2:30 pm
“We’re going to have company for dinner tonight,” you tell me in a rush. You’re late for a meeting it sounds like so this must be very important. “My boss is coming over to talk about my new promotion. He’s Italian so make your grandma’s spaghetti and a salad. I’ll text you what to wear later.”
You don’t even give me time to reply before you hang up. I stare at the kitchen wondering if I have everything I need for tonight. I wasn’t planning on making spaghetti today and even though I know I have sauce frozen I doubt you’ll appreciate that. I head to the store to get all the ingredients I need for the sauce and stop at a farmers market on the way back to pick up vegetables for the salad and homemade pasta from the retired Italian lady up the street that sells her cooking on the side.
I start with the lettuce, breaking off the leaves and letting them soak in the sink while I get the meat cooking in a frying pan on the stove and open the cans and bottles to start the sauce. I chop all the vegetables for the sauce and throw them in with the meat to cook up while I dice the lettuce up and spin it in the salad spinner. Once the vegetables and meat are cooked and the sauce is boiling, I add them together and let the sauce simmer. In two hours, the sauce will be ready and even though I know you like my spaghetti, I’m still nervous as hell.
4:30 pm
I’ll be home in an hour, I want you in your nicest white blouse and the black skirt that goes to your knee. No bra and no underwear. I’ll be home in an hour and supper better be ready.
Your text comes just as I take a baking sheet of bacon out of the oxygen and I rush to reply before I pat the grease off the bacon and break it up to add to the salad. It makes me laugh that you want me to dress so conservatively and yet at the same time not wear any under garments. But I don’t imagine anything will happen in front of your boss, it’s probably yet another way you try to humiliate me withoutt even doing anything.
By five, I have the garlic bread in and I start shredding the Parmesan cheese the lady down the street gave me, I swear the seventy year old Italian grandmother has a crush on you, she always sends little “treats” for you. When I’m done with the cheese, I go down to the basement and get a bottle of wine from the wine cellar beside out little “Play Room”. I giggle as I stare at the door but can’t stay long, I have a dinner to finish and the door is locked anyways.
I open the wine, to let it breath, and set it on the table beside the salad I toss lightly and let get room temperature. I top the salad with a little grateful Parmesan and set the farmer’s market homemade salad dressing beside the bowl. I start to panic as I pull the garlic bread out and see that it is twenty after five already and I still have so much to do. I put the bread in a bowl and place it on the table too. In a bit of a hurry I set the table with silverware and plates, bowls for the salad and our best wine glasses. I folded my best clothes napkins and race upstairs to get dressed. I dress exactly how you say, the white blouse you like that buttons down the front and clings just a little too tight to my breasts and the black skirt that rids up if I’m not careful but sits just above my knee. You didn’t tell me if I should put pantyhose on so I don’t, I pull my hair up into a more put-together ponytail than before and head back down.
I’m back in the kitchen and barely have time to put dessert in the oxygen and put the spaghetti into a pot of boiling water. Luckily, with fresh pasta it only takes a minute or two to cook and I can plate it up quickly. When I hear you open the door, I place the last plate down and quickly dish out the salad before you and our guest can walk into out connected kitchen dining room.
“Mr. Gregson, this is my wife Amy,” you say as you put your arm out for me to come stand beside you.
I come to you with a smile on my face and I offer your boss my hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Sir.” This is not completely true, we’ve met before for two seconds at a company picnic and other business function but he never remembered meeting me and it was just more polite this way.
“You have a cozy little home here,” he says politely and I smile sweetly even though I know the whole first floor of our house could fit in his living room.
“It looks like dinner is served,” you say to cut the awkward silence and you give my ass a squeeze that goes unnoticed by your boss even though my chefs blush a bright red.
“I hope you enjoy,” I reply as I lead the way to the table. “The wine is from our personal collection, and Mrs. Russo down the street would never forgive us if we served anything but her freshly made pasta.” I tell your boss with a smile as we all sit down.
“You’ve out done yourself baby,” you say as I pour you a small bit of wine and you taste it before giving me the nod. I top off your glass, pourYour boss some and then pour myself a little also.
“A very Italian meal,” your boss beams. “Just like my own mother used to make.”
