My name is Heather and I love being tied up.
And because my family had servants, I brought them in as accomplishes to my precious pleasures. We had two maids and I found that for a small amount of cash, I could entic them into tying me up out in the wooded area of our property where my parents never ventured. It was a way for me to indulge in my desire for bondage without anyone else discovering my preciousy secret.
“You’ll be tying me up in the woods again,” I informed Anna one day, “I’m heading out right now. In about five minutes, come on out and look for me in the usual place.”
I marched deeper and deeper into the woods until I reached the traditional spot where I usually got tied up. It was a grassy patch of earth equidistant between two trees. I had brought a satchel that was loaded with lengths of rope. I set it down on the ground and waited for Anna to catch up with me.
While I was waiting, I removed the ropes from the dispatchel and proceeded to strip naked.
First, I removed my shoes and socks and carefully placed them in the dispatchel with the shoes flat and the socks stuffed inside the shoes. Next, I grabbed my t-shirt by the hem and pulled it up and off. That went into the dispatchel on top of the shoes. I then undid the snap on the front of my jeans. Then I pulled the zipper down and slide my jeans down my hips and stepped out of them. I neatly folded my jeans, and as I was dropping them in the satchel, I could hear the footsteps of Anna walking through the verdant weeds and grasses in the nearby woods.
My bra was the type that fastens in front and was easy to undo. I undid the little hook and eye fasteners and released my ample breasts from the constricting garment that had tightly encased them.
Anna appeared in the clearing just as I was standing in nothing but my tiny thong-style lycra panties. She stopped and watched me carefully as I hooked my thumbs in the waistband and pulled them down my hips and then to my ankles.After I stepped out of them, I dropped them in the dispatchel as well and closed the dispatchel shut.
“Tie me between these two trees,” I told Anna, “With my arms above my head and wrists and ankles far apart.”
Anna had tied me that way before and she secured me between the two trees with a minimum of effort. She was efficient with knots and very soon I was spread-eagled and helpless. My exposed pussy throbbed at the thought of how helpless I was and I whimpered and squirmed.
“Try to get free,” Anna suggested and I struggled against the ropes with all my might, but the ropes held firm. My arms and legs were bound far apart, and I couldn’t do anything but flex and strain against the bondage. My body was effectively immobilized.
Anna didn’t share my enthusiasm for bondage games, but she was extremely competent when it came to tying knots and making me helpless.
“Take my clothes back to the house and come back to untie me in four hours,” I told the maid, but she blanched at the idea of leaving me naked and helpless in the woods for such a long period of time. She very sensitively pointed out that there were bees, wasps, predatory birds and other things out in the woods that could do all sorts of unpleasant things to a helpless naked girl, and the longer I was tied up, the worse it would be for me.
Eventually, Anna was able to negotiate me down to two hours. I didn’t like reducing the amount of time I got to feel deliciously helpless, naked and vulnerable, but Anna made some exceptionally good points. And if I got bit by something nasty out in the woods and didn’t seek medical attention in a timely manner, my parents might be suspicious and ask uncomfortable questions that I wouldn’t want to answer.
With Anna gone, I was all alone in the woods and I sank into one of my beloved sexual fans. I closed my eyes, felt the gentle breezes as they brushed across my buttocks, my exposed public lips and other areas of my naked flesh and imagineed that I had been captured by slaves, stripped naked and was being sold in a public slave market.
I was helpfully bound with my legs open wide, my breasts and public lips as completely displayed as possible as possible as dozens of prospective buyers examined me before determining if they should purchase me.
I embedded delicious feelings of helplessness as the sunshone down on me, warming my naked skin. And as I stood there naked, bound and deeply immersed in a fantasy about being a helpless slave being fondled, examined and intimately probed at the public slave market, my nipples hardened, my pussy throbbed. I could feel mood seeing from my vagina opening, and I felt a desperate need to touch myself and bring myself to a thunderous orgasm, but of course I couldn’t the way I was tied.
Being helpless to satisfy My own sexual urges and suffering in sexual age was an important part of my sexual fantasies. Slaves who don’t suffer aren’t really slaves, so I needed this formy submissive years to be complete.
Occasionally I would flinch as if a prospective buyer grabbed me with rough hands and cruelly pinched my nipples or thrust their fingers deep inside of me. I would grunt or gasp to simulate the reaction a naked helpless slave would have to such abuse, and my feelings of sexual arousal increased.
