Woman Acts in 1st Spanking Video

I sat with my friend Jan, downing my third glass of wine. She was struggling to cheer me up which, normally she is very good at.

“I haven’t been in a real relationship for over six months. Shit I haven’t even fucked anybody in that time. I can’t afford to go out or pay my bills, live sucks.”

“If I make a suggestion you have got to promise me you will never mention it to any of Our friends. It is very extreme but it just might be a possibility for you.”

“Go on it sounds intriguing I am all ears.”

“Do you promise not to judge me or be offended by what I am going to say?”

“Jan we are good friends, you are my best friend. Just spit it out and I promise it will be ok.”

“I have made good money doing something that I am sure I could get you into if you are interested. It sounds really bad but hear me out before you reject it. I have been paid very well for making very specialized porn films. The guy, Ben, that makes them, is actually a really nice guy. The filming is done so that you cannot be identified, it is shot with only him present and he does not even screw you.”

“Now you are really confusing me. You are paid for making a video, a porn video, where no one fucks you. How does that work?”

“The videos are spanking videos. They are kind of scripted and he tells you exactly what is going to happen. I will not lie to you it hurts like hell but you can stop things at any time and he understands. If you choose to stop he pays you for what you have done but obviously much more if you finish the scene. I have done three videos with him, the money was great and he has always treated me with great respect. He is looking for new, girl next-door models and I am sure you would be perfect. Do you want me to arrange a meeting with him with no further obligations?”

“I am fascinated by the idea. I don’t know how I would be with the pain but if he is as nice and understanding as you say I might be happy to consider it.”

TheMeeting was arranged for the next day at the pub. My head was in a spin all day. I had never been spanked but there was a little bit of me that was intrigued by the idea. Jan agreed to introduce us and either stay or leave us if I was happy. I was almost disappointed when he turned out to be a very normal, even good-looking, guy with one head on his shoulders and a nice smile.

“I like to think that the videos I produce are high quality. I only use beautiful women none of whom work in the porn industry. I work alone usually with four fixed cameras. If a model is worried I have allowed them to be accompanied by a friend, but I prefer not to. A model is completely free to stop the scene at any point but any payment is greatly reduced if this is too early in the shoot. The payment depends on the scene to be recorded. I ensure that models cannot be identified. Do you have any tattoos or birthday marks that I would need to avoid showing?”

“No nothing I can be identified by. How do you disguise the face so it cannot be identified? Do you kind of block it out after filming?”

“No I don’t do that as the model would not be guaranteed that it is done. I use a mask that leaves the eyes visible but covers enough of the face to make identification very difficult. The eyes have to be kept uncovered as they show what the model is feeling and that is vital. If you are interested I would Need to see you naked and ensure that your body is as wonderful as it looks. I hope that is okay. Are you still interested?”

We discussed the level of payment that would be possible. I nearly chased on my wine when he told me the range but said the first shot is always a relatively milk scene and therefore paid at the bottom of that range. I tried to be cool but I would have been considering accepting if he had been offering a quarter of the money. Jan did tell Ben that she could guarantee that my naked body was perfect. Much to my surprise, with a questioning smile, he said he was happy to take her word for it. He asked me whether it would be difficult to explain to anyone the marks that the spanking would leave. I confirmed that no one would be likely to see them, as I was not in a relationship.

Jan left saying that it sounded as if we had much more detail to discuss. Ben laid out details of a scene that would involve a mind spanking over his knee a strapping with me secured over a horse and a short caning in two positions. He said payment would be a quarter if I completed the spanking, half if I completed the strapping and full if I completed the scene. I realized I was getting very comfortable with Ben and trusted him rather more than I would have expected.

It was the following Saturday lunchtime that he showed me into his studio. The natural light showed a room that had an area like a blinde, another like a bedroom and a third more like a gym but with various punishment equipment. He said that he liked to shoot the scene with as few pauses as possible so to try and keep in character. Between elements of the shoot we could both just be ourselves. He said not to be afraid to resist, swear at him or object strongly. He would take that as being in character and only stop if I said, “stop”.

He gave me an outfit to wear including panties, stockings and a short but pretty skirt. The top was tight fitting and he asked me to take my bra off. He Even indicated a screen to change behind but I decided, undressing right in front of him. As I finished dressing he said he was delighted that Jan was correct that I had a beautiful body.

I had been getting more and more excited as the morning had gone on. Now I was positively leaking with excitement. He clearly noticed and said he was delighted that I was looking forward to the scene. If models got sexually excited it made for the best most saleable videos. The cameras were set up with additional lighting in the lounge area. He started the cameras and as he sat on the sofa he switched into character. He was now firm and forceful requiring me to stand in front of him while he explained why I was to be punished. I found it completely natural to drop into the character I was to play. I was submissive and I let my appreciation show as being nervous and scared.

