(Serious thanks to the editors that have to deal with me. They are the gate-keepers, and still have to read every story submitted. Again Thanks!)
Chapter 5
Routines and Wailing
Michelle wasn’t the only lesbian woman that was enslaved to be a breeder. In the client schedule of two months, with some 30 clients, 3 preferred women over men. It made my job more difficult, and it was far less enjoyable when the woman I was breeding hated penis in general.
Domina allowed Alpha to help with the two that had shown up in my cell after Michelle.
Johanna’s water broke as she pushed a new client into my cell. She locked the door and began yelling for our owner. I listened as best I could through my cell door, then I stood on the bed and tried to listen through the dining room floor, or my ceiling.
“What is happening?” While the breeder I had yet to set my eyes on.
“Shut up!” I whispered loudly, I put my right index finger over pursued lips, to sign for her to be quiet after I had told her the same request. No deal. This one would not shut up.
“Look, we need to get started!” The voice was now somehow authoritative. Above me I could hear Johanna wakening in pain. I was losing my patience with this breeder. I had to have her quiet to be able to listen on what was going on upstairs.
“If you don’t shut the fuck up, I will have my Mistress beat you.” I threatened.
“You are full of shit. Your Mistress, nor Alpha is allowed to lay hands on me.” The voice said. I finally looked over at the woman. I was flatberggasted.
“How old are you?” I asked bluntly, while listening to the household move Johanna to the second floor. Most likely she would give birth in the slave room.
“21 stud. We need to get going. I’ll suck you hard then, I’ll go doggy so you can fill me.” She said. Her words fell on deaf ears. I was wondering what her church and honeypot tasted like.
She was a very large white woman. She was much bigger then Domina, not in height, purely of girl. Her Master may have her trained to be an eater, or “Feedee”. There are a few ways someone that young could have gotten to be 400lbs without help, or a thyroid condition.
I stepped off the bed and finally answered her question.
“My Alpha is in labor with my, um, her, um…Domina’s first paid adoption.” I said lowly. I opened the fridge door and grabbed a cold beer. I was still transfixed by this large Goddess-like slave. I found myself staring at her, and she called me out on it.
“Slave dude? Do you like my body?” The accent was California, I was certain.
“Yeah, I do.” Just by admitting I wanted to breed her, I swear my cock grow an extra inch. I was very curious about her honey pot and church.
“Put a baby in me hon. I can’t go home with an empty womb.”
I attacked her.
I pushed her into the bed, ripped her legs apart, and dove for her honey pot. Her chaffed thighs engulfed my head as I suckled on herlarge clip. Her odor and flavor filled my senses. It was sharp acidic old piss, sweat, and her pheromones.
She locked her legs around me, keeping me where I was. I didn’t care. I lowered my head to eat her ass. She lifted her legs so I would have better access to her church. I have to say that I was impressed by her flexibility.
“Damn, I may beg my Master to buy you. You know how to eat an ass!” She moaned.
Her church was dirty, she probably had been freshly shown, yet her church was salty with sweat.
“Okay stud, lets get to business.” She ordered. Domina must have told her that she was above me.
“Yes dear.” I said breathlessly.
She rolled from her back to her front and lifted her flat ass in the air. Her ass would have been amazing if she didn’t sit on it all the time. The fat in her ass migrated to places she hadn’t sat on. It was a shame. I looked past it, and focused on her wide round hips.
She was very loose, but soaking wet. Normally when I was breeding, lube was needed, and I would only last 10 minutes or so. This time lube came from her body, and I lasted 45 minutes the first time. I felt nearly nothing other then warmth, and my cock head slamming into her cervix. I was about to lose my hard on.
“Having issues here.” I announced.
“Keep going, I have a gift for you.” She said.
Her gaping hole suddenly tightened down on me like a vice. I could feel every detail of her hot breeding box. That was a kitchen match to the fuse. I grabbed onto her fat, luscious hips, and slam fucked her as, what felt like a gallon of cum filled her uterus.
I could almost guarantee, she was pregnant just by the size of that load. I collapsed on her back.
“You like big girls don’t you?” She taunted. I had no energy to answer.
It took me 10 minutes just to catch my breath and to get my heart rate down. I was confused as to why this large woman seemed hotter then any of the other women sent to my cell.
“She looks like a Caucasian Domina” I thought.
“No Domina is perfect, this woman is just beautiful” I thought next.
