[This story involves body functions and some severe discipline. If these subjects both or offend you, please read no further. All characters are over 18; one remembers when he was 18.]]
Although I had known my husband Andrew for a total of seven years and we had been married for five, I was still surprised when one night when we were having very enjoyable relationships in bed, he asked me if I would enjoy and be willing to take charge of him.
Andrew was generally a self-confident, attractive man in his 30s who was doing well in his work and respected by those in our social and professional circle. I’ve also managed to have a good career as well, although I’m still unsure about how to handle it when and if I become pregnant. This is something that needs to happen before I get much older. We both want children, but the prospect still looks hard to pull off without something changing for the worse.
I started thinking about our relationship. We had been introduced aboutt a year after graduating from college by a mutual friend. Andy had dated Marilyn during the year before she brought us together, but realized on about their third date that their relationship would not go further than friend. Marilyn smiled at him and told Andy how much she was fond of him but that she had accepted, happy she said, that her true romantic preference was for girls.
Then she Surprised him by adding, “You should know, Andy, and I hope you don’t hate me for telling you, but I’m sure that you will be happy if you find a woman who wants to take charge of you. I have something of a dominant streak and I usually am confident of the impressions I gather of the men I date.”
Andy told me that he liked Marilyn because she was forthright. He had responded to her assertion by asking her why if she liked him a lot, she didn’t want to have a dominant relationship with him.
“I’m pleased, Andy, that I guessed right about you,” Marilyn had answered, her face gleaming with pleasure. “But I’ll be fair and tell you that I want a dominant relationship with another woman, a girl.”
Any admitted to me that he told her that he understood and thanked her for her playing straight—sorry about that—with him. Marilyn soon set him up with me. I think she sensed what kind of man I was looking to meet.
I found Andy very compatible. He knew a lot about art and music and theater, all of which I love, and he has this way of enjoying it all without making me feel less knowledgeable, which I am. I also saw how Marilyn had recognized that I had dominant tendencies too so that I was focused on marrying a man I could control. Andy’s asking me to take charge of him didn’t surprise me at all. I didn’t know exactly how we would get to that stage, but I knew it would happen from when I first met him. I just knew.
There were little hints. He came into our attached bathroom from our bedroom without realizing I was on the toilet. I didn’t get angry at him but just smiled at his embarrassment and told him that he should knock when the door was closed. He blushed deeply so I followed up by continuing to smile while telling him that if it happened again, I would spank him.
“You really would?” he asked, seemingly without realizing what he was conveying by his query.
“Maybe you’d like that to happen,” I answered then.
When he actually put the question now, though, I responded by asking him just how he wanted me to take charge of him.
“Ellen, I love you totally and I respect your judgment,” he answered. “I’ve felt that at times I’ve been behaving like a younger man or even a teen who needs to be taken over a lady’s lap and given a good spanking. I lose my cool and my temperature far too often.”
I began to Consider seriously—now that he had asked me—whether this was something I would like. It didn’t take me long to confess to myself—certainly not to Andrew!—that I would enjoy being in charge in our home. I envisioned having Andrew assume responsibility for much more of the chores—the housework, cleaning, cooking, all that.
I consider myself attractive—and not just for my age. I have nice sandy blonde hair, a decent figure with just enough oomph on top, and curves without too much avoirdupois.
So, I said that I thought that might be a good step, but that he should describe for me how he saw it working. I added that if I agreed to this, I would not want him complaining later and resisting my directions.
Apparently, this excited him because I felt him becoming harder inside me, something I found highly enjoyable.
He then replied that he loved me totally and wanted me to take control. He said that he had grown up with women who asserted themselves: his mother and his older sister.
“Were you distributed by them when you were growing up?” I asked. I had of course met his family, but you can appreciate that we had not ever discussed this kind of subject.
“Yes, my mother,”Andrew answered, “was quite the authority in our house—my father did not seem to want to get involved so she would take charge. When Susie was 21 and already in college and I was still in high school at 18, Mom put Susie, who was still living at home, in charge of my disciplining, which at first was horribly embarrassing and wounding.”
