My Last Night of Freedom Ch. 02

The New Girl

She unlocked the cage and ordered me out. Behind Domina stood a white, skinny, haggard looking woman. She stood a shade over 5 foot tall, and might have weighed 90 pounds soaking wet. Her skin wore the same welts as mine did, along with a smooth steel collar. From the collar dangled an “O” ring.

The slaves belly showed that it had been full of baby before. The stretch marks looked fresh, as did the excess skin.

“This bitch brought me to orgasm three times.” Domina pointed to the naked 22 year old behind her. “You didn’t get me anywhere near close!” She stared down at me, then turned to face the woman.

“Even a slave woman deserves to have power over a man. I name you Alpha for now. He belongs to me, but you will use him to put white babies in your belly. You will happily put each up for adoption to nice Christian couples, for the usual fee to the couple.

“Yes Goddess” The female blonde said, kneeing on the cement floor.. Her long wavy red hair almost reached her waist.

“Before you take his cum in you, you must teach him how to eat my honeypot properly!” Domina enunciated the last word heavily.

“Yes Goddess.”

“Good! There is clean water from the washing sink next to the washer. I am locking you both in the basement till I get home. Boy! You had better know how to eat a pussy by the time I get home!” She said as she walked up the stairs.

I heard the basement door lock. There were no windows down there. Just a couple of hanging bulbs for light.

The Goddesses property said nothing for 10 minutes. We waited till we thought she was gone, before either of us spoke. I looked over the other slave completely, as she did me. I thought her pretty for a skinny ginger. Her B cups were pale with small, light pink nipples.

“New huh?” She asked. I nodded. “Well I’m not new to this, so listen close. You will eat my slave cunt till you are hard. You will breed me, and we start over. If I am not pregnant in three weeks, I will be put on the street, fucking strangers. If you disobey, Goddess says I can beat you. Best get me having orgasms. Get to work!”

I knelt between her legs, and began what I thought I knew to be cunnilingus. It took an hour of instruction from Alpha before I had her moaning. We found a piece of carpet and set it on the floor so I could lay down. Alpha lied. I didn’t get to breed her, she just rode my face and didn’t me in her orgasm juices. Orgasm after orgasm. She finally collapsed from exhaust.

“Okay…put a baby in my belly.” She said tiredly. She put her ass in the air from all fours.

“You may hold my hips, but that is all. I’m not your girlfriend, I hate younger guys. Hurry up and get this over with!”

“Yes Alpha.”

For such a small young woman, she was quite loose. I imagined that her former Master must have stretched out her goods on purpose. Maybe he put his fist into her. That was a thing right? Still, it barely had any effecton my stamina.

I lost my load in about 10 minutes. I tried to hide it, so that I could look at her ass more, and keeps my hands on her smooth skin. It didn’t work, a slave like her knows when she is being filled.

“You are done, get off of me slave!” She shouted.

I backed away from her and sat down. She lowered her head to the swath of carpet and let gravity help my seed find an egg.

“Get us some water.” She ordered. I found a plastic cup next to the washing sink. I smelled it to make sure it had not been used for soap or bleach before filling it with water. I was about to take a deep drink when I heard Alpha clear her throat. I walked to where she was and handed her the cup.

She drank the entire thing down and asked for another. And then another, and then a forth cup. Finally after the fifth she let me have a drink. I raised my hand after I finished two 16 ounce cups.

“Speak.” Alpha said from the floor, still in the breeding position.

“Did Domina, tell you if there is a bathroom down here?”

“Yes. She showed me where it is. But we aren’t allowed to use it.”

“So wha…” I began.

“If we have to piss, you use the wash sink, I use the cup to gauge the clarity of my piss, if good, I use you., Goddess has me drinking a ton of water, to flush out the poisons, that way you can be a proper piss pot. By the way, I have a feeling you will only be drinking from our bladders, so you may want to drink more cold stuff.” She paused. “Oh and we are not allowed to shit till she gets home. We’re both fucked on that one.”

I sat on the floor near Alpha. After a time she had me clean the excess cum from her cunt and sat in front of me. We sat quietly, naked on the floor for a while. Then she just exploded verbally.