“What do have for food stud?” She stayed with her ass in the air.
“Sandwiches.” I said simply.
“That’s not going to work. I have to gain weight everyday. I need a minimum of 8000 calories per day if I am ever to hit my immobile weight of 600, then on to bed ridden till I get to 1000 pounds.” She remarked sternly.
“I will see what I can do, but no one is watching the cameras with the Alpha giving birth!” I said with a hint of panic.
“Fine, just give me everything in the fridge, beer and soda included.” She ordered. She began to eat while still in the breeding position.
There is a myth that fat people are disgusting slobs as they eat. Talking with a mouthful, slurping down drinks noisily, making a mess as they eat. This was dead wrong. This woman had the manners of English Royalty. It was near dead silence as she ate, and I neverHeard her so much as bite.
Other than her being a Feedee, I would have married her in a heartbeat. Well, you know other than the fact we were both enslaved. She had manners, decorum, and seemed to be vastly intelligent as I soon found out.
“Did you know the Roman slaves were in many ways treated like family?” She stood as she sat up and grabbed the beer from my hand,
“Only the educated ones.” I corrected. She changed the subject.
“Very volunteer women were highly regarding, and were even to speak for certain Gods.” She started. Then said, “And by volunteer, I mean…”
“Fat?” I cut her off. She gave me a stern and dirty look. “I think you may be large, but you are beautiful!” I attempted to save myself.
“Healthy, possibly rich.” She corrected. “In Rome, as all the way through the middle ages, being large was a sign of wealth or power.” She said, then cugged my beer. She looked at the can to see how many calories had been inside. There was no nutrition break down.
“Hope your Alpha pops soon. Or else your owner will lose money.” She remarked.
She was starving to death. I needed to get her more food. She had eaten all four sandwiches, and drank the majority of the beer in the time it took me to get hard again. As soon as she saw my erection, she set down the beer on the concrete floor and went to the bed with her ass in the air.
I followed her, Knowing my job. But this time I savored her ass longer and tongue fucked it. Now my cock was raging hard. I pulled my face out from her ass, held on to her hips and slam fucked her as hard as I could. Her tights and ass rippled with every collision of my stomach and legs slapping against her. I kept a steady medium pace till I felt her tighten involuntarily.
Then, I picked up speed.
I was used to moaning and whimpering when a woman has an orgasm. I was not used to screaming. I slowed down and was about to ask if she was okay.
“Get back to what you were doing, I want another one of those.” She grew.
I did as told. I slam fucked her quickly till I could no longer hold out. I busted a second nut into the soft slave.
The door to my cell opened quickly. We both turned to look to see my Domina. She wore a white apron over her nudity. The apron showed splotches of blood.
“What is with all the screaming? My Alpha just gave birth and was quieter than you!” My Domina chatised.
“Orgasms Domina.” I said simply.
“Enough already! Stop for the night, your betters are all exhausted, as is the newborn. I want silence down here!” She ordered.
We both said, “Yes Domina.”
I feared Domina immensely, still there was an issue to discuss. So I raised my hand.
“This had better be good slave!” Domina said with a touch of anger.
“I need 8000 calories per day for this breeder. If she doesn’t get it, her Master will dock your stud fee.” I informed. Domina’s attitude changed quickly, seamlessly.
“Thattrue?” Domina walked up to the naked brunette.
“Master wants me to set a world record by being the first 1000lb sex slave to give birth.” The breeder emphasized.
“What is your nickname or your designation?” Domina asked.
“BBFS-4-5/1998, or “kitten”.
“BBFS-4, what does that mean?” Domina tested.
“Big Breeding Female Slave, the 4th of her kind in his home. The rest is my birthday month and year,” Kitten seemed to be scared of Domina. She had good instincts.
“Your Master changed the original term BBW to that?” Domina was smiling. She thought this funny. “BBW is Big Beautiful Woman, He must not think you beautiful I guess.” Domina chided.
“Do think she is beautiful slave boy?” She asked me.
“Yes Domina.”
“Prettier than me?”
“No Domina.” I answered clearly.
“Good. I will have food sent down. Don’t let him eat any of the food I send for you. I will send him something for his special diet. Don’t eat his either!” We both bowed, asshe locked my cell door.
“Kitten?” Was all I could manage after Domina was out of earshot.
“I’m a snuggle monster and cute!” She said cheerily.
