My Lady’s Holy Trinity
By ShameNTame
“Stand there, undress and put your clothes in that basket.”
I looked to where Lady was pointing – a black rubber mat on the floor, about 2m square, and a yellow rectangular laundry basket sat in the centre of it. I was taken by how absolutely central and parallel to the sides of the mat the basket was. This had been placed with meticulous precision. The message was clear.
Behind the mat and basket the wall was covered entirely in wooden shelving with a series of about a dozen alcohols each with its own laundry basket, except one. I assumed that is where I should return my basket once I had undressed.
The orderlines of the arrangements helped to keep me calm. As Lady turned and walked the length of the room, leaving through a door at the far end I listened to the sound of her heels on the hard wood floor, echoing around the large room devoid of any soft furnishings. This room had not been designed for comfort or relaxcation.
Now as I scanned the room I could feel my heart beat begin to race. A large wooden X-frame, against the long side wall, was the most dominating contraption in the room.
In the centre of the room I saw chains, pulleys, hooks and straps hanging down, like vines in the rain forest.
Beneath, a wooden chair, a vaulting box like the one we had in high school. Now that brought back a few Shivered memories right there – of my PE teachers scornfully telling fellow pupils to remove the lower section to make it easier for me to try to vault it (still without success). I worried about the new memories and associations I would have to carry around with me after this weekend.
The walls were painted a functional white. No windows. The lighting involved simple bare bulbs suspended from the ceiling at various points.
On the wall opposite the x-frame I saw a large wooden cabinet with an open front, no door, exposing all the tools and implements of punishment and restraint for all to see. Handcuffs, leather straps with buckles and clasps, whips, paddles and canes, hoods, a variety of chatity devices, plugs and dildos neatly arranged on the shelves. I’m sure ease of access was one reason for them being in full view but I’m equally sure that Lady was well aware of the intimidating impact their sight had on the new arrival like myself.
The only fabric I saw in the room was what looked like purple satin material over three low free-standing cupboards by the far wall, hidden from view by the incongruously luxurious clothes.
And lastly in the room I saw an old fashioned pot sink with large brass taps and a series of shelves below housing basins, flannels, jugs and various cleaning clothes, brushes and the like. Plus what looked like hot water bottles and rubber tubing. Again both functional and intimidating.
I took a deep breath and tried to shove my worries and doubts to the back of my mind. No backing out now. I had paid a grand for ths weekend and there were no refunds. I hated wasting money and knew that deep down I needed the release this weekend offered me. After twenty years of a loving but stale marriage I know I needed someone to take charge of me and explore parts of my psyche I had never dared lift the lid on when at home.
I quickly undressed on the mat. I folded my clothes as neatly as I could on the floor and placed them in the basket. Should I return the basket to shelves or wait for instructions? Would Lady appreciate the initiative to be tidy and to please her or would she see it as presumptive and arrogant? I felt queasy in my stomach, anxious due to my indecision and fear of the starting the weekend on the wrong note.
I decided to place the basket in the empty alcohol on the shelves but as I bent down to pick it up I heard a slight rattle from handle of the door through which Lady had left a few minutes earlier. I was out of time and my indecision had left me with no choice but to leave the basket in place and to stand as smartly as I could next to the basket in my birthday suit.
As I stood naked and exposed I felt the cold. I could feel the hairs on my body respond to the slightest movement of air in the large stark room. I could feel my dick and balls shrivel as they shrank from the cold and the humiliating situation I was about to find myself in.
Eventually the handle turned and the door eased open. Lady slowly entered taking small deliberate steps, clearly enjoying the fear she could sense in me, as she placed each heel in turn upon the floor.
She had changed. Gone were her long black coat, navy trouser suit and white bloom in which she had admitted me to the room.
I noticed first the knee-length leather boots. Not The archetypal S&M patent leather boots with 4 inch heels I had seen in the many dominatrix videos I had watched online. No, these were smart business-like boots with sensible heels made from a leather that looked soft and supple. Built for the comfort of the wearer.
