Women's Studies 201 Ch. 03

This story does involve body functions, so if that is a problem for you, read no further.


Prof. Kate Sullivan had now been teaching her Women Studies 201 course for two weeks and was ready to take the course, which was entirely popular by women—juniors in college, so they were all at least 18—a step further.

The little blonde had spent the first classes Exploring many aspects of the quintessentially feminine body function: menstruation. She had girls who were having their periods volunteer to sit in the five chairs at the front reserved for Menstruators and they answered the professor’s questions about the intimate details of their periods and their sexual behavior during their menstrual periods.

“Today’s class will focus on something we don’t always associate with women—discipline,” she began. “Women, however, need to know how to administrator discline, to their children when they have them, of course, but also to others, whether they be boyfriends, husbands, or…others.”

“Discipline is most effective when it involves embarrassment,” she went on. “In former days, women teachers gained great experience in punishing disobedient children in their classes prior to the abolition of corporate punishment.”

Prof. Sullivan had dressed naturally conservatively. She wore a plain severe white blouse, a dark black skirt that looked like something close to leather, seamed smoky hose, and shiny black heels. The very picture of the image of a strict teacher, she sat down in a straight desk chair behind a desk at the front that was clearly one designed for use by a teacher. There were two other chairs, one on either side of the desk.

Prof. Sullivan pointed to the two chairs. “When I was in school, one of my teachers used these chairs to establish an atmosphere of good behavior,” she began. “You will ask, no doubt, what do I mean?”

She looked at two girls who had been whispering to one another. “you two,” she pointed to them, “you two who were whispering, come up here now.” Her voice had suddenly become stern, as if she were the reincarnation of her strict teacher from many years ago.

The two sophomores she had called up, Lynn Owens and Marsha Jaspers, were quite surprised by being treated as if they were in grade school but this was merely the start of their embarrassment.

“I want each of you to get up on Your knees on those two chairs on either side of my desk,” she ordered. Then when the girls had done that, with their bottoms sticking out in the position they were in with their rears facing the class and their heads and shoulders above the back of the chair facing the front wall with a whiteboard, Prof. Sullivan walked around the desk and pulled up each girl’s skirts, disclosing two colorful panty-covered bottoms.

“This is how an effective discilarian in the classroom, where permitted of course, prepares a naughty pupil for correction,” she explained. “Normally the teacherr will lift the skirt so that the student is positioned there with her panties on display. The pupil does not know for how long she will be kept in this exposed position but she is also worried about whether or when the instructor may decide to pull the panties down.”

“I would likely have Lynn and Marsha remain in this posture for a while, so they can get used to having their panties visible to the class,” she went on. “As this is an all-girls class, it is not half so embarrassing as it might be there males in the class. But if I were teaching a male or mixed class, the boys would have their trousers down and their undershorts on view,” she added.

“But now we will proceed, since this is a lesson, not a full-fledged punishment, although Lynn and Marsha were whispering during class, which in the old days was definitely an offense meriting corporate punishment,” Prof. Sullivan emphasized with a chuckle.

She then stood behind each of the girls and they felt her thumbsin the waistbands of their panties as she tugged them down below their bottoms, but since their legs were spread for balance on the chair, this exposed their charms between their legs.

“Now you see the ultimate in embarrassment for these girls,” she said, “when the teacher lowers their panties and the class sees what is between their legs. This is a lesson so who feels that they are now totally exposed?”

Most of the class raised their hands. “Tell me what you see between their legs,” the professor asked.

She called on a tall red-haired girl named Erin Keane, who answered rather bluntly, “Professor, we can see their cuns from this vantage point.”

“Excellent answer, Erin,” Prof. Sullivan smiled, “as you remembered that I specifically allowed the use of that word in this class since it is the most descriptive term for the female genitalia as a whole.”

“So we can all see that embarrassment has characterized my use of this positioning technique,” she continuesued. “Now we will deal with the punishment phase.”

“If you want to impose a punishment while keeping the recipient in the position she is already in,” Prof. Sullivan advised, “the appropriate implementations are the straw, the paddle, the tapet (or crop), and, of course, the cane.”

