As the title says this is about my first time, it just doesn’t tell you the first time of what. Could it be the first time I felt a cock deep in my throat? Nah, that happened when I was 16 and I would crave that feeling ever since. Mmmmm, to have a dick throbbing deep in my throat is one of the greatest pleasures…, but I digress. Could it be about my first time of straight sex? Wrong again, I was 18 by then and although I have heard the first time isn’t great for every woman I found it to be great for me. The energy he had and his tool fit perfect in me. So now you’re saying, oh another story about anal, well you would be wrong again. Although it did hurt a bit, I have to admit a dick stretching my asshole and thrusting in deeper and deeper is something I crave regularly. Ah, once again I digress, let me just get to the story.
I had been into gang bangs for a while now. I would have various male friends set them up for me and I would go anywhere to get it. I even made friends with a few bar owners so I could get gang banged on their pool tables after hours, it was great! I loved not knowing who was going to fuck me or how many men it would be in one night. I have learned over the years that the rough they got the more I liked it, so I would put up a fight just to get them to rough me up some. I even ate my first cunt during a gang bang, and then I would ask to make sure there was at least one pussy for me to eat in the future.
Well one night after a rather rough and rowdy bunch had me; one of the men noticed how into pain I was and told me to call him if I wanted to try something new. Well how could I refuse, I called him a few days later to see what he had in mind.
“Hi, is Al there?” I was a bit nervous, I wasn’t sure if he would know me.
“Speaking,” he replied.
“Ummm, Al this is Ellie. I don’t think you know my name, but you told me to give you a call if I wanted to try something new.” I hoped he knew what I was talking about.
“Ah, Ellie, well I hadn’t known your name, but I definitely remember you. You seemed to really enjoy the rough time you were getting the other night. I take it by your call you want something a bit different.” He stated with a smile to his voice. “When you ready to try what I have in mind?”
“How about this weekend, you just tell me when and where and I’ll be There.” I had no clue what he had in mind, but I rarely knew what to expect with my friends plans, so this was no different, my pussy was already aching from the excitement.
“Well meet me on the corner of Elm and Washington at 8:00 on Friday night. Do you have any other plans this weekend?” he asked.
My pussy and ass started to throb with excitement at the thought of a whole weekend of being fucked. I tried to keep the excitement out of my voice as I answered, “Um no, this is my weekend off. Do I need to bring anything?” I asked, my throat aching for a cock.
“Nah, just your sexy, slutty self,” replied Al before hanging up.
I fought the urge to masturbate for the few days before Friday and wondered what Al had planned for me. I chose a fitted tank top and a denim mini skirt to wear Friday night. I also stuck another shirt and some shorts in my handbag, just incase, after all Al had hinted to a full weekend.
When I got to the corner of Elm and Washington it looked like a deserted street. Just as I was wondering if Al was playing games with me, a black van pulled up. The window on the passenger side rolled down, so I walked over to it. Before I could say anything someone jumped out of the back and grabbed me. Nature took over and I struggled to get free, they just shoved me in the back, shoved a rag in my mouth, and blindfolded me.
I was overpowered by them so I gave up my struggle, I still didn’t know if Al was here, or what he had planned even if he was here. I felt a pair of hands at each wrist and ankle as I was spread eagle. Someone else started cutting my clother off me. Damn, that was one of my favorite skirts! “Wooo wee, Al you were right, this is a fine toy!” Well at least I knew Al was there.
Now I was getting hornier by the second and waiting for the fun to begin. Yet, no one touched me. All I could feel was the hands on my wrist and ankles. I started struggling, maybe that’s what they wanted, but all that happened was the grips tightened up. “Al, you sure I can’t start playing now? This thing is leaking like I ain’t never seen before.” I knew the voice was talking about all the mood between my legs. How could they not notice it? Since I now knew the fun wasn’t starting yet, I tried to calm down, but I felt ready to explode and no one had fucked me yet. I started gyrating my hips, I had to cum. Would they give me release if they know? “Shit Al, it’s going to cum without us.”
“You better stop it then, if it cums you don’t get to play with it!” I finally head Al’s voice order.
“Awww, fuck! How’m I supposed to stopit?” I heard things being moved around and then something ice cold was pressed on my clip. I tried to yell, but the rag prevented much from escaping me. “Well, that seems to have done the trick, it’s not squirming as much now.”
I was struggling to catch my breath, the cold had knocked it right out of me, and the rag was making it hard to breathe deep enough to get it back. What did they have planned for me?
I felt the van stop and was dragged out the back and stood up. Someone held my arms behind my back and nudged me forward. The cool breeze hardened my nipples and it ticked my wet cunt. I gingerly stepped forward. The nudging from behind me was gentle and persistent.
