My Guilty Secret Ch. 02

I was naked, my body on display for Alexa and her mother and I had just been sentenced to two days of servitude where I could be cruelly punished for the slightest infection. I had never felt so vulnerable and frightened in my entire life.

Nor had I ever felt so aroused.

I was overwhelmed with conflicting emotions and thoughts. My heart pounded madly in my chest and my pulse raced as I was experiencing sensings of fear, lust, anticipation, and other things I couldn’t begin to describe.

I felt feverish as Mrs. Bowden and her daughter stared at my naked body and I blushed multiple shades of red. I felt both degraded and deliciously excited that I would spend the next two days naked amongst these two clothed women. Although it was humiliating, I was already enjoying the forced exhibitionism. I found myself hoping that people might drop by to visit the Bowden household so that I could be marched naked past others who were clothed and forced to display my body to them as well.

“So, Heather what did you do to make your mother so upset with you?” Mrs. Bowden asked.

“I used a fake ID to buy alcohol,” I replied. I assumed that Alexa or her mother might ask, so I formulated a lie in advance that I thought might explain why my mother demanded such a fierce punishment. I was twenty years old and the legal drinking age was twenty-one, so it would be technically illegal for me to be buying or drinking alcohol.

“Underage drinking and a fake ID?” Mrs. Bowden asked, “Those are serious offenses. I can almost understand your mother is met out such a cruel and unusual punishment.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I replied promptly.

“Alexa, it’s a good thing you never do anything as outtrageous as Your friend here,” Mrs. Bowden told her daughter, “I’d hate to have to have to punish you the way Heather is being punished.”

That comment caught Heather off guard for a few seconds, but then she recovered and said, “Ha, ha, Mom. You would never do anything like that to me.”

A mischievous smile spread across Ms. Bowden’s face as she stared down her daughter and then she replied, “Try me and find out.”

Alexa’s eyes widened slightly, and I felt that Mrs. Bowden wasn’t kidding. Visions rolled across my mind of Alexa being striped naked and going over her mother’s lap for a humiliating spanking, squirming and crying out in pain as her ass was turned red. Would Alexa’s mother really do that? Alexa was the same age as me. Would Mrs. Bowden really spank her daughter if she caught her drinking alcohol?

A part of me wanted to see what that would look like. Alexa had a nice, shaped bottom. I wondered how much more attractive it would look with her mother’s handprints all over it.

Then, I was shaken out of my reverie as Alexa announced that my mother had included a list of instructions for how I was to be treated over the weekend.

What? I hadn’t written down any instructions. What was Alexa talking about?

“This was in the envelope that Heather’s mother gave me,” Alexa announced, “It’s sort of a list of rules. For starters it says that Heather needs to keep her legs always parted. If her thighs touch, she’ll be punished. Keeping her pubes constantly on display will help keep her humble.”

“The second rule says that she’s not allowed to touch herself. I control her orgasms, and if I see her hand between her legs, I need to punish her.”

“The third rule says that she’s not to use her hands to cover her breasts or any other part of her anatomy. If she tries to cover herself up, she has to be punished.”

“Also, Heather needs to submit to a body climate search every day to make certain she doesn’t have any contrast on her. If she’s caught with any contraband, she’ll have to be severely punished.”

That different bitch! I had orchestrated this entire weekend and I hadn’t written that list of rules. That was probably a blank sheet of paper Alexa was holding! Of course, the only reason I knew Alexa was lying, was because I was lying about my mother wanting me punished. I was the one who had stuffed that envelope with money. And I didn’t stuff any note in there!

The only way I could acuse Alexa of lying was if I outed myself for lying too. I decided to bite my tongue and go along with Alexa’s deception. The thought of submitting to Alexa’s list of rules created a surprise feeling of heat between my legs. Being stripped of my dignity and forced to submit to Alexa’s authority excited me. Maybe in the long run, I’d be grateful to Alexa for her deceit.

“Well, if you need to search her for contrast every day- “, Mrs. Bowden began.

“I’m on it,” her daughter replied. And then Alexa was standing right in front of me. She placed a hand on my bare shoulder and said, “Open your mouth, wide, Heather.”

I opened my mouth as wide as I possibly could, and my captor then proceeded to use a tongue depressor toKeep my tongue down while she examined the interior of my mouth.

