My Girlfriend's Slave

Disclaimer: This story is true, with only minor embellishments and details added or changed to for a better reader experience, and to protect identities where necessary. These flourishes do not alter the basic structure or timelines of the events described.

For this story, I changed the POV (I was the slave) because I thought it would be interesting to see what that felt like.

You’re reading this on Literotica so the usual adults-only disclaimers apply. Feel free to download and enjoy, but do not repost without proper attribution to me, the author. If you do repost, do so as-is. No changes. Don’t steal my work.

This series features graphic sex between males in bisexual and gay situations; descriptions of BDSM, humiliation, and reluctant/coerced acts; group sex; and straight sex. If these offend you, move on.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome.


Nothing in the three months we’d been dating ever gave me any indication that Lily had any kinky inclinations. Oh sure, we were adventurous and just the merest hint of my big, thick cock showing through my jeans drive her completely nuts, begging and pleading, promising anything if I would fuck her. She liked to talk dirty and I loved hearing the shockingly obscene filter that came pouring out of her mouth when I was balls deep in her. But beyond being very enthusiastic lovers, our relationship in the bedroom had have pretty vanilla. So nothing could have prepared me for what happened when I went over to her place last Saturday.

We were going to spend a sunny fall day together, shopping and hanging out and just generally having fun. Dinner later, and if I played my cards right, I’d get to see her sexy pouty lips stretched around my throbbing erection. The plan was that I would meet her in Old Towne for a caffeine boost at the local coffee place to get us going, but she called late Friday saying that she was having car problems. She scheduled for a tow and suggested I just drive by her place and pick her up.

I pulled to a stop along the curb in front of her charming little home and checked the dashboard clock: 9:42. I was a little early, but I could see down the flower-lined path to the front porch. She was already outside, talking to someone. At first, I thought maybe he was a neighbor, just saying hello but there was something… off about their body language. Lily appeared to be yelling at him, or maybe just forcedly lecturing. Her visitor simply stood, head down and didn’t appear to be speaking back. He would occasionally nod his head, like she was giving him orders or something. This one-way conversation went on for a few minutes, with her once or twice gesticulating in an exaggerated manner with her hands. Lily’s long red hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, giving her an aura of strict authority. He was a good three inches taller than she, but anyone watching would agree that she was in charge here. She still hadn’t noticed that Ihad arrived, so I gave the horn a quick tap.

She glanced up and then did a double-take-freeze as she caught sight of me. They were far enough away that I couldn’t see the expressions on her face that well, but if I had to make an educated guess, I’d call it panic. Obviously, she wasn’t expecting me this early and whatever business Lily had with this guy, she didn’t think I’d be here to observe. This was so weird. What was she afraid of?

“What the fuck?” I mumbled to myself, and stepped out of the truck. My internal warning bells were going off but… why? When she saw me start down the path, she sort of freaked a little, glanced around and then leaned in to say something to her companion. As before, he simply nodded, eyes still firmly on the ground before him. Then she turned and hurried towards me. Obviously, she didn’t want me talking to him. My adrenaline was beginning to flow by the time she reached me.

I slowed down, but kept my eyes on him as she started to talk.

“Okay, hold on…” Lily was clearly appreciated. Was she screwing this guy? I felt the adrenaline surge again, driving a wave of anger. We’d spent so many hours in very difficult therapy sessions, trying to deal with the damage my rage could cause. Was it all going to collapse now?

“… the fuck, Lily?”

“Let me explain,” she pleased. I stopped walking and sized him up. We were still a good twenty yards apart, but I could see I’d have no problem controlling the situation if he decided to get physical with me. He was on the short side, maybe 5′ 8″, schlubby, not fat but heavy and just… very bland was the impression I got. A nothing, like you could have a long conversation with him about life and then ten minutes later, you wouldn’t remember his face. Total beta male. What was Lily doing with this geek?

I glanced over at her. Her big, green eyes were wide. Fear etched itself across her beautiful features. “I…” she started. “I don’t actually know how to start this conversation.”

Now I was thoroughly confused. “You know how we never come over here right? To my place?” I thought back for a moment – she was right. I could only recall being here once or twice before and inside just a single time and only long enough for her to grab her purse and phone that she’d forget on her way out to meet me.

“I guess… sure.”