“You said ‘at first’.” I asked him. “Did you Become comfortable with her taking over?”
“I did,” Andrew admitted. “Susie was a mature college junior. She was pretty and had lots of boys after her—she was a cheerleader and also did very well academically. I was doing all right in school, too, but I played a lot of sports and sometimes got into trouble.”
“So how did she discipline you?” I followed up.
“She told me that she expected me to behave well and not get into trouble,” he began. “I didn’t tell her that I did have the hots for her. She was pretty and I dreamed of being in love with her, even though earlier on, we had not gotten along well. We had gradually become less antagonistic. I even thought she was coming on to me. It was mostly a delusion, though. And I hadn’t even thought about the unlikely hood of her wanting an incestuous relationship.
“I would see her panties in the hamper in the bathroom and take them out and sniff them,” Andrew said plainly. “I know this sounds weird, but I found seeing the stains in her panties very sexy. One day I walked into the bathroom and Susie was on the toilet. She was in the middle of putting in a fresh tampon. She didn’t scream at me to get out but very calmly told me that I should knock before opening the door to the bathroom. So you can see, Ellen, that this isn’t the first time I’ve barged in on a woman close to me in the act of using the toilet.
“I was surprised and fascinated to be there staring at her hairy crotch as she pushed the tampon inside her,” Andrew confident. “She told me that we shouldn’t be embarrassed in front of each other and that she didn’t want me sneaking around. She said she knew I was sniffing her soiled panties. I blushed and she then smiled and told me to get down on my knees in front of her and sniff the real thing. She even held herself open and I got my first real glimpse of a girl’s cunt.”
“She sounds quite amazingly mature,” I responded. “Do you still like to sniff women’s undies…or their pussies?” I then asked him.
“Well, you do know that I love licking you down there until you cum,” Andrew said. “And I think you like it when I do that.”
“Yes, I do,” I admitted happily. “And right now, I do love it when we fuck, too. Do you now want me to spank you when I feel you need it or assert myself in other ways as well?”
“That’s exactly what I’d like, Ellen,” he said. “You can tell me what to do, what to wear, and even discipline me in front of your friends, if you feel so inclined.”
“I’m ok with taking this on,” I managed to say. “But there won’t be any turning back, Andrew. If I tell you to do something, you had better do it. It’s that simple. And I won’t hesitate to embarrass you if I want to—it can just be that, even if you haven’t necessarily done anything to merit disciplining. If you can accept that, and it sounds like you can, I’m in.”
Andrew kissed me as we both resolved this by his thrusting and pushing me over the top as I felt him spurt deep into my insides. We held each other in our arms and kissed long and deep.
Once we were lying next to one another, I tested this agreement.
“Now be a good boy and get down between my legs and make me feel good,” I said very precisely.
Andrew responded by going where I had directed and found himself licking as his cum and my juices flowed out of my vagina into his waiting mouth. Then he used his tongue carefully moving it up and down my labia and then into my vagina again along with tickling my clip with the tip of his tongue.
I responded by getting wetter and hotter and soon I whispered to him that I wanted him inside me again. He moved up above me until his cock was pointing into me and I reached over and softly caressed it, which was enough to make it stiffen nicely in response.
Then he was inside me and I was happy. As we fucked, I began to think about how this would work beyond our marital bed. When I came, I decided that there was no need for me to keep on until he did too. After all, he had cum once already anyway. I told him that I wanted to get up now. He looked surprised but did not question or otherwise raise any resistance.
“Were you annoyed that I said it was time to get up?” I asked him.
He looked surprised by my question. “It seemed a little strange,” he replied.
“You seem to have forgotten that I’m in charge now,” I responded coolly. “And this is what you want.”
“I’m sorry, Ellen,” he said. “I suppose I have to get used to this.”
“You do,” I said rather bluntly. “I think you need some reminding that you’ve wanted meto take charge of you. I feel I have to make that clear.”
I sat down on the stool fronting my dressing table. I patted my lap and pointed my finger to indicate to Andrew that he was to lie across my lap.
