My Last Night of Freedom Ch. 01

Ken and I had been friends since grade school. We did the usual stuff together, played football with friends in his yard, went swimming in the summer in his pool, it seemed we always did things at his house.

The day we graduated high school he seemed upset about something. I kept asking him what was wrong, but all he’d response was that it was private. That night there was a party at his house. Everything was always at his house, in 12 years Ken had never gone out with us. Not to a movie, nor a party. Nothing.

His step-mom was super cool, A woman in her late 30’s, maybe 5-6, with thick curves, and dark-chocolate skin. She let us do almost anything we wanted. That night it was a keg of beer for graduation. Yet still, I wondered why Ken was never allowed away from home.

I finally confronted him in the back yard by the pool. I had had a few beers and was feeling brave.

“Seriously Ken, not even prom. You never go anywhere with us. In fact, how is it you have no girlfriend?” I asked point blank. Ken was the same height as I was, and was in better shape.

Ken opened his mouth to speak, but his mom Karen, provided the answer.

“Kenny here has a responsibility to take care of things around the house after his dad died.” Karen said mournfully.

“Yeah but, a football game, prom?” In my arrogance, I had dove over the “dead dad thing”.

“William, you may not understand now, however when you lose a family member, your whole life changes. Right Ken?” Karen squeezed Ken’s should lightly.

“Yes ma’am.” Ken said quietly.

“Now I have burgers done on the grill, you boys need some food to help with the beer!” Karen announced.

After that moment it seemed like Karen was watching me. It was unnerving, and yet I was somewhat turned on by it. I had been attracted to black girls before, but never dated one.

Later that night Ken pulled me aside as I left the upstairs bathroom.

“Follow me.” He said simply.

I followered him down the hallway to his room. Once inside he closed the door behind us. He seemed agitated.

“Billy, I know you want out of your parents house, right?” He asked. I nodded.


“Move in here!” He wore a smile that didn’t quite seem geneuine.

“Yeah, but it is still living with your mom, instead of mine. I like going out, you know something you never, ever do?” I tried to gauge where this was coming from.

“Dude, you can drink here. You can even smoke inside. My mom has parties every weekend!” He boasted.

“What’s the downside?” I asked. There was something not quite right with this.

“You know that favor you still owe me? You know for wrecking my PS3?” He asked.

“That was an accident! Besides you got a PS4, the next week.” I pleaded. Soda plus PS3, do not mix.

“You promised a favor, I’m calling it in.” Ken looked serious.

“Moving in? Nah, you don’t need to call that payback. I’d do that anyway.”

“No, not the movieg in part. I want your help to keep my mom happy. That is the favorite.” He was staring at me intensely.


“Just do as she asks.” Ken said plainly. Sounded simple.

“Done!” I said and walked down the stairs and outside to get another beer.

The guys left one by one, and I stayed to help clean up the yard of solo cups and other trash. Ken announced to his mom that I would move in and help with the chores and what-not. His mom smiled at me. It was a geneine smile, and the woman hugged me.

“It will be good for Ken to have you here William.” Karen beamed.

Karen thought it better, if I wanted freedom from my folks, that I told them I was moving to another town for a job. This way they couldn’t hound me about college, or drop in at Ken’s place when I was shitfaced. I agreed,

Two weeks later I drive my 30 year old car to Ken’s house and began to unload my belongings. Ken ran out into the driveway saying to leave everything in the car, and to come inside. He looked worried. So I simply did as he asked.

Once inside Karen waved me over to her desk in the study.

“This stuff is all insurance and security, in the event something might happen to you while you live here. I also need permission for a background check. The last bundle is for power of attorney, you know in the event you end up in the hospital, I can speak for you. Just sign where noted, and I’ll help you with that burden in the car.” She instructed.

She handed me 3 small bundles of paperwork. All of the print was rather small. I looked for the highlighted signature lines and signed them.

“Last thing, I need your ID to copy and fax in to the background check website.” She stated. I handed her my drivers license. Ken ran into the room as Karen left.

“Thank you so much Billy!” Ken hugged me. “I thought it would be me, but you saved me. Now I get to go to college.

I blinked at him as he released the hug.

“Ah what?” I asked. Ken spun aroundd to behind me and put hand cuffs on me. “What the fuck Ken?”