As my eyes creeped upwards I took in the knees and small patch of exposed thigh I could see between the boots and the figure hugging black leather skirt. Again a high quality leather that made not a sound as she walked towards me.
And above that she wore a simple leather bodice. Can leather bodices ever truly be simple? Well this one was as close as you’d get. No adornments at all. As functional as the furniture in the room but high quality and classy as well.
Rising and falling with her breathing, almost imperceptibly, above the body, were the fleshy mounds of her breasts. Not huge breasts, one might even say smaller than average, but very firm. Her skin was the beautiful honey brown of the Indian heritage Lady so clearly had. Her hair was the jet black, silky straight hair you would expect. But rather than loose over her shoulders as I had seen in some photos of her it was held at the back of her head and away from her face and shoulders by a single clip. How women could create these engineering marvels by feel and a single clip alone I would never comprehend.
Her face fully exposed was a delight. Delicate but well defined features. Her skin was blemish free (save a couple of beauty spots on her cheek and forehead) and glowing. Her expression was calm and confident, stern and deliberate.
“Put the basket away” she said softly but tersely, almost as if she were already bored of me.
“Yes my Lady. On the self there?” I enquired.
“Where else? Quickly.” Her tone telling me I had definitely rubbed her up the wrong way already.
Returning to the mat I stood as central as I could and looked her straight in the eye. What I was hoping to achieve by this I don’t know. Maybe I was trying to assert a degree of male pride before the humiliation I knew was soon to be coming my way. Maybe I was simply trying to cover up my fear and anxiety.
She was unmoved. She edged closer, onto the mat, then closer still, her gaze never leaving mine. I think I noticed the slightest smile as she moved into my space. Right up close her body almost touching mine, her face a few inches from my face, her breath warming my lips as she stood holding my look for what seemed an eternity.
I stumbled a little as tried to knee as Lady stand right over me, desperate not to brush against her as I lowered myself to my knees. I knew I had no permission to touch her, even if accidentally, and any translation would be have to be paid for. I was already too petrified of what was to come without risking making it worse.
I managed. Now I faced her body, where her skirt waistband slipped underneath her leather body. I couldn’t help but notice how the tight skirt sank ever so slightly backwards where the gap between her legs began. I took a deep breath as unexpectedly as I could manage in the hope of smelling her, soaking in her scent from her most precious of places just a few inches away from my nose.
A loud thwack, a ringing in my ear and sting across the left hand side of my face was the reward.
“How dare you. You will smell my scent when and only when I give you permission. To do otherwise is taking a liberty you’re unworthy of and is an infringement of my body.”
“My Lady, I can promise you that I wasn’t”
Thwack. Another slap across the face with even more severe ringing in the ear and singing as my skin hadn’t time to recover from Lady’s previous slap.
“Stop now. I insist on absolute honesty from my charges. If I am to help you you must be totally open and honest. One more lie and you will not only be punished but you will also be ejected from these premises, never to return. Do you understand me?”
She sees straight through me so why does she need me to be honest, I thought to myself. Naturally I meekly replied “yes my Lady. I am sorry my Lady.” At least some of her instructions when making my appointment had sunk home, if not the honesty one. I recalled the list now in my head, making sure I remember everything.
“Refer to me as My Lady.
Speak when spoken to, and not otherwise.
Do as I say when I say, willingly and with humility.
Pay attention to what I say, to my needs and desires at all times. You will demonstrate complete honesty and submission at all times. Only with honesty can I know how to help you and only with complete submission will you be open to the changes that you truly need to make.
Disobedience, wilfulness, tardiness or any such subordination will not be tolerated and will be punished.
There is one safe word- ‘mercy’. Use of this word ends all activity and any future contact.”
I know there was one missing from the list but I couldn’t bring it mind. I had to think harder but there was no time and it was so hard to focus with her crotch so close to my face.
I lowered my gaze to her feet in a demonstration of my humility andSubmission. I waited for her instruction as she continued to tower over me, her body close enough to me I could feel it’s warmth radiate whilst i knelt in the cool of the December morning.
Eventually it came. She purposefully made me wait so I would sense her body and her power over me. I knew it. And it made me desire her, to be ruled by her more than I already was.
