“You can’t believe what I saw in the personal ads column the other day. It said ‘Ladies enjoy a sympathetic spanking’. What the hell is a sympathetic spanking?”
My friend Jen was unattached and always looking for some excitement. My husband, Bert, is always war of her and her influence on me. He need not have worried. I love her company, and her up for anything attitude, but I was not going to let her lead me astray.
“My ex used to spank me. There was nothing sympathetic about it but fuck was the sex afterwards the best?”
I felt like asking her how the sex afterwards was but thought better of it.
“I have asked Bert to spank me a number of times. We have tried three or four times but his heart is just not in it and it always just fizzled out.”
“Sounds like you are interested in the ad. If that doesn’t work out I could always help by warming that beautiful bottom of yours myself.”
I laughed at her suggestion without being sure that she was not serious. The ad had hit a nervous and even the talk of spanking had my pussy lubricating fast. At the end of the evening I decided to give Bert another chance to spank me. With reluctance he put me over his knee and spanked me. I didn’t want to be hurt just have my bottom warmed before a good screwing. After about six tenative slaps I knew it was a mistake and called a halt to proceedings.
The next day I was amazed when he raised the subject of spanking. He said he just could not get into hurting me. He knew that I had become a little obsessed by the idea and apologized. He then laughed and said maybe I would have to find a man to help me out.
Although he laughed there did seem to be more to it than just a joke. Keeping it very light-hearted I said I am sure Jen would oblige if I gave her half a chance. With a smile he said well at least you wouldn’t be with another man. The comment hung in the air but nothing more was said. The next time I had an evening out with Jen I could not wait to raise the subject. I told her of the failed attempt over Bert’s lap and that Bert had seemed to suggest that he would allow me to be spanked by someone else. He seemed more worried about it being a man who would spank me than the fact I would be spanked.
She was volunteering before I had finished my sentence. I had thought this scenario through and knew that I did not want my spanking to be by a female, even Jen. I asked her to please hear me out if she wanted to be a very special friend to me.
“I have fantasized about being spanked for years and it has always been a man I have imagined. If I were happy with a woman spanking me you would be right at the top of my list. I do not want to cheat on Bert but if he were aware and agreeing of nearly everything but not quite everything I would feel happier.”
“What the hell are you on about?”
“If I answered the ad would you help me by saying that you were going to spank me. This way I get my spanking Bert thinks it is a woman spanking me and I get what I really want.”
“God that is cunning. I am not sure what I get out of this but it works for you and Bert. Of course I will cover for you. That’s what friends are for. Maybe you could show me the damage to your bottom after your spanking. Just so that if Bert ever asks I know what I am supposed to have done. Just one condition, if the ad does not work out I get to give your bottom a real workout.”
“You are a real friend Jen. I even agree to the condition.”
I followed up the ad and met a tall good-looking man, about 50 years old in a pub to see if it might work for both of us. There was good chemistry immediately. We agreed that what I wanted was for him to spank me firmly but not hard. I would be given a safe word to use at any time. He said that I would be completely naked but he would remain fully clothed throughout unless I requested otherwise at the time.
I arranged for Jen to pick me up take me to my appointment, atthe prestigious address, and pick me up and take me home afterwards. I felt like I was preparing for a prom night. Bert was very attentive and even helped me choose my clothes. Once in Jen’s car I was nervous and hardly able to hold a conversation. By the time I walked up the long drive I was shaking and aware that I was very aroused.
I was surprised when a young smartly dressed woman opened the door. She confirmed my name and told me to follow her. We had agreed to use a family room rather than anything too formal. The room was large and beautifully decorated. I greeted him referring to him as Sir as agreed. He asked me what I wanted to drink and when I said a gin and tonic he asked the woman to bring two.
I had not thought how things would start and this slow start surprised me. He was sitting in a large armchair but he left me standing in the middle of the room. Sir asked me whether I had changed my mind about anything and I said not at all. He said that’s great and told me to take my top and bra off. I knew I was going to be naked but our drinks had not been delivered.
As I removed my bra my nipples were rock-hard. He pointed to a chair for me to put my clothes on. Without words he instructed me to take the remainder of my clothes off. I looked nervously at the door before obeying.
“You do not have to worry about her she has seen it all before.”
I was naked when she smiled at me and gave me my gin and tonic. I wanted to down it in one so that we could get on with what I had come for. As she closed the door behind her he told me to stand in front of him with my legs each side of his knees. His expression was friendly but controlling. It felt very odd with a drink in my hand and my legs far enough apart for him to see my arousal.
He sipped his drink before taking mine from me and putting both down on the small table next to his chair. At last I was drawn over his knees desperate for the spanking to begin. The first explorationon my bottom was heavenly. The noise, the sting and then the heat radiating. It was probably only ten seconds but it seemed so long before the hand landed for the second time.
The second was just as good as the first. It was not just the physical reaction but also my mental reaction that was perfect. I felt totally helpless, very cared for and powerfully excited. Just two spanks and my bottom was warming up fast. The next four were slightly harder and the heat was radiating all the way across my bottom and between my legs.
I had been aware of my excited sights throughout but now to my amazement I realized I was crying. It was not from the pain or the humiliation it was tears of relief and joy. After the first six his hand lay across my bottom. It was not demanding just comforting. That was nice but something in my head wanted more. What he said next was as if he read my mind.
“Just let the heat spread more deeply. It seems like you are enjoying yourself. If you want meto spread the heat a little more open your legs further. If you don’t want me to keep your legs together.”