“Nothing hidden in there,” Alexa said after a long, intimate examination. Then I was ordered to stand with my legs far apart, bent over, with my head down and my hands flat against the dining room table, my knees straight and my ass way up in the air.

It was a shaming position that made me feel vulnerable and humiliatingly exposed. Alexa let me Stay in that position an inordinately long time before she began the next stage of the body climate search.

And just like the tongue depressor, Alexa produced a box of latex gloves like magic. She must have prepared these items in advance, just waiting for the opportunity to use them on me. She took her time, snapping on a latex glove and then got into position behind me.

Every part of my body went tense, waiting for a latex-clad fingerprinter to penetrate a very tender part of my anatomy; however, Alexa made me wait. I held the position so long that my legs started to feel weak and wobbly, the muscles in the back of my legs felt uncomfortable stretched and taut and sweat began to form on my torso and underneath my arms.

“Alexa?” I asked, wondering if she had changed her mind about this whole climate search business, then I felt her fingers on my pussy. She grabbed my labia with one hand and then shoved two fingers deeply inside me with the other hand.

Aaahhh,” I gasped as I felt fingers inside of me. Alexa thrust and wriggled her strong fingers, exploring every inch of my sensitive interior, while her mother stood back and watched.

I moaned and almost immediately felt an orgasm approaching. Alexa may have been doing a body climate search, however as she roughly fingered my aching cunt, it feel more like she was trying to bring me to a wild and screaming orgasm. I feel my face heat up with embarrassment and thought I might just die of humiliation if I was forced to a sexual climax while Mrs. Bowden standing was there.

I continued to whimper, and my thighs continued to tremble and shake, and just when I thought my orgasm was inevitable, Alexa withdraw her fingers. They came out covered with hot, sticky fluids,

“Keep your legs spread like that,” she ordered me, “We’re not finished yet.”

I was panting and feeling deeply humbled when Alexa grabbed the cheeses of my ass and pulled them roughly apart. Some sort of cold, thick gel was smeared into the delicate pink flesh between by my buttocks and then I didn’t even have time to take a deep breath before she plugged a finger directly into my anus.

“Aaaahhhh,” I gasped inarticulately as that finger speared me deep.

It was hard for me to maintain my position with my head down and may ass up and my legs spread so ridiculously wide with that finger moving around inside of me, but I feel Alexa’s authority overwhelm me. I feel a desperate need to earn her approval, so I screwed my eyes tightly shut tight and gritted my teethand made a herculean effort to ignore what that strong finger was doing inside my anus as I struggled to maintain my difficult posture.

I breathed a sight of relief when her finger slipped out, but then I was caught off guard as Alexa thrust inside of my ass again, using two fingers this time. The fingers went in hard and deep.

She began to jam the fingers brutally in and out. I feel my legs getting rubbery as the fingers plunged on inside of me. Alexa’s strong fingers continued to assault my tiny, sensitive hole as her mother watched. It was humiliating and brutal, and yet I found myself embracing these feelings of humiliation and helplessness as something delicious. I wanted Alexa to abuse me, and if Mrs. Bowden witnessed her daughter abusing me, that would just increase my feelings of luxury humiliation and sweet shame.

I went limp and as the impale of my ass finally ended and Alexa’s fingers slipped out of me. I heard the sound of a latex glove being stripped off and waited for whatever came next.

_ _ _ _ _

Alexa took her job of handling me seriously. My “mother” had said that I should be put to work doing manual labor, so Alexa put me to work scrubbing floors. I was given two brushes, a clothes and a bucket of warm water and ordered to crawl around on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor.

Scrubbing floors is hard, tedious work, and Alexa made certain that it was humiliating as well. I was naked, on my hands and knees, and Alexa insisted that I keep my legs apart as I worked, thus leaving my moist, swollen public lips actually exposed.

And Alexa was a real stickler for legs-wide-apart rule. She kept a wicked, narrow belt with her at all times. And if my knees ever drifted too close together, she’d slice the cruel leather across my naked backside.

At one point I was on my knees, scrubbing a stubborn stain from the floor in the kitchen and Alexa took advantage of my vulnerable position. She croouched down behind me and placed one hand between my thighs and pushed two fingers in and out of my exposed sex while insisting that I keep scrubbing vigorously.

My loins throbbed with desperate need, but I wasn’t permitted to reach climax. The soft folds of my labia were swollen and soaking wet, but Alexa told me that she had no intention of giving me an orgasm. She just wanted me to be feverish with sexual heat while I was under her authority.

