As the next New Years approached, my Master told me that He had something special planned for me. We had blocked out the usual 3-day weekend, and I was looking forward to seeing how He would blow my mind once more. He told me that many of the specific things He would ask of me were things we had done on previous New Years weekends, but this weekend, for the first time, there would be no condoms used by anyone.
I was shocked. My Master had always, up until then, been extremely possessive of His exclusive right to fill me with His hot cum. When I asked what had changed His mind He told me that He had thought a lot about my fantasy of being a cumslut, a wanton cumdump to be filled by anyone, and that He found the idea of reclaiming me after I’d been filled by the cum of other men to be actually pretty hot. I thanked Him for letting me know in advance. Usually our New Years weekend activities were kept a surprise from me, but I’m glad He gave me some time to get used to the knowledgedge that I would, for the first time, be pumped full of the cum of other men.
I asked Him no other questions. I knew He would tell me what I needed to know, and I trusted that He had made all the necessary arrangements to ensure the men He would allow to fill me would be safe and clean.
As I left work early that Friday afternoon I was practically quivering in anticipation. I knew that our weekend would officially begin at dinner time so I had a few hours to get home and prepare myself in accordance with my Master’s instructions. I showed, held, put on my best goth-makeup, and slipped on the wine-red, form-fitting satin mini-dress that was practically lingerie that my Master had requested. I was otherwise barefoot and wearing nothing else other than my collar.
While I was doing this, My Master was preparing what was sounding like an elaborate meal. While I often cook for Him, He insisted on making dinner this evening. Instead, He had me set the table for four. OnceI had done so, He had me knee and placed on a stool before me a plate with my dinner on it. I knew, then, that I would not be eating with whomever He had invited over, and that I was very likely going to be serving my Master and three other men in whatever way they wanted.
I had to eat quickly but was able to finish before the doorbell rang and the first of our guests arrived.
My Master had me in formal standing position a couple paces behind and to His right, ready to be of service. For the first half hour or so, while we waited for everyone to arrive, I was sent by my Master and His guests to make them cocktails or generally serve in a hostess capacity, being freely touched, groped, and pleasantly molested.
When all three of our guests had arrived my Master indicated they should sit for the meal. I then began formal table-service. This is something I had been trained for years ago, and have done every so often at fetish-parties where food is on offer. Usually, formal table-service involves making sure everyone gets enough food, their glasses are never empty, and that I carefully follow all the formal rules of service (“serve from the left, remove from the right,” etc.). While my role normally requires me to be attentive to the meal so I can refresh any of the diners’ food or drink, this time my Master indicated that between courses I was to knee beneath the table and use my mouth and throat to please any cock that was aimed at me.
I spent the next hour or so alternate between taking cocks in my throat and getting up from under the table to pour drinks or serve the next course. So far, none of this was new. I had served in more-or-less exactly this way on a number of prior occasions, but the whole time I was filled with nerves and anticipation knowing that when the “dessert” phase of the meal arrived each of these three men would be taking me bare, fucking me raw, and dumping their cum into whichever orifice they pleased.
I shoulderd mention that I actually knew all three of our guests. Two of them were pretty good friends of both my Master and I, the third was someone my Master knew better than I did, but was hardly a stranger. Each of them had used me before, and therefore there was no real confusion or question about how the evening would progress.
Eventually, my Master announced that dessert was served. Recognizing my cue, I got up From under the table, cleared away the plates and dishes, then returned and bent over the table resting on my elbows, feeling the hem of my little satin dress rise up to expose my bare ass and soaking-wet pussy. I was actually trembling, which almost made me laugh. I was no stranger to taking cock at my Master’s direction. But it had been six years since any man other than my Master had cum inside me, and I was almost shaking in Anticipation of being made into a filthy cumdump.