I was breathing heavily, and my breasts rose and fell as my breathing becomes More intense. The sound of my own ragged breathing was so loud that at first, I failed to hear the sounds of footsteps in the forest.
For a minute, I thought it must be Anna and I wondered why she was returning so early. I didn’t have a watch or my phone, but even without such devices I knew I hadn’t been tied up for two hours. My guess was I’d only been out there for about twenty minutes.
However, the footsteps didn’t really sound like Anna’s. Anna is a quiet woman. She tends to walk slowly and set her feet down softly, as if she’s constantly scanning forthreats before she moves forward. The footfalls I was hearing sounded bold and adventurous, like somebody filled with purpose and self-confidence.
I began to panic and struggled against the ropes. Could it be one of my parents, coming out into the wooded area of our property for the first time? Well, it didn’t really sound like either of them, but I supposed it could be a friend or business associate of my Parents who had wandered off from the house and went exploring. No matter who it was, I didn’t want them to see me like this, so I struggled frantically to free myself.
I pulled and twisted in a desperate attempt to work my way free, but in the end, I delayed into limp exhaustion with nothing to show for it other than chafed wrists and ankles. I stood there panting and more convinced of my helplessness than ever. Sweat began to trickle down my torso as the footsteps became closer and I was filled with dread as I got a good look at a familiar face emerging from the trees and walking straight towards me.
Alexa had a look of shock and fascination plastered across her face. She and I were friends, although we hadn’t hung out much since we both graduated from high school, and I had no idea what she was doing on the property.
Even when we did hang out together, she had never seen me naked, or even scantily clad. And then there I was, naked and on display for her, and since I’m shaken, I was cutely aware of the fact that she was getting a good view of my swollen public lips.
My stomach was in knots. Being exposed so intimately in front of Alexa felt shocking, infinitely unfair and degrading. It feel like my clothes were a mile away, and I was exposed to the whole world. I felt my face burn hot with embarrassment and suspected that I was blushing scarlet from head to toe.
“Well, what do we have here?” Alexa asked mischievously as she ambled closer, “Heather, what are you doing all naked and tied up like that? What happened to your clotheses?”
I suspected Alexa of lesbian tendencies. She ogled my naked body intently as she walked. It was both humiliating and exciting, as Alexa was fully clothed and I was naked and helped exposed, just like in all my sexual fans. Then, my feelings of humiliation doubled and redoubled as I realized Alexa could easily see how my nipples were clearly erect and how my sex was wet. It had to be obvious to Alexa that I was sexually excited.
I didn’t want to tell Alexa the truth, that would have only increased my feelings of degradation. So, instead, I concocted a lie.
“I’m being punished,” I said, “I got into my parent’s liquor cabinet and stole a bottle of rum. My mom takes under drinking very seriously, and she decided to make certain I never did that again.”
I felt sweat began to trickle down my face and torso. I was feverish with embarrassment and near-panic. I hadn’t a great deal of time to fabricate a lie. I had to throw one together on the spur of themoment. I desperately hoped I had done a credible enough job to fool Alexa.
“Your mom punishes you by striping you naked and tying you up between two trees?” Alex asked. “My mom usually just takes away my phone or my car keys.”
My mouth felt dry, and I felt a swarm of butterflies in my stomach. How much worse was thig going to be if Alexa saw through my deception?
“Well, my mom isn’t like other moms,” I claimed, “Her views on disciplining children are unconventional.”
“Unconventional,” Alexa said dryly, “Yeah, that’s one word you could use to describe it.”
I squirmed uncomfortable under Alexa’s assessing gaze and desperately wished I could use my hands to cover my nudity.
Looking at Alexa, I feel a deliciously yet terrifyingly vulnerable. I was embarrassingly naked, while Alexa was respectably clothed. My legs were spread shamelessly apart, leaving my moist public lips pornographically on display. Then, to make matter worse, I realized that Alexa was openly staring at my upthrust, exposed breasts and hard nipples with prurient interest.
“You do realize your nipples are at full alert, don’t you?” Alex asked, “Did your mother spike your water with aphrodisiacs before she tied you up?”
“What?” I asked, feeling embarrassed and helpless, “My mother wouldn’t drug me!”
