My Interview Ch. 02

After many requests I decided to go ahead and do a second part to My Interview posted in Exhibitionist & Voyeur (English). This section will lead into part three. I’m sorry for the delay in posting this part. Please remember that this is material only for persons over the age of 18.

Please take the time to vote and post comments so I can continue to improve my stories!


I shift in my seat one more time, watching Tony drive and trying to decide how to break the silence without talking about what just happened. Is he angry with me? I am not sure I want to hear what he has to say yet.

Tony is reaching over and turning up his radio as if he could read my mind when he blurted out, “Do you remember this song?”

“Yes, of course. How could I ever forget Dip It Low?”

Letting out that long deep groan that screams, “Damn I am in one hell of a mood!” without saying a word just before he turns it up even louder.

Now Tony is the one person I have felt comfortable with from the moment I laid eyes on him. Today is only the second time I have ever felt uneasy with him. A sly smile forms on my soft pink lips when I think of the time in his car while he was dropping me off at my friend’s house. It was dark as it was late evening and for some reason we began talking about having a baby together even though it is a mute point since I can’t have children.

“Tony, we have talked about everything possible and keep no secrets. Why does this feel so awkward; after all I would have told you the minute I got home if you hadn’t been with me?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Ok, but I don’t like not knowing if you are angry with me or what.”

“No! I am just at a loss for words. You know I love your tits?”

Barely able to speak between the laughter and shock of hearing him literally out right saying it I whisper, “I know.”

“Your face is red.”

“Yes, you have told me that online lots of times but never in person. I am glad you like them.”

Pulling into a Holiday Inn parking lot he cleared his throat and said, ” I think this will do for a place to rest and we can head home early in the morning if that is ok with you.”

“Let me call the kids and check in with them and make sure they won’t be too upset.”

After a few minutes catching up with the kids and telling them how much I love them I hang up and tell Tony it is fine to stop and go home in the morning.

“I can’t believe that you had me drive you over 400 miles away for a job interview.” “It is a job of a lifetime.”

“It is over 400 miles from everyone that cares about you.”

“Are you trying to say you will miss me?”

“More than you will ever know.”

“We mostly talk online anyways so what’s the big deal I can drive to see you if you will make time to see me.”

“And, you know why!”

“No, as a matter of fact I do not.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Good we won’t.”

Theendless silence killing me as we walk up to the check in counter. Lost in my own thoughts until I realize that Tony is waving his hand in front of my face, “Hello? Anyone home?”

“Yeah, What?”

“Two rooms right?”


The man behind the counter looked a bit tense as he inquired if Tony had another card on him because that one wasn’t working. “No, try it again.” He snapped as if this whole mess was this little man’s fault.

“One room and I have cash.”

Tony’s head jerked and looked over at me as he chimed in, “Double beds.”

“Of course, Sir.” The clerk took a long step over to reach around Tony and place the key in my hand.

Silence again all the way to the room. I hit the shower first just to break the tension and get out of Tony’s way a while. The tapping on the door brought me back to reality, “What is it Tony?”

“We need to talk.”

“I am in the shower can’t this wait.”


So I was highly upset by this pointand nothing seemed to matter as I stepped out of the shower and opened the door before I could really attempt to fully cover myself with the small hotel room towel. Hair dripping as I marched past Tony, “What?” Silence. “Well what is it?”

“I love those tits,” was about all he could growl at me as I stood there apparently failing at covering my breasts thoroughly. Handing me another towel.

“The point please?”

“Never mind!”

Throwing myself back on the bed and pulling the covers up to cover the obvious distractions that were now hard and throbbing while I am picturing those large sensitive hands caresing them just before his mouth devours them. Shaking my head I lower my voice and ask one last time, “What is it Hun?”

“You are not my type.”

“I know for the hundreds time I know that you don’t want me physically no matter how close we are mentally.”

“I want you!”

“What? Either you want me or you don’t make up your mind! You know I would be wit you and only you if you wanted me for the rest of my life but you have always said no way.”

“I don’t want a relationship. I don’t want to hurt you. But I want you.”

“You are so confusing.”

“Go to sleep I am taking a shower,” Tony said in nearly a whisper adding, “a really long cold one” almost like an after thought.

I tried to watch T.V. but couldn’t so I lie there staring at the ceiling listening to the shower run. I can’t help but wonder about him in there lathering himself with the cheap hotel soaps since we hadn’t planned to stop. It never even occurred to me that I was still naked except for the blanket that I now covered with not to hide but because it was getting chilly.

“You going to eat dinner without clothes on?” “I’m not hungry.”

“Oh no you don’t. You get away with not eating all the time but not with me here. Get up and get dressed.”

“Fine!” I didn’t even both to cover as I jumped up and went for my clothes I had previously left folded and lying just in the bathroom on the tiny shelf it provided.

You could cut the tension between us with a knife if you could only find the middle path between his lust and mine as we ate in silence. So I ordered a long island ice tea with extra cherries. It only took an instant to see the familiar laugh in his eyes remembering the first time he ever watched me drink one.