“Spread your knees as wide as they will go and then lean forward putting your forehead on the floor. Support your weight on your hands or arms as you feel most comfortable”
I did as I was told the best I could. I’m fifty now so this isn’t as easy at it once was. I was glad I had lost some weight recently which made this a little easier.
“This is called the submission position. You will adopt this position When ever I tell you to and for as long as I require. Find a way that is comfortable for you because you may have to hold the position for a significant period of time.” Her instructions were clearr and concise and needed no response.
I shifted supporting my weight on my forearms to my hands and back again. I tried cupping my head in my hands and this worked well as it stopped my head resting on the hard floor. But my back and hips aches. Crap, did they ache! Eventually bringing my knees slightly together, forearms on the floor and my head resting on my hands made as fists I found a relative degree of comfort I feel I could wait for a while at least.
I was now bent double facing her feet, still only inches away. But my focus was not on this. It was on my exposure. My arse was high in the air, my cheeks spread apart leaving my anus fully open to anyone who cared to look. My balls hung free between my legs. My dick would have done the same had it not shrivelled in the cold to almost nothing.
“You will Now kiss my feet. If you are in the submission position and I move my foot to you that is a sign that I wish you to kiss them and show them your love and devotion. Start now.”
“Thank you my Lady.” I remembered her other rule just in time. ‘Always show gratitude for the favours i bestow on you.’
I stretched forward so I could meet her right foot that had moved ever so slightly forward. I brushed the toe of her boot with the gentlest of kisses. Followed by more. Stretching to make sure I covered all the front and sides of her booted foot that I could reach from this position. She retired this foot and moved her left forward an inch giving me the signal I needed to switch my attention. I repeated the process and it seems the first had met with her approval.
“Stop now. Thank me.”
“Thank you for allowing me the privilege of kissing your feet my Lady.”
“I see that your whole body is covered in hair. This will not do. I find it disgusting. Next time be hairless from the head down. For now we need to sort out your arse and balls though. Hair breeds dirt and I will not allow my charges to be dirty. It also makes it harder to see any marks I may wish to leave on them. Stay where you are.”
She walked over to the other end of the room, again slowly and deliberately. She was in no hurry. I heard the sound of material being drawn back, I assumed the purple clothes over one of the low cupboards. I didn’t dare lift my head to look though.
“Right Geoffrey, out you come. Bring the shaving kit.” I heard the sound of metal clinking and a bolt being drawn back. And then a man replied “Thank you my Lady. Would you like me to shake him too?”
“Of course. I am not touching his dirty, hairy backside and balls. That’s why I keep you.”
There was a man inside that cupboard! Or was it a cage? All this time I was being overheard by another man. I wasn’t expecting that and suddenly felt More humiliated than ever. The utter shame. Hearing his submission to my Lady made me feel a little calmer but not for long.
I heard a tap being turned on and the sound of water being filled into a plastic bowl. The rummaging of a few utesils and the front slapping sounds of bare feet walking towards me. Was he naked too? Or just bare feet?
My Lady walked back to being right in front of me where my head was resting on my hands.
Then I felt the soft and silently fee of cold shaving soap being applied to me arse crack and balls. Any other scenario and this might have felt luxurious but in this circuitry all I could feel was humiliation and fear. Another man man-handling my bits to get them all latered up, knowing it was a razor to follow. Shit. Keep very still I thought.
The next five minutes or so were some of the strangest i had experienced in my admittedly dull and sheltered life to date. Not totally unenjoyable as such. Degrading, certainly. Scary, as I feel the blade scrape its way repeatedly across my arse and ball sack, worried that the stranger who was shaving them wouldn’t take due care and attention. Exposed certainly as my tackle was fully on view and being handled by another man. But also curiously comfortable to know that I had given over to this woman who I had not spoken to before today, beyond a brief email exchange that is, trusting my manhood to her care. I knew this man would take utmost care whilst she watched over the act. She was, if nothing else, exactly in her standards – that much I had learned already.