“Well…” she was still searching for whatever it was she needed to tell me. “Okay… here goes.” she took a deep breath and I tried to ignore the cold, twisting butterflies in my stomach. You’re so great, please don’t dump me, not here, not now, I silently pleased. “I was still trying to figure out how to do this without fucking everything up, but here we are so I guess this is how it goes.” She paused again and my heart skipped a beat.

“That’s my ex-boyfriend.” I remained silent, reserved judgment until she was finished. She was looking at me, I guess waiting for me to say something so she could get a readon my emotions. Which, frankly, I didn’t have a lock on myself. I kept my voice even, as flat as possible.

“Robert?” I asked, taking a stall at his name. She’d said very little about him since we started dating. No details on who he was, what kind of man he was… Why their relationship had ended. Or what he might be doing here on a Saturday morning, nearly half a year she broke up with him.

“Roger.” she corrected.

“Yeah, whatever.” I looked back at him. He hadn’t moved, posture slumped, eyes and head down. “Why is he here?” And what’s he waiting for? I wondered silently. If a big dude were coming at me to start some shit for talking to his girlfriend, I certainly wouldn’t be just standing there.

“Well… he lives here.”

My head snapped around, and I locked her gaze. “What?!?” My anger was suddenly rising in jagged waves as I struggled to remain still. “Why the fuck are you still living with your ex?” My voice was getting louder and I could feel my controlslipping. I really didn’t want to beat anyone up today… I reached down and snapped the rubberband against my wrist and concentrated on my breathing, the way Dr. Matson had taught me.

“Okay, keep your voice down-” she started, glancing around nervously.

“You just failed to mention to me that your ex boyfriend is your roommate? For three months?” Every word I said, she said seemed to be making it worse. I was aware that I was close to yelling now, and that I probably couldn’t stop myself. A rubber band sting wasn’t going to help. My heart was pounding. I was so angry.

“Now wait-” she started, putting her hands up, trying to placate me. I wasn’t having any of it.

“Are you… Are you still fucking him?” Okay yeah, I was getting a little dramatic. But what was I supposed to think?

“Baby please I-“

That wasn’t a no, my brain screamed. I turned and started towards this… Roger. Robert. Whatever.

“I’m going to break your fucking back!” I yelled, as I pointed at him. I was breathing heavily now, pulse racing. He looked up now, suddenly and his expression was that of deep fear, panic.

Good, I thought, because I’m going to stomp the fuck out of you.

Lily stepped around me in an effort to slow my momentum and nearly shouting, dropped a big, huge bomb on me. It stopped me in my tracks, cold. She couldn’t have said that. Right? Because… what?

“Wh… What?” I asked. My thought train, my path of destruction aimed at Robert, my… entire day completely derailed.

She showed and shifting uncomfortable in her cute little skirt and tennis shoes, she repeated herself, unwilling to meet my confounded gaze.

“He’s not my roommate. He’s my slave.”

My brain was overloading. If you ran into an expensive restaurant in Manhattan and just starting screaming “Blood!” at everyone – yeah, that’s about where my thoughts were. The words she’d spoken were in English, but they made no sense.

I gaped at her wordlessly.

She said it again, more slowly. “Roger is my sex slave.” She turned to look directly at him and said, “I dumped him because… Tell him Roger. Tell my man why I dumped you.”

Roger looked started, his eyes going between her and myself.

“Now, Roger.” She commanded. Her nervous fears had dissipated suddenly, and there was an air of authority about her suddenly.


Sir? What the hell?

“Miss Lily dumped me because I’m an indecisive submissive weakling with no backbone and…” here, his voice trailed off and he shifted uncomfortable.

“Finish it,” Lily snapped. Her tone was sharp and broke no disagreement. I noticed a bulge in his tight sweatpants. Was he getting an erection?

The anger and adrenaline sloshed around in me, suddenly having no place to go and I found myself noticing how spectacularly sexy she looked right now. Hair pulled back, pouty lips under that thin little nose, a dusting of freckles across her cheeks. My rage was shifting into tremendous sexual energy. I was horny as fuck. Her little asshole was going to pay for it tonight, for sure.

He drew a deep breath and seemed to resign himself to whatever was about to happen.

“…no backbone and a small penis.” He showed, defeated and humiliated.

I was stunned and speechless, still unable to process any of this.

