Copyright © April 2021 by CiaoSteve
CiaoSteve reserves the right to be identified as the author of this work. This story cannot be published, as a whole or in part, without the express agreement of the author other than the use of brief extracts as part of a story review.
This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imagine; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.
Author’s Notes
Foreword #1: All sexually active characters in this story are over 18.
Foreword #2: This is a story and intended purely for pleasure.
Foreword #3: The inspiration behind this story are the two entries I made for the 2021 750 Word Event. You’ll find them on @Literotica entitled “Sophie’s Invitation” as that was the snippet of the full story which managed to fit into so few words. I have entitled this one “Work Hard, Play Harder” as I wanted to build more on Claudia and Sophie as the main characters and the dynamics between them as their lives unintentionally collided.
Foreword #4: Please bear with me. Although the story will end up revolving around Sophie and her new boss, Sophie will not make an entrance until the fourth chapter.
Foreword #5: This is a second part to the series. Although it is self-contained from a story perspective, I would recommend you read the first chapter as there will be references which will make more sense if you have read the earlier parts.
* * * * * *
The traffic was lighter than usual, and the silver Mercedes made good progress along the highway. Behind the wheel, a diminutive blonde busied herself with the audio system. It was an overcast day, with rain threatened, which might have explained the empty roads. That said, every day was a good day for a drive, especially when the destination was a certain cabin in the woods, and every good drive needed some good music. Kirsten had plenty of good music on hand. A couple of clicks later and she hit shuffle on her Drivetime playlist. There was a momentary pause before It’s My Life blasted out of the speakers.
“It’s my life… it’s now or never… I ain’t gonna live forever… I just wanna live while I’m alive…”
Kirsten found herself singing in time to the music. Life was good. Professionally she was doing well. With a degree in law in her back pocket, she had been working up the ranks towards what she hoped would be a high-flying legal career. For now though, she was just a junior lawyer covering a wide range of local issues, from conveying through to domestic disputes. It was hard work, long hours and tedious, but she knew it was just a steppingstone… oh, and the pay wasn’t half bad. One day though… one day she knew she would make the breakthrough. Whilst she waited for that day to arrive, she was intent on making the most of what spare time she had.
‘Save it for a rainy day,’Her parents had told her.
‘You’ll never know when you might need a bob or two,’ was their other key learning.
Sure, they mean well, but she didn’t need to save every penny. She was twenty-nine, and although they mean well, she did have to make her own way in the world. All work and no play would make Kirsten a dull girl, wouldn’t it?
A place of her own was Kirsten’s top priority, to get some space. That came in the shape of a new-build townhouse on the edge of the city. It was small, just two bedrooms, but was well-positioned for the office and big enough for her, even on the odd occasion when she had friends over. The car, Kirsten’s pride and joy, added freedom to the necessary space and opened up a whole world of opportunity. Without the car it would be impossible to get out to the woods, to that wonderful cabin, to her…
Kirsten smiled at the thought of going back to see her Claudia. It had now been over a year, and every month or two she would set aside aweekend to pay Claudia a visit. She could call her Claudia as she was alone, but when together it was Mistress or Mistress Claudia, unless she wanted her cute ass to be spanked… which she had to admit that sometimes the idea was quite appealing. The more she thought about the coming weekend, the more she reminisced about how this had all started.
* * * * * *
Meeting Claudia had never been planned. Kirsten had a so-called boyfriend. They’d been together for some three years but had never reached the point of discussing marriage or setting down. Was it that they were both too busy working? Jack was in real estate. You could say he sold ’em and she kept it all above board. It was a working relationship which had soon become something much more. Life was good, but not exactly perfect. Kirsten didn’t know what it was, but it seemed like the jigsaw was missing a piece, and an important one at that, rather than part of the background.
They got on well, they liked each otherr’s company, even their work seemed naturally aligned… and, boy, the sex was good… but still something was missing. It was a difficult one to broach as, from Jack’s perspective he had everything he could have dreamed of. So, if Jack was living the perfect life, then it had to be Kirsten. Did she want something else? Kirsten couldn’t imagine life without Jack, so she doubted that was the answer. So, if she didn’t want something else, could it be that she wanted something more… or needed something more? But what was it that she needed? What was the missing piece to her jigsaw?
