My Girl

“Jamie! Pages seven through nine came without numbers!” Melissa cried. Her blazer shifted as she gestured, and I was sort of trying to figure out if she had anything on underneath it.

“On all three copies?” I asked.


“Oh hell,” I said, rubbing my face. As head of the admin team, it was my job to come up with a solution. Janice, my boss, stood in the doorway of my office watching Melissa fret and me ponder. Janice was wearing one of her dresses, this one purple, with purple stockings and matching shoes. She was real petite and had short blonde hair. She was very pretty but I’d never really considered her in a sexual way before, but that was going to change.

“There’s no way we can get new copy from the printer! These have to go out today!” Melissa was in full panic mode. I was trying to think, and two attractive women in my office, one my boss, were not helping. Then it came to me.

“Do this,” I said. “Open a word doc and print out numbers 7, 8, and9 down the left column. Each number three times. Then use a hole punch to get them out and use a glu-stik to put them where they need to be. Okay?”


Melissa bustled off.

Janice said, “You run a tight ship here.”


“Ready for lunch?”

“You bet. Melissa! You got it?”

“I got it.”

“I have my cell if you need me.”

Janice and I walked out to her car. “What do you feel like?”

“How about Mexican.”

She nodded and we got into my car, a politically incorrect’69 Dodge Charger, forest green with a black vinyl top. I drove to the restaurant and we sat down and ordered.

I started to give her a status report. “So, the VA is pretty calm. Order processing is going smoothly.”

“I know. Jamie, this isn’t really a work lunch.”

“No?” I asked, an eyebrow going up. “What’s up?”

“I want to talk to you about something personal. It doesn’t have anything to do with work or your job. I want you just to listen, okay?”

“Uh, okay.” I was suddenly nervous, and so was she. She glanced around at other tables, her green eyes never staying on one spot for long. Her being nervous actually made me more comfortable for some reason.

“I’ve been watching you for over a year. I think you’re the right guy for this. In control, confident. I think I’m right. I hope I am.” She took a breath and looked right at me. Her look was so suddenly and direct it surprised me. She said, “I want you to control me.”


“I’d still be your boss, and it could never interfere with work,” she said, giving her head a slight shake for emphasis. “But outside of work, I’d basically be yours. Completely.” Her fingers twirled her napkin around, and she was blushing hotly. I looked at her and she at me. She held my eyes but her cheeks were turning redder by the second. She said, “You know what I’m talking about.”

I thought maybe I did. “So I could…I could….

She nodded. “Call me any time for anything. Come over at any hour of the day. Ask me to do anything.” She said again, “It just can’t interfere with work, and no one at work can find out. It could mean both of our jobs.”

If she was serious she was right, and she was taking a hell of a risk. “Why? Why are you doing this?”

“Because,” she said in a low voice. “I need it. I crave it. I crave being controlled and dominated. I feel lost, like I’m just drifting without someone who can do that for me.”

“And you think I’m the guy because…what because I’m confident?”

“Yeah. No.” She said, “It’s more than that. But yes, I think it’s you.” She was calmer now that it was on the table.

I looked at her. I didn’t know what to say. It had to be a joke.

She must have seen me not quite believe it. “Test me,” she said.

“Here? Now?”

“Yes,” she said. “Tell me to do something.”

I thought about it, but I was pretty flustered, I have to admit. And the deli was close to work, plenty of otherEmployees ate there. A mix of daring and discretion was called for, and quickly. All I could come up with was “Go to the bathroom, and when you come out, hand me your bra and panties.”

She didn’t even hesitate. She mached off and shortly returned carrying a small white bundle. Her small tits were firm, but noticeably more lively as she returned to the table. She sat down and handed the little white bundle to me Under the table. It was still warm, and, as I ran my fingers over it, damp.

“There are the ones you had on?”

“Yes,” she said, looking at me, her cheeks flushed.

I shook my head. “I’m still not sure I believe it.”

She looked at me for a moment, and then knocked her pursuit onto the floor near my foot. “Will you grab that for me?”

I nodded, understanding. As I leaned down for the purse, she opened her legs and hiked her skirt slightly, giving me a good look. Pantyless. And hairless too. And wet.

I thought, my god, she’s serious.

I sat up.

“Well?” she said.

“I’m coming over tonight.”

“Say yes first.”


She smiled. “I’ll be there waiting for you.”

It was hard to get back to work, but we had the bids to finish and reports to go through, order problems to iron out and people to placate. I fell into the usual routine, and then in the afternoon Janice called me from her car. “Will the bids go out today?”

“They sure will. They’re all packaged and waiting. Are you still serious?”

“Yes Sir. Should I call you Sir?”

“That’s fine I guess.”

“Okay good. Will you get me a list of all of our reference sites in the Seattle area for tomorrow morning, Sir?”

“I can do that,” I said, writing it down. “Will you rub your pussy while we talk?”

“Let me pull over first.” The sounds of the car winding down and stopping and then a clunk of the shifter. Traffic going past. Rustling sounds. Then, “Anything else?”

Unreal. “Nope. Anything else for you?”

“That’s all. Don’t forget about the conference call on Tuesday. I need you there.” Her voice became slightly breathless.

“I have it on my calendar. See you tonight.”

“See you tonight, Sir. Shall I wear anything particular?” Her voice was husky, a bit lower than usual.

“What do you normally wear to bed?”

“A T and panties.”

“Stay in Your work clothes. I’ll be there about 6.”

“Yes Sir.”

“You can stop rubbing now.”

“Do I have to?” she purred.

“Yes. No cumming until I say it’s okay.”

I could hear her smile as she said, “I knew you were the right one.”