She picked a small thin bendy cane from her desk and stood behind Lynn. Then she drew the cane back and as the class held its breath, she flicked the cane lightly with her wrist in two quick motions, imparting two strokes on Lynn’s pale bottom cheats. Lynn screamed out.

“As you all can likely tell,” Prof. Sullivan suggested, “even light flicks producing singing cane strokes. There will soon be two red tramlines on Lynn’s bottom. This is a very useful form of discipline because it is easy and quick. It produces pain but in a short burst and gets the point across to a naughty girl or boy.”

Now she walked across to stand behind Marsha. The little blonde professor now picked up the black tapet, which was a small rectangular rubber pad at the end of a longish handle. She drew it back and snapped it twice on Marsha’s bare bottom. Marsha also let out a loud groan but it obviously was not as painful as the cane had been for Lynn.

“The tapet is good when you wish to apply only a modern impact,” Prof. Sullivan lectured. She then took the tapet and lined it up behind Marsha’s crack and snapped it lightly right under her anal opening in the center so that it touched the bottom-most end of the girl’s spread vulva, which all could see resembled the colloquial cheeseburger between her spread legs.

This time Marsha screamed because the tapet had struck her very sensitive labia at the bottom of the vulva.

Prof Sullivan commented, “That time I used the tapet to import a severe stroke because it Just barely hit the edge at the base of the vulva, which of course is highly sensitive. You must be very careful here because direct hits on the genitalia can produce injuryy.”

“If you feel the naughty girl needs reformation after one of these punishments,” she explained, “you must direct her to rise and position herself over your lap after you sit yourself in your desk chair, pulled back from the desk. Then you may spank her, usually altering cheats and making sure you cover the buttons from top to the cream where the bottom meets the thighs. This is the most sensitive place on the bottom.”

“I find that requiring the naughty girl to remain positioned as placed on the chair is better than corner-time but some argument that the corner adds some humiliation,” she went on.

“You also should know that these punishments work equally effectively when imposed on male recipients,” Prof. Sullivan emphasized. “Men of course are quite fearful that a woman discilan will aim to hit their penis or their testicles. It is even more important for the discilinarian to avoid hitting those parts, because they are sensitive, just as a direct strokeon the open vulva can disturb the sensitive glasses there. Some of you have probably had irritations that caused these glasses to expand and it is very uncomfortable and often requires medical treatment. Stay away from these places.”

“Spanking requires further attention,” she continued. “When spanking, the discilinarian may alternate pleasure with the pain, or stimulation. She may rub her finger between the labia and down through the legs to the anal opening. This is likely to stimulate the girl being punished and embarrass her further as she tries to control her response as her most sensitive places are being stimulated.”

“When punishing a man by spanking,” she explained, “you may also stimulate him especially by running your nail up the scrotum and his shaft, or inserting a finger into the anal opening. This latter technique truly embarrasses most men because It stimulates a response that they characterize as gay. These techniques are likely to cause the man to ejaculate,which will be embarrassing for him and possibly annoying for you when his semen gets on your skirt.”

Discipline of men may also be part of an overall feminization program, the professor went on to explain. “You might prepare a man for discussion by having him wear panties all day prior to his spanking,” she suggested. “Some women believe in an anal insertion, such as having him wear a butt plug. Others prefer to Emhasize his subscription to a woman by using a tampon for that purpose,” she added.

“Spanking is an integral part of any feminization program,” she stressed. “Most men see it as a childish punishment and they may have received spankings as children from mothers, aunts, grandmothers, older sisters, or even girlfriends. The threat of a spanking may encourage more cooperation with other feminization steps such as wearing a training bra and other feminine clothing as well as subscription to the dominant woman in their life.”

“Should you mostly be interested in asserting your equality and then dominance rather than aiming for total feminization,” she said, “spanking serves a very useful purpose: the mere threat of a spanking increases the leverage of the female partner who has developed the credibility that makes the man believe she will carry out the threat if he does not behave as he has been told to do.”