Lindy arrived with double the beer that was normally stored in the basement, as well as a carton of cigarettes, then left. She came back with a dozen doughnuts and a platter of eggs sausage and bacon. Kitten dug in, as Lindy left again.
As I silently wondered if I was getting breakfast, I watched kitten eat a glazed doughnut. I couldn’t remember the last time I had a doughnut. In this moment I wanted one, and a couple slices of the half pound of bacon that filled the air with it’s perfume.
What I needed however, was some fresh cum and more beer. My whole body, was craving fresh jism. My mind told me that Domina had added something to the cloudy mass before she served it to me, to make me addicted. Much like the beer, and smokes we as a whole were encouraged to drink and smoke. Heroin? Cocaine?
Something addictive. I had been with Domina for nine, possible eleven months. Cum was always in my diet.
Lindy brought my tray last. Orange juice, a garden salad, an 8oz. coffee cup of fresh semen, half gallon jug of clear piss, and a lean steak for protein.
“Sweetheart, that cum was just harvested from a fuck boi across the road. May have an ass aftertaste. It was stored in the bois cunt after he was gang banged by ponies.” Lindy handed me the jug first and then the tray. This time when she left I heard the lock engagement.
I drank down half of the cum, and poured the rest over my large salad. The fuck boi had a clean cunt. There was no aftertaste. I was finished eating and was halfway though pregnancy flavored piss before kitten began her plate. She ate all of the doughnuts first and washed it down with beer.
I helped myself to a beer, and put on the TV. It was a new Fem-dom flick about the sole male working in an office of possible 20 women, as a receptionist. They all used himas a toilet, and took turns sitting on his face while working.
If he didn’t please half of the staff during his shift, he would be fired. He wore only a cock cage and never was allowed to leave the office. He was made to sleep on the floor. It was pretty routine, until the caption, “Third day” popped up on the screen.
The office slave complained he was hungry. The boss lady said he was free to eat from any of the staff.
“I’m not watching that! Turn it off!” Kitten grunted. I did as ordered.
“Sorry, just trying to get my mind off of bacon.” I mumbled.
“You can lick mine and breed me again after I am done eating.”
I ate her ass as she finished breakfast.
When kitten left she had gained 4 pounds.
It was quiet in the room for a couple days, well other than Vicki, and then Lindy giving birth. Domina had forgotten to feed me again with the birthdays. The shakes started hours after the craving. Then came the sweats even though it was only about 60degrees in my cell. I was now certain that all of the cum I had been eating/drinking had been lacened with something.
I had been curled in the fetal position on the cool concrete for a couple hours when the door unlocked.
“You look like shit baby!” It was Johanna and she had a tray.
“I need what ever drug she’s been putting in my food. I’m in withdrawals.” I said weakly, trying to sit up.
“She doesn’t drug you Billy. You are addicted to zinc. That’s the main miner in cum. It counteracts your alcoholism. You need both now. Beer and cum. I have a fresh bowl of it here, three of the cunt slaves from across the street squatted over the bowl with me watching.” Johanna seemed concerned. I took the soup bowl and began chugging down the warm semen.
“You are double added. She really owns you now.” She added.
“I love her.” I said between gulps.
“Never mind, she’s always owned you heart and soul. But now you need her for your body too.” Johanna frowned. I finished the bowl, and looked down at the tray. Steak, baked potato, green beans, and a slice of apple pie. I didn’t want any of it. I wanted more cum. Johanna noticed the look on my face.
“You have to eat baby. You will be breeding again starting tomorrow.” She ordered.
“It doesn’t look good to me. None of it. I just want more cum and beer.”
“Eat or we will Both be whipped. Do you want me shredded?” She asked. I just noticed her tits were leaking.
“May I?”
“A little. Mistress is having me milked and selling it.” She stated.
I suckled on her swollen breasts for a few minutes on each. It didn’t taste good, but I felt close to my Alpha girlfriend again. That reminded me.
“When are we going to be able to spend time together?” I asked.
“A month, then I will come down for breeding 3 times a day.” Again a frown.
“You can’t stay with me?” I was more then disappointed by her first answer.
“Tables do not crave chairs.” She rolledher eyes out of the view of the camera. We shared a weak smile.
“I will look forward to resetting the table then.” I said with love. She nodded and got up off of the floor.
“The baby?” I asked as she turned to leave.