I’m not sure how they decided who would go first, but one of them moved behind me and withoutpreamble, slide himself into me. He has an unusually large cock, so he took it slow at first, letting me adjust, enjoying the gasps and moans I was making as he rocked me against the table. The other three men either sat at the table and watched, touching themselves, or began fondling my hair, my face, my shoulders, my breasts through the satisfaction of my dress. My Master leaned forward and said to me: “You are going to be filled with cum tonight my little cumslut. Each of us is going to take you, enjoy the feel of your tight body around our bare cocks, and enjoy the feeling of blowing our cum deep inside you. How does that make you feel?”
I was already burning with lust, my eyes glazed over, moaning at the large cock stretching me beautifully, but I could not refuse to answer a direct question from my Master, and so I summoned up the willpower to say between gasps: “Very good Sir, please Sir, I need to be filled with cum Sir.”
He gave a little smile, then said: “Then be a good cumslut and beg the nice man currently inside you to fill your slutty cunt with his hot cum.”
This broke the floodgates. I began almost babbling, begging our friend to cum inside me, to fill me up, to soak my womb with his seed. Even though I have an IUD I even begged him to knock me up and breed me. I was in a full cumslut fantasy mindset where my birthday control didn’t matter, or didn’t enter into my mind as I begged this man that I’ve hung out with, that I’ve played D&D with, to fill my hungry cunt with his cum.
It would seem that having a submissive woman bent over a table begging him to fill her with cum was more than he could resist. He granted my request with enthusiasm, shoving me so hard against the table that the other men had to hold their drink glasses. With a deep moan of pleasure and satisfaction he blasted his cum inside my needy, desperate body. I can’t usually actually feel it when men cum inside me, other than the way their cocks swell and the way they thrust more urgently. The actual liquid cum doesn’t usually have a sensing that’s obvious, but he was so large, and his cock was rammed so firmly up against my inner walls, that I could feel the cum bursting out of him as a sort of warm, throbbing pressure. It was mind-blowing. Filthy. I came hard around his cock, trembling and crying out and gripping him with my inner muscles, whimpering half-coherent apologies to my Master for cumming without His permission.
I’m a woman who, for whatever reason, rarely reach orgasm through sex. I’m built in such a way that oral sex or vibrating toys are the only ways I can reliably reach climax. For instance, I never once actually came during my free-use night at the club, but that’s ok. I enjoy sex a great deal even if I hardly ever reach orgasm from the act alone. I gain a great deal of satisfaction from providing pleasure to whomever is dominating me. My Master’s rule of never cumming without His permission is one I usually find very easy to obey. But for whatever reason being used hard like this, having a new man’s cum filling my body, blew my mental erotic circuits and my body betrayed me.
I was still quaking with aftershocks, feeling the waning throbs of the man inside me when my Master told me that His usual rule was suspended for the weekend. I was free to cum as often and with whomever I could while being used as a dirty cumslut. I babbled my thanks and love at Him as the man inside pulled out and I felt his cum slide down my thigh. The second of our guests got up and, having apparently enjoyed the show, shoved his iron-hard cock into my sloppy cunt without any pretense of caring about my comfort.
He fucked me hard, driving breathless moans out of my still-quivering body. Much to my surprise, he pushed me to a second orgasm almost right away, the first having barely subsided. He didn’t last long as, with a growl, he added his cum to the previous man’s, filling me as I quaked and quivered and trembled beneathhim, now held up entirely by the table, my legs having given out. He slapped my ass as he withdraw and I felt renewed rivulets of cum slide down my legs and drip onto the floor.
Our third guest rose and spend some time playing with the cum leaking out of my body, making me jump and gasp as his wandering fingers played amidst my sensitive folds, occasionally brushing my hyper-sensitive clip. After a bit, I found myself begging him in little whimpers to please, please give me his cum, and with a chuckle he compiled.
By this point I was quite sloppy, but I train myself daily with kegel exercises to keep myself tight for my Master, and those exercises were certainly appreciated as I clamped down on this third guest and milked his cock as he fucked me with long, leisurely strokes. I trembled, sprayed face down on the table as he used me, floating in the sensing of my body being used for his pleasure. After he added his cum to by well-soaked womb and stood there, resting, ashis cock throbbed, I thanked him in a deeply submissive voice, for using me and filling me with his wonderful cum.