“You may wish to establish a ritual where he first may approach you and submit himself over your skirted lap or bend down on his knees in front of you,” Prof. Sullivan stated. “Some women may want to be kissed then between the legs while others are more intent on prohibiting such intimacy when punishment is the next item on the agenda. The dominant woman may have the man unbutton and unzip his trousers or do that for them, in either instance disclosing his shameful panties.”

She smiled at the class. “You all know that men are not as attentive to hygiene in their general region. So you may shame him by inspecting the crotch of hispanties and pointing out skid marks or pee stains. This will definitely embarrass him because it is likely he has never experienced this before,” she declared.

“During the spanking, insert your finger at least once in his anus,” she said, “it will drive home to him who is in the driver’s seat. If you feel that he deserves a full panoply of punishment, you might send him to bed without supplier, using an early bedtime with no access to video games or cell phones, or perhaps shake him—partly or entirely, focusing usually on his genital area,” she said.

“Women now shake that area quite frequently,” she announced, “so it no longer is a punishment to shake a woman’s mons veneris but men are only shaken before surgery. If you feel the spanking is merely the first stage in a serious castigation punishment, you may have him then positioned after the spanking for a caning or strapping.”

Prof. Sullivan realized she had had Marsha and Lynn exposed to the class for quite some timeso she now motioned to the girls that they could climb down from the chairs and recover their underpants and put their skirts down. The two were quite chatted by having served as disciplined targets for the class instruction and quietly returned to their seats in the class.

“It is good in administratoring a strapping or caning to position the recipient over a stool, kneeing on a chair, or bent over a horse or similar device,” she outlined. “You may decide to have the recipient count the strokes, thank you for each, and request another, or you may require silence. I like not to announce how many strokes will be given. If the recipient asks, I respond with a humiliating answer, such as ‘That depends on how well you take the caning [or strapping]’ or ‘That’s something for me to determine as we proceed.’”

“Canings are serious and should consist of at least the traditional ‘six of the best’ strokes,” she emphasized. “Do not cane too high or below the cream between the bottomand tigh. Do not cane between the legs. Make every stroke count. The cane is an excellent ladies’ weapon because you merely have to flick it to impose a sing stroke. Allow time between strokes for the sting to sink in.”

She responded to a question by answering that canings should always be given on the bare bottom. “You must be able to see what effect the cane is having,” she explained. “The whole aura Around a caning stems from its seriousness—the cane stroke stings and will be a mark on the bottom for some time,” she added. “This means that you should consider scheduling a caning rather than doing it right at the time of the offensive behavior. Tell the person who is to be able that he or she must report to your room at 4:00 P.M. the next day for their caning. They will think of little else between that announcement and the time for reporting.

She explained that while now, schools rarely allowed corporate punishment or even lesser punishments, use might be made in discipline of the old school device—the report card.

“Making your submissive carry a report card on which you enter naughty marks is a useful way of humiliating him or her,” she said, “especially if others learn about the card.”

“You may even say that privileges will be allowed if he or she receives good marks on the card for several consecutive days. This will likely result in embarrassing pleading when you inevitably must enter a naughty mark or failing grade (preferably in red ink) in the card,” Prof. Sullivan smiled.

“Some have asked whether discipline, such as spanking, is appropriate when a woman is having her period,” she stated. “My view is that discipline should be given on the bare bottom and so long as a woman is using tampons, she may be distributed.”

One other form of Discipline that is especially humiliating for women is supervision and control of toilet use. “Having even another woman observe you in your most private moments is normally excitingly shameful for most women,” Prof. Sullivan related. “You will accustom to having her ask permission for everything: to sit on the toilet, to pull down her panties, to pee or to defeat, or even to change her tampon. You can have her show you the crotch of her panties for inspection. If the panties are not spotless, have her spread her labia for an inspection of her vulva and perhaps her anus.”

“I have known Disciplinarians who will make a woman stop peeing before she is finished or cut off her defecation before it has totally emerged from her anus,” she said as the class told with amazement. “One woman I know always makes a submissive woman stop and start peeing several times. Another variation is to make the woman squat over a bowl and do her business in the bowl or on newspaper on the floor.”