As the meal goes on, your boss talks about his childhood, his parents, “The Old Country”, and how food never tastes as good as his Nona used to make. You are listening intensely but I know it’s just your good manners showing and not actual interest. You can’t stand your boss and you never try to hide it when we’re alone.
Finally, about half way through the meal you look over at me and frown. “You spilled sauce on that nice blouse.” I look down slightly embarrassed and try to wipe it with the napkin. “Don’t do that, you’ll make it worse,” you scold and I look up at you. I know that tone your voice has taken on and it’s not going to be good for me. “Take it off.”
“What?” I look at you in shock and your boss almost chokes on the mouth full of wine he has.
“Stand up and take it off,” you reply in a much rougher tone. “Now.” I can tell you’re getting sick of my disobedient and that you have a plan, reluctantly I stand up and start to unbutton my shirt. “Hurry up girl or I will rip the shirt right off of you.” I move as fast as my fingers will go and soon have them all undone. “All the way off and hang it on the back of the chair.” I desperately want to melt into the floor. I know you have a plan I just wish I know what it was.
The minute my shirt comes off your boss stars at my breasts and I can feel his eyes on me as I place my bloom over the back of my chair. “Beautiful aren’t they,” you say as you pinch one of my nipples and pull it before letting go.
“Are you insane man?” Your boss is stunned and yet he’s still staring at my breasts.
You laugh but it’s not your normal laugh, “This Sir, is why you are going to give me that promotion.”
It’s your bosses turn to laugh this time and he finally looks away from me to look you in the eye. “I’m not going to leave my multi-million dollar company in your hands just because your wife flashes me her tits.”
“Oh you misunderstand me Sir. My promotion won’t come because of how my wife looks, but how my wife acts.” This peaks your bosses interest and you know you have him hooked. “Shall we adjourn to the living room,” you ask as you stand up and wait for him to do the same. “Clean up the table and start the dishwasher, than You can serve us desserts and drinks.” I start cleaning and you lead our guest to our living room.
Once everything is put away and the dishwasher is loaded I cut the cooling cheese cake and serve it on small plates. I bring the food to you first with dessert forks and quickly go back through the kitchen to your locke and get the serving tray you like your drinks served on. It’s just a normal tray with an added strap that goes around my neck, but it sits under my breasts and displays them for you perfectly. I take the ice bucket, fill it and place your best scotch on the tray, with two glasses and come back into the living room.
You smile as I walk into the room and look me over when I come stand beside you. You look over at your boss and then up at me. You take a piece of ice out of the bucket with the tongs and I know where this is going. You take the ice cube in your hand and slowly run in over my left nipple. I gasp as the cold ice touches my hot flesh and beg you with my eyes to stop. You laugh and then eat what’s left of the ice. “You can put the tray down now, thank you baby.”
I place the tray on the coffee table between the two of you and prepare your drinks. Two fingers of scotch and two ice cubes, just the way you like it and hand both of you a glass. “Good girl,” you said just to make me blush and I see the smile playing at your lips. You point to the floor beside you and now I know this night will be a very embarrassing one for me. I get down on my knees beside you and look up at you waiting for your next instructions.
“As you can see, my wife is very obedient; that’s because she’s been trained well.”
“Trained,” Mr. Gregson looks over at you in amusement as you tie a collar with the lean around my neck.
“Oh yes Sir, she wasn’t always this well behaved,” I can hear the pride in your voice and I feel your hand tighten around my ponytail. “Isn’t that right babygirl.” You jerk my head up so I’m forced to look at you.
“Yes Sir,” I can’t help but smile.
“Get on all fours and turn around,” you tell me and then set your attention back to your boss.
Your boss is watching all this amused and still stunned but I know he’s enjoying the show. He always was the handsy type and rumours spread quickly about how touchy-feely he gets with the other wives. I know he is craving my body, he wants to touch me. Apart of me wants that too, I hate when you share me with other men but it does turn me on knowing strange, old, perverted men are allowed to touch me.
“Employees are like women Sir,” you say as you yank my skirt up over my ass and show it too him. “If you train them properly they will serve your purpose to the best of their ability.” You grab another ice cube and run it over my ass cheats. “If you teach them right, they’ll strive to please you.” You run the ice cube down the crack of my ass and push what’s left of it into my tight ass hole.