He seemed to still be surprised but he quietly rose and walked over to set himself across my lap. I patted bis bare bottom and began spanking it. The first spank made a loud slapping sound that took both of us by surprise, I suspect. Andrew had not been spanked, so far as I knew, since he had lived at home growing up when at 18, Susie had taken charge of him, which was some years ago. I had never been spanked by anyone, having had progressive parents.
My interest in spanking had also been limited. I had read about it and heard almost-lurid tales of it from girls over the years. It was rumored even in college that certain girls, well over 18, were still spanked when at home, on their bare bottoms. It seemed to crude to me and only later when I discovered the worldof erotica did it began to arouse me.
I began to think about where this would go as I spanked Andrew. I also decided to make the spanking more interesting and to draw Andrew’s attention in different directions. I let my finger move down his ass crack to the base of his scrotum. Then I ran my nail very softly over his scrotal sac and up the far side of his shake to the glans. Even after our double fuck, my finger had made his cock get hard.
I kept spanking and next I very slowly insinuated my finger into his bottom-hole. I massed his prostate in there and watched him get yet another erection. This time though he was not getting inside me. He was about to learn about not always getting what he wanted.
I resumed spanking his now reddening bottom. Then I asked him how often he found my soiled panties and used them to jerk off. He started while that he didn’t do that, and I slapped him really hard on his thighs.
“I know you’ve been in the hamper just like you weree with Susie,” I warned him. “So, don’t pull that on me—don’t ever lie to me—or you’ll be getting the cane.”
My mentioning the possibility of the cane landing on his already sore bottom shook him out of his comfort zone.
“Yes, Ellen, I’ve loved sniffing your panties and your used tampons, too,” he confessed as I spanked him some more.
“We’re going to deal with this, Andrew, by having you wear panties,” I announced.
I decided that Andrew would wear panties every day under his trousers, whether he had a suit on or more casual clothing. I told him that I didn’t want to see any stains in his panties and that I might have him take them down at any time to be checked. He was already realizing this would be embarrassing and said so.
“So?” I responded. “You will have to shake your penis after you pee and wipe very well when you have a bowel movement.”
The next day I decided to check with his sister as to what had happened when she was in charge of him. I called her and we arranged to meet for coffee.
“I’m not as resistant to bring this up,” I said to her as we sat in a far corner of the local café, “because Andrew has told me that you were given authority over him at home after he turned 18 and your mom realized he needed discipline of a kind neither she nor your father had wanted to administrator: that included spanking.”
Susie was surprised that I knew about this. She was wearing a nice tweed skirt and a bright-colored top. With her rich auburn hair and nice features, she looked lovely.
“I only did that because my parents—my mother, actually—sad that she and Dad wanted me to be in charge of him. So, I was given authority to spank him. And I did.”
I decided to go a bit further, daring her almost to get angry at me.
“He told me that he also served you in the bathroom,” I observed. “I wondered how that went. It does make me feel it could be good—for me as well as him.”
Susie hesitated a second or two. Thenshe responded quite directly.
“Yes, I found that he had a thing about sniffing my dirty panties, so I let him catch me on the toilet one day,” she said rather blithely. “Then I had him lick me down there and I had him lie in the tub and receive my little gifts,” she grinned.
“Wow,” I almost lost my breath at that. “That was pretty strong, but it sounds great to me,” I said calmly. “Did he keep doing that?”
“Oh yes,” Susie explained. “I had him licking me and getting under me when I needed to go. If he didn’t please me, he got a spanking.”
“And this went on for?” I asked.
“About a year until I went away to college,” she answered.
“He’s asked me to take charge of him,” I said. “That’s why I really appreciate your being so open with me about this.”
“Andrew has always been wanting the women with whom he’s close to take charge,” she stated. “He clearly has a thing about panties and…women’s genitals…and, yes, their piss and poop and periods. Hemust have had that well before I took charge at Mom’s direction and I suppose he still does.”
“I know this is getting personal,” I responded, “but do you get involved in any of this with Greg [her husband]?”
