With Grace – A Tale of Submission Vol. 02

Chapter 7..settling in to a new life…..

Time passed gently. Days became weeks, and Grace felt herself sink into her new life with Karen and Marcus.

Grace’s job was on the way to Marcus’ office. A routine developed where Marcus would drop her off on his way to work and pick her up on his way home. Whereas before she’d met them, she’d dread the moment when she logged off her Computer at the end of the day, now, she found herself brimming with excitement at the thought of seeing Marcus waiting outside her office, smiling warmly at her. More than that, she looked forward to the 20 minutes or so they spent in the car on the way home.

Dispite him spending a full day with patients, he was always eager to hear about her day. He asked such thoughtful questions, and even though he was driving, he seemed to listen to her responses with his full being, his full attention.

There’s a strange, unique sort of intimacy that develops between people who commute together, and Marcus was pleased to notice the nice bond forming with Grace. Like Karen, he referred to Grace as “sweetie” or “dear.” The words seemed to roll so naturally off his tongue, and although at first a part of Grace couldn’t quite understand whether it feel, well, right, for him to refer to her in that way, the repetition, coupled with Marcus’ kind, casual demeanor when saying those words, normalized it for her, and over time, she began to enjoy it.

Yes, the words made her feel child-like, as though Marcus was speaking to his little girl, but even that, over time, began to feel normal, fitting, for her. More generally, she noticed, or more precisely, her subconscious mind began to notice, without awareness from her consciousness mind, a sort of parental dynamic that was forming with Marcus and Karen. It was never that They discussed it. But precisely because they didn’t that the dynamic took on a certain power.

More than just how they referred to her, the pattern of their dailylife resembled that of parents with a beloved daughter. There was Marcus dropping her off and picking her up; there was the fact that Karen, an amazing cook, would sometimes prepare a lunch box for Grace, and have dinner waiting for she and Marcus when they returned home. Far from feeling like rooms, a sense of family began to emerge.

Neither Karen nor Grace mentioned the moment they had shared on Grace’s first night, not even when, at the end of each day, Karen would come into Grace’s bedroom after Grace had climbed into bed, wished her goodnight, then softly kissing her forehead. Ever a creativity of habit, Grace liked to go to sleep at the same time every night. Knowing this, Karen would enter right after Grace climbed into bed.

As Karen approached her, Grace would always feel a slight tightness forming in her chest, and the subtlest tingling between her legs, which would linger after Karen left. Grace wondered if Karen could sense it, the way that Grace’s little bodywould stiffen just a bit when she felt Karen’s weight on the mattress next to her. Although those feelings (or was it because of them, a part of her wondered?), Grace began to look forward to this nightly ritual. On the one occasion during her first month there that Karen and Marcus were out of town for a night, Grace felt a twinge of disappointment inside of her as she lay her head on her pillow and tried, unsuccessfully, to fall asleep. It was as though Karen’s kiss was a sort of release, allowing Grace to let go of her waking life and relax into sleep.

Even the weekends, which before had felt like bastions of loneliness and self-loathing, became enjoyable. Karen and Marcus loved playing the role of tour guide, showing Grace around the City they loved so much. She never once had a wisp that they acted out of a sense of Obligation. To the contrary, what she felt from them was…. What did she feel from them? Was it love? Is that what she felt for them? Sometimes she struggled with the vagueness of that word. Did a more vague word even exist?

Karen and Marcus even introduced them to some of their friends. Grace was always the youngerest by at least twenty years if not more, but they always welcome her openly. Karen and Marcus loved throwing dinner parties, putting one on every month or so. The gatherings were intimate, usually the same two couples in addition to Karen, Marcus, and Grace. Like Karen and Marcus, the guests were often therapists or nurses, and it showed. They took an active interest in her life, asking her countless questions about her life in China, her transition to San Francisco, and the experience of living with Karen and Marcus.

Even when guests were present, Karen and Marcus referred to her in the same way, as “dear” or “sweetie.” At first, hearing those Words in the presence of others caused her to feel the tiniest pin-pricks of shame, as though they were publicly revealing pieces of their private life with her, or maybe it was that, by using those names, Grace felt like a little girl, at a dinner party with her parents. But again, the ease, the casualness, with which Karen and Marcus spoke those words, the affect she felt from them when they said them, as though they were proud that she was their little girl, caused her not to just to accept those words, but to accept, even enjoy, that role.