“Gone. Hence the leaky udders and the milking. Just forget there was a child. That’s kept me sane, you do the same. Now eat, or I will beat you before Domina gets a chance.” She closed and locked the door behind her.
I felt my slavery just then. I had no rights to see my fellow in-house slaves, let alone my Domina. I was just a pair of testicles to Domina now. A cash cum cow. At least I wasn’t in a milking rig.
The next contestant was a woman in her mid-thirties. She had straight dishwater blonde hair that hung past her ass. The raw skin on her ankles and wrists told me she was normally confineped. The whip scars on her back told me she was either a problem slave, or her Master was a sadist.
Her stomach skin looked completely wrecked. HerC cups were still swollen. She had a few breeding sessions before, one recently. I wasn’t even able to say hello when she spotted the bed and went into the doggy breeding position.
“I’m Billy.” I said. She didn’t reply. Just shook her ass in the air. My half chubby would not do.
“Can you suck me hard first?” I asked. This got me an audible grunt. I walked to the bedside and she slide all of me into her throat in one motion. Now, I had no words.
The slave woman worked it till it was as hard as I would get and spat out my cock. She shook her ass again. I mounted “silent Bobbie” and found only a little friction. I focused on that, as I slap fucked the breeder. After about ten or so minutes, I felt my plumbing engagement, so I picked up speed.
“Bobbie” never made a sound. It was unnatural. I filled her well used womb with baby juice, and rolled to lay next to her. I was about to start a conversation, when she left the bed, and crawled onto the floor. She crawled to acorner in the cell, facing it. She then went back into a breeding position to keep my cum flowing into her cervix.
That was it. She never spoke a word the entire two days she shared my cell with me. She ate quietly, and when not being fucked she knelt in a corner facing away from me. It was unnerving. I tried to start conversations with her. She acted as if she couldn’t hear me.
I wondered if she was a mute. She had heard me ask for the oral sex.
I bred her 8 times in the 48 hours we spent together. The occasional grunt was all I got for my efforts. She was the most broken slave I had ever seen, or she was, in-fact, mute. She didn’t drink beer nor smoke cigs. She didn’t seem repulsed by the smoke or my beer breath.
Vicki opened the door. The slave walked to the door frame and turned to me.
“You are nice. I will see you again in 10 months and 2 weeks.” She said in the driest of monotone. Then she just walked out. Vicki scowled at me as she closed and locked the door.
I help up an imagineary tape recorder to my face. Then I said as loudly as I could so Vicki could hear it:
“Note to self. I think Vicki doesn’t like me. Guess I should be set free so she can have a FUN slave life!” I laughed to myself quietly, and I could hear Vicki scoff on the other side of my cell door.
“That’ll do pig, That’ll do!” I yelled after the scoff.
So it went, day after day. New breeders in my bachelor pad for a couple days, then they were simply gone. Some were excited about beer and smokes. It was a treatment to most. Yet I still came across more lesbians, and some that seemed Mormon. Even the conservative ones would talk after the door locked.
None of them were as broken as “Bobbie”.
I was informed that Domina had given birth right after Johanna, but did so in the hospital. Johanna was quite stern faced when she told me that the baby was of pure, clean, African-American bloodlines. She also let me know that Domina spent many nights at his house, after locking the girls in the upstairs slave room.
Instead of jealousy, or anger at her lie. My only thought was: “She should let me clean the cum out of her honey hole!”
Johanna said that he was a Vanilla, and could never know about her business. She gave the man custody of the boy after they broke up a few days after she gave birth.
“Plenty of drama!” Johanna said and smiled, I was sucking on the cunt of a boi that had been delivered to my cell, so I could have the freshest jism. He sat his cunt on my face and let the fresh cum plop into my mouth.
“Oh and Domina bought two new girls. You’ll meet them after you get us women prego again.” Alpha Johanna said this with a hint of anger.
I sucked, and tongued the last of the pony cum from the slave cunt..
“What type of slaves is she shopping for?” I asked, as I pushed the boi off of me.
“Slaves you won’t like fucking. They are skin and bone. Skinnier then any of us. You liked that foodie too much.”
“Feedee.” I corrected.
“Whatever, they look anorexic.”
“That bad?”
“Picture ‘Schindlers List’ in full color and 3-D.” She looked into my eyes.
“Yeah, I think they were tweekers when they volunteered. Domina won’t let em have those white drugs. They are gonna hate it here.” Johanna looked worried. “Some how I have to control them.”
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