I was rubbing my thighs together, staring dreamily with hooded eyes through the sun-pierced window of the train. I exhausted shakily as another delightful ripple of pleasure moved through me.
The window snapped into the darkness of a tunnel, and in the mirror-like glass I saw the man sitting across from me glance up, then back down to his laptop. I’d forgetten about him, immersed in my luscious memory. Mortified, I stopped the tiny, rhythmic squeezes and buried my attention in my phone screen, heart racing.
I wondered if he suspected me of–my mind searched for words for what I had been doing and I slunk deeper down in the comfy train seat, face hot. If he looked up now, and saw my face this scarlet, he would have to wonder. I looked out the window again, and tried to plumge my brain into the fresh glinting water of the river. Don’t think about anything sexy, don’t think about anything sexy. Crows. Trees.
Flora had another rehearsal, after rehearsal. Yara and May hadEvening classes. Technically so did Natalie, but she was definitely skipping it, because she and Faith were standing on the stop of our building. Natalie was getting her keys out, Faith was rustling through her bag, I was standing nervously a step below them both.
They had been waiting for me outside of my last class, one falling in on either side of me. In the crush of the subway, I’d stayed obediently close, anticipation growing inside of me, my breath quick and shallow.
The scene in the bathroom had been replaying itself in my head all day, making concentration impossible. Every step I took with my two friends felt like a step closer to something that made my knees weak and shadow with desire and nerves.
Nat got the door open and led us both up the familiar seven flights of stairs to her apartment. I knew her mom wouldn’t be home from work for hours. We went in and just as we always did, hung our bags in the coat closet and went straight to Natalie’s room.
Natalie sat on her bed, smiling at me. Faith turned and stood, looking at me with narrowed, appraising eyes. I stood with my back to the door and waited for them to tell me what to do, my pulse racing, my breath coming in little pants.
“Maddy,” Natalie said, and my attention fastened onto her like I was thirst and she was water. “Tell us, right now. What do you want?”
“I–What?” I said, a little stupidly.
“Tell us what you want to happen here.”
My mind was a hot muddle. I opened my mouth, then closed it. What did I want? My body was a hurricane of sensing, of thrumming nerve endings. There were vortexes of anticipation storming under my skin. I was crackling with forbidden hopes and suppressed longings. I felt like I had been led to the edge of a precipice that I had no words for, then had a pop-quiz sprung on me. I was seized with suddenly doubt. What if what I thought was happening wasn’t actually happening?
“I–I want you t-to–” I stammered, then trailed off, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
“She’s so cute when she’s flustered,” said Faith to Natalie, not taking her eyes off me, with a little smile.
I flushed red for the umpteenth time that day.
“Maybe,” responded Natalie, “she can’t tell us what she wants because it’s too much for her empty, pretty, little head.”
A warm shiver rippled from my ears to my toes, and I let out a shallow breath that was almost a pant. How could something so demeaning feel so good? Why was I like this?
There was an unmistakable glint in her eye as she saw the effect her words had on me. “Is that what it is, Maddy?”
What had she even asked me? I managed a plaintive nod.
“Here’s what I think you want, Maddy,” said Natalie, saying each word carefully. My heart was thudding almost painfully hard in my ribs. “I think you want to come over here.”
I took a stumbling step towards the bed before Natalie held up her hand.
“Not like that.” Natalie’s green eyes glittered. “I think you want to do it on your knees, don’t you Maddy?”
I sank down immediately, so quickly that Faith and Natalie laughed at my eagerness. My face burned.
“Well, then?” Natalie said archly.
I closed my eyes, my breath coming in rapid, little gasps. Then I began to crawl.
The train raced through another tunnel of abrupt darkness, before flying again into the sunlight. I squirmed in my seat. Even without checking, I could tell that the gusset of my panties was soaked through.
I crawled towards the bed on my hands and knees, my body spreading with soft, luscious, feathery waves of heat, my mind melting. It only took a few movements to cross the small bedroom, but felt like it took forever.