“You can’t possibly train employees like this,” Mr. Gregson says in bewilderment but I can still feel his eyes on my body.
“Oh not like this,” you laugh and you push another ice cube into my ass. “I’m still showing you the results of what training can bring.” I know you’re smiling now as you push six or seven more freezing ice cubes into my ass. “I’m sure you’ll agree she’s very obedient and willing to please?”
Your boss coughs and nods, “Well, yes…I would say so.”
You take out a buttplug, with a tail, from the hidden compartment under the arms of your chair and push it easily into my pussy. “See how wet she is,” you say as youshow Mr. Gregson how wet the buttplug came out. “She loves every moment of this and how she’s being treated.” You show the buttplug into my ass in one shot.
I’m sure he is shocked at how far you’ve taken this in front of him. “You…You like this?”
“Wag your tail for us bitch, show Mr. Gregson how much you enjoy it,” you spank my ass good and hard and I start moving my hips, causing the tail to wag from side to side. “She was trained to enjoy pleasure me and that’s what you need in employees. People willing to do anything to benefit you and the company.”
Your boss is silent for a long while, just staring at me and thinking to himself. Finally, I feel your hand on my ass, telling me I can stop humiliating myself by shaking the ass for him. I am so humiliated already and yet I can feel pussy juice building up and I’m surprised there’s not a puddle on the floor yet.
“Maybe you have a point,” he says as he looks up from my ass and pussy. “And she enjoys all of this?”
“Show Mr. Gregson how wet you are whore,” you say nonchalantly. I turn my body and push my ass up for him and spread my legs. “I’m sure she doesn’t enjoy all of this, but she knows it pleases me and that’s her job, that’s what she enjoys.”
Your boss can’t help himself anymore and I feel his fingers touch me down there. He starts with just rubbing the outer lips of my pussy and must look up at you for an okay because he quickly starts exploring my slit. “And you think you can make my employees like this,” he asks you as he finger fucks my hole with one finger and then another.
“I can train them to love their jobs and love making you money Sir,” you smile as you watch him finger fuck me. “Would you like a blowjob from my little cocksucker here Sir?” I turn to look at you shock and slightly pissed off that you would offer him suck a thing and he stars at you in disbelief.
“Uh.. no.. no thank you that’s quite alright,” he’s flabbergasted. Your boss is obviouslypulled back to the matter at hand because he stops fingering me and pulls them out. “Well, um… how do you plan on doing that,” he is blushing and I can hear it in his voice he is actually a little ashamed of his behavior as he wipes his fingers off on the tissue you hand him.
“Simple,” you smile as you take a dildo out of your hidden compartment. “Come here slavegirl.” I come to you and you make me turn around so again my parts are on display for you and your boss. You turn the vibrator on low and shove it into my pussy. “You start off with giving them some pleasure,” you start slowly fucking my cunt. “This would be like, new computers, more comfortable office chairs, a better break room, things of that nature.” You turn the vibrator up to medium. “Once they enjoy their working environment they are More willing to do things to thank you for such improvements,” you spank my ass cheek. “Isn’t that right slave.”
“Yes Sir,” I say as a moan escapes my lips.
You turn thevibrator up all the way and really start pounding my pussy. “Once they are happy and fully enjoying themselves, it is all about the reward.” By this time my hips are moving with you and my pussy is trying to grip the vibrator and keep it in me. I’m moaning and panting and on the verge of orgasm and you know it too.
“At this point they’ll do anything for more pleasure.” You stop the victory and pull the vibrator out of me. “But they have to earn their pleasure.” You take out a chatity belt and tie it firmly around my waste.
“And…And…And how do they do that,” your boss asks as he stars at me.
“That’s the beauty of it, you can get them to do whatever you want.” You pull me up by the hair and make me sit back on the heels of my feet. You whisper in my ear, “Do whatever it takes to give Mr. Gregson a blowjob and I’ll give you your orgasm.”
I groan but nod. I’m desperate for an orgasm and I’m horny as hell, I’d do almost anything to earn an orgasm from you, even blow this old man. I crawl over to your boss and get right in between his legs. “Please Sir, let me take your cock into my mouth and show you how good of a cocksucker I am.” I look up at him pleading with my eyes. “My husband will let me cum but only if I give you the best orgasm you’ve ever had. Please Sir, I’m desperate.”