When I was across his knee he delivered a dozen spanks while I was still covered by my skirt and panties. These were not hard and did not hurt at all. The lifting of my skirt was done by him running his hand up between my legs a number of times, but not flicking the skirt inside out until the last time. I am ashamed to say it felt very erotic. When my panties were uncovered he run his hand from the waistband at the back right through to the waistband at the front. I pushed my bottom up to make this easy and to try and increase his hands contact with my increasingly aroused damp pussy.

Still in character he laughed at me and reminded me I was there to be punished not to become aroused by what he was doing. The next spanks were harder and stung as the panties offered little protection. As these were delivered with little time between each my cheeks were soon feeling warm and tingly. I would not say my bottom hurt it was more sensitive and singing. I understand for the first time why some couples use spanking as a form of foreplay.

He removed my panties by reaching round inside them until he reached the waistband at the front. His palm was in contact with me as he did this and his arm ended up rubbing on my wet pussy. My clip suddenly had something to rub against and without thought I humped his arm to increase the contact. I tried really hard to convince myself that this was all about acting the part. It was like a light switching on. I could behave however I wanted and it was not me being badly, it was my character. I gave a deep frustrated sight as he pulled the panties down my legs.

I wasn’t sure whether his hand returning to my wet pussy was for dramatic effortct or simply for his pleasure. His fingers opened my lips so that he could spread the wetness all over his fingers and from there to my hot cheats. He too was free to hide behind the fact that he was playing a character. He seemed to be hiding the fact that he had an erection rather than making it obvious to the cameras.

He had shifted my position while taking my panties off and now his left leg was wedged between mine. I am sure this was not by mistake as my clip was now pressing against a very firm muscle leg. This small difference changed the nature of the next series of spanks. I knew my breathing changed. I knew I was pushing up to meet the next spank. I knew I was rubbing my sopping pussy against the leg after each exploration on my bottom.

The heat that had been building across my bottom was spreading through and round the Whole area. It was also invading my brain. My body was on fire and I was no longer acting a character. The spanks that now landed were the hardestyet but my brain was no longer processing them as pain. I welcomed every one of them and my ass was up and ready for the next one each time. The script left room for improvement, but at this stage the script was forgotten, by me at least. I decided to at least stay in character by asking,

“Please Sir may I have an orgasm. I need one so badly and my pussy wants to exploit.”

As if it was scripted he said

“Of course you can but do not think that you will avoid the strapping or the caning that you are due.”

The only way I would not have cum would have been if he had stopped spanking me and removed me from his leg. He did neither and I blatantly humped his leg as he spanked me all the way through one of the most satisfying orgasms of my life. When my body calmed down he surprised me by saying that he would pay me the whole amount even if he didn’t get to straw or cane me. He said the orgasm was so spectacular that he would be able to demand a very good price for what he had filmed.

I admit that the orgasm had taken the excitement out of the filming for me. We talked and he agreed to pay me an additional amount if I completed the strapping and caning sessions. I felt very flat but decided that the extra money would really help. He seemed delighted when I agreed to receive both the strapping and the caning. For these I was to be naked and we used the area that was like a gym. He said he was keen not to take a break, as my bottom was looking beautiful after the spanking.

I was quickly secured across the horse where I was to receive the strapping. The strap was heavy and made a wonderful noise as it landed on my hot bottom. It was a different singing sensing that warmed me further. As I was lying face down my legs were wrapped around the horse and my pussy was sliding around the leather. It was a pleasant sensing that would have aroused me more if I had not just had an orgasm. Knowing that the film would be enhanced if I pretended that I was aroused again I tried for an Oscar.

He recognized my efforts as he changed my position over the horse so that I was better positioned for the caning. I wish I could write that the caning was arousing and that I came again. The reality was that it was just terrifying pain. I did not need to act during the caning. I was screaming. I was swearing. I was calling him some very rude names. What I didn’t do was to say stop.

When we finished the scene Ben was delighted. He held me in a friendly cuddle and told me I had done a fantastic job. I melted into his strong arms. While the caning had not aroused me, if he had offered to fuck me there and then I would have accepted with great enthusiasm.

I might not have been fucked or enjoyed a second orgasm in his studio but the orgasm I had as I masturbated in bed that night was beautiful.

My financial position was greatly improved as he paid me more than I had expected. I tried to convince myself that I filmed with him again a month later for the money. In Chapter 2 I will detail my next filming with Ben.


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