“Mom said, as long as I recruited you to be her slave, that I could get to go to college.” Ken started. “You are paying back that favor Billy. Feel good about yourself. You did the right thing!”

“That was not the agreement.” I said as anger welled up inside of me.

“You signed yourself into servitude to my mother and any man or woman she sells or loans you to. You are gonna be a whore.” Ken sat me down in a wooden chair near the desk.

“No, I did not agree to this.” I tried. “I’m not gay!”

“You don’t need to be gay. However you will enjoy your new life better if you accept that taking cock, real or strapped on, is your new job.” Ken said, as he was rubbing his crotch.

“I did NOT agree to this!”

“You agreed to pay back the favor yes?” Ken leaned in close to my face.


“You agreed that you would help keep my mother happy, yes?” He asked, his eyes staring into mine.

“You agreed that you would help keep my mother happy, yes?”>”Yes.”

“You signed those papers while you still had free will?”


“That is consent.” Ken said and smiled. “Welcome home, slave bitch.”

When Karen returned, Ken left to begin packing. I must have looked red faced.

“He told you already huh? I had asked him to wait.” Karen sat back at her desk as if nothing special was going on.

“LET ME GO!” I yelled.

I will say this. Karen looked a little heavy, but damn she was fast. I never saw her coming. I was on the floor before I realized she had slapped me so hard my face was hot. She was in my face with her well manicured index finger pointed an inch from my nose.

“IT does not SPEAK!” She spat.

I was reeling trying to find anything to think or say. I had been struck dumb. She walked back to her desk and sat going though papers that Ken had just dropped on her desk. He walked past me like I wasn’t there. He left as quick as he had arrived.

I knew why he wanted out of this house so bad. I wondered if she had been doing this slavery thing with her own step-son.

“Kenny now owns that car that you used to drive. Slaves don’t have properties they are property. Thank you for becoming mine. He’s going through your clothes to pick out a couple outfits…for when we need to go out. You will have a uniform at your new job, so you will not be needing all of that crap.” She said softly, as if talking to herself.

“Before you get all twisted up in that feeble mind of yours, that I was doing this to Kenny. You are sick. My step son simply keep the place clean and took care of my nails. He ran errands for me as well. His dad was the slave.” She said as she signed things and scanned or faxed them off.

“His father ran away. Couldn’t handle the strain of a Mistress love. Poor thing had an accident 48 hours later and he was found, along with a 3 keys of Colombian white in the trunk. Car was stolen, (the car and the coke were mine), he had no ID, and had renounced hiscitizenship. Computer records from the slave room showed he had pledged loyalty to ISIS. He’s in a worse place now.

Warden tells me that he is the only white man in an all black controlled block. Bet he walks funny.” She looked up from the desk and smiled a strange little smile.

She couldn’t be telling the truth. Kenny told me the day of the accident, that his dad had died and he wouldn’t be coming to school.

“She is saying this to intimidate you.” I thought. Call it good. I was now afraid of this woman. I lay on the hardwood floor looking at the side of her, not knowing my future.

“All done.” She clapped her hands once and grinned down at me. “William Lee Gardner no longer exists. He died on the way into Mexico. At least that is what the Mexican Government is reporting. Killed by a cartel. So sad. Afraid it will be an empty casket funeral. I will attend, so will Kenny.” She mocked wiping a tear.

I shook my head, my mouth agope. This woman had no end to here evil. “Who was she connected to that she could make that happen? We live in Phoenix, not a border town.” I thought.

“So as you can not work legally I can’t have you at my restaurants. Nor at the bar in Tempe. Hmm, looks like it will be full time whoring for you. The women are gonna love that package, and the men are gonna love that ass! Damn that is a sweet butt!” She said and stood, large geneuine smile on her face.

“Ir may answer questions only. Is that clear?” She said as she squatted next to me. I nodded.

“Does it want to be a whore?” She asked.

“No, no Mistress” I said. I had read and seen enough porn that I knew some of what slaves did.

“How will it pay for it’s room and board if it not a legal citizen?”

“Ma’am, Mmmistress…I was supposed to be a recruit for the police academic…I, it, could help there.” I stammered.

She looked at me like an insect she had never seen before. As if she was contemplating whether or not to kill it.

“Stay on the floor.” She went back to her desk. She picked up a cell phone from a desk drawer. An old flip phone. Then began to speak fluid Spanish so fast I couldn’t tell what the hell she was talking about. It was clear she was educated.