“I… well… I.. don’t know about,” he’s caught between what he wants and being professional. He looks up at you and you give him an encouraging nod. “I guess it couldn’t hurt, since it will help you and all.” He starts fumbling with the button on his pants, obviously nervous about the whole situation.
“Why don’t you let the cock hungry whore get that for you Sir,” you laugh at the glaring look I give you but then motion with your head that I should get to work.
I take over getting his button and fly undone and slowly fish his cock out of his boxer shorts. He’s already hard and leaking pre-cum but I jerk him off with my hands a few times just for good measure. When I take the head of his cock between my lips he lets out a small gasp and it’s almost like a hiss. I suck the head while I run my hand up and down the shake of his cock.
“Come on little whore, you don’t need your hands,” you tell me and I put them behind my back and just work his cock with my mouth. I’m setting into a nice rhythm when suddenly I feel a hand on the back of my head. “You see Sir, you need to teach them what you like and how to do things right.” You push my head down, and I’m forced to take all of your boss’s cock down my throat. He can’t stand the pleasure anymore and cums deep down my throat and you finally let go of my head.
“Well,” your boss sights as I suck the cum from his dick and put it back in his pants. “You’ve definitely proved your point.”
“She always makes me proud,” you say as you take my hair down and pet me.
“Well, it’s obvious she was trained well,” Mr. Gregson nods. “If you can work magic with our employees, you got yourself the promotion.”
“Thank you Sir, I will not disappoint,” you tell him as you shake hands.
The doorbell rings and you look down at me, “Get up and get the door.” I get up but before I can leave, you stop me and take off my skirt and then send me on my way.
I open the door and am excited to see your friend Nathan from work. “Well, well well… Hello little doggie,” he smiles and take my leash in his hand.
I blush but smile, “Hello Master Nathan.” I giggle and kiss his cheese.
“Down girl,” he says as he closes the door behind him and I get down on my hands and knees. He leads the way to the living room, pulling me along on the leash and I feel even more degraded than ever. “Good evening gentlemen,” he smiles as he leads the way to the kitchen table and puts the brief case I didn’t notice he was carrying down. “I have all the papers ready to sign.”
Mr. Gregson looks at the two of you questioningly. “I had Nathan draw up the papers for my promotionon,” you tell him.
“I knew once you got a-,” he clears his throat. “Demonstration, you would be willing to sign these.”Nathan starts taking papers out and then he places his brief case down. “Under the table Princess, I have a bone for the good little doggie.” He starts to undo his pants as he sits down and I start sucking his cock immediately.
I’m all but forgetten under the table as the three of you talk business, and even Nathan doesn’t comment, or make a single noise to indicate I’m there. I love sucking Nathan’s cock, it reminds me of your cock. And I know I’m always in for humiliation whenever Nathan’s around. When all the papers are signed, Nathan gathers them up and puts them back in his briefcase. Everyone shakes hands and you all stand up.
“Alright little bitch I have a reward for you for being suck a good cocksucker.” He lets his pants fall and lifts up his cock and lets his balls rest on my face. He knows I hate this and it humiliates me, that’s why he does it. “Okay cocksucker you can suck my balls now.” He knows I love sucking balls so he never lets me do it for long, but it’s always a little treat before he comes.
He teabags my face a few times and then he grabs me by the hair and shoves my mouth down on his cock again. With both hands behind my head he fucks me hard and rough, making me gag but he doesn’t stop. He slows down and I know he’s getting ready to cum; he pulls his cock almost all the way out of my mouth, leaving just the head in and then shoots his load.
“Show me your treatment dog,” he says roughly and I open my mouth to show him. “You want to swallow my cum don’t you.” He knows I hate the taste of cum, it’s much better when the cum is shot right down my throat, that’s why he makes me wait. And he loves to put on this humiliation show. “I know you want my cum but you don’t get to swallow until I say so.” He takes a Hersey Kiss out of his pocket, unwraps it and places the chocolate in my mouth. “Okay bitch you canhave your treatment,” he laughs and watches as I’m forced to chew the chocolate and his cum and swallow it together.
“Nathan, you know she can’t stand that,” you scold him and yet laugh at my humiliation at the same time.
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