I liked men and I think most of them liked me as well. There was only one man though who had all the right to thrust his cock into my throbbing pussy any time he pleased.
And whereas I got to enjoy the admission of men and he let me enjoy them, it was just a matter of time when he was going to lock me up in chatity just to be on the safe side that I wouldn’t mess around with other guys. He Couldn’t keep an eye on me constantly. He had to go to work and sometimes would have to leave me by myself so the chatity belt was to ensure my loyalty to only his cock.
He wanted to make sure I knew my place and that I always remembered his was the only cock inside of me ever.
The belt came in, a shiny steel contraction that I was to start wearing and get used to. The plan was to eventually be locked in my chatity belt 24/7 really and only get to take it off when he would unlock me.
I was nervous but at the same time I understand that I needed to be locked up. My mindwas occupied a lot with sexual thoughts and I needed to be controlled. The chatity belt was going to train me to be a good woman and not drift off into those thoughts of sex with other men and possibly follow through with it. He would hold the key and he would be the only one unlocking me.
I watched as he assembled the belt in front of me and tightened the screws and locked the pieces together. He gestured me to him so he could fit the rigid belt on my body. The wide steel band was covered with a thick black rubber protective layer so it wasn’t too rough on my bare skin. He wrapped the band around my waist and it was tight enough I could feel it but not too tight where I couldn’t breathe. The steel band sat right on my hip bones.
He then pulled the middle part around from the back and through my slightly spread legs and with a strong and rough upwards tug he attached the middle piece to the waist band.
Right away the pressure of the belt on my pussy made me tremble.It was tight and pushed completely onto my girl parts. My pussy was covered by a wide steel piece covered with a rubber layer that set firmly right on my clip and my pussy opening, completely making these parts inaccessible. It was so tight; I couldn’t even push my hand inside it. The band had a narrow opening so I was able to pee when he would unlock the small metal piece running right over my pee hole. Yes, I would be peeing while in my chatity belt. I would not be able to come out of it during the day.
Even for defecating there was an opening in the belt that sat firmly right around my asshole pushing into my ass cheeks, but leaving enough room to pass feces and also enough room to push through a butt plug from outside if need be. I was sure he would make regular use of this and knowing my pussy opening would be inaccessible I did actually welcome the thought of getting my ass plugged.
Proud of his work he scanned with his eyes the belt on me and inserted the padlocks to the piece that he would only unlock for peeing and he inserted the padlock in the belt on my belly holding the pieces tight and rigid on me. I was locked in and right away I felt my heart beat quicken and my breath come shallow at the thought of having to wear this belt from now on.
He admired his work, “Perfect! You need to make sure to keep clean though. You can take a shower with it on as well, so I expect you to shower if you need to clean up. The only time I will cut you some slack is when you are on your period. We can still insert a thick pad or you can start wearing diamonds under the belt. You can also still use your tampons.”
I nodded obediently and he asked, “Do you think you can handle this?”
I nodded again and he added, “You will be in it as long as you can endure it now. I will give you a short break here and there when I will let you come out of the belt, but I expect you will be in it 24/7 in a few days. I want you to show me how you pee with it on soWhen you have to go, you tell me and I will unlock the piece down there and you will pee. If I’m not at home I will keep the piece off so you can pee, but you better not try to stick anything through there.”
I nodded again and I felt my heart beat in my neck.
The training wasn’t all easy. I had to get used to the thick band around my waist, tight and rigid and the wide band in my crotch, covering my pussy, clip, and only leaving a small opening for peeing and a somewhat larger opening for my asshole. The belt fit my shape perfectly. Sometimes I tried to forget that it was there but when I walked, I felt the friction of the pieces on my body. It was the friction that kept me in check but at the same time always on the verge though of wanting out of the belt. I never asked him to unlock me because he wasn’t going to. Instead he asked me to show myself to him a few times during the day and he made sure it still fit right and tight on me.
I peed with the belt on and he watched and told me to make sure I pat dry the area good with toilet paper. He wanted me to keep clean or he wouldn’t let me pee anymore into the toilet but then make me wear a diaper underneath. I didn’t want to wear a diaper; I still wanted some kind of freedom. A diaper would be tough to get used to. Because it wasn’t only going to be peeing into it, he would also leave it on me for defecation and only then I would get to be unlocked to clean up and change into another fresh diamond. He wasn’t there yet so I kept clean to my best abilities while in the chatity belt. Even when I first defeated, I asked him to let me shower and he did watch as I showed and cleaned up. He used the hair dryer to help me dry the belt and my girl parts and asshole. The warm wind of the hair dryer ticckled and I wished he would have let me have release but he keep the belt on me without a nudge.
And for a few weeks he didn’t let me out and he didn’t push himself over me and thrust his cock in. My longing for release was increasing and I wanted him to unlock me soon. Every night I hoped he would decide to let me out and let me come, but he didn’t feel the need to and wanted me to learn to deal with the urges which was merely just trying to ignore them.
The belt was locked tightly around my wait and in between my legs. It was always there just enough to feel it but never uncomfortable enough where I needed to be unlocked. It was definitely made for my body and now belonged to my attire like a bra. And my pussy and ass belonged to him. I was still allowed to chat with other men, but I now was harshly reminded every time someone would mention sex that I wasn’t able to come or do anything because I was in chatity and I would be in it probably forever or at least as long as he would be with me.
I got used to it and it was part of me now and it did give me a sense of security that no one could do anything to me. I began to crave the belt on me and not be without it anymoreand he was happy with my feeling that way. He prayed me for being so good about it and he assured me it was in my best interest to be locked up. I had to agree.
Even then I did talk to the men online and even when I did want to come and tried to touch myself, I couldn’t get my hand under. I think my clip was becoming numb under the constant pressure and shield of the belt. With this it also eased my mind some and silenced the sexual urges to some extent. I didn’t want to talk to other men anymore. The only man that mattered was the one that held the key to my chatity belt and I wanted to be loyal to him in the hopes that he would let me out of chatity at least sometimes.
He took care of me, he made sure the belt fit right and when it gave way, he made sure it was tightened appropriately and form to my body with any changes.
I was going to be locked into chatity as long as he pleased and as long as we would be together. I was now a woman in long term chatity andOnly released when her man let her and when he wanted to get his release. My needs were not priority anymore as I needed to keep myself in check.
And there were days when I would sit at work and think about my release, thinking about coming but all I felt was the belt locked around me without mercy.
And my friends didn’t know and when they talked about sex or men, I sat there and felt my clip and pussy closed off. My ass was plugged most days and I had to get used to the belt holding the ass plug in there and basically keeping my holes closed off and secured. I had to train myself on a certain routine for using the bathroom and was always glad when I could get this done before my shower in the morning. He monitored these things and made sure I excreted my body fluids and solids in a regular manner.
And I was willing and obedient, the chatity belt keeping my urges suppressed and only lingering deep inside, wanting the release but only getting it when he decided. Butit was exactly how I needed to be and it was exactly how I craved to be even though it was difficult sometimes. And I was OK this way because he made sure and I knew he would always take care of me and this was in my best interest.
My loyalty to his cock was what he achieved with locking me into chatity and he had all the right because I was his. He was the keeper of the keys and after all he was the keeper of my heart.
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