My Journey Pt. 06

My Journey Part 6 slave girl sara

After my two six-month slave contracts I have now found a live-in job at a holiday camp. I was hurt from my slumber this morning by Mistress Tina, the camp administrator.

She sat on my bed and as I climbed over her knee we exchanged smiles, the smiles of a slave and her Mistress. As I was spanked the thoughts going through my head were, could this be the end of my journey, could meet Miss be my epilogue?

We had breakfast, not much for me usually but as she had done me a boiled egg with dip in toast fingers I did my best to finish it.

“This is your easy day sara, I will do everything I can for you, but, from tomorrow all the chores are yours. Just like I was at home, and I am sure you too, you will be spanked before dressing after every breakfast as well as any extra you earn during the day. If you earn five extra spankings in a week, as well as being belted for your misdeeds, you will be able on Saturday mornings.”

She knelt on the floor under the table and tongued me to almost failing, she knew when to stop and did so with such precision.

“This will be your job each morning sara, for me and also others I invite for breakfast, which remember, you will be making.”

“Yes Miss.”

“Go shower and dress in the beautiful uniform your Mistress got for you last evening.”

She slapped my bottom as I passed. I showed and dressed, lovely pink lace bikini knickers, white blouse with a frill over the button holes, multicoloured neckerchief and a blue pleated mini, mini skirt.

“Bend over sara.”

She pulled the crotch of my knickers into my slit.

“This is how you will wear them, and I will check on a regular basis.”

“Yes Miss.”

As we walked the short distance to work she explained I would be on reception duties and that Steve will show me the ropes.

“Good morning ladies.”

“Good morning Steve, show sara the ropes on reception, if she is half as good as you she will be brilliant. Tell her once and if she makes a mistake let me know please.”

“It will be my pleasure, pop round here sara and sit next to me.”

“Thank you Sir, and thank you Miss.”

Miss went to her office and closed the door.

“Any questions before we start sara?”

“Yes Sir, will I have to wait until after work before you fuck me again or will we be able to get time before then?”

His eyes glazed over and he tried to speak but no words came out.

“If it’s only going to be a quicky I could wank you stiff behind our counter before we go into the room you fucked me in last night Sir.”

Miss’s door opened, “sara, take this list of new camp customers starting their holidays today to old George and leave him with a smile on his face.”

“Yes Miss.”

As I got off my stool I rubbed Steve`s cock over his trousers, and grinned at him. I knocked on George’s cabin door.

“Come in, come in whoever you are!”

“Hello old George Sir, Miss said to pop over and see if you wanted a suck or a fuck, or both this morning, oh, and I brought you this new campers list too Sir.”

“Have you had a spanking off Tina this morning this morning sara?”

He unzipped his trousers as I answered.

“Yes Sir, but how did you know? I was late up and earned one Sir.”

“It’s her usual way with those she takes under her wing.”

I knelt and took his old cock out and licked it a few times like a lollipop, it tasted divine like it did yesterday, I sexually swallowed him in to grow his old cock.

“I think I will fuck you over my desk this morning sara, would you like a grandpa spanking off me first?”

I pulled his cock from my mouth.

“If that would not be too much trouble Old George Grandpa Sir.”

I giggled as I swallowed him again. He stood and undressed me.

“We do not want to be creaming your new uniform do we sara?”

“No Sir, thank you for your consideration.”

Once I was naked and before he dropped his trousers he pulled his belt through the loops and placed it on the desk.

“Am I to be belted too Sir?”

“Very possible, yes, now over my knee for your spanking sara, over knee and spanking is the only proper way.

He was very firm and soon had me crying when his door opened, it was one of the security guards bringing in some paperwork.

“That’s a nice red bottom George, a trainee I would guess.”

He stood me up to face the guard.

“Percy, this is sara, Tina`s new trainee. sara, this is Percy who also likes to spank young girls’ bottoms.”

Percy sat down and over I went for spanking number three of the day, again I was soon crying. I was then put over the desk for George’s belt, ouch.

“Another notch on my belt Percy, it’s seen some action over the years I can tell you. Heads or tails Percy?”

“I will fuck her face if it’s all the same to you, I had the wife`s cunt only a couple of hours ago so time for a change.”

I sucked and was fucked and afterwards Old George re-dressed me, he lifted my skirt and pulled up my knickers between my lips again.

“There sara, Tina will never know, same time tomorrow, you ok for tomorrow Percy?”

We both said yes together. I got back to the desk and Steve taught me all sorts about being a receptionist for the rest of the day. We both finished at five o`clock and he fucked me in the shower. Miss came in and saw us in the shower.

“Looks like you may be some time sara, I will go on and prepare dinner, you ok ‘cumming’ home alone?”

“Yes Miss.”

Steve was a bit longer lasting than yesterday and to his credit managed a second fucking after I wanked him stiff when drying him. On my way home I tallied up my day, three spankings, a lick out, three fuckings and two cock suckings. Is this to be my life now, or do I seek more, or even less?

“Undress, shower and over the bathroom stool sara I have two belts to introduce you to.”

Got to say I clipty wanked in the shower then took up my position. Miss came in and I raised my head, she removed the bathroom belt from behind the door and bent it double, as she turned I got a full view of her second belt, a stick-on with what looked like a ten inch dick.

“George reported you leaving without saying thank you,” Whack, Whack, Whack.

I got about thirty welts on top of the spankings and George’s expert belting. Miss lubed my bubble hole and fingered both opening before fucking me with her Dick.

As it went in I could not help, “Fucking Hell!”

“Aww sweet sara, that outburst earned you five cane stripes at bedtime, what do you say?”

“Thank you Miss.”

We had dinner and Miss cleared away, I got five cane stripes across my tits, she said she did not want my bottom wearing out, I was then put alone into my own bed. As I was dropping off to sleep I heard voices.

“Now Linda, did we say a warmup spanking before your twenty cane stripes, which I think very lenient considering the three complaints I got about you today?”

“Yes Miss Tina and you did mention a title whipping.”

I heard every slap and stroke and must have cum on every third one. She was then sent to her bedroom, obviously for a fucking.

“You still wake sara, you have a visitor, this is Michael from our concert party, he only joined us a few weeks ago and is missing his girlfriend so I told him he can come and fuck you as regular as he wishes to help him settle in, ok?”

“Whatever you say Miss.”

She put the light on and pulled my covers back.

“Turn over sara shows him your rainbow coloured bottom, don’t spank her anymore tonight Michael as you see she has had a naughty day, return onto your back sara, but do take advantage of her striped tits, they would benefit from a yanking and slapping.”

Miss fingered me.

“Yep, all ready for your cock, let’s see what you have.”

He was pretty hard and had a good eight inchesstood at right angles to his body. As he stripped naked, Miss slapped my tits hard.

“Where are your manners sara, on your knees and suck girl!”

I sucked and was fucked most of the night, I was not complaining but wondered was this how I imagined my journey would end, or was their more out there?



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