He never knew it, and she never let on, but it was Jack who had inadvertently nudged Kirsten in the direction of that missing piece. She could still remember his words, even though they were eighteen months or so ago.
‘Get Your coat on, Kirst. Just hooked a big one and need you to land it for me,’ had been his opening gambit.
It was so typical of Jack the salesman. He was full of quips and innuendo in everything he said, oh, and yes, he loved his fishing. You didn’t need a dictionary though to read through his piece of spin. For hooked a big one, you could usually read that he had suckered somebody into buying another of his client’s properties—they tended to be a bit worse for wear, and in need of some tender love and care, but it seemed that Jack could make anything seem desirable. As for the landing it, that simply means he had more paperwork for Kirsten to do. She didn’t mind as it kept them both in work, but it would have been so much easier for the client to come into the office than for her to trailse out to another ramshackle old house.
It had been a day not unlike today. The weather had been cloudy, but without that threat of rain. They had driven for hours into the middle of nowhere, finally pulling up at the side of a large but, as expected, run-down log cabin. The client—at the time she was just the client, or Ms Webber if you were courteous… Claudia came later… and Mistress Claudia was later still—was sitting on the patio when they arrived.
She was so different to everybody Kirsten knew. There was an air of directness, a confidence close to dominance, in the way she dealt with Jack. For sure his gift of the gab wasn’t going to work on this one. Oh yes, he tried every trick in the book to upsell a few services, but at the end Ms Webber walked away with everything she wanted and nothing more. She’d bought a property which needed a fair bit of work, yet she was happy, even excited with her acquisition. Kirsten promised to draft the paperwork and offered to meet up in her office. Ms Webber though, in that most direct tone, and with a most appealing smile on her face, insisted on meeting back at the cabin.
“Bring the papers here and we can go through them Together,” Ms Webber said, addressing Kirsten rather than Jack.
“It will be easier in the office,” Kirsten replied. “I can pick you up if that’s the problem.”
“No, no,” replied Claudia. “It’s just… well… I’ve really got big plans for this place and would love to share them with you before I sign the papers. You know, as one woman to another, and a beautiful young woman as well. If you agree, I can show you around and you can tell me if you like my ideas.”
Kirsten almost blushed. They say that flattery will get you anywhere, and this little bit of flattery had gotten Kirsten agreeing to go out to the cabin once more, this time alone.
A week later Kirsten was back there with the paperwork in hand. She parked her car up and waited, but there was no sign of Ms Webber. Kirsten was about to leave when she heard footsteps to the side of the property. The explanation had been strange. It seemed that the client had been walking around to see how close the neighbors were and how much they could see of her cabin. Kirsten considered this thoughtfully, but finally satisfied herself that some people just liked to be alone—Kirsten wasn’t one of them, but each to their own.
“So, Ms Webber—”
“Call me Claudia,” came the reply. It was more of an order than an ask. “And I will call you Kirsten.”
“Of course. So, Claudia, you’ll find all the paperwork in here. Would you like me to take you through it?”
“Later, Kirsten. First I want to show you.”
“Show me what?”
“I saw it in your eyes. The look… the one which asked why a middle-aged office type wanted a place like this in the middle of nowhere, especially when it needed so much work. Am I right?”
“No, not at all. I’m not one to judge. I’m sure it will be fantastic when it’s done up.”
Kirsten glanced at Claudia. She hadn’t paid attention before, but it was true, Claudia was the stereotypical office type. Beautifully manicured nails and blemish free skin suggested she hadn’t done a day’s hard labour in her life.
Kirsten wasn’t one to judge though. She wasn’t vain, but appearances did count for the young woman. She wasa natural blonde, her shoulder length hair tied back in a ponytail. Designer jeans accentuated her thin legs and pert ass, whilst up top, a thin jumper clung to her petite torso, two small mounds pushing at the fabric as it passed over her bust. Her black jacket, smartening up the outfit enough to wear in the office, sat on the car seat alongside the pair of heels she had swapped for flats.
