It was at the office Summer party that Angela first realized Jane’s secret.
Jane was an up and came at Rayner, Rayner & Starr, one of Angela’s best new recruits. She worked like a beast and held half the boardroom’s nuts in the palm of her hand. Better yet, Jane had a body to die for. She was 5’6″ with long, fire red hair and curves that somehow never stopped surprising you. More than once, Angela thought things about Jane she’d never tell HR.
So what was she doing with *him*?
Tim was the kind of boy you jumped and dumped in college then barely thought of again. A skinny 5’8″ with a liberal arts degree, a work from home call centre job, no family connections and no biceps. He was cute in a femboyish kind of way, but he also had a constant ‘rabbit in the headlights’ look that made Angela want to spank him. Whilst Tim abused his gaze deferentially round his finance’s boss, Angela took every opportunity to ogle Tim’s one truly impressive feature: his pert, round, juicy peach of an ass.
*Perhaps that’s all it is*. Pondered Angela.
*Cute round ass… great big cock?*
*Maybe he’s just her toyboy.*
It was for this reason, though not this reason alone, that Angela declared that summer office party’s theme to be ‘Beach Body Bonanza’, complete with sand and a pool to swim in. It would have been a lawsuit to ‘insist’ on swimwear, but the expectation was hard to misconstrue. Soon she’d see what Tim was packing down there.
Till she saw them together that night Angela hadn’t grasped quite how in control Jane was of her fiance. The boy didted on her, kneeing beside her deckchair and fanning her as she locked in the sun. It was a position, Angela noted, which also showed off the boy’s delicious butt. Was he… a trophy? Was she… displaying him? But why pick one so bland when the world was full of hunks who’d hanker after a woman with a little cash.
Had she – and Angela prayed Jane was smarter than this – *fallen* for someCollege dope she was now dragging with her to the upper echelons of the corporate world? Partners and CEOs were in the room tonight, along with this $15 an hour dolt. She sure hoped the girl had better taste.
And as for his dick: as tight as those shorts were, she could barely make out a bulge, and nothing that shifted or jiggled as he walked. He might as well be a Ken doll down There.
Eventually, Angela tired of playing dick detective, downed her drink and went to go hit on her employee. She was in her early 40s with long brown curls that fell seductively round her heavy 40DD cup tits, and a behind that bounced as she walked. With a body like hers, she’d never needed to pressure employees for sex, but hard work made her horny and, so long as she never played favourites, she saw no reason for anyone to complain. She was aware of how her body wobbled in her blue and white stripe one piece swimsuit, and she let it fill her with confidence. She was never going to be some stick thin catwalk model. But those weren’t the girls boys drooled over anyway.
Angela was thicc.
Jane was in a plain white draw string bikini that seemed just slightly too skimpy for her ample assets. She stood facing the pool, sipping a drink with one hand, casually groping Tim’s ass with the other. It was Tim’s eyes that gave it away. He couldn’t stop staring. Not at Jane’s cleavage, which anyone could have forgiven, but at Jane’s left title. Angela realized, suddenly, that Jane wore nipple rings. Had she always? Or was it just for tonight?
The right ring was a simple O. But the left had something small and jagged threaded on it. A charm of some kind — a saw, a crocodile.
A key.
“Jane!” Angela grinned “Why don’t you and me grab enough drinks to blow whatever happens next on and enjoy each other in the hot tub? You can bring your pet too, he can play lookout. We have a *lot* to talk about.” Jane smiled and nodded her ascent.
Timspent most of the rest of the night ferrying drinks, a sinking sensing in the pit of his stomach whenever he overheard his fiance and her boss.
“… locked when we met, by his ex… frequently releases, make them easier to cancel… was below average when we got together now it’s a micro-… we’re mostly equals outside the bedroom, but I get the last word…never fucked me…”
As Tim climbed down into the hot tub with more drinks, Angela reached over and grabbed him between the legs.
“Is it true you’re a virgin?”
Tim nodded.
“What would you say if I told you Jane just offered me your cherry in return for a promotion?” Tim gulped “Just kidding. But you are going to watch me fuck the shit out of your soon-to-be-wife, then if you’re very lucky we’ll let you do the same to Your fist. I want you to gather our stuff and take it to the lobby. Ask the valet for Ms Starr junior’s car. ” For a moment Angela thought Tim would burst into tears, though whether with joy or terror she had no idea.
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