“Now, your assignment for next time: explain to your roommate, whether or not she is in this class, that you have been required to discuss her as an exercise. Remind her thatshe is, like you, sworn to secret except in this class about what occurs. Assuming she will consent for the sake of your passing the course, try out some of the many techniques of discipline I have outlined today. And then write me a report of what happened for our next meeting.”


Lynn and Marsha returned to their dorm room somewhat chasted.

“Wow,” Lynn said to Marsha, “she really gave us a going-over, didn’t she?”

“She sure did,” her roommate responded. “and let me tell you, you wouldn’t have enjoyed that little kiss she gave me on the bottom edge of my coochie.”

“I can’t believe she did that,” Lynn exclaimed. “She really is a domme at heart. If I didn’t think so until then, wow, I sure do now. So what are we going to do for that exercise?”

“Well,” Marsha began slowly, “I do need to pee. So maybe you might come in and make me plead and all that so we can write that up for her. I’ve been doing my Kegels so maybe I can stop and start when you tell me I have to.”

Lynn and Marsha had seen each other naked but although they enjoyed playing with each other to relieve tension and boredom, they were into both men and women. They both had boyfriends but right now were between long-term relationships with men. Both dated on weekends, usually with guys.

They had an easy relationship and rapport so that until now, neither had given much thought to walking into their bathroom when the other was on the toilet. Lynn did know that Marsha tended to have to push when she had a bowel movement and that her length of time on the pot left the bathroom more than slightly slitky.

They walked into the bathroom and Marsha remembered to ask Lynn for permission to lift her skirt and sit on the toilet. “Miss Lynn,” she intoled, “I do need to pee. May I sit down and do that?”

Lynn scranched up her nose and muttered, “Sit down and lift your skirt but keep your panties up, Missy. You’ve been very naughty today, you know.”

“Oh, Miss Lynn,” Marsha began to plead, “I need to go so bad. Let me pull down my panties, please, and I’ll ask your permission before I go.”

“Take down those panties and show me the crotch so I can see if you’ve been naughty and left marks in your undies,” Lynn snapped.

“Marsha’s face now reddened and she pulled her little white hicut panties down below her knees, turning out the gusset so Lynn might look at it.

Lynn bent over and peered into Marsha’s panty crotch. She saw a slight yellow stain and some wisps of brown towards the back. The whole crotch was somewhat wet, as well.

“You’ve been very naughty, Marsha,” she said firmly. “There is a small pee stain and some traces of shit in those panties. Plus, you’ve gotten yourself quite wet, probably thinking naughty thoughts when Prof. Sullivan had us up on those awful chairs.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Miss Lynn,” Marsha answered, “I promise to do better. I think I almost came when she hit me in my coochie. That really did hurt, too.”

Lynn started to feel a bit sorry for her roommate. She had trouble conceiving of the likely pain from someone punishing her on her quim.

“OK,” she said, “you may start to pee.” Then she put her hand in between Marsha’s open legs to feel her roommate’s warm pee stream as it suddenly emerged from between her legs.

“Ooh,” Marsha said amazed, “you’re Feeling my pee. That is so naughty, Miss Lynn.”

“Are you questioning me?” Lynn roared. “STOP peeing this instant!”

She kept her hand down between Marsha’s legs and pressed on her vulva to make sure Marsha had stopped peeing.

Feeling Lynn’s hand on her quim really got Marsha excited. She felt herself exuding fluid, which was definitely not pee, and then she Feel herself go into a stir and exploit inside in orgasm.

Lynn felt the fluid spurt from Marsha’s quim and snapped, “Did you cum just then? You naughty thing!”

“Yes, Miss Lynn,” Marsha grinned, “I did and thank you for yourinspiration.”

Lynn laughed and told Marsha to finish peeing if she needed to. Marsha let loose a stream which Lynn could see and hear.

She took some tissue from the roll and wiped her crotch, which soaked the tissue.


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