Lily turned back to me. “Look… I’m sorry. I should have told you. I just… I didn’t know how you would take something like this. It’s a pretty intense thing and…”

“This is so weird,” I said, only half-hearing her apology. I looked back from his crotch to Lily, searching her gaze for… for what?

“What are you thinking, baby?” she asked. “Talk to me.”

I wanted to fuck her. Fuck him. Fuck anything at all right now. I didn’t expect to say what came of my mouth next.

“I… have so many questions.”

She cocked a quizzical eyebrow at me. “That’s what you wanted to say?” she asked.

“Yeah… Yeah…” I said thoughtfully. Things were slowly coming back together for me. “I mean, I feel sort of deceived and a little hurt that you didn’t tell me, well probably a lot hurt – we’ll have to process this with Dr. Matson – but I get why you didn’t so… I’m sure I’ll be more upset about this later, but really…” It was all coming spilling out of me now, stream of consciousness. “I’m more curious than anything. And turned on,”

That was a sudden recognition in my head and it was Lily’s turn to be caught off guard.

“Wait.. you… this is exciting you.”

I let my gaze wander between the two of them. “Yeah… Yeah, this is really…” I glanced down and Lily’s gaze followed mine to my own growing bulge. She looked back at me. The fear had faded into bemused curiosity.

“Wow!” She stepped close to me now, one of her thighs sliding between my legs and I bent to kiss her upturned face, I felt her fingers on my crotch, squeezed and exploreng the hardness through the denim. Her kiss was long and open, and I could feel her desire. She found my thick shake and grabbed it now, still over my pants and gave it a couple of playful strokes and a hard squeeze that made me nearly cum in my pants. I was aching for her now and she leaned her head back further, breaking our kiss. I let my mouth explore her flesh, moving my hands and tongue over her neck, the last of my anger finding a more comfortable place in her raw sexual energy. I roughly pawed at one of her pert little boobs through her shirt, the nipple hardening instantly at my touch. They were so much more sensitive since she had them pierced and I gave the little metal bar a tweak with my tongue and bit playfully at her neck. She ground her hips against me and moaned softly and I let my fingers wander over her ass and down the crack, along the fabric of her thong. My fingertip played over her asshole and I enjoyed the way it twitched and clenched as I teased it. Then, down further and I was at her pussy, from behind. The soft fabric of her underwear felt wadded and wrinkled and it was soaking wet. The heat of her sex across the skin of my hand was driving me wild and I envisioned her sitting on my face, my tongue buried in her wetness while she rode me to orgasm after orgasm.

I looked up at her. She had her face towards him, her lips opened slightly in a sex pout, eyes unfocused, lids half-down in the unconscious expression of pleasure. Using our foreplay and her arousal to torque him. Her breath was becoming ragged and it was the hardest thing in the universe to break away from her right now in the midst of our heat. Not yet, I thought. I had plans and blowing my load now would ruin them.

She gave me a petulant pout and i playedfully slapped her round, juicy ass. She stumbled a little, her legs shaky

“I have… so many questions.” I repeated finally and looked back Roger.

“Well maybe you should ask him.” she suggested, regainingher composure.

I looked back at her. “Okay.”

“Well then…” She breathed a heavy sight of relief, probably that I hadn’t destroyed her front lawn and killed Roger. “I guess I’ll leave you guys alone for a bit?”

“Okay,” I agreed.

“I guess I’ll just be inside?”

I nodded and we started to make our way toward Roger again. He tensed up, Suddenly afraid again. Lily stopped me. “No violence. Don’t beat him up.” She said.

I nodded.

“Promise?” she said and of course I agreed.

“Then I’ll let you boys talk.” She let herself back in the house and suddenly it was just the two of us. Me looking at him, him at the ground, body language nothing but submissive and afraid.

I’d had a ton of questions, but I was drawing a blank.

“Um… So.” I started awkwardly. I could see him lift his gaze slightly. He was looking at my body, taking in my 6’3″ 200 lb muscled frame. There was an awkward pause.

“Ooh, I know!” I said suddenly. He jumped at myoutburst and I could sense he was still very nervous.

“What do I call you?”

“Miss Lily” – I cracked a grin at that – “addresses me as ‘boy’, Sir. Or, ‘bitch’, or ‘slave’ Please call me whatever you like, Sir.” And then he looked up, briefly making eye contact. “How shall I address you, Sir?”

I shrugged. This wasn’t something I’d given a lot of thought over the years.