“My last Master told me about Karen…er I mean Goddess. She believes in Black superiority.” Alpha reached into a cabinet that sat under the stairs as she spoke. She came back with a 12 pack of warm beer, apack of cigarettes and an ashtray. She cracked two beers and handed me one. Then lit two smokes and handed me one. She placed the ashtray between us.

“It’s a good bet that we will be serving black people exclusively. You ever been fucked in your boy cunt?” She asked. I shook my head “no”, slowly. She nodded and took a small sip of beer.

“Guaranteed that next party she has, we will be the main course. You are going to be wrecked. Master told me she used to call over the dudes with huge dicks to fuck her in front of the husband. Then they took turns on the husband.” She took a draw off the cig.

“Goddess said that until I come up prego, I only have to suck the cocks of, and eat the superior black cum from the men, and then dine on a buffet of black honey pots.” She seemed distant from the words she spoke. She gazed at the light bulb. Then she shook her head violently.

“She asked you to put a baby in her right?” Alpha asked.

“Yes Alpha!”

“Don’t buy it.She is already pregnant from her black fiancee. He has no idea what he is walking into, well, according to my old Master.” She took a long swig of the cheap beer. “Then again, some Masters say she just used him for his seed…Guess we will have a cock view seat!” Alpha said and attempted a smile.

“What was your name before you were enslaved?” Alpha asked, taking a hard left turn to change the subject.

“Will Billy, we are paying reparations. We are slaves to the African-American race. Be prepared for constant pain. At least until you can find your slave space, where everything seems to drift away.” She said and then pointed at the red plastic cup.

I grabbed it and turned on the faucet of the wash sink.

“No, I need to piss, and need to see if it is safe for you to drink.” She said. I handed her the cup, and she placed it under her vagina. She pissed till it was half full, and then stopped. She pulled the cup to her nose, smelled it, looked at the liquid then tasted it.

“Looks like we are good to go!” She handed me the cup. “Drink it all, then lay down.”

She may have been satisfied with the smell and taste, but I thought it still very piss like. I held my breath and rushed the warm liquid. When I was finished I lay on my back.

Alpha sat on my face with my mouth wide open and began to water her subordinate. I swallowed, as fast as I could. There was no time to taste anything. It was, swallow or dropped.

I licked Alpha’s honey hole clean, then felt a heavy belch rising. I silently let go of the trapped air, now tasting Alpha’s piss. It was not that bad. A little sweet even. Alpha stayed where she was and let me please her.

I had learned quite a bit that morning, Alpha seemed to be a good teacher. As I noseed her clip, and tongued her deep, I felt her start to shudder. She came once again.

She let me wash my face, and handed me another beer. We also smoked again. I raised my hand.


“Why are we allowed to drink and smoke?” I asked. Alpha thought for a minute, then said:

“I think she means for us to become alcohols. People will do almost anything when they are drunk. Also, having us addicted, will make it easier for her to control us. Most slave owners in the sex trade use heroin. Be thankful our owner is a fan of water sports, we get beer.” She smiled.

I raised my hand again.

“Just speak freely, we are alone. Standing order, if we are alone you can just talk! Okay?”

“What was your name?”


“Do you have to drink her piss?”

“Most likely, haven’t yet. If she is as fucked up as I have heard she is, she will piss into me, and Then I piss into you.” She lowered head looking at the can she held in her hand.

“Human Centipede”. I said flatly. “The one in the back died first.”

“But that was due to infection.” She claimed.

“How can a body fight infection with whatwas happening?” I asked.

“You like that movie?!” Her voice climbed a few notes.

“Yeah I did. It was original, it was horrifying. Now I am going to live it.”

“It’s clear piss, not…ugh!” She took a long draw of warm beer to wash the imagineary taste from her mouth. “Com’on, fuck me, I need you to get me prego ASAP.” She set her beer down and put out the smoke. She got onto all fours then lowered her arms and head.

I had no issue with this part of my slavery at all.

By the time Domina arrived home we were pretty drink and had talked all day. We both needed to shit pretty badly, but had followed orders. Talking keep us from focusing on our pulse. Johanna and I had become friends of sorts in just that one day.

As soon as we heard the basement door unlock, we both went into “present” stance. On our knees with legs spread 90 degrees, sitting on our ankles, heads up, eyes down, and hands laying palm up on our knees.

