My skin raises in goose bumps as I feel her hand gently run along my naked back, waking me, lying on my stomach a drawsy half-remembered dream confusing my thoughts, as I feel her fingers trail upwards, reaching my shoulder blades before stopping.
As I start to rise my eyes stay closed it takes my confused mind a few seconds to realize the blindfold pressing them shut, moving my arms I feel the rough scrape of clothes holding my wrists together above my head.
“Oh good… you’re awake…” She purrs, the throaty growl making my cock start to rise up hopefully.
My arse gets a quick slap, the singing making me jerk away.
“Heavy sleeper, aren’t you?” Half moaning the words, I feel her weight shifting on the bed, then a quick prod in my ribs, “Well? Are you going to roll over so I can kiss you?”
“Only if you remove the blindfold my love…” My reply earning another stinging slap on my arse.
“Well, we can wait all day… and I can keep doing this all day,I’ve got you here, and you can’t move your arms or legs, except to roll over, and your butt looks lovely when it’s a nice shade of red, your choice Darling.” Is the answer I get, Sarcasm tinging her use of the word ‘Darling’, my arse getting another slap when I test my bonds.
“Well” I pout, putting on a great show of reluctance “Looks like I have no choice… I s’pose ill have to do what you say…”
I hear a throaty chuckle at my banter, and feel her weight shift again to my right.
As I start to roll over I feel her knees not far from my left shoulder, and then her hand pulling at my hip, laying me on my back.
“Hmm, looks like he missed me” Her low purring voice making me shiver.
“Maybe,” I reply, a small tremor in my voice.
Then her breath starts just over the tip of my cock, making me gasp, feeling of it growing bigger thanks to her teasing, as I start to wiggle my hand, trying to get it free of the restraints further up on the bed.
Warm, soft kisses start at the base of my cock, making me arch my back, trying to stop her teasing me, as my hand starts to squeeze out of its bindings.
As her kisses get toward the sensitive tip, I feel small flicks of her tongue, and, as my moans start, I feel her mouth suddenly engulf the head of my cock, small scrapings of her teeth making the sensitive ridges almost tingle with pleasure.
I get a shock as my Almost-forgotten hand pulls free of its bindings, my elbow bumping her hip as her mouth moves up and down, her tongue swirling around the underside.
Tracing my hand blindly up her leg, I’m rewarded by the feel of her arse.
“Hey, away from there!” I hear as her mouth lets go of my cock.
“You’re meant to stay tied… oh…” Her protests cut off as two of my fingers find her wet pussy. My fingers start going in and out, pressing on her ‘Happy Spot’ as I start increasing the speed of my hand, her breathing matching the speed and rhythm of my fingers.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” I ask in a huskier voice than usual.
“Oh… uh… uh… yep” I hear between moans, my cock engulfed again by her mouth.
She starts sucking harder, with her moans coming out around my cock, her moans coming louder, and her sucking harder, as she came closer and closer to cumming.
“I need you to fuck me. Now.” Her demand coming as she pulls away from my cock, which springs back, hitting my stomach.
She pulls away from my fingers, my hand reaching for the blindfold, I ask “All fours?”
My blurry eyed gaze sees her already on all fours, her butt in the air, waiting, “Hurry up… mmmm…” her moans start as she reaches under herself and starts playing with her clip.
As I start to move, I’m brought up a lot shorter than I want to be by my remaining restraints, my left arm and both legs .
“Um… Hun, you forgetting something? Something slightly important?”
“Oh… mmmm… crap.” Her moans bought short by my question,she moves her head, still using her fingers flick her clip, and sees the restraints around my ankles, she turns just enough for me to see an evil little grin flick across her face.
“Looks like you’re stuck.” Her obvious statement stirring me up.
“Wow. Good eyes.” My sarcasm colouring my words.
Ignoring the sarcasm, she gets up to her knees, and swings her leg over mine, straddling my knees. Her hand finds my nipple, twisting it gently between her fingers, the pleasure/pain making my breath come in sharp gasps.
“Be nice, or I won’t play with… this.” She says while taking my cock in her warm hand, stroking lightly.
“Ok, my bad, your lovely, and I need you on me, kinda nowish please? Pretty please? With sugar and strippers on top?”
Her chuckle and nod at my weak joke showing I wasn’t in trouble with her (and being tied down, she could be really mean).
My cock seemed hard enough to break rocks as she started moving herself up so her hips were resting on mine, my cock pressed against her very warm and wet pussy lips, her breasts jiggling at her hip movements.
Brushing away my hand as it sought her nipple, she rotated her hips until my cock was ready to burst from the heat and friction of our hips grinding against each other, “Aww… he missed Hun…” she said with an evil grin painted across her features.
“I kinda noticed, my love.” I replied, my voice not quite as steady as it should be.
“Well, what do you think we should do about that?” Her teasing tone making it clear she was delaying for the hell of it.
“Well,” I started with deliberate patience “I’m thinking we lift your hips, and I slide my cock in, so we can both get a lil relief? Sound good?” The starting patience turning to a lucky purr towards the end, small amount of sarcasm thrown in for good measure.
“I think we might be able to accommodate that.” She replies, staring into my eyes, her hand snaking down to flick her clip, then take holdof my cock and guide it to her hot pussy, rotating her hips to let it in.
We both groan as her hot pussy sinks onto my cock, my free hand reaching to catch a nipple between two fingers and thumb, gently squeezing and rotating it, and feeling her hips grind into mine, as my cock gets driven deeper inside her.
She rests both hands on the wall above my head, giving me free access to her breasts with my free hand, as I switch to the other nipple, to take advantage of its sensitivity, her grinding and moaning both start speeding up and gaining intensity, my cock feeling more sensing with every down-thrust she makes.
“Oh fuck… I’m close baby… cum with me…” Her moans interrupt her words, and mine start to live hers as I feel both her pussy start to tighten as she approaches orgasm, as well as the feeling of cum starting to be close at the base of my cock, my fingers start twisting and pulling the nipple harder, adding to her grunts and moans.
“Hold it baby, just a lil longer” My breath is coming short, but I want her to scream, she always feels so bloody good when she cums really hard, and she’s gotten me too horny to let me keep going for too much longer.
I twist the nipple, harder, and start meeting her hips with my own thrusts, as her pussy tightens around my cock, her screaming and shuddering bringing my own orgasm, thrusting up as hard as I can into her, finding my arm around her back, holding her close as we both come down from our orgasms.
Suddenly, I’m aware of singing in both my ankles, and my tied up wrist, and a wave of exhaustion sweats over me, as I feel her collapse beside me, uttering a smell groan as her head hits the pillow.
“So… mind untying me?”
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