Natalie watched me from the bed. Faith looked down at me from where she leaned against the dresser. I felt the almost physical heat of their gazes on my body. I came to a stop, on my knees, directly in front of Natalie’s crossed legs.My eyes were lowered. It took a long time to raise them to the level of hers.
She looked at me hungrily. “Strip.”
I was in no state to tease. I almost tangled myself in my own hair in my eagerness to shuck my tank top and bra. I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my skirt and, rising, I dropped it and my panties at the same time.
Natalie patted her tigh. “Come up here and put that cute ass over my lap.”
As soon as I stepped closer, she seized me by the hair, close to my head. Immediately, I went weak in the knees, like a puppet with its strings cut. She easily drew me towards her and maneuvered me by the head to lay down lengthwise across her lap, so that my face was in the duvet cover.
I was trembling with excitement as she handled me, hyper-aware of the power dynamic created by my nakedness, in contrast to my two fully clothed friends. The tightness of her grip had the reverse effect on my body–I melted, became endlessly pliable.
Natalie didn’t let go of my hair, but she did let me turn my head so that only half my face was muffled by the bed. I saw as she traced her nails lightly down one of my butt cheats and up the other, then squeaked as she spanked each one a few times, playedfully.
All I could see in my whole field of vision was the duvet cover, and Faith, who had approached and knelt down by the edge of the bed, close to my face. She caught and held my gaze just as Natalie’s spanking hand crept between my legs. Faith looked me over quite smugly as Natalie stroked my pussy lips. I mewled, then blushed furiously.
“She’s soaking my lap,” Natalie remarked to Faith, and my face heated even more.
Tightening the fist in my hair, Natalie yanked my head back and sank her finger into me. I quaked and moaned, then while as it withdraw. Faith and Natalie giggled at me.
“Look, she can’t even help herself.”
I gasped as Natalie’s finger dipped back into me and curled in a ‘come hither’ motion. My eyelids fluttered heavily as waves of mind-blanketing pleasure rolled through me. Faith was leaning in, her hungry eyes searching my face.
All my thoughts seemed to be suspended in thick, warm honey. Natalie’s finger withdraw again and I arched my back and tried to follow it with my hips. I trembled, my ass lifted off her lap and extended as far as I could. I felt her fingers just barely teasing my lower lips and while again.
Natalie adjusted her grip in my hair. “Use your words, Maddy. Ask for what you want.”
Like a mouse hypnotized by a cat, I watched the tip of Faith’s tongue swirl out and wet her lips.
“Y-your, ah,” I panted, “finger, ple-mm!”
Faith leaned down and her mouth captured mine. I closed my eyes and moaned as her tongue slid into me and swirled around. My eyes flew open again as Natalie’s finger dipped into me again, and I shuddered.
As Faith plumdered my mouth and I twitched on Natalie’s fingers, I sank further and further into a deep,blissfully submissive undertow. The moans and whimpers they were coating out of me had turned my face a permanent shade of dark red.
One of Faith’s hands was teasing my ear lobe and the other was grazing my chin. She started to pull her mouth away and I watched, gasping, as she smiled at me and wiped her lips.
“It’s so fun to play with you, Maddy. Are you enjoying yourself?”
I nodded breathlessly.
“Good girl.”
I shivered with pleasure.
Faith reached back, grabbed a handful of my ass and squeezed. She watched my mouth make a silent O. Natalie was back to tracing my labia with the barest tips of her fingers.
“You like that, huh?” Faith let go and smacked the same chef.
I arched, blushing.
“Answer me, slut. You like it When I play with this, don’t you? ” Faith spanked my other cheese, harder.
“Yes,” I gasped. All the hot blood in my face was making it so hard to think, to talk. “I–ah!”
She began to alternate, back and forth, swatting each pert globe and watching it jiggle. “You have suchuuch an ass, Maddy.”
I squeaked and shook. A hot glow was building back there. My cunt was beginning to pulse along with the aching heat in my bottom.