On one occasion, perhaps it was her third dinner party, everyone was sitting in Karen and Marcus’ living room, basking in the glow of a delicious meal that Karen had prepared. Grace and Marcus were sitting on one couch, while the two other couples each shared their own love seats. Karen emerged from the kitchen, bringing out another bottle of wine for the guests to share.

After re-filling their glasses, Karen sat down on the same couch as Grace and Marcus, without even seeming to give her choice of seating even a moment of thought. She gently nudged Grace over, so that Grace was sitting in between she and Marc. The couch was not so big, and there was barely any distance between them and Grace. But the way that Karen had sat down, the tenderness that she’d used in sliding Grace over, had made the whole thing seems so natural.

The conversation between the guests flowed easily, as it does at dinner parties between guests who have known each other for years. Marcus had one of his long arms resting lazily on the couch Behind Grace, so that it was extended past her head and his hand was resting on Karen’s shoulder. During one particularly amusing story about Marcus’ college years, Karen did the same with her arm, so that her arm rested on top of Marcus’, both of which were inches from Grace’s head. Conscious that their arms were touching behind her head, Grace leaned forward slightly, not wanting to annoy them by resting her head on their arms.

“Oh sweetie, it’s okay, please lean your head back.” It wasn’t a command that Karen had spoken. Her tone radiated tenderness, and yet, forreasons Grace could not understand, it felt like a velvet scarf gently pulling her forehead backwards until it was resting against Karen’s forearm.

“That’s a good girl,” Karen whispered to Grace under her breath, as she turned to one of the guests and began a story about a sailing trip she’d taken through the Greek islands.

Grace felt herself relaxing against Karen’s arm, and as she did, Karen placed her arm on Grace’s knee, ever so casually, as there was nothing more natural in the world, and began to stroke her knee. As Karen’s sailing story continued, Grace could feel herself slipping into a state of deep peace, forgetting, or rather, so deeply accepting, the intimacy of Karen’s touch that it no longer occurred space in her consciousness mind.

When Karen’s story had ended, one of the guests, an elegant woman in her early forties, smiled softly at Grace, then spoke to Karen, “Doesn’t she just look so angelic, so peaceful, curled up on the couch?”

Karen looked downlovingly at Grace, pulling her close with one arm while stroking her cheek with the forefinger on her other hand.

“She really does.” Karen beamed. “Such a sweet little girl. We feel so lucky to found her.”

Grace could feel everyone’s attention on her, which, predictably, caused her cheeks to flush a typical shade of red. And in turn, her awareness of her own blushing only deepened her embarrassment.

Still looking down at Grace with a loving, maternal glow, Karen smiled at Grace’s reaction to the attention, “Awww, yes, sweetie. I know.” Karen turned to her friend: “Our sweet Grace gets quite flushed when so many eyes are on her.”

Still smiling warmly, the friend responded. “It’s just so adorable. She’s such a good girl.”

Karen nodded, bathing Grace in affection. “Yes, she really is.” Her eyes held Grace’s for a long moment, staring deeply into them, before turning her attention back to her guests, then launching into another story about the time she and Marcus had gone on a safari at the Serengeti.

The whole incident, if that’s even the right word, had happened so quickly that Grace scarcely had time to react. As she lay nestled against Karen, questions flooded her mind. Had Karen’s friend really just referred to her as a “good girl”? Had Karen really referred to her as “our sweet Grace”? Were Karen and her friend really just having a Discussion about Grace, with Grace sitting right there, as though she wasn’t even there?

Parts of her struggled against the memory of what had just happened. There was something so, so…objectifying about the discussion, and not just that, it was one of thing to feel like a little girl when she was alone with Karen and Marcus, but now in front of their friends, too? It was as though Karen and Marcus Really were claiming her as their little girl, that they were, to their friends, openly taking on this quasi-parental role, and doing so with such love, such pride, and yet such casualness. And theFriends accepted it without blinking an eye. These thoughts, and others like it, roiled inside of Grace as she sat demurely on the couch.