When I had arranged for Alexa to punish me, it was obvious to me that she was a lesbian. I had assumed that if I made myself her naked plaything for the weekend that orgasms would be a foregone conclusion. I moaned in sexual frustration when I realized how wrong I was.

None of my masturbatory fansies ever involved orgasm denial. Most of They involved the exact opposite, with cruel women tying me up and impaling my innocent vagina and forcing me to experience more orgasms than I could handle.

“Keep scrubbing or you get thebelt,” Alexa insisted as she fingered my wet sex. It was almost impossible to focus on manual labor while my sex pulsed with urgent need, but my stern taskmistress insisted, so I attempted to obey.

Before the morning was over, my ass was red and stinging and I screamed as my friend assaulted my poor bottom with dozens of scorching blows. I was still screaming when Mrs. Bowden entered the room and told her daughter to cease whipping me.

Mrs. Bowden helped me to my feet. My vision was blurry with tears, so I couldn’t read Mrs. Bowden’s facial expression, however, she sounded calm as she told me to come upstairs.

“It’s time we had a talk,” she insisted.

_ _

Mrs. Bowden had an office upstairs with a grand mahogany desk and leather upholstered chairs for guests. Mrs. Bowden offered me a seat however, my ass was sore and throbbing with red hot pain. I asked if I could stand instead.

“Of course,” she said, although she took a seat behind her desk.

She steepled her fingers and looked at me intently as I wiped away some of my tears and she said, “Heather, I know your mother didn’t send you here to be punished.”

‘What?” I asked, utterly confused. “But you saw her! You heard what she said!”

“You mother and I are both on the board of directors at the Tilden Gallery,” Mrs. Bowden explained. “I know what your mother looks like and that woman who dropped you off here to be punished wasn’t her. Which leads me to wonder who the hell was she, and why is she pretending to be your mother?”

My heart thudded in my chest, and I feel a cold, terrible fear to take form. My carefully fabricated deceit appeared to have been demolished.

“She’s an actress,” I confessed to Mrs. Bowden. “I hired her because I was too ashamed to admit the truth.”

“And the truth is?”

I surprised heavily. It was embarrassing to admit.

“My mother never wanted me to be punished. My mother barely bothers to notice any ofthe details that are going on in my life. I’m the one who wanted to be punished.”

“So, this is some sort of sexual thing? Some sort of bondage and discipline fetish?” she asked.

I blushed three different shades of red, but nodded my head in agreement and then added, “I don’t like to talk about it. People will think that I’m some sort of freak if they know.”

For several moments, Mrs. Bowden was utterly silent. When she finally spoke up, her first words were, “I don’t think that you’re a freak. However, I don’t like being lied to.”

“So, what happens now?” I asked, fearing all sorts of terrible consequences now that Mrs. Bowden had uncovered my deception.

“Well,” she said, “I don’t like it that you lied to me, but I do like the idea of ​​a naked, teenage slave-girl in my home. So, what happens now is you call that actress on the phone and tell her that you’ve decided to stay here a little longer. Rather than two days, tell her to come back for you after seven days.”

“Seven days?” I asked, overwhelmed at the thought of being under Alexa’s authority for that long.

“I’ll talk to your mother and tell her that you’re having so much fun with my daughter that you’ve decided to stay here longer.”

“You want me to be naked and abused by your daughter for seven days?” I asked, feeling as if I had lost all control of the situation. “That’s too long! Your daughter is keeping me right on the edge of orgasm but refusing to let me have any relief! I’m already suffering with sexual frustration. I’m not sure if I can handle seven days.”

“The alternative is I call your mother and inform her that you told lies about her in an effort to get my daughter to treat you like a naked sex slave.”

Then Mrs. Bowden pulled out her phone and said, “Shall I call her right now and tell her what’s been going on with you and my daughter?”

It was a potential threat. If my mother discovered what I’d been getting up to with Alexa, I’d be horriblydisgraced and unable to look more mother in the eye ever again.

“You win,” I told her. “I’ll call my accomplishment and tell her that I’ve revisited my plans and that she should come back and retrieve me in seven days instead of two.”

I rubbed my singing buttons and my head hung low as I accelerated to Mrs. Bowden’s demands.