Her heavy footfalls told us she was still wearing her heels. As she turned to face us I stopped breathing. I was thinking of everything Johanna had told me over the day. I hoped some of it was rumor.

“Well he did his job I see. Bitch, you got cum leaking outta your cunt. That shit can’t go to waste. Boy clean her up…NOW!” She ordered. I slid my head under Alpha Johanna and she raised up so I could clean her.

“How many times did you breeded bitch?”

“Four times Goddess, the boy just finished the forth time when you arrived home or else the bitch’s cunt would have been clean Goddess!”

“So you say. Hurry up boy, I want dinner. We are going out. When you are clean bitch you share a shower with him and dress in the clothes I bought you today. You both are allowed to shit when you get to the bathroom.” Domina said.

Johanna waited till Domina closed the door, then whispered: “Just get the outside and my legs, I need to drop a deuce!” I obliged. Eating my own cum for the 7th or 8th time. We then sped up the stairs, through the house and to the upstairs bathroom. She got the toilet first, as I made the water a decent temperature, and got towels.

I started to close the bathroom door out of habit, Johanna looked at me with wide eyes and shook her head. When Johanna was done I noticed she hadn’t sat on the seat. I began to put it down and she shook her head again. So I sat on the somewhat warm bowl where my Alpha’s legs had been and finally saved myself.

We washed each other in the shower. Then as per Domina, we held off every hair we had below our noses. Getting my ass crack shacked by a woman was scary, and strangely arousing.

The water had gone cold by the time we finished and I was about to climb out when Alpha Johanna pulled me back and kissed me. It started simple, but soon Our tongues were wrestling and we held each other in the cold water.

“We are in this together William. Together.” She whispered in my ear.

Humiliation was Domina’s game tonight.

For me, short shorts that looked to be spandex, no underwear, and a T-shirt that was a size too small. A pair of my trainers were there, no socks. A leather collar with a lock, and a tag hung from the “O” ring on it. “Property of Karen J.” There was a rubber strip with three snaps on it, and a butt plug with a tube of lube next to it.

Alpha got a skirt so short that the bottom of her ass was visible while standing. If she ben she might as well have been naked. Her top was straight out of the 80’s. A tube top, white, with no bra. She already had a permanent collar with a tag. She also had a butt plug and a tube of lube.

Not knowing where Domina was, I pointed to the rubber strip. Alpha nodded, grabbed it, got on her knees and put it around my cock and behind my balls. This made my package protrude out, and swell slightly. My plug was small compared to Alpha’s, yet, she had no issue getting hers in, I hissed and whimpered as I put mine in. I dressed in what I wasgiven after getting the plug inside me. Alpha locked on my thick collar and we were ready.

Domina looked us over in the living room.

“I have me a couple of pretty white slaves. Damn!” She smiled. “Boy, you are driving. These are the keys to the BMW, Bring it out of the garage and open the door for me. Bitch you up front with the boy.”

I took the keys from Domina, and headed for the garage. I had no idea that Karen and Kenny had a BMW. But there it was. A beautiful 5 series. Tinted windows, automatic, and the latest on board computer. Shit! It had launched mode and racing mode. I carefully pulled the car up front. Got out, and opened the back passenger door for Domina. She sat down and I gently closed the door. I then opened the front door for Alpha.

As she was facing away from Domina she flashed me a kiss. She sat and I closed that door. I walked around the front of the car, and got into the drivers seat. As soon as I had my seat belt on, Domina gave me turn by turn instructions.

“We are going to a dinner in my honor! Believe that?” Domina said as we raced down a state highway. “The Company, well the black contingent, voted me business woman of the year!”

We were not allowed to speak, so we could not congratulate her. We both nodded.

“You will see some other fine white slaves while we are there. If you get a hint on a good female, We said together.

“Blue ribbon means she’s up for audit, and I mean to breed me a ton of whites! Boy I mean it! Something get that little dick hard, you point it out to me, and I will deliver that vagina onto you!”

“Yes Domina.”

“Yes Domina.”

“I get a 20k discount on any one slave at auction tonight! Bitch you may end up losing Alpha, may give it to the boy. Turn left here boy!”

I pulled onto a gravel road that led to a well lit area in the middle of no where. We were miles outside of the city.As I drove down the gravel road I suddenly had bright lights shone at me.

“Stop the car boy and lower my window.” Domina ordered. I did what was asked.