At 6pm I pulled up to her house and knocked. In retrospect, for the sake of discretion, I should have gotten a hotel, but it was too late now. She opened the door still wearing her purple dress, sleepless and form fitting. Her boobs were small and I couldn’t tell if she was braless. “Come in, Sir,” she said.

I followed her into the living room. “Can I offer you a drink or anything, Sir?”

“I’m fine,” I said. I sat down on the couch and she sat next to me, looking at me. She smelled great, looked great. She said, “May I really prove I’m serious Sir? May I prove how much I want this?” She glanced down at my crotch. My dick was already on its way to attention. How could it not be?”

I said, “Yes. Take off your dress for me.”

“Yes Sir.” She turned on her seat so her back was to me. “Unzip me, Sir?”

I did. The zipper went all the way down her back until the crack of her ass was visible in the bottom of the open V. Her back was pale and the row of her backbone straightened as she stood. She stood up and faced me and I her.

“This is the no-bullshit moment,” I said, and we both knew it was true. Would she really drop her dress or would she bolt? And if she did drop it, would I laugh and walk out?

We looked at one another for a moment, her clutching the dress to her chest and me watching. And then she let it slip down slowly. Hertits were small, but beautiful and round, her pale pink nipples hard. Her belly was flat. She dropped the dress in a puddle around her feet. Her pussy, as before, was blooming with arousal.

I didn’t laugh. She didn’t bolt. I said, “What should I call you?” My voice was hoarse.

“Not my name. I hate my name. Call me girl.” She said, “Call me whatever you want.”

“I said. “You have a lovely body, girl.”

“Thank you Sir.”

I stood up and kissed her, our tongues moving together, my hands in her hair as her arms went around me. She was warm and she pressed her pussy against my leg. I started to undo my belt. “Let me,” she said. “Let me, please, Sir.” I did and she had my pants down quicker than I could have. My cock was rock hard against her belly. Her soft skin brushed against me. She whispered, “Let me please you. How can I please you?”

“Kneel,” I said.

She did, looking up at me. My hard dick was inches from her face. She was staring at it. I said, “Put your mouth on it, girl. Suck it.”

“May I use my hands too?”


And she did, expertly cradling and massaging my balls while she went to work on the shake with her mouth. It was a surreal moment, looking down at my boss giving me incredible, even loving, head. All of her attention was focused on my cock in her mouth. Her eyes were closed and her head rose and fell Rhythmically, the only sounds her breathing and the occasional slurping sound. Her tongue circled the tip and flicked the underside of the head. Her hand gently massed my balls. I rolled my head back and moaned, and she responded with a whimper.

It wasn’t long before I’d had almost as much as I could stand. “Stop,” I said, panting.

She took her mouth away and looked up at me. Her hair was hanging in front of her eyes, giving me this incredibly sexy look. “Am I not pleasing you, Sir?” she asked.

“You’re pleasing me,” I said. “I just want something else from you,” I said. “Lay down.”/p>

She slide her legs out from under her and lay down on her back. I got down between her legs and pushed them up to her chest, giving me a full view of her pussy, shacked smooth and with the inner labia so swollen and wet they were just about reaching out for my cock. I held her legs up and apart and teased the swollen lips with my tongue, flicking them side to side and up and down and running the tip of my tongue up and down in between, avoiding her clip for the moment although it was swollen and pink and right in front of me.

She started to squirm, grinding her hips a little against my mouth. I pressed my mouth down harder, driving my tongue as deep as I could, circulation inside her. She gasped and a shiver went through her. I kept going, alternating between teasing and shoving my tongue in deep, still ignoring her clip, enjoying the taste and the feel of her writing against me. I licked and teased for quite a while until as her movements became more independent and stronger, and finally almost desperate.

Her eyes were closed and her hands were clenched into fists so tight her knuckles were white. She gasped, “Sir, may I cum?”

I stopped and knelt up. “No,” I said. “Turn over and get on all fours.”

She scrambled onto her hands and knees, panting, her head down. Her thighs and pussy were shining with her sweat and juices and my spit. My hands had left red marks on her thighs where I’d held her. I watched her deep breathing and the hungry, wanting movements of her hips and clenching pussy. I took a moment to enjoy the sight. She looked at me over her shoulder. Her hair was dark and heavy with sweat. “I’m yours,” she said softly between breaths. “I’m yours.”

I knelt behind her, my knees outside of hers, and grabbed her hips. She was small and her pussy was at the perfect height that way. I pushed into her slowly, enjoying every inch. When her ass was pressed tight against me she let out a long gasp. “Now you are,” I said.

I started fucking her slowly, and at each thrust, she pushed back against me and gave a thrust with her hips. We fell into a slow, excruciating rhythm, rocking against one another. Her hands clenched into fists again and she trembled. “Please can I cum?” she hissed between clenched teeth.

“Not yet.”

“Please, Sir. Please.” She shivered, her body taut and humming like a power line.

“Soon,” I said. I uploaded the tempo slightly and our rhythm fell apart as she lost her concentration. She gasped and trembled, holding it back as I pushed deep inside her harder and faster. I grabbed her hair and slammed in deep and said, “Now!”

She let out a wail and her body shook and spasmed. Her pussy contracted hard on my cock. That sent me over the edge and I exploded inside her with a cry of my own, filling her with what must have been a huge load. She let out a series of grosses and at each one she squeezed me again. The came slower and more gently and then stopped altogether.

We stayedlike that, tight together, my hands on her hips, she on her elbows and knees, both of us sheened with sweat, panting.

When we’d recovered somewhat, she looked back at me. “Did I please you, Sir?”

I grinned and pulled away and my semi-hard cock flopped out of her. I kissed her hard and then said, “I think I’m going to like this.”


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