The three guests left me there on the table, leaking their cum as they cleaned up and prepared to depart. My Master stood and spoke with them, joking or conversing, but I wasn’t cooperative enough to pay attention to what was said. They eventually left and my Master helped me up and to the bathroom where He gently bathed me, cleaned me, and made sure I was all right. I assured Him that I was more than all right. “Good,” He said, “because there’s a lot more planned for tomorrow and Sunday.” I whimpered in a combination of fear and anticipation as He took me to bed and finally rewarded my service with His own magnificent cock.
I woke on Saturday morning refreshed and eager to see what my Master had planned. After making myself presentable, I was told to wear this cute little gothy sundress that I own with, as usual, nothing else aside from my ever-present collar andSome light makeup. The sundress is a bit longer than the slinky thing I had been wearing the night before, but was still short enough that my lack of panties would doubtless be noticed by any guests before too long. I inferred from the fact that I was kept barefoot that we were having more people over and weren’t going anywhere.
And indeed, at around noon, four men arrived and, with the help of my Master, began setting up a board game, one of the complicated euro-style ones with all the pieces and moving parts. I was told that the afternoon would be less formal than dinner the night before. While the five of them played, I was to serve in any and every capacity requested. I would bring drinks, I would bring snacks, and I would please any of them at any time in any way they wished.
And that’s exactly What I did. This was pushing up against my free-use fetish, which made the afternoon deeply enjoyable. Even though I knew all these men to various degrees, and we were all in the safety of my house within the presence of my Master, it was amazing being casually used at any point, randomly ordered to my knees to suck a cock, or having a man in mid conversation just bend me over a chair back and slide into me for a few strokes while continuing to talk or take his turn at the game. It was pretty clear to me that my Master had given specific instructions on how I was to be treated, because some of these men I Actually knew in a non-kink capacity, and they would never have casually treated me like a convenient sex accessory in any other context.
But here, now, that’s exactly what they did. The afternoon sped by as I fetched drinks and food and had my holes filled randomly and at any moment at the whim of any of these four men plus my Master. It seemed like they were engaged in some private game or competition to see Who could avoid cumming the longest. Each would casually fuck me for a bit before stopping and taking a turn at the game or demanding a drink from me. On occasion, two men would double-team me for a bit until one of their turns came up or they prepared to get bored of me.
As a result of all this random fucking, a game that would normally have lasted only 2-3 hours went 5 hours long. Eventually, however, it was over and I realized the reason none had yet cum in me. The prize for winning the game was getting to fill my body with cum first. The rest would then fuck me to completion in the order in which they placed in the game.
By now, of course, my body was practically vibrating through walls with lust. I had been stuffed with cock randomly in random holes for brief periods of time all afternoon, pleased and teased and made to serve, and I desperately needed to be deeply and thoroughly fucked, and I was.
I was ordered to our guest bedroom where, one by one, the game-players came and took me, in whatever positions they pleased, and in whatever orifices they liked. I was a fuck-toy, a reward for playing the game. And, it turns out, an afternoon spend teasing me had done a number on them as well. I was well aware that some of these men had considered sexual stamina, but it seemed to desert them this day. They fucked me hard and fast and blew their loads inside me, the first three in my cunt, the fourth in my ass, and the last came down my throat.
I should probably point out that my Master came in third in the game, Somewhat to His chagrin. To my knowledge, this was the first time He had fucked me immediately after another man had cum inside me. The night before, He had bathed and cleaned me before fucking me, although obviously I still had cum deep inside me. This time, though, there was the cum of two other men leaking out of me as He drove into my body. I asked Him later how it made Him feel to have sloppy thirds, and He said it was a bit gross, but also a bit hot. He found it hard to really describe, but it must have turned Him on to some degree because He blew His load in me muchfaster than usual.