Two Sheriffs deputies walked up to the car. They were both black, and had their hands on their guns. One tapped my window. I looked back at Domina worried. She just nodded. I lowered the window.

“Who are you driving?” The dependy asked me.

“Goddess Karen Jackson.” I said.

The other dependy kissed my Owners hand through the open window, and we were waved through.

“We have the best security.” Domina said offhandedly as I closed our windows. I was waved by a female slave to a parking spot near the front. Here was a massive barn. Inside music was blaring. It sounded live. It was Rhythm and Blues, I was sure of it. I felt a little excitement. I love great bands.

I got out and opened Alpha’s door first, so she would act as security, as I got Domina out. A short rotund, fireplug of a man ran up to us.

“Karen!” The man hugged our owner. I looked around. Other then the parking slave, we were the only white people outside.

“Come come come! Oh your slaves have to strip, no clothes allowed.” The short man said.

“Strip! Leave the clothes in the car!” Domina said. Domina walked ahead with the short man. We stripped and left our clothes on the passenger seat.

“Gee and she spent money on us today, bet she’s pissed.” Johanna whispered.

“She still wins, humiliation achieved.” I whispered back.

“Hope there is booze in there. I will hold our smokes. That is if we are allowed. Fuck, they are at the door already, lock the car!” Johanna and I ran naked up the dirt path to catch up with our owner.

The short man looked at Alpha’s hand, holding the cigarettes.

“What do you allow your slaves?” He asked.

“Cigs and beer. Beer is very important Kevin!” Our owner said. A naked guy, 40 something with a sharpie put a C and a B on our chests.

We walked into a massive party. A guy my age walked up to us as Domina walked off with Kevin. The music was loud here. The man was trying to yell over the music

“Slave section is outside the barn in the back! Um, your owner is cool so you can be in the open area, there is a bar there! Just go all the way back, towards the red light in the back! The door will open into a cage! The Alpha will let you out and You can hang with other slaves allowed cigs and beer! If you run out of smokes, just suck off an Alpha!” He said over the loud band. He laughed. “Kidding! There are plenty of smokes, even weed!”

If I am honest I was disappointed I couldn’t stay with Domina and watch the band. I felt Johanna grab my hand and begin to pull me towards the red light bulb over a door. She was almost skipping. She was smiling from ear to ear.

She leaned into me as we walked.

“Our first date outside!” She giggled. She pulled me faster towards the door. As soon as we were through the door she thrust her tits out for the 30 something Alpha to see, and he let us out of the cage. She never let go of my hand till we got to the bar and had a bottle of cold cheap beer in our grip.

We drank and drank. We talked to other slaves of all shapes and sizes, even to some of those in the cage.

After a while we snuck off to a shadowed part of the yard (which also had a fence…no escaping ever!) and made out for a while. I feel myself falling for Johanna. She saw it in my eyes and sat up.

“We as slaves can’t have love. You are going to see me fucked by strangers everyday William. Every hole I have will taste like another man.” She was beginning to cry.

“But no other man will have your heart or password.” I feel tears welling up in my eyes as well.

“It will be taxing on our very souls!” She hitched.

“Slavery isn’t?” I responded, it garnered me a weak laugh and we went back to kissing.


I helped Johanna up and we dusted off our legs. We walked to the cage entrance, and were let back into the cage, and then into the barn.

“Should have had more beer.” I said.

“I think we spent our free time wisely baby.” She said.

The band was no longer playing. We were escorted onto a stage behind a curve.

“You go to “standing inspection” Stance here, female, the same over here.” A naked woman pointed to two places on the stage with masking tape, taped to the floor by an “X”.

We both took our places and put our hands behind our head. We spread our legs slightly. Then we heard our owner. She was seated in a chair behind and in between us.

“Just feel free to speak on how you opened your fifth business. He will ask you softball questions, relax, you got this!” Kevin told her.


Applause roared through the barn.

The band began to play “Respect” by Aretha Franklin. The curved opened and lights were all pointed at us and our owner. The Masters and Mistresses clapped and sang along.

A tall handsome man came out onto the stage as the song ended. I lost sight of him as he went behind me. I held still, trying to be a good slave.

“So Karen! You opened another strip club after selling off your newest male’s property. How is that coming?” The host asked.


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