Kirsten did like to dress smart, even in what she saw as her most casual attitude. In her mind it was her way of making an impression. Kirsten wasn’t exactly curvaceous in profile. She would have loved to have a figure like Claudia’s. Oh yes, she had noticed the natural femininity of her older client; the larger bust, narrowing wait then full hips, was the figure she dreamed about having for herself. So, what she lacked in status, Kirsten More than made up for in appearance.
At five foot three, Kirsten was a good six inches shorter than Claudia, and of slighter frame as well. Then therewas the age difference. Claudia had to be at least ten years older, most likely twenty. For anyone looking, they could have been mother and daughter, such was the clear age gap. The more Kirsten studied her client, the more she wanted to ask her. Claudia was clearly an indoor sort of person, so why did she want a project like this, out in the sticks with so much to do was the first question which sprang to mind. There were others though, but Kirsten knew they were not right to ask. She was here to get a deal done, and nothing more.
“Let me show you, Kirsten. I have such big plans for the place.” With that, Claudia headed inside the cabin. “Come on, then. Oh, and watch your step. This place needs a lot of work, you know.”
Claudia did just what she said she would. It was hardly a grand tour, but sufficient for Kirsten to get an idea of the plans. If she could pull them off, then this place was going to be fantastic. From Claudia’s confidence and directness, it seemed obviousthat she wasn’t going to settle for anything less than success.
“Now, didn’t you have some paperwork to show me,” came the next command.
The more Kirsten spent time with Claudia, the more she sank into this stranger’s world. They were poles apart in terms of character, but Kirsten found herself being drawn towards the older woman. She didn’t mind the directness. The tone was firm and Commanding, but always spoke so softly, so appealingly, so… what was the word… seductively?
With the paperwork signed, it was time for the two of them to go their different ways. Usually, unless there was a problem with the completion, it would be the last she saw of her clients. This time though Kirsten was just a little disappointed as she got back in her car. There was something intriguing about this place and this woman, and she so wanted to see how it turned out.
* * * * * *
Six months later, so about a year before the present day, Kirsten received a surprise in the morning post. Rather than the plain white official looking envelopes, this one was in a bright yellow envelope, handwritten on the front. Kirsten opened it first. It was an invitation to a housewarming, Claudia’s housewarming. It was the usual affairs, where, when and RSVP, but in addition there was a personal message written on the back. Kirsten sat there reading it repeatedly.
I hope you haven’t forgotten about the cabin in the woods as much time has passed. Finally, it is ready. I’m having a few people around to celebrate and would love to have you too. I feel it only fair that I finished what I started and give you the type of grand tour you deserve. You’ll be amazed how it turned out. I do hope you can come as I’ve so much to show you and know you will like it.
I will assume you will be there, so no need to reply unless you need to make your excuses.
Once again there was a sense of directness in the way the note was written, even downto the assumption that Kirsten would be there. Could Claudia read her like a book? Kirsten was so excited at the idea of going back and getting another tour of the place, this time the grand tour. Was it the cabin she was excited about seeing again, or was it the thought about visiting Claudia? For some reason she’d became attracted to this middle-aged office worker—no, not in a physical sense, but more emotionally—and now she had an open invitation to meet up again, in two weeks’ time. There was just one question. Was the invitation only for Kirsten or should she bring Jack as well?
Two weeks later, it was Jack who drove back up the bumpy lane towards the cabin. It was so different to before. That first time they seemed to be driving into the middle of nowhere, into total isolation. This time though… well, the first thing which hit you were the assortment of cars parked most of the way down the winding path towards the cabin.
They had to park a little way away and walk the final stretch. It was a much better day than the last time, so Kirsten didn’t mind the open air. She’d chose a white stretch top, black miniskirt, and matching black ankle boots, purposefully not heels due to the uneven terrain. Even so, Kirsten dressed well enough to have been going out for a night on the town instead of a housewarming in the country.
They heard the transformation before they saw it. A general buzz of noise greeted them as they rounded the final bend and caught a glimpse of the now renovated cabin. Bathed in light, and full of life, the place had changed so much. In that instant Kirsten realized just what Claudia had seen in the cabin. It was a fantastic place to entertain. She couldn’t wait to see inside, and it seemed that somebody else couldn’t wait to get her inside. They never made it to the door before Claudia appeared, a beaming smile on her face.
