My Girlfriend's Present

Copyright 2012 by madengineer3

Note to reader: If you are a member of a religious group that stresses lots of rules concerning every day life or advance to an ancient life style, this is not a story for you. However, if you understand that morality has always been somewhat related to the general culture this story shouldn’t offend you. If you do not believe that morality and culture are related, remember that the Pilgrims had a rule that men had to take their firearms (guns) with them when they went to church. In some denominations the women had to go in a different door to enter the church. Those men and women did not sit together.

The Story

When I first met Jill, at a church dinner, I was smitten! I had been dating Jill for almost two years. I had wanted to ask her to become Mrs. Bob Smith but I had one problem area that prevented me from doing so. Jill had some secret things that she would not share with me. I had no idea what they were, at the time, but I needed to find out before I “popped the question”. She was very vague about the line of work she was in and spent a lot of overtime at her job. She wouldn’t even share where she works.

As for myself, I’m the silent partner in a very lucrative business. I had inherited a very successful jewelry business from my father. There were four stores in his “chain”. The business had been in the family for three generations now. However, I am not the store keeper type of guy. I have a best friend who is the perfect shop keeper. I sold him 49% of the business and had put the proceeds into safe securities and depend upon the dividends to supply my spending money. My friend handled the sales and we jointly decided what merchandise we would carry. I spend my time doing what I really like. My password is creating things. My projects vary from painting to electronic design. I have received patents on several of my electronic designs. I had a dual major in college, engineering physics and business. Yeah, I knew that the two normally are not used in the same sentence but I knew that one day I would have to take over the store from my dad.

My main hobby, which few people know about, is writing short stories for, collecting pinups and collecting Femdom CBT in video, photographs, drawings, or stories.

I had used one chat room on a regular basis. That’s where I met Samantha. Samantha and I have a tenative schedule of meeting in the chat room every other day or so. When we connected, I would get Samantha to break off so that we could use a land line phone for our private conversations. Samantha is one kinky lady. She, like myself, is a very private person. She won’t tell me what she does for a living. We mostly discuss her favorite hobby, which is Femdom. She loves to torque guys with CBT and is part of a club that is the hub of the BDSM community in a neary city.


My girl Jill, had told me that part of my birthday gift includes anice dinner. She wouldn’t divulge the location of the restaurant but has told me that she is part owner of the establishment. Tonight is the night for the dinner. As a surprise Jill presented me with a new jacket and shirt for the outing. They fit perfectly. It was Friday and she picked me up, at about three p.m..


As I got in her car she told me that the surprise involved me not Knowing where I was. That’s when she handed me a sleeping mask so that I couldn’t see. The ride took much more time than I had suspected. It was about an hour before we stopped. .

Jill removed my mask so that I could see. We were in an underground parking garage. I was glad that she parked someplace with subdued lighting because my eyes were used to darkness. Jill led me to the elevator and punched in the street level main floor. When we left the elevator I found that we were at the door of a very upscale restaurant. The maitre de led us to a small private dining area and indicatedthat we were just in time, the food had just finished cooking as we arrived. It seemed that Jill had called ahead and specified what we were going to eat and when we would get there.

The meal was fantastic. As we finished off our dessert of New York style cheesecake and coffee, Jill asked me if I was ready for my surprise present.

Let me remember the events that followed as if they were happening today.

“You already gave me my present, didn’t you? I mean this meal is a wonderful gift.”

“Bob, this meal was sort of the appetizer for this evening. We haven’t started the main party yet.”

“Party?, you mean with other people?”

“Yes, they are waiting up on the third floor. Let’s get to the elevator.”

As we entered the elevator Jill put the blindfold on me again. The last thing I saw was Jill inserting a key into the floor select next to the number three. As we exited the elevator we entered a room where the temperature was probably around 85 F. Jill walked me over and then backed me up to what felt like a wall and gave me a lingering deep kiss. Before I knew what happened a person on each side of me had snapped a handcuff on each of my wrists.

“What’s going on Jill? This seems a bit on the weird side. Why have you handcuffed me?”

At that point I found a hand put over my mouth and a strange woman’s voice telling me that as long as I did what I was told I’d be OK. While she was saying this I felt someone using scissors to cut off my new jacket and shirt. My pants were roughly pulled down and as they hit the floor I could feel leg irons being put on each ankle. They even took off my shoes and socks. I was now totally nude.

“Jill, are you here Jill?”

“Yes, darling, I’m here. Just do what you are told and you will enjoy the party. Now, I don’t want you to speak unless you are spoken to. Do you understand?”


I decided to keep my mouth shut.

Someone fastened straps or belts around my upperarms, chest, wait, and both thighs. Then, what I thought was a wall that I had been leaning on started to sort of move back until it was more like a table. The area from just below my ass and down to my feet now began to pivot. I was spread eagled and nude with unknown people around me. Just before I hit the panic stage I felt a pair of warm breasts bracketing my face. About that same time there were a pair of breasts brushing against my cock and balls while another pair and hands were rubbing my chest.

I was definitely enjoying this. It was one of my long term dream fetishes.

“We’re going to take off your mask if you can answer one simple question.”

The voice changed, “Who is speaking to you Bob?”

“It sounds like Samantha.”

“Good, we’ll take off your blindfold now.”

As the mask came off I could see four naked women. One held a short multi-strand soft flogger, Samantha had on a strapon, one was holding parachute cord and weights, and finally Jill was standing there with a video camera on a tripod.

“Surprise Bob! Samantha is my business partner. You know her rather well, don’t you?”