Susie hesitated again but then smiled and replied, “No, Ellen, he’s not really like that. But I’m not too hung up on the privacy of the marital bed and bath. Greg does like to lick me front and back. But it’s not like I’m in charge. He does it because we both enjoy it…a lot.”
She grinned again. I blushed.
“Oh, don’t get upset, Ellen,” Susie said sympathetically. “I’ve always thought you were the perfect woman for Andy. I love my brother dearly, but he has his quirks just like many of us. If you want to see how far his submissiveness runs, I’ll agree to be a witness when you punish him.”
“Would you?” I asked with some relief. I had decided it was more useful for Susie to be there to support me and humiliate Andrew than for me to feel humbled by the presence of his sister who had effectively dominated him, albeit for a relatively defined time span.
When Andrew came home from his office that day, he wasn’t totally surprised to see his sister sitting with me in the living room. He greeted her warmly and asked how she was feeling.
“I’m fine, Andy,” Susie answered with a smile. “But I came by at Ellen’s invitation. I’m glad she has finally decided she needed to take charge of you.”
Andy glared at me.
“So, you went and told her without discussing it with me?” he while.
I stood up and felt taller, having put on slightly higher heels than I normally wore. I looked Andrew right in the eye and told him sharply, “You’ve decided, and I agreed that I would be in charge. If I want Susie here, she will be here. Your opinion has been taken into consideration, but I’m making the rules. And if you keep this up, I’ll have her take part in your discipline as well.”
My firm response did set Andrew back. Amazingly, it appeared that he hadn’t expected it. He almost shrunk into a side chair.
“Right now,” I announced pleasantly but still with firmness, “you’re going to stand right there”—I pointed to a spot near the corner—”for your inspection. Stand up and come over here. Right now!”
I hadn’t raised my voice, but I made no mystery of my being in charge. Andrew stood and walked to where I told him to stand.
“Now unbuckle your belt and drop your trousers,” I directed. I saw Susie watching with highly focused eyes.
When Andrew compiled, Susie saw his white panties. I was pleased that she did not have any visible reaction, nor did she comment. I proceeded to have Andrew untie his tie and take off both shirt and tie. Then I sat myself on an armless chair and motion to him with my index finger to get over my lap.
He hesitated for a moment and I was briefly fearful that I would have to become more assertive than I wanted to have to be. But then he did what he was told and got across my skirted lap.
I managed to pull his panties down a bit below his bottom and had pushed up my skirt so that I could trap his hard penis between my thighs. I had forgotten thigh-his so that part of my thighs was bared.
Now I had my submissive husband across my lap with his panties down and bottom bared. I had put my hairbrush in my pocketbook which I had near where I sat. But I first told Andrew that he would be inspected and distributed at any time I decided this was needed.
Then I peered into the crotch of his panties. There were obvious pee stains. And there even was a small skid mark where he clearly had not wiped adequately.
“Your panties are disgraceful, Andrew,” I announced. “I expect you now to sit down when you use the toilet and to wipe your bottom properly as well as shaking your penis so that you do not stain your panties. If you make me have you wear pantyliners, you will find that much more embarrassing both when I inspect and when you use thetoilet, even if you are in a stall.”
I had a plastic glove that I put on and used to penetrate his anal opening. I knew that this was something men deeply resented because of its association with gay men, but I was determined to show both Andrew and Susie that I had no hesitation in taking charge of my husband.
I withdraw the glove, and it was smudged. I told Andrew he had failed the inspection and would be Disciplined as a result.
“You will from now on take the time when you have a bowel movement to press inside to clean yourself properly,” I announced.
Then I started spanking. This was mostly new to me. I had not been spanked growing up, like Susie and Andrew. But I found myself spanking lightly and slowly at first, then increasing both the power of my spanks and their Frequency. Andrew’s tender bottom, which probably hadn’t been spanked since he was at home under Susie’s dominance, was not accustomed to being spanked so it reddened fairly soon.
Susie smiled at me to show that she found what I was doing totally right. I smiled back as I reached for my hairbrush. Then I took it in my right hand and began applying, again slowly at first and then with more oomph. Andrew back first grunting and moaning and then starting to emit cries and even promises “to be good.”
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