“Oh, don’t look so crestfallen,” Mrs. Bowden urged, “Now that I’m getting personally involved, I’ll be doing things to make your captivity more interesting. Now, call your actress and when you’re done talking to her, you and I will have a little chat of our own.”

Mrs. Bowden ordered me to stand with my legs lewdly far apart and tell her about my masturbatory fansies in great detail. And to make things even more shaming for me, she insisted that I play with my pussy as I explained what excited me. In a very stern voice, she told me I wasn’t allowed to cum without permission.

“Give me enough lurid details about your sexual fans and I’ll let you have some relief,” she said, “otherwise, you can just suffer with sexual need.”

I felt vulnerable and humiliated. I didn’t want to shame myself even further than I already had, however, Mrs. Bowden threatened to call my mother if I didn’t cooperate. Reluctantly, I placed one hand between my legs and fingered myself as I related details from my most potential sexual fansies.

I’d had so many sexual fans over the years, I couldn’t possibly cover them all in one morning. Instead, I related in great detail to Alexa’s mother the most potential fansies that I’d constructed for my masturbatory sessions. Of course, there was the one where I’m a naked slave being sold at a public auction. I’d be on a raised stage with scores of people viewing my naked body as a stern auctioneer forcing me to assume a multiitude of humiliating poses that left me lewdly exposing my public lips or my anus or thrusting my breasts out suggestively as if I were begging people in the audience to touch them.

Most of my fans involved large crowds being present to witness my shame. I’d never thought about that before, but Mrs. Bowden felt that that was an important detail and wanted to explore that.

“Is it not enough to humiliate yourself in front of just one person?” she asked.

I had to cease the stroking of my swollen clip for a few seconds as I considered her question. I didn’t usually get so introspective about my sexual fans, but as I thought about it, I realized there was a significant reason why large crowds of people were better than just one person.

“I suppose, the more people who are watching, the more naked and exposed I feel,” I replied, “I feel more vulnerable and helpless as more people are added. Even if they don’t touch me, all those extra eyes just make my humiliation and my shame so much more intense.”

“I see,” Mrs. Bowden said slowly. See seemed to mull over my words and then she replied, “I have some friends and business associates who would likely be willing to participate in your humiliations. I could invite them over to the house and ask them to be witnesses.”

“You wouldn’t, you couldn’t!” I protested, feeling true terror at the prospect, but Mrs. Bowden remained calm and assured me that she could.

“it’s my house. I can invite anyone I like. And it would be good for you. During the week You’re here I want your feelings of being naked and shamed to be as intense as possible.”

I tried to talk her out of it, but Mrs. Bowden was too enthusiastic about the idea for me to change her mind.

_ _

Mrs. Bowden spent about an hour making phone calls, trying to see if any of her friends wanted to come over and taking advantage of my naked captivity. I wasn’t allowed to listen in on those phone calls, but after an hour or so without any visible results, I concluded that she was never going to succeed in getting any of her friends interested enough to come overand exploit my vulnerable state.

Yeah. As it turns out I came to the wrong conclusion.

I was standing in the Bowden kitchen, stark naked, my poor, tender ass hurting from Alexa’s cruel, leather belt, obediently washing dirty dishes while Alexa supervised me when there was a knock on the door.

“Mom, there’s someone at the door!” Alexa called out to her mother.

“Have Heather answer it,” Mrs. Bowden told her daughter.

“Answer the door, Heather,” Alexa said to me, and she squeezed my already sore buttocks and eyed me very intently, as if daring me to disobey.

I had no idea who was on the other side of that door. I was stark naked, exposed and vulnerable. I was going to feel humiliated no matter who was standing there, however, there were some people whose gaze upon my naked body would be more mortifying than others.

As I slowly walked my bare feet from the kitchen to the front door, I realized that the fear and trepidation of not knowing were anotherer form of torture. The actual humiliation of baring my naked body would be bad, but until I opened the door, there was the totally separate torment of imagining the worst possible people ogling my naked body.

I opened the door and feared the worst. My heart pounded madly against my ribcage. The sound became louder and louder in my ears, I tensed and felt sweat break out all over my body. As I opened the door, I felt fear, and my eyes clouded over for a second or two. When I avoided my vision, I was staring at an elegant, dapper woman in her early thirties. She was dressed in stylish black boots, black slacks, a custom-tailored black blazer and a black dress shirt. With her intensity, blue eyes scrutinizing my body I felt even more naked than before.


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