“Call me Sir, I guess. Yeah, that works.”

“Thank you, Sir.” he responded. His voice was soft, completely lacking in threat or menace. This was about the most submissive, least intimidating man I’d ever met.

“How did all this start?” I asked.

“After Miss Lily broke up with me, I came over one night Begging and pleading for her to take me back. I told her I’d do anything she wanted if I could just be with her. She made me agree to be her slave, Sir.”

I could feel my erection beginning to return and I could see that his own cock was straining against the material of his pants. Icould get with a little power-play and domination.

“So what do you uh… do?” Lame general question, I knew, but I figured we could start there.

“Anything Miss Lily tells me.”

“Yes Sir. Anything.”

“So how does that translate to me?”

“I’ve been told to do anything you say as well, Sir.”

“So if I said… hop on one foot and yell, “I’m a chicken waffle!” at the top of your lungs.”

He immediately obeyed and I had to stifle a giggle to order him to stop.

“Alright, alright. I get it.” I caught Lily peeking out through the blinds. I just winded at her and continued.

“Okay, let’s get down to it.” I paused for a deep calming breath. “Do you fuck her?”

“No Sir.” the response was immediately, geneine.

“Nothing? Not the occasional blowjob in the shower or……”

He looked up at me again, probably hoping it would help him seem more sincere.

“Miss Lily sometimes fucks me in the ass with her strap-on, or shoves other toys up my ass. She locks my cock and balls in a chatity cage. I eat her pussy when ordered. Sir, we do have sexual contact – that’s part of this new relationship Miss Lily has defined for us. But no Sir, I do not fuck her. She does not suck my penis, or anything like you’re thinking. You have nothing to worry about, Sir.”

I guess I should have expected that those things would be going on, but my brain hadn’t gotten so far as to be imagining what it means to be a slave to Lily. Sweet, cute, adorable Lily. With her bubble-butt and her million dollar smile and her big boobs. Fucking some dude in the ass with a plastic cock. I struggled to make sense of it, but it was all incredibly arousing.

“Show me.” I said.

He glanced up at me, uncertain.

“Show me I have nothing to worry about. Take out your cock and balls.”

He looked around, disappoint growing.

“C’mon, just do it boy. No one’s going to see other than me.”

“Yes Sir” he responded andslide his sweats down to mid thigh to reveal he was wearing a lacy pink woman’s g-string. His skin was alabaster smooth and he looked completely hairless.

“Whoa!” I laughed. “Now that… that’s really something” I laughed.

His face flushed with embarrassment and I thought I noticed the bulge his erection was making in the gauzy material grow just a little.

“Those too.” I ordered, feeling more and more confident with this situation. He looked up at me again, unsure.

“Slide ’em down, boy. Show me what you’re hiding in your pretty little panties.”

It was clear he didn’t like this at all, and I was perfectly happy with that. With another little sight, he obeyed and when he straightened up, I got a look at the smallest erect penis I’d ever seen. He was completely free of hair and his little erection stuck straight out, pink and tiny. I looked like a thumb, thin and short. A rather large amount of pre-cum was leaking out the oddly shaped mushroom head.

“Quite a mess there, boy.”

“Yes Sir.”

I look at his little erection for a bit. It was painfully hard and veiny. I wondered how he masturbated. There wasn’t enough meat there for more than maybe three fingertips and his thumb on the underside.

“I’m guessing… four and a quarter? Four and a half?”

“Three point nine inches, Sir.” He answered softly. His face was flushed bright red, probably a mix of arousal and humiliation at having her ex-girlfriend’s new lover examining his erection.

I looked around and then stepped to a corner of the porch where there was an ornate wrong iron padded patio chair. Here, we were almost entirely classified by the foliage. In fact, the only view into this little area was through Lily’s dining room window. Predictably, her face soon appeared behind the gauzy curtains. She didn’t want to miss anything and I decided to put on a little show for her.

“Over here, boy” I ordered.

As I thought he would, Roger started to walk over to me.

“Stop!” I snapped. He froze, but didn’t panic, kept his eyes down awaiting my word.

“You crawl to me. Always on your knees around me boy. You don’t walk anywhere without permission, understanding.”

“Yes Sir,” he said softly and sank to his knees.

When he started to crawl my way, I stopped him again.

“No! Back to where you were standing. Start from there.”


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