A new voice would tell me when to step up and after a few steps I felt cool tile under my feet. I could feel other people in the room, but couldn’t tell how many there were. Then someone spread my legs and attached them to something. I was bent forward and my arms were bound like my legs. I could feela solid surface supporting me from the hips to the chest, with my breast hanging free and there was something supporting my shoulders too.
I felt someone handling my breast, but it wasn’t in an erotic way. Then I felt something clamp on my nipples. I let out a yell of surprise, but realized the pain wasn’t that bad. I was actually getting turned on by it. Of course since I was into gang bangs, I already knew how erotic pain could be for me. Then they added weight to the clamps. I felt the pull of the weights and my pussy started to ache for some cock. Then the rag in my mouth was replaced by a ball gag. This was getting more interesting than any gang bang I had had. I was wondering when they would start fucking me. I was really starting to want it bad now.
Someone removed the blindfold and it took my eyes a few minutes to adjust to the light. I could finally see that I was on a modified table, so my tits could hang free, and padding was on the edges at my hips and shoulders. Even when I craned my neck all the way back all I could see were a lot of legs and cocks of every possible color.
I felt something start to squeeze my 36C breast at the base. I looked down and noticed legs on either side of me; the owners were pushing something in on the table to squeeze my breast. I watched as my breast started to swell under the pressure. Were they trying to pinch them off? Just as the pain was starting to make my brain foggy they stopped. I could feel my juices running down my legs, the pain in my breast was turning me on more than I thought possible. Then I heard all say, “Every time you men get her to the peak and stop it we get to add weight to her tits. That’s when I looked closer at the clamps on my nipples. From each one was a bowl suspended by 3 chains. The bowls were already enough weight to be pulling my tits further than I thought possible.
“Well gentlemen, every time you get our slut here to say the magic words we all get to add some more weight to those wonderful tits of hers,” I heard Al explain. I wondered what word I wanted to avoid. “Then when the bowls are full you all know what to do,” he continued. Now I was really scared, but turned on at the same time.
Then I felt hands all over me. They were caressing and massaging my entire body. Yet they seemed to be avoiding my holes. They would even run their cocks over my lips, but when I opened my mouth they would pull away. Then I felt them running their dicks in my crack, smearing my juices all over my pussy and asshole. Maybe now I would get some sex, but they just kept teasing me.
Finally, I couldn’t handle it anymore, “Someone fuck me, I don’t care where at, just fill me with cock.” All I got in response was weight on my tits. I watched as they poured some sand in the bowls, making my purple tits stretch even more. Were they trying to pull them off? The teasing kept up and even with the pain in my tits I could only think of being fucked. “Please give meSome dick, even if it’s fake. Just fuck me, so I can have release. Please I need to cum! Fill me with cock!” I pleaded. Again I just got more weight on my tits. They were almost black now; tears were streaming down my face as I continued to beg for release. The men just kept adding more weight to my tits. Then I noticed one more time would fill the bowls to the limit, I didn’t care What they did to me, I just needed fucked like never before. “Fuck me! Fuck me!” I demanded. With that the bowls were over flowing and the men kept up the teasing, but I noticed my wrist and ankles were being released.
Suddenly they released my tits and removed the weights all at once. I screamed at the rush of pain. I felt myself being lifted and turned over onto my back. I was tied down again, spread eagle and a cock was shoved down my throat. At first I gagged, but quickly adjusted. I was starting to enjoy my face fucking when I felt severe pain across my very sensitive breast. I hadn’t realized that my ankles weren’t tied to a solid surface until I pulled my feet up instinctively. Then I felt them grab the bar my ankles were tied to and tied to my thighs.
After the first dick shot it’s cum down my throat I got a glimpse of a riding crop coming down on my breast, just before another cock was shoved down my throat. I felt the crop on my pussy right before a cock filled it. As I was being face fucked and pussy pounded the crop kept its attention on my sensitive tits. Every time the cock pulled out of my cunt my clip would feel the sting of the riding, then my ass would be filled ruthlessly. The riding crop stung my clip between every switch of cock.
I never thought I would cum, because the intense pain would pull me from the edge every time, but then the pain started to melt into the pleasure. I was raised higher than I felt possible before my orgasm racked my body. The men didn’t stop; instead they started fucking and whipping me faster. I don’t know how long it lastedAfter that but I woke up sore and in the softest bed I have ever been in.
Al walks in and asks, “So, did you have a good time?
“Mmmmmmm, sure did.” I answered as I stretched carefully. “Can we do it again soon?”
“Well that depends on you. Do you want to stay here and continue learning and experiencing what you have tasted, or would you rather leave now to never return?” He stated simply. “You have to decide now, because I will need to either take you home, or get plans ready for our next party.”
Well that was my first time but not my last, so I’m sure you know what I decided. I hope you can come to our next party, I’ll be ready for you.