Karen glanced down at Grace, and kissed her gently on the forehead. “Shhhh, baby. I know. Shhhh.” Grace felt as though Karen could hear the thoughts swirling in Grace’s mind, and with those whispered words, Grace felt like Karen had effortlessly blow them into the ether, and though Grace could feel her mind grazing at them, wanting to continue processing them, they wouldn’t quite return. Like a good girl, Grace allowed herself to be held, even closing her eyes for a moment and allowing sleep to claim her.

By the time the party ended, it was well past midnight, and the three of them went to bed without much further conversation. The thoughts that had swept through her mind earlier in the evening returned, and Grace found herself struggled to make sense of how she felt about them. On the one hand, she couldn’t deny that she loved the constant tide of parental affect that Karen and Marcus lavished upon her, all the more so because she’d never received similar attention from her parents, who had abandoned her at a young age. She’d never been, she was now appreciating, the center of someone’s world, and being the recipient of Karen and Marcus’ love felt like the noblement she’d been seeking all along. But yet, the thought gnawed Grace’s mind, she wasn’t their daughter, and they weren’t her parents. Was there something…odd she wondered about assuming those in each others’ lives?

Sleep elded her as her internal struggles continued. Just when felt like she was reaching some sort of peace with her situation, she first heard the noise.

It didn’t take her long to recognize it, especially in light of what had happened in her last apartment. Only on this occasion, she knew without question who was making the noises, and this time, they were louder, more intense, and more needful. But also, there was a richness that had been lacking before, a sense that rather than simply engaging in a pleasant pursuit, these sonic waves were imbued with love. They spoke of deep connection, of partnership, of long and loss, of the confidence that comes with confronting then makes peace with the most painful of struggles.

As before, Grace pressed the pillow against her ear, doing her best to muffle the sounds. But on this occasion, she Did so not only because sounds like these tended to overwhelm and confuse her, but also because she felt like an eavesdropper on this most intimate of rituals. Despite her most vigorous efforts, the sounds reached her ear drums. But to her chagrin, they didn’t seem to stop there. They seemed to infiltrate her body, sliding down the nerves inside her ear then descending into her body, across her clavicle and spreading out to her breasts, like a bloom of phosphorescent plankton illuminating the sea on a moonless night.

Struggling with the sensings,Grace noticed blood rushing to her nipples, as it had when Karen was inspecting them. And like on that earlier occasion, Grace’s efforts to calm herself paradoxically increased her level of arousal. The sounds continued down Grace’s little body, to that space between her legs that Karen seemed able to activate at will. She noticed her hips squirming again, as well as the subtlest sensing that her hips had begun to move in an undulating motion, as though undertaking a dance that Grace was certain she’d never learned.

Grace hadn’t noticed, but the sounds had stopped moments before, yet Grace’s movements had continued.

Then, a knock on her door, followed by the sound of Karen’s voice: “Sweetie, may I come in please?”

Panic set in. She couldn’t let Karen see her in this state. Grace knew Karen would be able to read her. She always did. It was as though Karen had access to a window onto inner Grace’s world that, try as Grace might, she could never close the draws. Grace decided that her best approach was to remain silent and hope Karen would go away.

“Sweetie, I’m going to come in. I’d like to see you please.” With that, Karen opened the door and stride over to Grace’s bed, dressed in a billion black nightgown. She sat down on the edge of Grace’s bed and gently turned the girl’s body towards her.

Their eyes met. Grace felt a twisting sensing inside of her stomach. She knew Karen knew.

“Shhhh, sweetie. It’s OK if you hear. I know we were a bit loud. I just became so wrapped up in the moment that I was louder than I normally am. I’m sorry, sweetie. I know the rooms in your last place did that all the time. i know the effect it had on you.”

Grace looked away, too embarrassed to maintain eye contact. “Oh, it’s fine. I just, I mean, I barely heard it. I was pretty much sleep anyway.”

“Lie on your back for me, dear. It’s important we look each other when we’re speaking.”

Grace felt paralyzed. A heat still smolder inside of her, and she was terrified that the more she interacted with Karen, the more Karen would sense. But as Grace turned over, she accidentally caused the sheet to slide down a bit, so that it was no longer covering the white tank top that she slept in.

Karen smiled when she saw Grace’s nipples poking through the diaphanous material.

“Oh sweetie. How beautiful.”

