She said, “Come on, let’s try my idea on that hardon, maybe we can calm it down and get out to the pool this morning before the afternoon heat. I mean, can we spend the day together?”
“Definitely,” I enthused.
We went back into the other room, which was still some what dark, as dark curtains covered the window. Nicole led me to the center of the room, and lifted my arms. I didn’t know What she had in mind, but at this point I was used to surprises. I was so strung out on this girl that I just raised my arms – our eyes were locked together – in a moment, my hands were locked above me.
The routine that was now becoming familiar proceeded, as Nicole bound my right leg, spread somewhat to the side. As she moved to my left leg, she stopped, and sort of giggled, and looked up at me with her nose scranched a little, and said “Dammit, this chain is short, do you mind spread” – before she could finish the question, I laughed too, and spread my leg wide enough to reach.
I was completely restrained, spreadeagled, and Nicole faced me. She stepped forward and gave me a kiss. “Pete, you are so fucking adorable, every time I look at you, I just want to kiss you!” She sort of giggled, and kissed me again. “My idea is probably going to be a little uncomfortable, so these restraints will be a good precaution. What I was thinking was, since your balls draw up so close to Your cock when you have a hardon, we could probably calm things down if we got your balls to move away a little bit.” I agreed that made sense.
She stepped back to the table, opened a drawer, and grabbed something in her hands (I couldn’t see what it was, but I sort of hear a metallic clicking sound). She came back to me with her hands behind her back. “I think that if we hang some weights from Your balls to pull them down, your hardon will subside in spite of that Viagra. Then we can go to the pool and enjoy the day together. And guess what I have in my hand, Pete?”
She smiled triumphantly, and brought her hands in front of her, opening them for me to see the two hands of small steel balls they held. “Look, Pete, it’s just what we need – ball weights!!!”
Naturally, my mind began to spin again (I’ve often thought that it’s never stopped spinning since the moment I laid eyes on this woman. She seemed to embody my deepest, most powerful fantasy of the perfect woman – she was an exact replica of the supermodel Stephanie Seymour, my archetypal female, and she had me wrapped around her little finger).
It never occurred to me to wonder what sort of circumstances had led this beautiful dream woman to possess two overflowing handfuls of ballweights. I was so caught up in the prediction I was in, my painful restraint in the Gates of Hell and my aching blue balls, and so caught up in Nicole’s enthusiasm in having found the solution to our problem, that I just sort of stammered.
“B-b-ball weights?”
“Yeah, Pete, is it OK if we put a few on yourballs – they’re not real heavy, so it’ll probably take a lot of them – that’s quite a hardon. We should probably put them on just one at a time – one per ball, I mean.”
“O-o-okay, I guess.”
She quickly swung into action, retrieving a couple of small chains from the drawer. The chains each had a small looped piece of leather at one end and a hook dangling from the other. Nicole reached down and cradled my balls in the palm of her left hand.
Suddenly, she stopped, scrotum and balls in hand.
She looked at me again, right in the eye. “Pete, all of a sudden I want to say something to you, but I’m a little nervous.”
“Don’t be nervous, Nicole – what do you want to say?” Suddenly, I was a little nervous too.
“Pete, it’s just that I feel really close to you. I know we haven’t known each other for very long, I mean we just met, but I really feel close to you, close to you as a man.” She looked at me as she finished, then laughed shyly. “There, I said it.”
My heart leaped again, and I feel such warm feelings for Nicole I can hardly describe it. Here I was worried about my feelings, my painful cock and balls, the Viagra I’d accidentally taken, my perpetual hardon with no relief. In other words, my problems.
I’d almost forgotten about Nicole’s feelings. She was feeling vulnerable.
It took a lot of courage on her part to put her feelings out there the way she just did. And the way she talked about me, “as a man”, really made me feel incredible.
“I feel close to you too Nicole. I really appreciate you saying that. I mean every word I said yesterday. If anything, I mean them even more now. I’m absolutely crazy about you.” The words gushed forth, as I reaffirmed what I’d said the day before.
“Every word?”
Nicole looked at me as I spoke, and leaned in and gave me another kiss when I’d finished. She whispered in my ear, “Pete, do you like where your balls are?”
I whispered back “I loveit.”
“Are you ready for the ballweights?”
She was looking right at me. I nodded.
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