My legs were spread before he had given me all the options. I held my breath as his fingers inched further and further between my legs. I knew I was wet but as his fingers reached my clip I was fully aware just how wet. I let my breath out and moaned in despair as his fingers pulled Through my pussy and stopped right over my anus. I thought he was going to push through my sphincter but after circulation it he removed his hand.
I had chosen for our spanking to include erotic stimulation throughout but this was already surpassing all my expectations. This was not only erotic it was sexuality in its rawest form. Tears were running down my cheeses but I felt totally elated.
I was ripped out of my relaxed state by three firm and very quick spanks delivered on top of each other. My clip was now rubbing on something and my hips were no longer under my control. After a slight pause Sir delivered three hard and quick spanks low on my bottom.
His hand was once more on my bottom but now his one finger applied gentle pressure to my anus. It was my hips lifting that allowed the rigid finger to pass into my bottom. What little anal play I had experienced I had enjoyed, this was comparable to being fucked in my pussy by a large cock. It was me that was fucking his finger that was Just held there for me.
“I am very happy for you to orgasm now if you would like. Some girls do not enjoy spanking after an orgasm others enjoy it even more. As I don’t know you well yet please tell me your preference.”
I wanted to scream that I wanted to orgasm but wanted more spanking too. All I could manage to say was please spank me and spank me really hard. He did just what I asked. He delivered about a dozen hard spanks violently about five seconds apart. I was now lifting my hip in anticipation of each spank while rubbing my pussy on anything I could find asI thrust down.
When Sir stopped I imagined the view that he must have had. A woman writing around looking like she was trying to fuck an invisible cock while having her bottom turned bright red. What the fuck would Bert think? I felt guilt for the first time since Bert had helped me prepare.
These thoughts did nothing to cool my bottom or my arousal. I could not imagine leaving this room Without having an orgasm. How it would come or when it would come I had no idea and only a small amount of control over. I had not received the amount of spanking I had envisaged but I had reached a level of arousal which was totally debilitating. I was totally incapable of thinking or communicating.
Fortunately Sir was totally in control. He said that if he read me right I was in what he called “sub-space”. He said don’t try and say anything and just let yourself go. What a buzz he was reading me like a book. My reaction was to cry like a baby.
The spanking was now not quiteas hard as before but was unrelenting. Very little time between strikes and it just did not stop. To me it felt like he was spanking every single part of my body. My whole body was alive and buzzing. Sir was playing me like the conductor of an orchestra. He could have asked anything of me at this moment and I would have willing agreed.
I began wondered whether I would orgasm with no additional stimulation. If the mind is the biggest sex organ he was fucking me and fucking me expertly.
“I think you are in need of an orgasm my dear. You may be able to reach one with just spanking alone. I do not want to injury you in trying to make that happen but will go with your wishes. I would suggest that as this is your first time that if you want an orgasm I could play with your pussy and anus and I think we could bring about a rather nice little climax.”
This man was surely a mind reader my voice betrayed my desperation.
“Please Sir yes I need an orgasm but it would be soMuch more enjoyable with a cock in my pussy. Please Sir fuck me, fuck me now and fuck me hard.”
I was on my knees with my bottom in the air in seconds. His prick was at the entrance of my melted pussy seconds later and he entered me firmly without the need of additional luxury or any force. Once fully inserted he left it to me to set the pace. I wanted no subtleness now. I tried to get the maximum penetration as firmly as possible.
“Just relax completely. I will fuck you all you have to do is receive my cock’”
Who the fuck taught this guy it was just what I needed. His fucking was deep but it was slow and controlled. I was building slowly but purposely towards the climax I was craving. It was what he did next that sealed the deal. Taking his hands off my hips he used all ten fingernails to rake across my singing cheats. This was not gentle but ignored the heat in the whole area and I exploded.
We were now fucking each other at the same time. I have no ideaWhat I was yelling but I was very loud. Nothing can describe the power of that orgasm as it powered on and on. As I gained some control my hand found my clip and new waves struck my defeated body.
I collapsed onto my stromach and he collapsed on top of me with his prick still buried deep. It didn’t soften as I expected and it felt surprisingly comfortable as we lay there.
“Was that what you had hoped for my dear? I don’t usually comment but your orgasm or orgasms were as spectacular as I have ever seen. If you would like to meet up again please make arrangements with Sophie on your way out.”
Would you like me to do something for you Sir?”
“No my dear I am fine thanks you.”
I sensed I was being dismissed and when the door opened and Sophie entered I knew I was right. She found my clothes and helped me dress in silence. It was not until we were in the hall that she said.
“Did you enjoy that my dear? If so would you like another appointment?”
I wanted one the next day but she said his first availability was in a months time. I booked it without thought. Jen was full of questions as she drove me home. She wanted to see my spanked bottom but I refused and said I would show her the next day. Bert greeted me and it was only then reality hit me how I had cheated on him about as badly as I could possibly have done.
He did want to see my bottom and was horrified at how swollen and red it was. I said Jen had got a bit carried away but I had loved it. Bert was firmer than I had seen him in years as I gave him the best blowjob I could manage. He seemed happy and said that if I wanted to be spanked by Jen again he would not stop me.
With Bert’s approval or at least agreement my bottom is spanked once every month. Sir every other month never fails to bring me to the most spectacular orgasms but the ones Jen gives me on the alternate months are becomingalmost as good. I love her use of her strap-on when my bottom is burning hot.
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