Each of Natalie’s little teasing swipes on my labia felt ten times more sensitive. I squirmed on her lap, my feet kicking a little with each spank, my hips pulsing as I tried to hump my pussy just a little more against Natalie’s fingers.
Faith stopped spanking me and sat back on her haunches, eyes glittering as she watched my hips jerk and slip over Natalie’s thighs.
“Look at her, she’s desperate to come.”
“Yeah, I can’t believe how much she’s dripping. I should have laid a towel down under her. Can you grab that one hanging on the door?”
I knew my face was bright, bright red as I listened to them talking about me like this. My eyes were glazed and heavily-lidded with arousal.
“Oh, and can you grab the things from my desk? Thanks.” Natalie jerked my head and murmured, “Eyes closed, slut.”
I shut them obediently, my breath coming fast and shallow. There were some sounds, then–
“Okay Maddy, take a deep breath and relax.” Natalie released her grip on my hair.
I felt something small and hard and plastic at the entrance of my pussy–a bullet vibrator. I was so wet that it slid into me easily.
Faith stroked my head gently and I leaned into her cares. “That’s a good girl,” she whispered breathhily into my ear. She leaned back a bit and I blinked my eyes open to see her grin at me and hold something up. What was it? I tried fuzzily to focus. A small, plastic…remote control. She clicked it and–
I squeaked and jumped a little as it sprang to life inside me. Then I felt Natalie gathering My hair away from my neck. I moaned as I felt a cool stick circle my throat and snug tight. It was a collar. I melted. The buckle snapped.
I whimpered and pulsed my hips as the victorys kicked up aNothing notch. Then Natalie was gathering my wrists behind my back. I felt her cuff one, then the other. I watched with glazed eyes as Faith reached for the front of my collar. She jerked the metal ring on the front, and my breath caught as she snapped a leash on it.
Faith walked out of my field of vision and then they were both pulling me up, off Natalie’s lap. I knelt on the bed, my wrists cuffed behind me, my thighs sheening with my juices, red-faced and panting. Natalie got up and, looking at me smugly, wiped the tops of her thighs with a towel before laying it down on the bed.
Then Faith came back and sat down at the head of the bed, facing me, wearing only a crop-top. She spread her legs to reveal her deliciously spreading flower, covered in dew-specckled, dark curls. I licked my lips involuntarily. Just as I realized she was still holding the end of the leash that was attached to my collar, she pulled, and I squeaked as I slowly topped onto my face.
Natalie and Faith both laughed. My mouth was watering. I wanted to taste Faith’s pussy but there was no way I could reach. Natalie took mercy and helped me wriggle the short distance forward, and propped a few small pillows under my shoulders and neck so I was more comfortable.
The vibrator inside me had begun purring to a new rhythm. I was grinding my hips into the bed, seeking any little bit of friction I could get. looked pleaseningly at Faith for permission.
She smiled. “See something you want, Maddy?”
“Yes, please,” I panted. “I want to lick you, please.”
“Lick me then, slut.” She yanked the leash and I delved in eagerly. I sucked and licked and lapped, trying desperately to drink her juices. I feel like a thirst-crazed, pussy-worshipping fanatic.
“Woah there, girl, slow down.” I obeyed, blushing. “Don’t tire yourself out too quickly.”
The vibrator hummed inside me and I continued to soak the towel.
Natalie positioned herself alongside me and began teasing me again, all over my body. For a few minutes she would reach under me to twist and toy with one of my nipples, and then she would be spanking me, and then she would be struggling my head as I licked and drank Faith’s nectar.
I lost track of time. The vibrator kept me at a long, slow simmer. Faith’s sharp inhales and moans were music to my ears. I was glad she had slowed me down, because My tongue stamina was clearly not infinite. I began using my stronger neck muscles to move the flat of my tongue around.
Finally, Faith stopped me. She looked up at Natalie. “Do you want a turn?”
Natalie pinched my nipple and I gasped. “Yes, but I want to ride her face.”
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