“I knew you’d come,” she greeted Kirsten, “and good to see you again… Jack, isn’t it?”
“Wouldn’t have missed it Ms Webber,” Kirsten replied.
“Please, remember, I insist on Claudia.”
“Of course, sorry, Claudia. I must say this place looks fantastic, especially full of people. Was that your idea? Somewhere to hold parties, to entertain, but with no chance of annoying the neighbors. I love it, Claudia.”
“Well, I’m not sure I’m that much of a party animal. Do I look like one?”
“Ermm, I guess…” Once more Kirsten found herself eyeing up Claudia. She might not have been a party animal, but she did look fantastic, even in middle-age. Was it the sophisticated casual look, the understated but effective make-up, the lock or two of dark hair which broke away from the rest and teasingly fell across her forehead, or just her overall demeanour. Whatever it was, Kirsten couldn’t help but feel relaxed in Claudia’s company.
“I’m joking,” continued Claudia. “This lot… well, they’re a mix of neighbors, friends and the guys who sweat blood and tears to get this place ready. You didn’t think it was me, did you?” With that, Claudia flashed her perfectly manicured hands at Claudia as if emphasizing the point. “I thought it was only fair I did something to say thank you. After today… well, I will use the cabin for entertaining, but I do prefer something much more private. What about you, Kirsten? Are you a party animal or do you prefer something more… shall we say, intimate?”
“I’m sure it will be perfect,” Kirsten responded, purposefully avoiding any reaction to the suggestiveness of Claudia’s last question. “I’d love a place like this. Somewhere to get away from it all.” Then in a whisper, just loud enough for Jack to hear but not Claudia, Kirsten added a little footnote. “You know what they say about country air, and how it makes passages boil. Imagine, you could do whatever you wanted without fear of being seen or heard. What do you say, Jack?”
“Err…. Ermm… of course… whatever you want, Kirst.”
If looks could kill, Kirsten would have felt Jack right there and then. It was her blood rather than her password which was boiling. Was it the reaction itself, the obvious fact he wasn’t paying any attention, or was it more that fact that she had given him an opportunity which he hadn’t taken. It wasn’t the first time either.
“Oh, he means well, but I think he has his mind on other things. He’d love it out by the lake. Jack’s a keen fisherman. Tells me every time about his catches, or the one which got away. You’ve got the lake here, there’s bound to be some great catches in there.”
“I’m sure you’re right. I have my eyes on a great catch myself,” came a rather surprising reply from Claudia, as she discreetly ran her eyes over Kirsten. “Now, where are my manners. A drink for my guests, that’s what I should be offering. Follow me.”
They made their way through the crowds, to the kitchen. Claudia quickly poured two large glasses of Champagne.
“Here you go. The best for the best.”
“Sorry, but I’m driving,” came Jack’s reply, pushing back at the offered glass.
“Not just a little one?”
“Err, no. Never drink when I drive. Sorry.”
“Well, Kirsten… looks like you have two glasses. Go on, relax, and let him worry about getting back home. I’ll give you a few minutes and then show you around the place. You will enjoy upstairs. It’s changed a lot since you were last here.”
With that, Claudia disappeared back into the crowds. If Kirsten or Jack had been watching they would have noticed that she did not start socialising, but instead headed upstairs herself. They weren’t though, Kirsten’s attention taken by an outburst from Jack.
“She’s a strange one, Kirst,” Jack whispered, trying his best not to be overheard.
“What do you mean?”
“Just the directness. Everything is a command, an order to be obeyed. I’d wager nobody has ever said no to her.”
“Don’t be silly, Jack. Did you see her hands?”
“Yeh, hands. God, you men are so unobservant. Just like when I get a new hairdo, and you barely notice, or when I want you to…”
Kirsten paused mid-sentence. She so wanted to tell him but couldn’t. Was it a case of now was not the time, or was she just scared of his reaction. She so wanted to tell him that there were times when she longed for him to take control, to command her, to satisfy her submissive side. Like Now… god how she wished he would take her outside, in among the trees… how she wished he would order her to her knees, command her to get him hard, then fuck her like there was no tomorrow.
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