Grace instinctively brought her arm over her breasts, still too embarrassed to speak or make eye contact with Karen.

“No, sweetie. I’d like to take a look you. Bring your arms above your head for me.” That same firm, loving tone soothed Grace enough and overcame her burning reluctance.

Karen slide the tank top off over Grace’s head, revealing Grace’s little nipples, which by this point had become fully erect. After the shirt had been removed, Grace instinctively started to bring her arms back down to put by her sides. But Karen insisted otherwise.

“Sweetie, hands above your head,please. Good girl. Just hold on to the bars on your headboard for me. That’s it. Let’s have a look at you.”

Grace felt so vulnerable and exposed in that position. She kept her eyes shut tightly as she felt Karen gently slide her finger over the skin on Grace’s breasts, always careful not to touch the areolas. Grace didn’t understand how it was possible for her nipples to get any harder, but they did. She could feel Karen’s eyes on her, smiling as Grace breathed deeper and deeper. The same furnace burned deep in the pit of her tummy, causing her hips to tremble ever so slightly.

Karen saw this too and gently slide the covers off Grace’s body, leaving nothing between Karen’s eyes and Grace’s emrithing lower body except for her pink panties.

“Yes, sweetie, I know. Just feel it for me.”

A pathetic little whimper escaped Grace’s lips when Karen lifted her finger off of Grace’s body. Grace feel like her nerves were on fire, and without Karen’s touch, the intensity seemed only to increase, as did that vaguely humiliating feel that Karen was examining her.

Karen then brought the thumb and forefinger of each hand onto either side of Grace’s nipples. The initial contact was light, intended just to allow Grace to feel the sensing on her nipples

“Okay, sweetie. Relax for me now. Breathe nice and deeply for me.” Karen whispered. “Just a little harder now. That’s it. Feel the pressure for me. Feel the tightness.”

The tremors in Grace’s lower body increased. The poor girl was bucking her hips, as though she was trying to free herself from something that had lodged itself deep inside of her and was unleashing paroxysms of pleasure.

“I know, sweetie, I know. I know what you’re feeling. Just a little more for me.” As Grace felt these words whispered into her ear, the pressure on her nipples increased, and her little hips pushed themselves up off the bed.

Karen maintained a constant, firm degree of pressure, entirely unaffected byGrace’s movements.

“Good girl, baby. Let’s take a look at you now. Keep your hands where they are. It’s okay if you’re gripping the bars tightly.” Karen slide down toward the end of the bed. She rested her hands just below Grace’s knees, then applied a bit of pressure so the knees bent and butterflied open.

“Oh yes, my baby. So beautiful.” Karen spoke in the most loving tone, as she noticed a large wet splotch on Grace’s pink panties between her legs. Karen straightened Grace’s legs, so they were flat on the bed, then in a precision, swift motion slide the panties off and placed them on the floor next to the bed.

Karen took a moment to appreciate the excisite beauty of what she was beholding. It was as though the universe had offered her the most exhaust, trembling jewel. Grace’s eyes remained closed and her breaths were long and deep, no doubt, Karen thought, in a pathetic little effort to quell the sensings course through her body.

“Spread for me, baby. Knees back and apart. Good girl. I’m just going to have a look at you.”

Karen’s eyes devoured the sight before her. Grace’s pussy glistened, and the tiniest stream of milky liquid flowed from it, briefly pooling in her tiny anus before continuing its path to the pink sheets below, forming the smallest little puddle. The most adorable cliporis seemed to cower beneath its hood, peeking out no more than necessary to assess the world outside it.

Karen lay down on her side next to Grace, so her head was next to Grace’s and her hand rested low down on Grace’s tummy, just above her exposed sex. Karen’s hand absorbed the shimmering tremors that had started in Grace’s cunt and rippled forth through her body.

“Okay, sweetie, I’m just going to touch you between your legs, nice and gently, okay?”

Grace nodded quickly.

“Has anyone ever touched you here, sweetie?”

Karen watched Grace’s cheats redden as the poor girl shook her head.

“Oh my darling, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Nothing at all. It’s an honor to be the first person to explore you.”

Karen lovingly moved a hair off of Grace’s face that had come to rest on her cheek.

“My baby, I’m going to ask you another question, and it’s very important you be honest with me.”


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