After a couple margaritas I decided to change to a better drink and as always ordered extra cherries. When it was time to go I was fishing for the last cherry that had drifted to the bottom of the heavy glass. Upon his inquiry I burst out I had lost my cherry and I wasn’t leaving until I got it back. You can’t imagine the looks from other customers that were equally wasted as I was. Immediately I knew my error that night and I vowed to never make myself to look so foolish again.

“We talked that night so long ago about getting married.”

“We also agreed it would never happen.”

“Itwon’t,” was all Tony said as he pretended to eat his food but it was clear he was merely moving his food in his plate. “You dress different than anyone I know.”

“What does that mean?”

“First you put on your bra, panties, socks, jeans, shoes, and then your shirt. Most people put their shoes on last.”

“You love my tits remember?”

Silence again.

We adjourned to leaving since neither of us was eating anyways. A few minutes later he was holding the door open to our room with his typical manners that had taken me some time to get used to.

“You get that one since you messed it up.”

“Aye, Aye Captain!”

“Stop that! You know I hate it when you do that to me,” Tony snapped as he found a Sirus Dance Hits station on the television.

“Well you just come over and make me.” Glancing over with a smile making sure that I show just a little more cleavage than I needed to when I bent over to slip my shoes off.

“I have something for that smart mouth of yours.”

“Yeah! Yeah! Sure! You have been saying that for years and still can’t prove it,” I tease as I roll over and cover my head to go to sleep.

“You don’t think I will do it,” he asked in a low sexy tone that he knows drives me crazy.

“Nope! Good night.”

“Thought you loved to suck dick? Your always bragging how good you are,” he was doing a good job of making my mind wander into a land of dreams that brought forth the days when he would really give me the cock I wanted most in the world, his.

“Tease!” I was so hot for him and he knew it but I couldn’t give in just to be told never going to happen once again.

“You want to be my slut tonight don’t you?” He was full blown smiling now I could hear it in his voice.

Finally having enough of this jerking around to pull the covers down and sit up while I stammered, ” that is enough fucking teasing.” It was too late I found myself with a cock in my face barely missing my eye and landing on my left cheat. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Suck my dick!”

“Bu.” Cut off before I could even finish my protest by the head of his cock rubbing my lower lip making my mouth water with anticipation. I looked up at his face to be sure he really wanted this and saw the eager desire that I had seen in every man I had ever enjoyed before. In shock, nervous, but so excited I nearly came in my panties After the years of wanting this moment and being denied the pleasures of the man I wanted most.

“I said suck my fucking dick now,” he ordered while he slid his right hand into my long dark hair. Curling his fingers and winding my hair around once so he had massive control before he started feeding me his cock one inch at a time.

Tasting the pre-cum that had seen out and down onto my lower lip. I maneuver myself so that I can lick every drop of it off before I take all of his cock to the back of my throat. Slowly licking and enjoying the feel of his perfect thick cock. “That’s it baby feed me that cock,” was the only thing I could get out of my half filled mouth before he demanded I open my mouth and let him fuck it good and hard drawing a long excited moan from the back of my throat.

His hands buried in my hair pulling my head down on his cock so hard I thought I was going to swallow the whole 8 inches of throbbing hard dick. “Yes! You’re my good little slut aren’t you,” he demanded to know pulling out just far enough to hear my reply.

“Yes baby now get to fucking my face!” Complying with a good hard slam into my mouth. His balls slapping my chin as he pounded so deep I thought I might gag but he held me steady and really fucked my face good and hard the way I had always dreamed he would.

“Open your mouth wider!” He was going for it, all the way into my mouth to hit the back of my throat. Moving faster and harder until he was throbbing and pulsing in my mouth. Knowing he was close by the feel of his cock I close my mouth around his swollen cock and suck it with eagerness to drink his hot juicy cum.

Caressing his tightening balls loaded with his cum as I suck him deeper than any man before. His hand firm on my breast rolling my hard nipple around between his thumb and his index finger tightly sends me nearly over the edge. Did he know that his cock in my mouth makes me want to cum good and hard?

I could tell from his moaning getting out of control that he was ready to cum. I needed to taste him, I wanted his hot cum, and I wanted it now! Taking my sucking to a new level of control while I stroked his cock bringing my hand up pulling my mouth back then down following my hand with my hot wet mouth. My saliva was running down his cock and covering my hand making it easy to jack him off in my mouth.

He ordered me to move my hand when he started cumming and slammed his cock to the back of my throat giving me his hot juices. Swallowing every drop of cum he was feeding me. As he was pulling out I grabbed his tigh and pulled him closer so I could lick off the last few drops from the head of his still hard pulsing cock until he was so sensitive he pushed me back on the bed and took his place by my side.

Running my finger across my lip to retrieve the last bit of cum that remained on my chin and lips licking them clean as I laid my head on his shoulder and snuggled in to sleep.

“Don’t go to sleep,” he said smiling Misschievously down at me.


“Just don’t or you might cum to regret it.”

That’s the last I remember before waking up some time later. Attempting to shift I realize I can’t move but a couple inches. “What the hell is going on?” I recognize the laughter drifting through the room as I recall those last words again, “Don’t go to sleep. Just don’t or you might regret it.”


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