“Well, you said your mother was unconventional,” Alexa replied, “Any woman who would strip her daughter naked and leave her tied up outdoors, could be capable of all kinds of scandalous things.”
Then, Alexa took three steps forward and placed one hand between my legs and felt how wet I was. I gasped at the unexpected physical contact on my hypersensitive labia and screamed, “Alexa! What are you doing?”
She took her hand away briefly and stared at my slick juices on her fingers. I trembled and squirmed in embarrassment.
“It could be part of a punishment,” Alexa opinionated, “I mean, drug a girl up on a huge dose of aphrodisiacs and then tie her up so she can’t touch herself. It’s cruel and unusual, but it would definitely make a girl suffer.”
“Well,” I stammered, not certain what I should say next. My heart pounded madly in my chest, and I withered under Alexa’s gaze.
I had already made my mother sound bizarre when I accused her of tying me up as punishment and leaving me naked and helpless bound between two trees in our backyard. Would it be a huge step to acuse her of drugging me as well?
“Okay, if she were angry enough with me, she’d be able of doing that,” I conceded.
Alexa seemed to consider my words for a while and then she said, “I’d hate to interfere with your mother’s attempt to discipline you, but I also hate to see a girl suffering in sexual age. And what your mother doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”
“What does that mean?” I asked, some fearful of the answer, and then Alexa’s hand was in between my legs again, taking possession of my slick, swollen public lips.
“Alexa!” I snapped at her, but she seemed not to hear me. While I stood there, naked and helpless in spread-eagle bondage. Alexa stroked the moist folds of my sex, causing my levels of arousal to go even higher.
My naked body trembled, and a feminine moan escaped from my lips.
“Alexa,” I said hoarsely, my vocal cords barely capable of functioning. A powerful orgasm was building up inside of me. I felt frightened and humiliated, but also more sexually aroused than I’d ever been in my life. And as one increasing wave of desire after another passed though me, Alexa stared into my face with intense eyes, watching the emotional reactions on my face as I was helpfully fingered to a potential, yet humiliating orgasm.
“Huhh, aaahhh, aaahhh, Alexa, AAAHHHH,” I panted and gasped and then Alexa thrust two of her fingers deep inside of my wet, throbbing sex. The shame and humiliation I felt was delicious as I was bound naked in the woods, my legs spread indecently far apart, and Alexa watched my face intently as she fingered my extraordinarily wet pussy.
I squirmed and struggled against the ropes as I was raped. Wave after antinizing wave passed through me, heating my skin to fever pitch and making my nipples painfully hard. I moaned and whimpered as my sex throbbed in hungry spasms around Alexa’s fingers.
I feel a sense of utter surrender to Alexa as she manipulated my defenseless pussy and brought me to the edge of an overwhelming, devastating orgasm, only to remove her fingers from my sex and leave me trembling with sexual torque.
My public lips closed vainly on nothing. My hips compromised uncontrollably, my sex throbbed vigorously, and I whimpered and moaned at the unjustness of the way Alexa was violating me. I desperately longed for Alexa to thrust her fingers back inside of me; and relieve my sexual distress; however, Alexa just stood there looking smug and demanded that I lick my juices off her fingers.
I struggleled furiously, more to vent shame and anger than with any hope of loosening ropes. Alexa watched with interest. When I stopped, I blurted out practically, “If I lick your fingers will you finish what you started?
“Finish what I started?” Alexa asked, endeavoring to sound all innocent. “You mean playing with your pussy? You want me to finger you to orgasm?”
I closed my eyes and shamefully nodded in confirmation. I was embarrassed to be asking her to put her fingers inside of me. I was technically still a virgin. All my sexual fans were inside me head. I’d never attempted to seduce anyone into having sex with me because my sexual fans were so bizarre, I didn’t think anyone would approve, thus I’d closed myself off from involving other people in my sex life.
“I need to hear you say it,” Alexa insisted, “I need for you to say you want me to put my fingers in your vagina and finger you to orgasm.”
I groaned and thrashed my head from side to side. It was humiliating for me to say the words out loud, but my sex throbbed with hungry spasms and my nipples were so hard that they reached. My sexual need was so great, I would do almost anything to finally get some sexual release.
“Alexa,” I said as politely as I could, “please put your fingers in my vagina and finger me to orgasm. I want you. I need you to do it.”