“Yes. We met about a year ago or so.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to get into the scene? I’ve listened to all of your taped conversations and planned tonight’s activities around your dreams and wishes. I hope you have as much fun as we’re going to!”

While we were talking, two of the ladies took on the task of washing and shaving my public area.

Jill moved away from the camera and walked right up between my legs. Then she bent over and started sucking on my now hairless balls. She’d close her teeth just above them so that they had to stay in her mouth and then jently pulled her mouth away like a dog playing tug of war with its owner. Wow, did that feel good.

While this was going on I obviously was developing a fire erection. That’s when the lady with the little flogger came over and started to gently flog my cock. It was borderline painful but exceedingly exciting at the same time.

As the woman with the flogger continued Jill stayed still, slightly tugging on my balls the woman with the parachute cord came over and tied a loop around my scrotum above my balls, so that they couldn’t escape. Jill then released my balls from her mouth. The lady with the parachute cord then pulled the cord up and through two pulleys. Lastly she put about a pound of weights on the cord and started the weight swinging. It felt like someone was violently pulling on my balls, it felt good.

While I was distracted Jill lubed up my virgin ass hole. She used various size dildos to expand me to about a little over an inch. That’s when Samantha came over. Jill lubed Samantha’s strapon. Samantha then shoved it in my ass hole.

There I was having my penis lightly flogged, my balls being played with by the swinging weight and Samantha working her strapon in and out of my ass. And then the lady with the paracute cord came over and dragged her very significant boobs on my face. In a very short time I had a super orgasm.

The ladies backed off and wiped my ass clean and wiped up my jism. The flogging had stopped.

Samantha grinned and said: “This next one was Jill’s idea, I think it is super kinky and will be fun; for us.”

That “for us” worried me a little bit. I got the idea rather quickly. Electrically conductive adherensive pads were placed on each side of my scrotum, One was placed between my scrotum and anus, and one was placed on the underside of the head of my cock.

Jill spoke: “If you can get through this without saying a word, or screaming, the fun will get better for you.”

It was then that I felt the tingling of current through my balls. It wasn’t a constant voltage or frequency. In general it feel weird, but okay. Then the pulsing between my perineum and the head of my cock started. It was gentle at first and then built up to a level that caused my entire body to react. At about its worst it would go back to where it started and start to ramp up again. It didn’t take me long to have an erection. Jill said, watch these two ladies for a minute. I looked over and they were doing a sixty-nine. The combination of the visual stimulation and the electricity led to a massive orgasm that wouldn’t seem to end. It was then that Jill had them turn off the power.

“Are you having fun, darling?”

“I hate to admit it but this is the most fun I’ve had in quite a while. So far, at least, it has been super enjoyable.”

“I think you will like what comes next!”

Suddenly the table moved again to the position I was in at first. Standing nude and bound. The ladies undid all my fetters and turned up the lights. On one side of the third floor dungeon was a table with cake, ice cream, and beverages. On the other side of the dungeon was a bed that had to be larger than king sized.

Jill grabbed my cock and led me over to the table. Still nude we all sat down and had an enjoyable snack of birthday cake, ice-cream, and coffee. As things were winding down Jill turned to me:

“Bob, you now know about my other interests. Samantha and I jointly own this entire building. There are rented business offices on floors two, four and five. The restaurant and dungeon are our businesses. Can you live with the fact that I am going to be torturing and playing with other men and women? I will not have intercourse with them but I will play very hard and get them to ejaculate. Would this be acceptable to you?”

It took me a moment or two to consider those words.

“Let me ask one question, Jill. Will you always have at least one of these ladies with you at all times so that you will be safe?”

“Of course! We have a three girl minimum rule. Three of us hold black belts in Quan Lu. We have only had to use force once. That man will never be allowed back in here again. And from the beating he got I suspect that this isthe last place on Earth he would want to go.”

“Yes, I could live with it. Now let me ask you two questions. One, could I join your club?, and two, will you marry me?”

Jill jumped up, and put me in an intense embrace. “Oh, yes Jim, I definitely will marry you and I’d love it if we could play together on a regular basis. In fact, I was ready to propose to you. Now, we don’t have a marriage license. However, we could do things a bit backwards. I know you attend church sometimes since that is where we met. You may be unorthodox but I know that you are a believer in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. As it happens, Samantha’s normal job is as the pastor of a small some liberal Protestant church in a town about half way between this city and the city you live in. The other two girls have already agreed to act as witnesses. Why don’t we tie the knot right here and now so that we are married in God’s sight and get the state’s paperwork taken care of next week?”


So, our marriage took place in the dungeon with all parties nude. Our first night after the wedding took place on the large bed in the room. The other two women were in the bed with us. They cuddled together and Jill and I cuddled. I didn’t have the energy to consume the marriage that night but that was solved by Jill riding me cowgirl style.

I had been a bit dissatisfied with my old church so I transferred my membership to Samantha’s church. The engagement and wedding rings came from my store, obviously.

It has been twenty-five years now and we are very happy married. Neither one of us will touch a member of the opposite sex, except in the dungeon if we are both there. It became a bit more complicated when we had two young children at home. Early on, arranging baby sitters was a hassle, However we found a cure for that. One of Jill’s female friends had agreed to watch the kids with her pay being permanent, free, access to the dungeon and one meal a week at therestaurant.

Sometime I’ll have to tell you about how our kids discovered our other lifestyle after they graduated from college. It isn’t quite what you think, but it is another story yet to be written.

There is a bad pun that I must end with. “The family that plays together stays together”. It is as true as the original saying “The family that prays together, stays “


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