She began typing furiously and sending off documents.

“Bam, William is alive again and now enrolled at the Scottsdale Police Academy. You start in two months. Will you mind being my slave as long as you get to be a cop?”

“No Ma’am.”

“So you are now choosing to enjoy your new life as my slave?” She walked behind me and grabbed my cuffed wrists. I nodded.

“Say it out loud for the camera.” Her arm reached out and pointed to a small camera above a bookshelf.

“I agree to Willingly be your slave Mistress Karen.” I said with a shaky, but projected voice.

“Good.” She whispered in my ear. “Your training begins now.” She said as she removed the cuffs.

I was fairly certain I could over power this woman. I only had a few inches over her height, and yet she may have outweighted my 160 by 40 pounds. The thought I couldn’t shake was how had she controlled Kenny’s dad Keith. He had 6 inches on this woman, and had been ripped.

“Stand up and strip. The slave will never wear clothes in the house no matter if I have company or not. It will wear clothes, when working, when in public, and when ordered. For example if a service man comes to fix the internet.” She began pacing on the hardwood in front of her large oak desk.

“The slave will follow every order upon it being given that order. In time, when you have been trained, it may be allowed to anticipate my needs.” Her speech seemed somewhat taped together. This was not a speech she had made often, or she had tried to memorize it, but couldn’t Remember everything.

“I am to be addressed as Goddess or Domina, if you know where that originates. I am in fact your God.

Jesus, nor Buddha, nor the Great Mother live here. They don’t own you. I DO. In public, you will address me as Ma’am.” She continued.

“I normally have permanent collars on my slaves, but as you will be working in public, I shall select some tattoos for you. You will wear a collar and cuffs at home, and nothing else.” She paced, her bare feet mildly clapping against the wood.

As she thought of what to say next, I replayed scenes from various Female Domination porn I had seen. I remembered shoe licking, toe sucking, endless beating to the twig and berries, and a boatload of cunnilingus, as well as anilingus. The one main theme in most? Getting fucked by a strap on dildo.

Most of those dildos were incredibly huge. “Damn it! I need to keep my mind empty.” I thought.

I looked down at the pile of clothes as she found her train of thought.

“You have nothing, you are nothing. You are a tool, a toy, a piece of furniture, and a piss pot.” She chanted. “Without me, you are useless. What are you without me?”

“Useless Domina.” I said.

“Do you know where that word originates?”

“Ancient Rome Domina.”

“Good boy. As a reward, you may lick the dust I collected on the bottom of my feet.” She sat at her desk, and put her feet up. I knee walked to her feet and began to lick them clean. It wasn’t as bad as I had expected.

“The slave will wake 30 minutes before me. It will make my breakfast, and bring it to me in bed, along with my cell phone and schedule book. As I eat, it will take notes in my schedule book to help plan my day. When that is finished, it will clear the dishes. It will help me in the shower, then dry me and help me dress.

Once I have left for work you can begin cleaning. Every floor is to be swept and mopped. Every surface dusted. Dishes washed, and appliances cleaned. Suck my toes gently now. Gently! Then start in the bathroom.”

I worked my way from one toe to the other, caresing each with my tongue. She seemed to used to this as she didn’t comment ormake any involuntary sounds.

“I have to increase my water intake again, so I don’t kill you.” She groaned. “But I do like not having to get out of a warm bed to piss. Not right away. I have to train you. You will have skills most men never learn.” She sounded like she was smiling.

“Shit I need to order your chatity design!” She leaned to get on her computer. Then pulled her feet away. “You may star at the floor or my honeypot, never my face.”

I chose to look at the floor as with her desk chair turned to the side, I couldn’t see her honey pot. I did notice her hips and ass in the tight skirt.

“Okay that is ordered. You closest friend will be here tomorrow.” Her chair turned to face me. From this angle I could see that she was not wearing underwear.

“You want to see your place of worship slave?” She asked. I was afraid it was a trick question. I hesitated. Bad idea.


“Yes Domina, I would like to see where the slave may worship it’s Goddess!” I now had heat on both sides of my face. My left ear was ringing slightly.

She turned around, her back to me.

“Unzip the skirt slave.” She ordered. I immediately compiled.

I was turned on. She had an amazing ass. Large and wide. Her cheeks were perfectly rounded. Skin was smooth as silk. Then she bent over, and showed me her picker.

