the floater! She showed it to me – about 2 feet long with a handle shaped like a penis – and waved it over my back, with its tails Just touching every so slightly every now and then so that I could get ready for each strike. She then proceeded behind me. I tensed for what was to come but realized that was not the right thing to do – it would only increase the pain. I tried to relax and just as to did, Mistress brought the floater down on my arse with the great thwack. I felt the butt plug move further into my arse. I yelled out in pain! “One” she cried. Mistress then started twirling the flogger, sometimes with just the tails kissing my arse and then there was a second thwack as she brought itdown again. Again I cried out and the butt plug moved. The twirling started again and I got ready for the third thwack. But Mistress was patient. The swirling seemed to go on for an eternity and then came the third thwack. Again I cried out and the butt plug moved. “Three” she cried. I had to steel myself not to pass out with the third which I am sure Mistress tried to make the best. Mistress sure knew how to use that flogger! “Good dog” said Mistress. “I really enjoyed that – I hope you did too” I was too beaten to respond. “Good to get some practice in – I look forward to the next round as I am sure that there will be. I will be in better form then!’
Mistress then went to get some water – for herself. She could see me panting and went and got a bowl, filled it up and put it down in front of me. She unlocked the lean from the hitching post and I was able to lick some water from the bowl. I felt better but still very sore and hungry. I didn’t have the energy to be angry – all Iwas trying to do was survive. I hated to think what my arse would have looked like! I don’t think that she had drawn blood but I knew that sitting down was going to be difficult. I didn’t need another flogging so I was going to have to be, at least for the day until I recovered, on my best behavior.
After we had both finished our water, Mistress released the other chain at the end of the hitching post but left the spreader bar where it was. This made even crawling hard but I was sure that this was further punishment by Mistress but I dared not complain for fear of another flogging. Mistress pulled me along by the lean to make me keep up with her.
“Now”, said Mistress,” we can start with your slave training. As you now know, you will pee by lifting your leg, your arse will be cleaned each day with an enema and them the hose. You know what will happen if you are disobedient, don’t you? “Woof” I went with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. ” Good Dog”, said Mistress. “Ithink we will start with some basics – heel, fetch, roll over, come”. We were approaching a door to another shed. Mistress opened it and led me in. It was a big room with a training area and some tied seating on one side. I was a bit worried about the seating and why it was there. My poor cock had by now shrunk to the size of a peanut. Mistress had also noticed this. She led me to the centre of the room and attached my Leash to a hook in the floor. She didn’t both to lock it as she knew and I certainly knew that I was in no shape to try any escape. Beside, she had locked the door to the room and had the key nicely tucked between her breasts. She went to another cupboard and opened it. It had a huge array of bdsm equipment. She got a chatity device and came to me. She made me get up on my knees before her with my hands in the air. She then took part of the chatity device and locked it behind my balls. Then she took a cock ring which had some spikes on the inside and pushed my cockThrough it. Then she took a cage with side splits and also pushed my cock through it, finally taking a small padlock and attached all three things together. When she had finished her handiwork, she looked at it and smiled. “That will keep that cock of yours in check!’ She also checked on the butt plug, gave it a tug and then pushed it back in me. I winced but kept quiet.
We then commenced the training. Although I was buggered, I did everything I was asked. I even got the odd compliment. After about on hour, Mistress decided that was enough. She led back down the corridor and out to the hitching area. She tied me to one of the hitching posts and ordered me to pee. I was able to come quite quickly and it went down the drain. Mistress then took back to my stall, removed the chains for my tights to my handscuffs but left the thigh restraints on. She attached me again to the chain with the padlock and let out the chain so that I had some move movement. She left, checking again on thebutt plug with the same routine, pulled my balls and the chatity device, closed and locked the stall door.
I was so tired that as soon as got to a reasonable confidence position, I fell asleep. My hands were still in front to me and I wondered whether they could be useful tomorrow. I awoke to the door being unlocked and some food being left. I didn’t look any more appetising than the day before so I left it. I He knew that I had to eat otherwise I was going to lose strength and that would not help me in the end. I drank some water and went back to sleep. The barn lights went out at some time and I was in darkness. During the night, I woke with a start – I was in some pain. My cock had tried to get hard but the spiked cock ring and the cage had blunted my erection. It eventually subsided and I was able to get some more sleep. When I woke later in the morning light, I noticed the butt plug had come out. Just as well my hands were in front of me as I was able with much twisting and turning to get it back in.
Not long after, Mistress returned with the flogger. I thought that she might have known that the butt plug had come out and that I was in for a flogging. However, she said nothing. She set down some more food – it did look more appealing and because I was so hungry by then, I ate it all up while she watched. Because I was so caught up eating, I hadn’t noticed that Mistress had attached the chains to the thigh restraints and handcuffs rendering me back to crawling. She had changed her outfit for the day – she still wore the over the knee boots but with a very skimpy black skirt and leather dominatrix harness exposing her breasts. She also still wore the mistress collar. She bent over me to attach the leash exposing her shaken and pierced pussy. I knew my cock was going to be in trouble today! She also repeated the treatment of the butt plug and my balls and chatity device all on the pretext that everything had to be in order. I was feeling better for the sleep despite the restraints, and the food.
And Mistress led me to the hitching area. She led me first to a tree to pee against and I made sure that I lifted my leg as required before attaching me to the 2 hitching posts as before. She removed the butt plug and inserted the enema. It worked much more quickly this time as I had so little food the previous day. She used the hose again with somewhat less pressure this time and after cleaning the butt plug, re-inserted in my arse. I wasn’t sure what my arse looked like after the previous day’s flogging and it was still tender but not as bad as the day before. I hoped to avoid another flogging today.
After the cleaning, Mistress led me to the same room as before. Again, we went through the same routines although more quickly. She also put me on a long Leash and had me ‘run’ around the outside of the training area. She timed me doing this and each run had to be quicker. She twirled the flogger around me without it making contact just to show who was the boss – and it worked! The memory of the flogger and what it could do was only a little less than the day before. Mistress also gave me some food to eat after we had spent a couple of hours training. I wasn’t sure about getting any dinner though. She also made sure that I got plenty of sight of her pussy and kept an eye on my cock to see if anything was happening. The poor thing looked a couple of times as if it wanted a work out but the ring and the cage kept in in place. I saw Mistress smiling a few times.
After the lunch and a few more runs, Mistress sat down on a benchmark with the flogger next to her. She pulled me over by the lean so that I was on all fours in front to her – head down. She then ordered me to look at her. She then unid her skirt and drew her legs apart showing the full extent of magnificent pussy. She ran her fingers down her pussy and clip looking at me all the time. I feel my cock trying to engorge but the spiked ring and the cage were doing their jobs. She pulled the lean tighter so that my head was now only millionmetres away from her pussy. She grabbed my head and thrust it into her pussy and ordered me to lick her pussy and clip and to make her come. Mindful of the adjacent flogger, I thrust my tongue into her pussy and clip and licked as though my life depended on it – which it might have! I worked my way up her pussy to her clip and pushed my tongue into it. It quickly became very wet and I worked it some more. Mistress kept pushing my head harder into her pussy and clip and it was getting very difficult to breathe when suddenly she let out this roar and came all over my tongue. This seemed only to encourage her and she worked her hips to get as much of my tongue as possible until she came again. My cock was also screaming by then but I knew that it was not going to get any relief. Finally, Mistress calmed down and removed my head from her pussy and clip. “Well” she said, “that was quite a surprise – a good one. I’ll have to tell Mistress Zelda how good you are at eating pussy. It may earn you some bonus points.”
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