Although she wore a form-fitting catsuit, ‘becca may as well have been completely nude. The attached cuffs and collar were made of some of the best leather she had ever forgotten, but the rest of the catsuit was simply a thin mesh material. A traditional ball gag completed the willing slave’s look of vulnerability.
When Wolf Feather had brought her down to the medieval dungeon, He had stood against the wall outside her cell, watching her struggle futilely against the four large weights which left her spread-eagle on the dirty, damp, cold, stone floor. Each leather cuff’s large D-ring had been padlocked to a larger D-ring embedded in a large block of cement which must have weighed at least one hundred pounds. Even though the slave knew that even just budgeting one of the cement blocks would be a futile effort, she still tried to “put on a show” for Him, struggling until she was breathless with a thin sheen of sweat upon her and a dull ache in her extended arm and leg muscles.
Then, He had left. No words, no gestures, no smiles, no hints as to what He had planned for her. He had just simply left.
Interestingly, the door to the dungeon cell was left ajar, perhaps to “taunt” the captive into thinking that perhaps she could somehow escape. yet knowing the absolute inability to escape from her current prediction, ‘becca had remained passive, trying to occur her mind with various things as time passed slowly – never had she been left alone for so long before while in service to Wolf Feather.
Closing her eyes, ‘becca had visions of past adventures with her Master. Standing atop Sacré-Cœur, the strap-in vibrator buzzing mercilessly as she tried to keep from moaning her password aloud as she and Wolf Feather enjoyed the Parisian cityscape… Dressed as a bride with her arms secured to a pair of bolts in the cliff as the waterfall fall upon her and Wolf Feather took pictures of her from the shore… Playing Onyx together and purposely opting to Work Off the Rent in hopes that she would be restrained in some manner… Sitting in her Master’s lap as T/they visited various BDSM Web sites in search of the perfect whip…
Finally, just when she was about to fall asleep, a soft clicking sound caught ‘becca’s ears. It seemed to be rather rhythmic, and growing slightly louder as if approaching her. Then other soft clicking sounds joined in, also growing slightly louder. Yet it was not the clicking of boots or other footwear, leaving the slave quite bewildered.
Soon, however, her bewilderment was cast aside, as a wolf came into view. Six other wolf followed the first, all with gray fur; the leader had a thin streak of white running from the tip of the nose back to the crown of the head. With a purpose, the leading wolf noseed open the door and trotted directly into the cell, with the others following closely behind.
Fear suddenly gripped the young woman, left alone with these seven wild animals. she was completely unable to escape her bonds, and definitely unable to defend herself in any way. her panicked screams and suddenly struggles caused all the wolves to pause momentarily and look to each other as if communicating with their eyes.
Then they pounded upon her.
When they finally trotted out of the dungeon cell some time later, ‘becca’s screams sounded like a mere whisper due to the hoarse dryness of her throat. Tears streaked her face, and her chest heaved with her near-silent crying. The catsuit had been thoroughly decimated, torn to tiny shreds by the wolves’ claws and teeth; only the leather cuffs and collar remained truly attached to her. She could definitely feel the long, deep scratches all over her body, and know that they would not heal very quickly. Fear still gripped her mind, hoping against hope that the wild beasts would not return.
So fixed was her mind upon the ordeal that ‘becca was unaware of Wolf Feather’s approach until He was kneeling directly beside her, tracing thelengthy welts with His fingers and reigniting both the pain and the humiliation, causing her body to shudder violently as her eyes pleased for freedom. Instead, He withdraw a small handkerchief from His pocket and held it to her nose…
‘becca awakens and finds herself on the sofa, fully clothed, with no collar or cuffs or gag upon her. she looks around warily, but soon feels much more at ease when she sees Wolf Feather sleep in His recliner, a magazine in His lap. Perhaps it was just all a really bizarre dream.
When she tries to sit up, however, she feels multiple twinges of pain down the front of her body, from collarbone to ankles. Curious, she glances at her Master to verify that He is indeed sleep, then lifts the neckline of her sweatshirt and looks inside.
The slave’s chest is covered in lengthy, Fading welts. Outside, a pack of wolves howl loudly near the cabin. Looking up in fear, ‘becca catches the glimmer in her Master’s eyes, and the smile upon His lips./p>
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