“Go to church slave, I have been walking all day so I am sure you will find plenty to worship. Stay away from my honeypot.” She said as she pulled her cheese apart.

Yup she was ripe. As soon as my tongue began to cleanse her inner ass cheeses and her hot tight asshole, she let go of her cheeses, and I could feel the weight of them on the sides of my face. I licked every inch of her smooth black skin, and found myself getting harder then I had ever been.

“White slaves love black ass, they said. I didn’t believe it. Judging by the size of you, they were right! You are the first pale face to spend time at church, and loveit. That’s a good sign. Get your tongue up in me. Clean what you can reach! Deeper!”

She let me clean her for what felt like a few minutes. I was started to learn had been at church for an hour. My cock was beginning for attention.

“We can’t waste a hard on, follow me.” She said. She grabbed my hard cock like a lean handle and pulled me behind her.. She led me to the basement, a place I had never been before. I soon learned why.

Down there was a concrete floor, and what appeared to be a BDSM dungeon. A large cage, racks, a wooden “X” that was meant to have a slave’s arms and legs made to stay spread wide, and something I could not identify.

It looked like a workout bench. It had machines attached to it, and tubing that led to a baby food jar. She showed me how to get into it. I was laid face down. She put my cock into a hole in the benchmark. Then she locked my arms, legs, and neck into it.

I heard a toggle switched, and a noise began from the machine next tome. It reminded me of a air pump, but much quieter.

Something was slipped over my raging meat. It felt very nice, like fucking an ass. Something on the machine was then activated and it began to suck my cock so hard it was nearly painful. It didn’t take long before I shot a massive load. I watched the cum travel through the tubing, through the pump, and out into the small jar.

Upon seeing how much was actually collected, I swore it felt like much more then that.

“Now that you are familiar with this device, know that after you have completed your tasks upstairs, you will spend much of your time with this machine.” She took off the restraints and led me to the kitchen.

“You will cook me dinner and serve it to me in the dining room. When I am finished eating, you will be allowed to eat anything left on the plate and a sandwich. While I eat, you will massage my feet.” She ordered.

I made her often roasted chicken breast with steamed broccoli, and potatoes Au gratin. As she ate I worked on her feet from under the table. My thumbs and wrists began to ache after 20 minutes. Thankfully she was finished quickly. She got up and scraped her plate onto the kitchen floor.

She then made a sandwich. The bread was rubbed under her armits and the jar of cum was spread onto one piece of bread. She put the bread together and set it on the floor.

Cum and sweat sandwich, how did I not see that coming?

I ate the scraps first. It was mostly broccoli. I picked up the sandwich and realized she was watching me. It took all of my willpower to eat it. But I finished it. I could feel my cock getting hard as Domina stand over me. I could smell her vagina from here, and it was fueling the erection.

“Can’t waste that one either.” She said. I began to crawl to the basement door.

“Nope, upstairs. It’s time for you to breed.” She ordered. I made my way up the stairs crawling. She walked behind me, still naked, and on the phone.

“Hey it’s me…Yeah congrats with that!” She paused listening as I reached the top of the stairs.

“I just got a male myself. Was wondering if you were still selling that female.” She listened closely and opened her bedroom door. She pointed to the bed, so I crawled up on top of it.

“How many times has she been successfully bred?” My Domina asked. “Sounds good, she’s 22?” She said and motioned for me to lay on my back. After I had, she sat on my face. Her honeypot was covering my nose.

“What’s your asking price?” She asked as she began grinding down on my face. I felt my cock reach it’s maximum, as I fucked empty air.

“I don’t think so, she isn’t that attractive, how about 20?” I heard her ask. “I’m sorry you feel that way, I can get Johnson’s ex wife much cheaper then that. 23?” Her pace picked up, my tongue worked her clip as she rode my nose.

“24 it is, bring her here immediately.” She hung up the phone.

“You are going to be a breeder stud.” she got up off of my face and spun to sit on my cock.

“You will also put your future Goddess in me.” She said in a haunting whisper. She held me down and worked her tight, hot honeypot over my cock for only a couple minutes before I lost my load. I must have looked worried.

“Good job slave. I will get my orgasms from your mouth, your pain, and your humiliation. The faster you drop that baby juice, the better.” She said as she climbed off.


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