I lay there recovering while they cleaned themselves up, cleaned up the game, and said goodbye to the two of them who needed to depart. The other two were apparently staying around for the evening festivals, whatever they were going to be, and my Master had dinner delivered. I took a shower and was permitted to eat at the table with the three men. It was clear that I was to recover my strength. As dinner finished, two new men arrived and my Master collected money from all of them. Apparently Saturday evening was going to be poker night.
This was familiar to me. I had, on multiple prior occasions, served my Master and His guests for poker night. I already knew how this would go. My body would be the prize for every winning hand, but each winner had only five minutes to enjoy me in whatever way they wanted before the next hand would be dealt. Much like the formal dinner Friday night, it was something familiar that was made newly unfamiliar by the knowledgege that none of these men would be using a condom, and all of them would be inevitably filling my body with cum.
And so I served drinks, served snacks, enjoyed being fondled and caressed, served hard cocks with my mouth during game-play, and with each hand won, gave myself to the winner in whatever way he wished for five minutes.
This went very much like the board game that afternoon, but there was no rule that prevented them from cumming inside me whenever they wished. Indeed, one of our guests was only enjoying me on his second won hand when he blew deep inside me, to the teasing of the other men. On his subsequent wins, he had me use my mouth on him until watching the others use me after each hand got him aroused enough to fuck me some more.
As you can imagine, the game went pretty late into the night. 5-minute fuck sessions after each hand stretched things out, but the poker wasn’t really the point, and eventually all five men had cum in me as much as they could and my Master chose to call the game to a close. I felt filthy and turned on. I had spent hours serving drinks with cum sliding down my thighs. I had taken cum in all three of my holes and I shank of five men’s fluids.
After our guests left, my Master took me into the shower and helped me wash. He then had me lay back on the bed and used my Hitachi on me until I had a couple earth-shaking orgasms. Blissfully floating on His love, we slept, waking up late on Sunday.
As I got ready for the day, my Master surprised me by informing that I was to wear no clothes at all. Shortly before noon, He brought me into the living room and had me sit spread-legged on a barstool-height chair that we normally have at our kitchen bar while He blindfolded me and tied my hands, arms, and legs securely to the chair. He said nothing, giving me no idea what was going to happen, as He moved about the house getting things ready. Eventually I heard the doorbell, and heard my Master welcome an unknownnumber of guests. I sat there in my chair, blind, naked, trembling as my Master entertained these guests. He had the TV on, they started a movie, and hands would randomly touch me as the men walked by.
The doorbell rang a few more times over the next span of time and I got the impression there were at least a half-dozen men in our house, maybe more. My mind was buzzing on fear and adrenaline. I didn’t know who These men were, I was tied down, blind and helpless, and it became abundantly clear without any sort of announcement that our guests had been instructed to use me as they saw fit, a piece of sex-furniture there to accept their cocks and their cum.
The height of the chair I was tied to mean my feet weren’t touching the floor, they were tied to the chair runs, which made me feel even more precarious and vulnerable. It also had the benefit of putting my dripping cunt at the perfect elevation so our guests wouldn’t need to crouch or knee. They could just walk up, shovecock inside me for as long as they wanted, and then walk away. And this is precisely what they started to do.
By now, of course, after the events of Friday and Saturday, I was deep in subspace. I had no desires other than to serve my Master in whatever way He wanted, and if He wanted me to take the cocks and cum of an unknown number of strange men, then that is what I would happily do for Him. I didn’t have a very good grasp of time, but for the first couple hours or so nobody came inside me. They were just using me as warm, wet holes for a while before wandering off to get a snack or talk or joke with each other. Occasionally my Master would come by and make sure I was still lubricated, adding more if I seemed to be getting dry. The whole time they maintained a vibe of “casual house party that happens to have some sex furniture on hand.” Nobody talked to me or greeted me or treated me like a person, they ate, watched movies, played video games, and all the while I had cocks shoved into my body nearly-constantly.
As I floated in subspace, an aroused body being used, I felt my mind go a bit fuzzy. As the next man shoved his cock into me I found myself worrying a bit about the inevitable flood of cum. After all, I thought, I’m unprotected by any form of birth-control and it’s not a safe day…
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