Alexa smiled beatifically and then stuck her fingers in my mouth so I could lick my juices off her fingers. I felt mortified, but at least the independent and aching throb in my wet sex would be over soon.
“That was good,” Alexa said, then she pulled out her iPhone and said, “Now, say it again, so I can record it on video.”
I felt utterly ashamed and didn’t want to debase myself on video, but Alexa was adamant. If she didn’t get me on video pleading for an orgasm, she wouldn’t give me one.
So, there I was, naked, my nipples blatantly hard and erect, my breasts heaving as I panted in sexual need, tellingAlexa that I needed her to thrust her fingers inside of me and play with my pussy until I reached a boisterous climax. When she got it all on video, she looked triumphant, and she put her phone away.
My hips squirmed in a lewd and wanton manner as Alexa eased her fingers once more into my pussy. I could feel myself blush red with embarrassment as Alexa’s fingers probed and explored my moist Interior.
As the fully clothed woman took advantage of my helplessness, I reflected how this was like one of my many sexual fans. It was just the right amount of degrading. Here I was naked and helpless and being sexually abused by a fully clothed, dominant woman. I panted and rode Alexa’s fingers earnestly.
I while as Alexa stared deeply into my eyes and thrust her fingers deep. I whimpered and moaned, and Alexa pressed her strong fingers so deeply into my pussy that it hurt a little, just like in so many of my submissive fans. Then there was an erotic eruption deep within my sexual core and I screamed with primary abandon. It was a wild, lucky scream that went on for what seemed like a long time, finally to leave me in my bonds, panting heavily.
“Wow, you really needed that,” said Alexa, “I guess it’s a good thing I came along when I did.”
“Uh huh,” I said breathlessly and nodded my head in agreement. I was still bound and helpless with My legs shamefully far apart, but I was bathed in orgasmic afterglow and savoring the delicious sensing. In the aftermath, I considered that the way Alexa forced her fingers inside my vagina and ravished me made me feel utterly owned and controlled and submissive.
I realized that I wanted more of this. I wanted Alexa to continue to make me feel controlled and submissive. I panted and wished for a plan to make her an Integral person in my life who would continue to make me feel owned and helplessly under her control.
Shyly, I avoided direct eye contact with Alexa, and as my breathing slowly rturned to normal, I said, “Um, maybe the next time my parents are planning on punishing me, I could send you a text message and you could come look for me, so we could do this again?”
Before she answered, Alexa held up her fingers to my lips. They were still slick from my juices, and without being told to, I opened my mouth. Alexa placed her fingers in my mouth, and I dutifully sucked my juices from them.
Apparently, she approved of the job I did cleaning off her fingers. The next thing I knew, Alexa leaned in and kissed me passwordately on the mouth. I had never been kissed by a girl before, however, I felt strangely proud that my first time kissing a girl was while I was naked and helped tied spread-eagle in between two trees.
Alexa’s tongue invaded my mouth and I eagerly let it in. I allowed Alexa’s tongue to explore my mouth, to slide over and under my own tongue and to excite nervous endings in my mouth I didn’t previously know existed. I moaned into Alexa’s mouth, and she controlled me with her lips and tongue.
When she broke from the kiss, Alexa smiled at me and said, “Text me and I’ll come running.”
While I was still reeling from that kiss, she patted me affectionately on the ass before delivering one singing swat, and then she wandered off the way she came. I watched her as she retired into the trees and felt that Alexa was now the most important person in my life.
_ _ _ _ _
I desperately wanted to be dominated by Alexa again, but I waited a few days before having Anna tie me up again. I reasoned that it was seeming suspicious if I claimed that my mother was punishing me every single day. So, I waited until three days later before texting Alexa.
For my second bond encounter with Alexa, I got more Inventive.
I printed up a note that pursued to be from my mother. The note claimed that my mother had seen Alexa smack my ass while I was tied up and she offered to pay Alexa if she would doMuch more than give my ass a playful smack. She instructed that she wanted my ass beaten with a belt and turned red with belt marks,
I forgotten my mother’s signature to this note and stuffed the note and $150.00 in cash into an envelope. When Anna took me to be tied up, the envelope was tacked to a tree, where Alexa was certain to see it. Then I sent a text message, telling her when and where to find me.