It was that emotion that unsettled me the most. I was comfortable by being so vulnerable and having to trust in this beautiful domineering and quite frankly frightening and intimidating woman. Why would that comfort me? What did that say about the mess I had gotten myself into psychologically?
Once finished, the man rinsed me with a wet flannel and towelled me dry thoroughly:
“I have finished the shaving my Lady. Would you care to inspect?”
“Yes I better had. I want to make sure every strand has gone.”
At that I heard her slowly walk round to my rear. I then heard what sounded like a latex glove being puton over her hand, confirmed when I felt a gloved hand lift my balls from side to side, and spread my cheeks with the fingers. This wasn’t done roughly but more firmly and clinically – a task that had to be undertaken but with as little fuss as possible.
But the effect on me nonetheless was instant. It was my Lady touching my balls and ass for the first time. No matter there was no skin to skin contact. No matter that this was no gentle care of the fingers or fondling of my balls. No matter the humiliation I should have been feeling (was feeling). But either despite all this or maybe even because of all this the blood started to flow and I could feel my dick hard. Although she wasn’t touching my dick directly she knew the effect she was having. I knew she knew the second she grabbed my balls hard, tugged them, squeezed and twisted her grip until I was yelling in pain and becoming her to stop.
“I have told you before. You are taking liberties with my body if you think youcan use the fact that I am having to touch your disgusting body to ensure you are now clean and hairless down there – using this to turn yourself on and try to get yourself off. Without my permission. For this you will also be punished later. Do you understand.”
“Yes my Lady. I am sorry for my behavior. I truly am.”
Her grip relaxed and I could breathe again. I slowly Regained my composition and position of submission. Breathing heavily and conscious I was now smoking, I wanted to wipe away the tears that had welled up in my eyes and were now finding their way down my cheeks and on to the floor where I had fixed my gaze.
“Now I think you should show your gratitude to Geoffrey. And you know the only way that men truly understand gratitude don’t you?”
With that I noticed a man’s feet appear in front of my face. Bald feet. Not a hair on them. She was certainly definite that she hated body hair in her charges. I could see the empty hair corners left empty by the waxing I assumed. Is this more pain heading my way?
I stretched forward to kiss his feet as I had done for my Lady. As my lips touched the top of his feet (I couldn’t face kissing his toes) I felt a sharp sting across my backside as I felt my Lady’s hand spank me hard across both cheeses.
“No you fool. What man is interested in having gratitude showed to his feet. His cock you idiot. Men think with their cocks and only truly feel emotions through it too. Kiss his cock now.”
It took a second or two for this instruction to sink in. Not that I had even thought about resisting the instruction, just that it was so unexpected that I didn’t quite realize what she truly means straight away. But the time it took me to get my thoughts in order was enough for my Lady to spank me hard once more and tell me to get on with it.
I lifted my head and slowly straightened my back. As I did so I saw his dick come into view in front of me, once again only a few inches from my face. Itwas hairless, as I imagined mine to be but hadn’t had a chance to look at for myself yet. It was uncut and wrinkly, flaccid as it was. Not wanting to upset my Lady any further I quickly lean forward to give it a peck and said “thank you for shaving me so well and so carefully.”
As I did I felt it twitch ever so slightly. I shivered. I had never as much as touched a man’s cock before let alone kiss one. If I am honest I did once take a cock into my mouth when I was younger but this was purely by way of a drunken bet. I don’t consider myself to be homophobic but men just didn’t interest me in that way. The idea of touching his dick with my lips didn’t disgust me so much as disinterest me, but certainly not arouse me. Or so I thought.
“You can do better than that. I want to you to take his cock into your mouth and see if you can make him go hard. That would be a proper thank you don’t you think?”
“Yes my Lady.” I managed to whisper as I was swallowed auditally and drew inbreath. I slowly opened my mouth and moved closer, stopping as my lips sensed his foreskin all but a hair’s bread away. I stopped though, hesitating. Taking a cock into my mouth to make it hard did repel me and I needed to compose myself, to prepare myself. I thought, it will be clean, my Lady wil have made sure of that. It is hairless, I can see that. He won’t be allowed to cum into my mouth Because I can’t imagine she would reward her charge for so little.
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